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Oracle® Retail Point-of-Service Installation Guide
Release 14.1
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C Appendix: Installer Windows for Mobile Point-of-Service Server

You need the following details about your environment for the installer to successfully install the Mobile Point-of-Service Server application. This appendix shows the windows that are displayed during the installation. Depending on the options you select, you may not see some windows or fields.

For each field in a window, a table is included in this appendix that describes the field.


The paths shown in the window examples in this appendix use the path format for Microsoft Windows. In the table describing those fields, example paths for both Microsoft Windows and Novell SLEPOS are shown.

Figure C-1 Introduction

Figure C-2 Requirements

Figure C-3 License Agreement


You must choose to accept the terms of the license agreement in order for the installation to continue.

Figure C-4 All Supported Languages

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Select all supported languages
Field Description Choose whether all languages are initially selected on the Supported Languages screen:
  • To have all available languages initially selected, select Yes.

  • To have only English initially selected, select No.

Example No

Figure C-5 Supported Languages

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Please enter the supported languages
Field Description Select the languages that will be available for the Mobile Point-of-Service application.

The languages selected in this window determine the available choices in the Enter Default Locale window.

Example English, French, and Italian

Figure C-6 Enter Default Locale

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Enter Default Locale
Field Description Locale support in Mobile Point-of-Service enables the date, time, currency, calendar, address, and phone number to be displayed in the format for the selected default locale.

The choices for default locale are dependent on the selections made in the Supported Languages window. For each selected language, the default locale for that language is displayed in the Enter Default Locale window. For example, if English, French, and Italian are selected in the Supported Languages window, en_US, fr_FR, and it_IT are the available choices for the default locale.

Example en_US

Figure C-7 Store Server Details

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title Hostname
Field Description Enter the host name of the store server.

Details Content
Field Title Port
Field Description Enter the port number of the store server used for the communication between the store server and the host computer.
Example 1300

Figure C-8 Store ID

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Store ID
Field Description Enter the store ID.

Note: The store ID must be five digits. It can be padded with leading zeroes if necessary. The store ID can only contain the numeric characters 0 through 9.

Example 04241

Figure C-9 Enable Secure JDBC

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Enable Secure JDBC?
Field Description Select whether secure JDBC is to be used for communication between the mobile server and mobile devices.
Example Yes

Figure C-10 Database Source User

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title JDBC URL
Field Description URL used by Mobile Point-of-Service to access the database schema. For the expected syntax, see Appendix E.

Note: If Enable Secure JDBC is selected in the Secure Options window, this URL is only used by the installer.

Example jdbc:oracle:thin:@DB_HOST_NAME:1521:DB_NAME

Details Content
Field Title Secure JDBC URL
Field Description Secure URL containing the specific parameters used by Mobile Point-of-Service to access the database schema. See Appendix E for the expected syntax.

This field is only displayed if Enable Secure JDBC is selected in the Secure Options window.

Example jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=[host])(PORT=[tcpsPort]))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=[dbname])))

Details Content
Field Title Data Source Username
Field Description Database user name that can access and manipulate the data in the schema. This user can have Select, Insert, Update, Delete, and Execute privileges on objects in the schema, that is, Data Manipulation Language (DML) execution privileges. For information on creating this user, see "Create the Database Schema Owner and Data Source Users" in Chapter 3.

Note: This schema user is used by Mobile Point-of-Service to access the database.

Details Content
Field Title Data Source Password
Field Description Password for the data source user.

Details Content
Field Title Confirm Password
Field Description Reentered Data Source Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Data Source Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Figure C-11 Mobile Point-of-Service Administrator User

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title Mobile Point-of-Service Administrator Username
Field Description Enter the user name used for performing Mobile Point-of-Service administrative functions.
Example pos

Details Content
Field Title Mobile Point-of-Service Administrator Password
Field Description Enter the password for the administrator user.

