Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll Interface

This chapter discusses:

Click to jump to parent topicInterface Definitions

Payroll Interface is a table-driven export and import engine that enables you to exchange data between PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS and a third-party payroll system. Data exchanges are set up through the export and import interface definitions, which enable you to download data from or upload data to database tables:

Export Interface Definition

The export interface definition includes the payroll setup and the interface definition. The payroll setup identifies the payroll-related data (earnings, deductions, taxes, and so forth) and determines the pay schedules (the pay groups and pay calendars that determine which employees are processed during the export run). The interface definition determines the data mapping between the PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS system and the third-party payroll system, defines the SQL retrievals and any additional COBOL processing, and specifies the export file format.

This diagram illustrates the export framework:

Payroll Interface export framework

Import Interface Definition

The import interface definition is simpler—and more limited—than the export interface definition. The interface definition is set up such that the Import process can locate the import file and then load the processed payroll data into the seven Payroll Interface import tables. You do not need to set up any type of scheduling; the Import process can be run as soon as the import file is made available.

Note. The Import process does not perform data auditing or reverse translations. Depending on your implementation, you may want to write a custom Structured Query Report (SQR) program that performs these functions as well as loads the data into the seven import tables.

This diagram illustrates the import framework:

Payroll Interface import framework

Click to jump to parent topicData Exchanges

Payroll Interface enables you to maintain employee data in PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS while using the third-party payroll system to perform the payroll processing functions. With Payroll Interface, data exchanges between the two systems are performed in four phases:

  1. (optional) Run the Deduction Calculation and Deduction Confirmation processes to calculate and confirm pay period deductions.

  2. Run the Export process to retrieve and write the pay (and deduction) data from PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS to an export file or table.

  3. Make the export file or table available to the third-party payroll vendor. The third-party vendor uses the appropriate software solution to load the data into the third-party payroll system, to perform the payroll processing functions, and to write the processed payroll results to one or more import files.

  4. (optional) Run the Import process to read the import file and load the processed payroll data back into PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS.

This diagram illustrates the Payroll Interface Deduction, Export, and Import processes:

Payroll Interface processes

Deduction Process

You have the option of maintaining employee deduction information in PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS using the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources Manage Base Benefits business process. If you maintain deductions, you must run the Deduction Calculation and Deduction Confirmation processes before you run the Export process. The deduction processes calculate and confirm per pay period benefit and general deduction amounts.

Note. If you do not maintain deductions (that is, if the third-party payroll system manages all deduction information) then you do not need to run the Deduction Calculation or Deduction Confirmation processes.

Export Process

The Export process exports employee-level personal, job, salary, deduction, and tax information that the third-party payroll system needs to produce paychecks each pay period. Payroll Interface can export data from any PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS table that includes the PeopleSoft EMPLID field as a key field. Data is exported to either a flat file or a database table.

Payroll Interface does not perform any payroll calculations. The third-party payroll system performs the tax calculations, earnings calculations, gross-to-net calculations, and year-end processing. You use Payroll Interface to track and export changes that occur, during a pay period, to static employee payroll-related data. The data is considered static because it rarely changes, for example, a person’s job code, pay rate, marital status, number of dependents, or benefit plan (which can be changed only during an open enrollment period).

Warning! Payroll Interface is designed to export changes to static employee payroll-related data; for example, job codes, benefit deductions, or wages - information that does not change that often during the course of a year. Dynamic or transactional pay data, such as monthly commission payments or time and labor calculations, must be set up and maintained by the third-party payroll system.

Import Process

You have the option of importing the payroll results produced by the third-party payroll system back into PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS. The Import process loads payroll check, earnings, deduction, and tax data into seven Payroll Interface import tables. Once loaded, the data can be viewed online or by running reports. Data is imported only from ASCII files.

Note. Further processing or technical configuration may be required to check the validity of the imported data or to ensure that the data can be accessed in a secure manner.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll Interface Processing

Click to jump to parent topicSample Data Definitions

PeopleSoft delivers sample data definitions for use with Payroll Interface. You can often more easily begin an implementation by cloning (copying) one of the sample data definitions.

