Siebel Analytics User Guide > Working with Siebel Analytics Views in Siebel Answers >

Creating Lists of Contacts and Accounts Using Siebel Analytics Create Target List View

NOTE:  The create target list view is for users of the Siebel Life Sciences operational application integrated with Siebel Life Sciences Analytics applications.

The create target list view allows automatic integration of lists of contacts and accounts based on the results of a Siebel Analytics request. For example, you can create a target list in your Siebel Pharma Sales application and use it in your Siebel Pharma Mobile Analytics application.

When you add a create target list view, a link named Create Target List appears in a Siebel Analytics report that appears on a user's Analytics dashboard. The user can click this link to populate or refresh a list of contacts or accounts in the Siebel operation application.

This section provides an example scenario and the procedure to add a create target list view to a Siebel Analytics request. It contains the following topics:

Example Scenario for Using the Create List Target View

In Siebel Pharma Mobile Analytics, Siebel Analytics guided navigation links appear on the dashboard of a Siebel Pharma sales representative whenever certain targeted physicians have not been called upon. (A guided navigation link is used to make reports appear conditionally based upon the results returned by Siebel Answers for a particular request.)

The sales representative clicks the Guided Navigation link to view a report that contains the names of the targeted physicians. The sales representative clicks the Create Target List link, supplies a unique name for the target list, and then applies it in the Siebel Pharma operational application. The processing for the list invokes a Siebel business service that retrieves the logical SQL from the request, sends the request to the Siebel Analytics Server for execution, and enters the results into the List Management business component in the Siebel operational application. The List Management views in the mobile application are automatically populated, so the sales representative has the most current information available for making field sales calls.

For the preceding scenario to function, the conditional report is created in an integrated environment, with both the Siebel Pharma operational application and Siebel Analytics running. The user navigates from the operational application to Siebel Answers and selects the appropriate subject area for the request. The first column the user adds to the request must be the Siebel integration ID, which is the column named ROW_ID. This column contains either the contact row identifier or the account row identifier. The user then adds other columns to the request, such as the account name and telephone number. Finally, the user adds a create target list view to the request and saves it.

Adding or Modifying a Siebel Analytics Create Target List View

This section provides the procedure to add or modify a create target list view for use in a Siebel operational application.

To add or modify a Siebel Analytics create target list view

  1. In Siebel Answers, create or modify a request.
  2. At the Criteria tab, locate the Siebel integration ID column in the selection pane and add it to the request as the first column in the request.

    NOTE:  The integration ID column is either the contact row identifier or the account row identifier. In the Siebel Pharma operational application, for example, the column is named ROW_ID. If you are unsure which column to select, contact your Siebel operational applications administrator.

  3. Select other columns to add to the request.
  4. Click the Results tab and choose Other Views > Create Target List from the views drop-down list.

    The Create Target List view is added to the request.

  5. Save the request with the target list view.

    NOTE:  In the next step, the name of the target list must be unique. If the name already exists, the Siebel operational application will return an error. If you want to use an existing name, first delete the like-named list from List Management in the Siebel operation application.

  6. Click the link Create Target List, and supply a unique name for the target list when prompted.

    The target list is added to the Siebel operational application. The name appears as the column heading.

  7. Apply the target list in your Siebel operational application.
Related Topics

Overview of Siebel Answers

Performing Common Tasks When Working with Siebel Analytics Views

About Guided Navigation in Siebel Analytics

Siebel Analytics User Guide