Details Content
Field Title Confirm Password
Field Description Reentered Mobile Point-of-Service Administrator Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Mobile Point-of-Service Administrator Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Figure C-12 App Server WL_HOME

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title WL_HOME
Field Description Home directory for the Oracle WebLogic Server installation.
  • Microsoft Windows:


  • Novell SLEPOS:


Details Content
Field Title BEA_HOME
Field Description Home directory for the Oracle BEA installation.
  • Microsoft Windows:


  • Novell SLEPOS:


Figure C-13 Security Setup: Key Manager

This window is used to configure the Encryption Key Manager.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title Hash Algorithm
Field Description Name of the algorithm used by the Key Manager to hash sensitive data.
Example SHA-256

Details Content
Field Title Select Key Manager
Field Description Provider for Key Store management.
  • RSA Data Protection Manager package, select RSA Data Protection Manager. The next window displayed is Figure C-14.

  • To use the simulated key management package, select Simulator. The next window displayed is Figure C-17.

Example RSA Data Protection Manager

Figure C-14 RSA Key Manager Requirements

This window is only displayed if RSA Data Protection Manager is selected in the Security Setup: Key Manager window. This informational window explains the requirements needed to use the RSA Data Protection Manager. Verify that you meet the requirements and then click Next.

Figure C-15 RSA Client JAR Files

This window is only displayed if RSA Data Protection Manager is selected in the Security Setup: Key Manager window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title RSA Client JAR Files Directory
Field Description Choose the directory where the following jar files are located:
  • cryptojce.jar

  • cryptojcommon.jar

  • jcm.jar

  • jcmFIPS.jar

  • kmsclient.jar

  • LB.jar

  • LBJNI.jar

  • sslj.jar

  • Microsoft Windows:


  • Novell SLEPOS:


Figure C-16 RSA Client Configuration

This window is only displayed if RSA Data Protection Manager is selected in the Security Setup: Key Manager window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title Cipher Key Class
Field Description Enter the name of the cipher suite that define the authentication and encryption algorithms that will be used by RSA to negotiate the security settings for the network connection.

Details Content
Field Title RSA Client Configuration File
Field Description Select the location of the RSA client configuration file. This file contains the details for configuring the RSA client.

Details Content
Field Title Generate new client.app_name value?
Field Description To have the installer generate a unique name for the value in the RSA client configuration file, select Yes. To not change the value in the configuration file, select No.

Figure C-17 Key Store Pass Phrase

This window is only displayed if Simulator is selected in the Security Setup: Key Manager window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Pass Phrase
Field Description Enter the pass phrase used to access the Key Store simulator.

Note: Use the same pass phrase for all Oracle Retail POS Suite applications in your configuration.

Details Content
Field Title Confirm Pass Phrase
Field Description Reentered Pass Phrase used to confirm the pass phrase.

Note: The pass phrases in the Pass Phrase and Confirm Pass Phrase fields must match.

Figure C-18 JRE Location

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title JRE Location
Field Description Enter the location where the JRE is installed.
  • Microsoft Windows:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jre7

  • Novell SLEPOS:


Figure C-19 Domain Details

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title Weblogic Admin Server
Field Description Name of the admin server to which the Mobile Point-of-Service application is being deployed.
Example AdminServer

Details Content
Field Title Admin Server port
Field Description Port used by the administration server. This port was selected when the administration domain was created.
Example 7001

Details Content
Field Title Weblogic Domain Path
Field Description Path to the domain to which the Mobile Point-of-Service application is being deployed.
Example C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain

Details Content
Field Title Weblogic Domain Credential
Field Description Password shared between domains in order to establish a trust relationship.

Note: Use the same password for all Oracle Retail applications in the trust relationship in your configuration.

Details Content
Field Title Confirm Password
Field Description Reentered Weblogic Domain Credential used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Weblogic Domain Credential and Confirm Password fields must match.

Details Content
Field Title Timezone
Field Description Time zone for the Mobile Point-of-Service domain.
Example America/Chicago

Figure C-20 Weblogic Administrative User

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title Weblogic admin user
Field Description User name of the administrative user for the WebLogic Server to which the Mobile Point-of-Service application is being deployed.
Example weblogic

Details Content
Field Title Weblogic admin password
Field Description Password for the WebLogic Server administrative user. You chose this password when you installed the WebLogic Server.

