AquaLogic Interaction Administrator Guide

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Using Simple Submission to Submit or Upload Documents to the Portal Knowledge Directory

With the proper permissions, you can submit documents to the Knowledge Directory. Depending on your portal configuration, you might also be able to upload a file to the Knowledge Directory. When you upload a file, it is copied from the remote repository into the portal's document repository and a pointer is created to that copied file.

Before you submit or upload a document to the Knowledge Directory:
  • Make sure the language of the document you are submitting matches the language specified as your locale on the Edit Locale Settings page of My Account. For example, if your default locale is Japanese, the document you are submitting must also be in Japanese. If you are submitting a document in a language different from your default locale, either change your default locale to match the language of the document before you submit it, or, if you have permission to edit the Knowledge Directory, you can use Remote Document or Web Document submission to select a different language.
  • If you are using Netscape 7.1, make sure the ANSI character set of your client matches that of the name of the file that is being uploaded. The ANSI character set is determined by the default system locale configuration of your client. For instructions on setting the default locale, refer to your operating system documentation.
To submit or upload a document to the Knowledge Directory you must have the following rights and privileges:
  • At least Edit access to the parent folder (the folder that will store the document)
  • At least Select access to the content source that provides access to the location where the document is stored
Note: If you want to use a content type other than the default content type associated with the content source, if you want to submit a document to more than one Knowledge Directory folder, or if you want to submit a document in a language different from your default locale, use Remote Document or Web Document submission, available when editing the Knowledge Directory.
  1. Click Directory.
  2. Open the folder in which you want to place the document.
  3. Click Submit Documents. The Submit a Document dialog box opens.

    If you are editing the Knowledge Directory, you open the Submit a Document dialog box by selecting Simple Submit in the Submit Document drop-down list on the right.

  4. In the Document source drop-down list, accept the default document source or select another. The document source tells the portal how to find the document you are submitting.
    Note: If you are uploading a file, you must select Content Upload.
  5. Specify a file by performing one of the following actions:
    • If you are submitting a web document, in the URL text box, type the document's URL.
    • If you are submitting or uploading a file, specify a file by performing one of the following actions:
      • Type the UNC path to the document in the File path text box.

        If you are leaving the file in the remote location, you must type a network path (for example, \\myComputer\myFolder\myFile.txt). If you are uploading the file, the path can be a local path (for example, C:\myFolder\myFile.txt) or a network path.

      • Click Browse to navigate to the location of the file you want to submit.

        If you are leaving the file in the remote location, you must supply a network path to the file, and therefore, you cannot browse your local drives; you must browse the network to your computer and then to the location of the file. If you are uploading the file, you can browse to local drives or network drives.

        • Depending on how the administrator configured the content source, the Browse button might not appear, therefore you might not be able to browse to the file. If you do not see a Browse button, type the path in the File path text box.
        • If the Browse button does display but you cannot browse to the folder where the file you want to submit is located, the content source you chose might not have the necessary privileges to access the file location. Click Cancel and resubmit the file using a different content source.
  6. If desired, override the default name or description.
    • To override the default name, select Use this name and, in the text box, type the name.
    • To override the default description, select Use this description and, in the text box, type the description.
Once the folder administrator (one who has Admin access to the folder) approves your submission, links to the document you submitted or uploaded appear in the Knowledge Directory.

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