Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) > Customer Service Representative Use Cases >

Reactivating a Locked Account

This use case reactivates a CSR or user account that has been locked out.

Table 100 lists and describes the Reactivate a Locked Account use case functions.

Table 100. Reactivating a Locked Account


Reactivating a Locked Account

Feature Area

Login and Authentication


CSR Administrator


The CSR Administrative user logs in to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing and clicks the Reports (New) link next to My Profile, clicks the Locked Out Accounts link, and then clicks the reactivate link within the report.


The CSR administrator user is currently enrolled in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

The CSR Administrator receives a call from the end user or CSR user who is locked out.

The CSR Administrator validates the email address entered in Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.


Oracle Self-Service E-Billing-generated validation code cannot contain the characters: a, A, e, E, 3, o, O, 0, i, I, 1, u, U, y, Y, $, @, !, *

Main Path for Reactivating a Locked Account

The following path describes this use case:

  1. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing sends an email to the end user email address. The email must contain an HTTPS link with a unique validation code that
    • Uses an abbreviated list of characters.
    • Contains of at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, and one number.
  2. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing enters the Validation code in the database.
  3. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing sets a status flag in the database indicating this account has been reset.
  4. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Lockout Account Report populated with the information displayed earlier, but the action link is no longer active and displays a message.
  5. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing enters the CSR ID, Date and Time when the Account was reactivated in the database for auditing purposes.

    The message on the Login screen after enrollment states: An email message has been sent to the account you have just re-activated.

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