Details Content
Field Title Confirm password
Field Description Reentered Weblogic Admin Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Weblogic Admin Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Figure C-21 Configure Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Configure SSL Key Store?
Field Description Select whether the Admin Server will be configured for SSL:
  • To configure the Admin Server for SSL, select Yes.

  • To not configure the Admin Server for SSL, select No.

Figure C-22 Mail Session Details

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title SMTP host
Field Description Host where the SMTP server is running.

Details Content
Field Title Reply-To Address
Field Description Reply-to address in e-mails generated by Mobile Point-of-Service.

Details Content
Field Title From Address
Field Description From address in e-mails generated by Mobile Point-of-Service.

Figure C-23 Enable eReceipt

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Enable eReceipt?
Field Description Choose whether the use of eReceipts is enabled.
Example Yes

Figure C-24 eReceipt Properties

This window is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Enable eReceipt window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title SMTP Host
Field Description Enter the host name for the SMTP server.

Details Content
Field Title SMTP Port
Field Description Enter the port number for the SMTP server.
Example 25

Details Content
Field Title SMTP Timeout (milliseconds)
Field Description Enter the amount of time to wait for the SMTP server.
Example 20000

Details Content
Field Title SMTP Connection Timeout (milliseconds)
Field Description Enter the amount of time to wait for the connection to the SMTP server.
Example 20000

Details Content
Field Title SMTP Sender Email
Field Description Enter the e-mail address to use for the from address in e-mails generated by Mobile Point-of-Service.

Figure C-25 Value-Added Tax (VAT)

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Enable Value-Added Tax?
Field Description Select Yes if Value-Added Tax is used.
Example No

Figure C-26 Tender Authorization

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Please select the tender authorization method
Field Description Choose where tender authorizations are sent:
  • If approvals do not leave the store server and are based on values and certain numbers, choose Simulated.

  • If approvals are sent by the store server to a third-party system to approve the authorizations, choose ACI PIN Comm Server or AJB Server.

  • If approvals are handled by the Mobile Point-of-Service server, select ACI PIN Comm Mobile POS Server, AJB Mobile POS Server, or PXP Solutions ANYpay POS.

Note: If the store server is located at a remote location, it is highly recommended to configure ACI PINComm at Mobile POS Server or AJB Mobile POS Server in order to help minimize network delay.

Note: Demo installations should use the Simulated option.

Example Simulated

Figure C-27 Tender Authorization: ACI PIN Comm

This window is only displayed if ACI PIN Comm Server is selected in the Tender Authorization window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title ACI ToolKit JAR Location
Field Description Enter the path to the ACI ToolKit JAR file.
  • Microsoft Windows:


  • Novell SLEPOS:


Details Content
Field Title MSPCommAPI JAR
Field Description Enter the name of the MSPCommAPI JAR file.
Example MSPCommAPI.jar

Figure C-28 Tender Authorization: ACI PIN Comm

This window is only displayed if ACI PIN Comm Mobile POS Server is selected in the Tender Authorization window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title ACI ToolKit JAR Location
Field Description Enter the path to the ACI ToolKit JAR file.
  • Microsoft Windows:


  • Novell SLEPOS:


Details Content
Field Description Enter the name of the IMSRTRIBSpecSDK JAR file.
Example IMSRTRIBSpecSDK-335a.jar

Details Content
Field Title MSPCommAPI JAR
Field Description Enter the name of the MSPCommAPI JAR file.
Example MSPCommAPI.jar

Details Content
Field Title Location (4-digit numeric value)
Field Description Enter the four digit numeric value for the location.
Example 4241

Details Content
Field Title Primary IP Address
Field Description Enter the primary IP address used for the communication between the store server and the tender authorizer.

Details Content
Field Title Primary Port
Field Description Enter the primary port number used for the communication between the store server and the tender authorizer.

Details Content
Field Title Secondary IP Address
Field Description Enter the secondary IP address used for the communication between the store server and the tender authorizer.

