Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) > Customer Service Representative Use Cases >

Adding a CSR Administrator

In this use case, CSR users can search a company's organization and add additional administrative users for the company.

Table 96 lists and describes the Adding a CSR Administrator use case functions.

Table 96. Adding a CSR Administrator


Adding a CSR Administrator

Feature Area



CSR administrator


CSR user setup.


The CSR administrator clicks the Organizations tab, performs a search, clicks the View Administrators link, and then clicks New Administrator.

Configuration Points

  • The number of characters in a user name.
  • The number of characters in the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing-generated temporary password.


  • Oracle Self-Service E-Billing-generated validation codes cannot contain the following characters: a, A, e, E, 3, o, O, 0, i, I, 1, u, U, y, Y, $, @, !, *
  • The account that has been created and set to inactive state expires within four hours, and only a CSR administrator can reset the account.
  • Oracle Self-Service E-Billing cannot reuse the validation code for 30 days after initially being created.

Main Path for Adding a CSR Administrator

The following path describes this use case:

  1. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays a form where the CSR administrator fills out the following values:
    • First Name - Required
    • Last Name- Required
    • Email Address - Required
    • Confirm Email - Required
    • Role - Required
      • Administrator
      • Manager
      • Subscriber
    • User Name - Required
      • The Length of the user name (default) is a minimum of eight characters (configurable).
  2. The CSR administrator user clicks Next
  3. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing validates the information on the form for:
    • Formatting
    • Completeness
    • Email and Confirm Email match
    • User Name Requirements
  4. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the user enrollment verification form.
  5. The administrator user clicks Submit.
  6. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing sends an email to the end user email address. The email must contain an HTTPS link with a unique validation code that
    • Uses an abbreviated list of characters.
    • Contains of at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, and one number.
  7. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing enters the validation code in the database.
  8. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing sets a status flag in the database indicating this account is inactive.
  9. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Organization Search Results page with the following message:

    User (user name) enrollment has been initiated and an email notification has been sent to the user's email address supplied during the enrollment process. You will need to inform this end user of the user name that was entered, so they will be able complete the enrollment process.

Alternate Paths for Adding a CSR Administrator

The CSR Administrator clicks Cancel and Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Search Results screen.

Exceptions for Adding a CSR Administrator

Exceptions can occur in this use case.

One of the form fields is NULL when submitted

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Change Password form with the following error message: Please provide a value for ****.

The user name field does not meet the form validation when submitted

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the populated Enrollment form with the following error message: Please provide a user name that is eight (configurable) characters in length.

The email address does not have at least one valid character preceding the @ sign, preceding the period, and following the period

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the populated Enrollment form with the following error message: Please provide a valid email address.

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