Managing Subscriptions

The prioritization and properties of record subscriptions will most likely change over time. They will need to be reviewed and edited.

To Edit a Subscription...

  1. If you are not logged into your account log in before proceeding.

  2. Click the Tools tab in the upper left corner of the Business Service Console.

  3. Near the bottom of the central pane Click the Manage My Subscriptions link. The Manage My Subscription list through which you can view subscriptions loads.

  4. The Subscriptions view shows the fields:

    • Type - the type of message that lies behind the subscription. The most common types are: Query for large result sets, and Get for smaller sets and single records.

    • Notifications to - Email address to which the notification will be sent.

    • Notifications expire - Date and time when the Subscription will be deactivated.

    This list can be resorted by clicking on those field headings that are underlined as links.

    Each record in this view also contains three controls.

    • A check box in the left most column for selecting the record to be the object of an action as specified in the action drop down list box at the bottom of the list.

    • An information link - the blue box with the magnifying glass in the middle. Click this link to load a Detail view of the subscription.

    • An edit link - the pencil.

  5. Click the edit link. This loads the Edit subscription control.

  6. Update the properties that need changing. This means...

    • Email Address - The email address to which notifications will be sent. This can be selected in the drop down list box or entered in the field just above it. If you select No notifications you will still be notified of and can easily search for changes through your Home tab or the Tools tab.

      If you selected No notifications the remaining subscription properties will not apply. You can continue to the next step.

    • Notification Interval - Amount of time that will elapse between the sending of notification messages.

    • Notifications Expire After - Date upon which this subscription dies. If the subscription should never automatically expire check the Never expires radio button.

    • Maximum Updates to Send - The maximum number of updates to be sent before the subscription expires.

    • Suppress Empty Notifications - Normally, notifications are sent at the end of each notification interval. If no changes have occurred in the record during the previous interval the notification message will be empty. Checking this box tells the registry to refrain from sending these extra messages.

    • Send Raw XML - Send notifications in a raw XML format. The message structure is defined in the Subscription Schema at UDDI and will contain the record or list of records to which you have subscribed in a UDDI Data structure format such as businessService or tModel.

      Raw XML views are useful in tandem with XSLT transforms or automated processes.

  7. Click the Finish button. A notification message will indicate the success of your update.

  8. Click the Done button to return to the Manage My Subscriptions view.

Viewing Subscription Details

In this page you can inspect important subscription properties: Notification interval and destination, expiration date, whether empty messages should be sent, and whether to send messages as raw XML.

When viewing Get based subscriptions, you can access a detail view of the records in question.

When viewing Query based subscriptions, you can access and inspect the record set by clicking the Preview Query button in the Subscription Filter section.

The Subscription Filter

The subscription filter appears when you click the Preview Query button on either the Edit Subscription page or in the Subscription detail page, when working with a Query based subscription. This loads a common list view which you can filter when inspecting larger record sets.