Details Content
Field Title Secondary Port
Field Description Enter the secondary port number used for the communication between the store server and the tender authorizer.

Details Content
Field Title Tertiary IP Address
Field Description Enter the tertiary IP address used for the communication between the store server and the tender authorizer.

Details Content
Field Title Tertiary Port
Field Description Enter the tertiary port number used for the communication between the store server and the tender authorizer.

Details Content
Field Title Image Capture Web Service URI
Field Description Enter the address of the Image Capture web service.

Details Content
Field Title Enable Secure Communication with PIN Comm?
Field Description Select Yes for communication with ACI PIN Comm using HTTPS.
Example Yes

Figure C-29 Tender Authorization: AJB

This window is only displayed if AJB Server is selected in the Tender Authorization window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Enable EMV with AJB?
Field Description Select whether Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) is enabled with AJB:
  • To enable EMV, select Yes.

  • To not enable EMV, select No.

Example No

Figure C-30 Tender Authorization: AJB

This window is only displayed if AJB Mobile POS Server is selected in the Tender Authorization window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title AJB CAFipay JAR Location
Field Description Enter the path to the AJB CAFipay JAR file.
  • Microsoft Windows:


  • Novell SLEPOS:


Details Content
Field Title CAFipay JAR
Field Description Enter the name of the CAFipay JAR file.
Example AJBComm.jar

Details Content
Field Title IP Address
Field Description Enter the IP address used for the communication between the store server and the tender authorizer.

Details Content
Field Title Port
Field Description Enter the port number used for the communication between the store server and the tender authorizer.
Example 23999

Details Content
Field Title Enable EMV with AJB?
Field Description Select whether Europay, MasterCard, and Visa (EMV) is enabled with AJB:
  • To enable EMV, select Yes.

  • To not enable EMV, select No.

Example No

Figure C-31 Tender Authorization: PXP Solutions ANYpay POS

This window is only displayed if PXP Solutions ANYpay POS is selected for the Tender Authorization.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title Hostname
Field Description Enter the host name of the PXP Solutions server.

Details Content
Field Title Port
Field Description Enter the port number for the PXP Solutions server.

Details Content
Field Title Merchant ID
Field Description Enter the ID of the merchant used to access the PXP Solutions application.

Details Content
Field Title Customer Code
Field Description Enter the customer code used to access the PXP Solutions application.

Details Content
Field Title Site
Field Description Enter the site to access the PXP Solutions application.

Details Content
Field Title User Name
Field Description Enter the user name to use to access the PXP Solutions application.

Details Content
Field Title Password
Field Description Enter the password to use to access the PXP Solutions application.

Details Content
Field Title Confirm Password
Field Description Reentered Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Figure C-32 Network Printer Support

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Enable Support for Network Printing
Field Description Choose the type of network printing:
  • To use a network printer, select Page Printer.

  • To use a receipt printer with a paper roll, select Roll Receipt Printer.

  • To not enable network printing, select No.

Example Page Printer

Figure C-33 Network Printer Support Configuration for Page Printers

This window is only displayed if Page Printer is selected in the Network Printer Support window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables. Enter the following information for each network printer:

Details Content
Field Title Printer Name
Field Description Enter the network printer name.

Details Content
Field Title Print Language
Field Description Select the language for the network printer.

Figure C-34 Network Printer Support Configuration for Roll Receipt Printers

This window is only displayed if Roll Receipt Printer is selected in the Network Printer Support window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables. Enter the following information for each roll receipt printer:

Details Content
Field Title Printer Name
Field Description Enter the printer name.

Details Content
Field Title Paper Size Name
Field Description Enter the name for the paper size for the printer.
Example Receipt 80 x 3276 mm

Figure C-35 Mobile Device Configuration

Each register associated with a mobile device must be configured to use register accountability. For more information, see "Register Accountability" in Chapter 5.

For information on adding more mobile devices, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Implementation Guide, Volume 5 - Mobile Point-of-Service.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables. Enter the following information for each mobile device:

Details Content
Field Title UVID
Field Description Enter the unique vendor ID associated with a mobile device configured to work with the Mobile Point-of-Service server.

