Administrator Guide

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Creating and Editing Content Items

In Publisher, web pages derive from content stored and referenced in content items. To create a web page, you create a content item. To change a web page, you edit its content item.

You can create content items in two ways:

This chapter includes the following topics:


Creating and Editing Content Items Using Content Item Editor

Content items that you create using the Content Item Editor are built on Data Entry Templates, which define the properties available for creating a content item. When you create or edit a content item from a Data Entry Template, these properties appear in the Content Item Editor as editable fields, such as text boxes, defined selection lists, fields for downloading files, boolean True/False radio buttons, and so forth.

When you have entered or selected values for the properties that make up a content item and saved it in the Content Item Editor, the content item becomes a page on the preview site, with its data structured according to the Data Entry Template and its appearance and format determined by its associated Presentation Template. When you publish the content item, it becomes a page on the web site or an object in the portal Knowledge Directory.

This section discusses how to:

For more information on data entry and Presentation Templates, see:

Accessing the Content Item Editor

You can access Content Item Editor from a number of places in Publisher, including the following:

This section discusses how to access the Content Item Editor from the Content Submission portlet. For information about accessing Content Item Editor from other Publisher components, see the online help or component-specific documentation in this administrator guide.

Content Submission Portlet

The Content Submission portlet allows users in the Submitter role and above to submit content items to Publisher from a community page. Typically, the portal community manager selects Data Entry Templates for you to choose from, and each Data Entry Template is associated with a portlet. The associated portlet displays content items only after they have been published.

To create a new content item, click the Create icon to the right of the Data Entry Template on which you want to base your content item. This opens the Content Item Editor.

Content Submission Portlet Preferences

It is typically a community manager’s responsibility to select the Data Entry Templates from which users can submit content using the Content Submission portlet. Any user in the Submitter role and above can perform the task.

To select Data Entry Templates:

  1. From the portal community, click My Communities | Edit this Community.
  2. Under Edit Community Settings, click Portlet Preferences.
  3. In the Portlet Preferences area, click the Edit icon next to the Content Submission portlet. This accesses the Content Submission - Community Preferences page in Publisher.
  4. To add a Data Entry Template, click Select Templates.
  5. On the Select Data Entry Templates dialog box, select the templates you want to add.
  6. Click OK to return to the Content Submission - Community Preferences page.
  7. To change the order in which the templates appear in the Content Submission portlet, click the up and down arrows to the right of each template.
  8. Click OK to save your changes.

Using the Content Item Editor

The Content Item Editor consists of an action bar and the following pages:

Note: In the Submitter view of the Content Item Editor, the Content Item Editor is a single page containing editable property fields, with only the Preview button in the action bar, along with the Submit and Cancel buttons.

Action Bar

The action bar at the top of the Content Item Editor consists of a set of buttons that enable you to perform various actions on the content item. The buttons that appear depend on the user’s role and the content item’s checkout, publishing, and workflow status:

For more information on workflow, see Using Workflow.

Properties Page

The Properties page in the Content Item Editor consists of a set of editable fields, based on the associated Data Entry Template. The values that you enter on this page constitute the content item’s published content.

For a complete list of the property types that can appear in the Content Item Editor, see Property Types Available for Data Entry Templates.

For instructions on inserting files and images into content items using the Content Item Editor, see Inserting and Managing Files and Images Using Content Item Editor.

For more detailed instructions on using the features associated with these properties, see the online help.

Content Notes Page

The Content Notes page enables you to enter non-published information about the content item. Any note you enter is accessible through Content Item Editor, but does not appear in the published content item, is not included in the metadata for the content item, and is not searchable through Publisher. Only users in the Contributor role and above can access this page.

Content Versions Page

The Content Versions page displays each version of the current content item, including the version number, check-in date, user who saved the version, and the version comments entered by the user. If you are creating a new content item, no versions appear. Only users in the Contributor role and above can access this page.

The current version appears at the top of the list and is marked “Active Version.”

The following actions are available:

You cannot edit or publish archived versions. To publish a previous version of a content item, you must first restore it. The Publish button in the action bar applies only to the active version of the content item.

Publishing Information Page

Only users in the Editor role and above can access this page.

The Publishing Information page displays the content item’s Data Entry Template, associated Presentation Template, and associated portlet, along with the following:

Only Publishing Name can be modified from this page. You must configure the other items through Publisher Explorer.

The Action Bar in the Publishing Information group box consists of a set of buttons that enable you to perform the following publishing actions for the content item:

For more information on publishing, including scheduling and expiration, see Publishing and Expiring Content.

Inserting and Managing Files and Images Using Content Item Editor

You can upload files into a content item if the Data Entry Template for the content item includes the File property type. If you have enabled the WebDAV WebEdit feature on your local computer, you can also edit uploaded files directly from Content Item Editor, in the file’s native editor.

You can upload image files to a content item if the Data Entry Template for the content item includes the Image or Long Text property types.