The export sample data definitions are logical (LOG), physical (PHY), comma-separated value (CSV), and National Finance Center (NFC) for the federal government. The import sample data definitions are check detail (DETI) and check balance (BALI). ADP Connection includes sample data definitions for enterprise configurations (ENTP) and PC configurations (PCPW). Corresponding system IDs, configuration IDs, and file IDs are set up for most of these definitions.

Warning! Do not assume that the sample data is complete or that it will function in a production environment without further modification.

See Also

Cloning a Payroll Interface Definition

Working with Interface Definitions

Click to jump to parent topicImplementation Steps

To set up, test, and install a payroll interface, follow these steps. As you perform the tasks outlined here, document everything; this will help you to troubleshoot any problems that arise.



1. Assemble an implementation team and perform the gap/fit analysis.

See Implementation Tasks.

2. Set up the PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS core and foundation table components.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS 9.0 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook

3. (optional) Set up PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources Manage Base Benefits.

Note. Perform this step only if you maintain benefit deductions.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources 9.0 PeopleBook: Manage Base Benefits.

4. Set up export (or import) interface.

Note. The import interface is usually set up and tested after you have set up and tested the export interface.

Perform these tasks:

5. Test the export (or import) interface.

Using the sample data or a copy of the live system, perform these tasks:

6. Install the export (or import) interface.

Using the live system:

  • Install the export (or import) interface.

  • Run the Deduction Calculation and Deduction Confirmation processes, the Export process, and the Import process (whichever apply).

  • Train users to set up and maintain payroll data.

  • Train users to run the Deduction Calculation and Confirmation processes, the Export process, or the Import process (which ever apply).

Click to jump to parent topicImplementation Tasks

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreliminary Tasks

Implementing a payroll interface requires a thorough understanding of PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS and the requirements of the third-party payroll system. To ensure a smooth implementation, you should:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImplementation Team

Recommended team members for a payroll interface implementation include:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGap/Fit Analysis

The gap/fit analysis is the most important step in the implementation process. This is where you identify exactly what needs to be set up in the export interface definition (and to a lesser extent, the import interface definition).

Conduct a Functional Analysis

Analyze your functional requirements:

Conduct a Technical Analysis

Analyze your technical requirements:

Obtain the Vendor Documentation

It is critical that you obtain the vendor documentation for the third-party payroll system. The vendor documentation contains the requirements for the third-party payroll system and will guide you in setting up the export or import interface definition.

Work with the third-party vendor to answer the following types of questions:

Perform the Data Mapping

Data mapping between PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS and the third-party payroll system is a vital implementation step. Base your data mapping on the information gathered during the functional and technical analyses. Data mapping requires two considerations:

To map values between PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS and the third-party payroll system, use translate values.

See Setting Up the Field Definition Table.

Note. (USF) Every effort is made to ensue that the National Finance Center (NFC) sample data that is delivered with Payroll Interface conforms to NFC requirements. However, you should always check the data mapping in the delivered export configuration for accuracy.

This graphic shows a spreadsheet you can use as a starting point to facilitate data mapping:

Data mapping

Note. Use the Payroll Interface field name to set up the interface file definition when you define the export/import file layouts.

Assess Employee Actions

Payroll Interface uses the PeopleSoft employee ID (EMPLID) to track and export changes that occur to employee payroll-related data. The PeopleSoft employee ID must be mapped to the third-party payroll system employee ID. Analyze your human resources, benefits, and payroll transactions; make sure you understand the relationships between these transactions and the requirements of the third-party payroll system.

This table lists the types of questions you should ask during the analysis:




  • What ID do you use for payroll?

  • How do you assign employee IDs?

  • How does the payroll system identify new hires?

  • Are there special requirements for a new-hire transaction?

  • What are the minimum required data fields?


  • How are rehires processed?

  • Is the same payroll ID used over and over again?

  • How does the payroll system set up a rehire? Are preexisting or new IDs used?

  • What impact might existing rehire procedures have on Payroll Interface?


  • How does the payroll system handle terminations?

  • Do you need to send over a special code?

  • Do you need to zero out compensation values?

  • Do you need to zero out date fields? Do you need to send any stop transactions?

Employee ID Changes

Do you need a procedure to translate the third-party payroll system employee ID to the PeopleSoft EMPLID?