Details Content
Field Title RegisterId
Field Description Enter the register ID to associate with the given vendor ID.

Note: 1 to 255 is supported for the register number. Do not install more than one device with the same register number at a store.

Details Content
Field Title Printer
Field Description Select the printer for the device.

Figure C-36 Mobile Device PED/CPOI Configuration Topology

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Select mobile device PED/CPOI topology
Field Description Select how the mobile devices will talk to a PED/CPOI:
  • To have a single PED/CPOI configured for all mobile devices, select Single PED/CPOI.

  • To have each mobile device configured for a separate PED/CPOI, select Multiple PED/CPOI.

Example Single PED/CPOI

Figure C-37 Mobile Devices Single PED Configuration (PXP Solutions)

This window is only displayed if PXP Solutions ANYpay POS is selected in the Tender Authorization window and Single PED/CPOI in the Mobile Device PED/CPOI Configuration Topology window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title PED hostname/ipaddress
Field Description Enter the host name or IP address of the PED.

Details Content
Field Title PED port
Field Description Enter the port number that the PED is listening on.
Example 16107

Figure C-38 Mobile Devices Multiple PED Configuration (PXP Solutions)

This window is only displayed if PXP Solutions ANYpay POS is selected in the Tender Authorization window and Multiple PED/CPOI is selected in the Mobile Device PED/CPOI Configuration Topology window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables: Enter the following information for each mobile device.

Details Content
Field Title PED hostname/ipaddress
Field Description Enter the host name or IP address of the PED.

Details Content
Field Title PED port
Field Description Enter the port number that the PED is listening on.
Example 16107

Figure C-39 Integrate Applications

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Please select the applications to integrate with Oracle Mobile Point-of-Service
Field Description Select the applications that Mobile Point-of-Service is integrated with.
  • Central Office/Back Office

  • Store Inventory Management

  • Returns Management

  • Orders using Commerce Anywhere

Figure C-40 Retrieve Notifications

This window is only displayed if Central Office/Back Office is selected in the Integrate Applications window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Mobile Device Retrieve Notifications?
Field Description Select Yes if mobile devices can retrieve notifications from Central Office.
Example No

Figure C-41 Back Office Security

This window is only displayed if Central Office/Back Office is selected in the Integrate Applications window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Enable Secure Back Office Communications?
Field Description Select Yes if secure communication with Back Office is required.
Example Yes

Figure C-42 Commerce Anywhere Add-on Features

This window is only displayed if Orders using Commerce Anywhere is selected in the Integrate Applications window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Please select the Commerce Anywhere Add-on features
Field Description Select the Commerce Anywhere features that will be used in Mobile Point-of-Service:
  • To use the Assisted Selling Application (ASA), select Assisted Selling.

    Note: This feature is not tested in Release 14.1.

  • To enable integrated commerce, select Integrated Commerce Enablement.

Figure C-43 Integrated Commerce Enablement

This window is only displayed if Integrated Commerce Enablement is selected in the Commerce Anywhere Add-on Features window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Please select the Integrated Commerce Enablement Client features
Field Description Select the Commerce Anywhere client features that will be used in Mobile Point-of-Service:
  • To retrieve extended data on local PLU lookup, select Retrieve Extended Data on Local PLU lookup.

  • To retrieve extended data on local item search, select Retrieve Extended Data on Local Item Search.

Figure C-44 Parameter Distribution Information

This window is only displayed if Central Office/Back Office is selected in the Integrate Applications window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title JMS Server Username
Field Description Identifier of the JMS server user for receiving parameter updates.
Example posadmin

Details Content
Field Title JMS Server Password
Field Description Password of the JMS server user receiving parameter updates.

Details Content
Field Title Confirm Password
Field Description Reentered JMS Server Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the JMS Server Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Figure C-45 Back Office Server Information

This window is only displayed if Central Office/Back Office is selected in the Integrate Applications window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title Back Office Server Name
Field Description Enter the host name for the Back Office application.