This section discusses how to:

Uploading Files into Content Items Using Content Item Editor

To upload a file using the File property type in Content Item Editor:

  1. In the File property group box, click Upload.
  2. In the dialog box that opens, enter the file name or browse for the file and select it.
  3. Click OK.

Editing Files Using Content Item Editor

If you have inserted a file into a content item using Content Item Editor, you can edit that file in either of two ways:

  1. Download the file to your desktop and edit it using the editor of your choice:
    1. In the File property group box, click Download.
    2. Follow the directions in the dialog box that opens to initiate the download and select the destination.
    3. Edit and save the file locally, using the editor of your choice.
    4. Return to the Content Item Editor and upload the edited file.
    5. Click Save.
  2. Use WebEdit to edit the file in place, using the editor of your choice:
    1. In the File property group box, click WebEdit.
    2. The file opens in the editor it was last edited with; edit the item.
    3. Save the file.
    4. Return to the Content Item Editor.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Note: You must have enabled WebEdit for your client to use this feature. You must also use Internet Explorer 5 or higher.

For more information on WebEdit, see Using WebDAV.

Uploading and Editing Image Files Using Content Item Editor

You can upload an image file to a content item using Content Item Editor if the content item’s Data Entry Template includes the Image property type or the Long Text property type.

To upload an image file to a content item with the Image property type:

  1. In the Image property group box, click Upload.
  2. In the dialog box that opens, enter the file name or browse for the file and select it.
  3. Click OK. The file name appears in the group box, and the image file is saved to the same Publisher folder as the content item.
  4. If you want to change the size of the image, enter new pixel values in the Width and Height fields. Click Get Size to update the Width and Height fields with the original file’s values. The Presentation Template must use the appropriate tags to use the Width and Height attributes to format the image in the published content item.

To upload an image file to a content item using the Rich Text Editor with the Long Text property type:

  1. In the formatting toolbar for the Long Text property, click the Image Options icon or click the down arrow next to the Image Options icon to view the drop-down list, from which you select Upload Image.
  2. In the dialog box that opens, enter the file name or browse for the file and select it.
  3. Click OK. The image appears in the Long Text property edit box, and a thumbnail of the image appears in the selection box at the bottom of the drop-down list.

Once you have uploaded an image file using the formatting toolbar in the Long Text property, the image file is saved in the same Publisher folder as the content item. If the content item is associated with a published content portlet, the image file is saved in the Images subfolder in the portlet folder. Every image saved in the content item’s folder or Images subfolder appears as a thumbnail in the selection box at the bottom of the drop-down list, where it is available for insertion into the text box.

The Image Options drop-down list (which is also accessible if you right-click on an image in the text box) also provides the following options:

Managing Image Files

When you use the Upload Image options in the Long Text property in Content Item Editor to insert image files directly into a content item, the image files are stored as file content items in the same folder as the content item itself—or, in the case of published content portlets, in an Images subfolder in the portlet folder—both in the Publisher directory and in the web server directory. You might prefer, like most web designers, to store your image files separately from the HTML files on the web server; to do so, import the image file as a file content item through Publisher Explorer and place it in the directory of your choice, with a publishing target of your choice. You can then insert the image file into a content item by using the Item property or the Link to Image | Select Image option in the Long Text box’s formatting bar in Content Item Editor.

For more information on uploading file content items to Publisher and assigning publishing targets, see Uploading and Managing File Content Items and Configuring Publishing Targets and Preview Sites.

Publishing Referenced Files and Images

The way you upload or refer to files and images in a content item determines how these files and images are published to the web server. Consider the following:


Uploading and Managing File Content Items

File content items are files that are created outside of Publisher and that you upload from a local or network drive to Publisher. You can manage file content items in Publisher and publish them to your publishing target through Publisher, without having to use the Content Item Editor.

This section discusses how to:

Uploading File Content Items

There are two ways of uploading file content items to Publisher:

  1. Uploading the file in Publisher Explorer using the New | File Content Item command. When you’ve uploaded the file, it is saved in the Publisher directory as a content item.
  2. Uploading the file using the Map a Web Folder feature of the WebDAV client. This method enables you to upload any number of files to the Publisher directory simply by dragging and dropping or cutting and pasting in Windows Explorer.
Note: Images that you upload using the Rich Text Controls in a Long Text box in Content Item Editor are also saved to the Publisher directory as file content items.

The content item that the system creates when a file is uploaded includes the following properties (unless it is an image file):

For image files, the content item includes the following properties

The Title, Description, and Alt properties have no values when the system creates the content items, but you can enter values.

Once the file is uploaded, you can treat the file content item just like any other content item, in terms of workflow and publishing.

Editing and Managing File Content Items Using WebDAV

If you have installed the WebDAV client and enabled the WebEdit and Map a Web Folder features, you can edit and manage file content items by doing the following:

For more information about using WebDAV, see Using WebDAV.


Copying, Moving, Renaming, and Deleting Content Items

You can copy, move, rename, and delete content items in Publisher Explorer, just as you do with any Publisher component. Note the following considerations, however, when performing these functions on content items:

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