Details Content
Field Title Back Office Server JNDI Secure Port
Field Description Enter the port number for the Back Office application. This is the port number that was selected when the Back Office domain was created.
Example 7002

Figure C-46 Transaction Retrieval Location

This window is only displayed if Central Office/Back Office is selected in the Integrate Applications window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Please select location for Transaction Retrieval
Field Description Choose the location for retrieving transactions.
  • If transactions should only be retrieved from the store database, choose Local.

  • If transactions should only be retrieved from the corporate database, choose Central.

  • If transactions should be retrieved from the corporate database, and if not found, then retrieved from the store database, choose Central, Local Failover.

Note: You must choose the same location for both the store server and client installations.

Example Local

Figure C-47 JMS /Webservice Queue Journal Support

This window is only displayed if Central Office/Back Office is selected in the Integrate Applications window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title EJournal Options
Field Description Select an option for journaling. Journal entries written to a JMS queue or web service are sent to the corporate office.
  • Write Journal Entries to JMS Queue

  • Write Journal Entries to a WebService

  • Do not Write Journal Entries to CentralOffice

Note: The same selection must be made for the server and the client.

Example Write Journal Entries to a WebService

Figure C-48 ORSIM Integration

This window is only displayed if Store Inventory Management is selected in the Integrate Applications window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Please select the required SIM integration features
Field Description Select the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) features that will be used in Mobile Point-of-Service:
  • To inquire about inventory using SIM, select Inventory Inquiry.

  • To enable serialization using SIM, select Serialization.

Figure C-49 Enable Client Secure RMI

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Enable Secure RMI?
Field Description Select whether secure RMI is to be used for communication between the store server and Mobile Point-of-Service server.

Note: If Yes is selected, secure RMI must also have been configured for the store server.

Example Yes

Figure C-50 SSL Key Store Details

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title SSL Key Store Location and File
Field Description Enter the location and name of the SSL key store file.
  • Microsoft Windows:


  • Novell SLEPOS:


Details Content
Field Title SSL Key Store Password
Field Description Enter the password for the key store.

Details Content
Field Title Confirm Password
Field Description Reentered SSL Key Store Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the SSL Key Store Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Figure C-51 SSL Trust Store Details

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title SSL Truststore Location and File
Field Description Enter the location and name of the truststore file.
  • Microsoft Windows:


  • Novell SLEPOS:


Details Content
Field Title SSL Trust Store Password
Field Description Enter the password for the truststore.

Details Content
Field Title Confirm Password
Field Description Reentered SSL Trust Store Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the SSL Trust Store Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Figure C-52 Manual Deployment Option

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Deploy Mobile Point-of-Service war file to app server?
Field Description By default, the installer will deploy the war file and copy files under the application server home directory. This window gives you the option to leave the home directory unmodified and configure the application in the staging area for use in a manual installation at a later time. This option can be used in situations where modifications to files under the home directory must be reviewed by another party before being applied.

If you choose No, see "Manual Deployment of the Mobile Point-of-Service Server Application" in Chapter 5 for the manual steps you need to perform after the installer completes.

Example Yes

Figure C-53 Application Deployment Details

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content
Field Title App Deployment Name
Field Description Name by which the Mobile Point-of-Service application will be identified in the application server.
Example MobilePOS

Details Content
Field Title Context Root
Field Description Path under the HTTPS URL that will be used to access the Mobile Point-of-Service application.
Example mobilepos

Figure C-54 Turn Off the Application Server's Non-SSL Port

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Disable non-SSL port?
Field Description Sets whether connecting to the application server requires a secured connection.

Note: It is recommended that you disable the non-SSL port in order to increase the security of your environment.

  • To disable the use of a non-SSL port, choose Yes.

  • To enable using a non-SSL port, choose No.

If you select Yes, see "Disable Non-SSL Port" in Chapter 5.

Example Yes

Figure C-55 Logging Detail Options

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content
Field Title Please select the logging detail
Field Description Choose the level of logging.
  • To only log some of the messages, choose Standard Logging.

  • To log all of the messages, choose Verbose Logging.

Example Standard logging

Figure C-56 Installation Progress

Figure C-57 Install Complete