GroupSpace Guide

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Managing GroupSpace

The Propagation Utility does not move the GroupSpace Community that you created in the Staging phase to your Production environment, so you must re-create the Community in your Production environment.

This chapter contains the following topics:


Creating a GroupSpace Community

See the QuickStart: Creating a GroupSpace Community chapter.


Setting Visitor Entitlements on GroupSpace Resources

Do not manually set visitor entitlement roles on GroupSpace resources. GroupSpace provides its own mechanism for controlling user access to its resources. Manual entitlement settings could interfere with the normal operation of GroupSpace.


About Custom Community Properties

Do not modify any of the default GroupSpace custom properties on your GroupSpace Community’s Custom Properties page in the Administration Console. These properties support programmatic operations in GroupSpace. Modifying any of these properties could interfere with the normal operation of GroupSpace.


Managing GroupSpace Content

GroupSpace Communities use the Community_Repository and specific content types to store content. Almost every item in GroupSpace, from an Issue to a calendar appointment, is stored as content in Community_Repository, and access is controlled through predefined Visitor Entitlements. As users interact with the GroupSpace Community, the application automatically adds to, modifies, and entitles content in the Community_Repository.

WARNING: Because of the automated nature of GroupSpace's interactions with Community_Repository, do not make manual modifications to the Community_Repository or its types (unique keys), especially by modifying Visitor Entitlements. It is recommended that you set delegated administration on the Community_Repository so that only specific portal administrators can view it.


Creating Localized Community Titles and Descriptions

You can provide localized text for the title and description of your Communities. When you provide localized text, and a browser is set to use a language you provide, the localized title and description of that Community appear in that browser, either in the Administration Console or in the Community itself. For example, in GroupSpace, localized titles appear in the GroupSpace header.

If you want to use double-byte characters, such as Chinese, make sure your system is configured to support this.

You can also use this feature to provide an alternative Community name and description in English, changing them as often as you like.

  1. In the Portal Resources tree in the Administration Console, select the Portals directory, yourPortal, Communities, and yourCommunity.
  2. On the Title & Description page, click Add Localized Title.
  3. In the Add a Localized Title & Description window, enter:
    • Language (required) – The two-letter code for the language. For example, zh for Chinese.
    • Country (optional) – The name of the country.
    • Variant (optional) – The two-letter language variant in uppercase, such as US for the United States English, or TW for Taiwan Chinese.
    • Title (required) – The localized title you want to provide.
    • Description (optional) – The localized description you want to provide.
  4. Click Create.

To modify an existing title and description, such as changing the English text, click the language link and modify the title and description.


Deactivating or Deleting a Community

If you want to prevent users from accessing a Community, you can either deactivate or delete the Community. Reasons to deactivate a Community include wanting to prevent user access while you configure it, archiving it, or wanting to activate it again in the future. Deleting a Community permanently removes it from the database.

Deactivating a Community

To deactivate an active Community, which prevents users from accessing the Community:

  1. In the Portal Resources tree, select the Community you want to deactivate by selecting the Portals directory, yourPortal, Communities, and yourCommunity.
  2. On the Summary page, click Status & Expiration.
  3. In the Status & Expiration dialog, select Inactive and click Update.
  4. or

  5. If you want to deactivate the Community on a specific date, select Active, set the Expiration Date for when it should automatically be deactivated, and click Update.

The callback class assigned to the Community determines what occurs when the Community is deactivated. For example, notifications can be sent to users when a Community is deactivated.

Deleting a Community

Deleting a Community permanently removes it from the database.

Perform the following steps to delete a Community:

  1. In the Portal Resources tree, select the Portals directory, yourPortal, and Communities.
  2. On the Browse page, select the Delete check box next to the Community.
  3. Click Delete.


Propagating Communities

You cannot propagate a Community back to staging or development. You can only propagate Community templates.


Logging In

After you or another user receive an invitation to join a GroupSpace Community, you can log in and become a member.

The basic procedure for loggin in is:

  1. Enter your Username and Password and click Login.
  2. In the GroupSpace Invitations section, click the GroupSpace Community name.
  3. In the Community Registration page, enter your personal information and click Save and Continue or click Skip.


Inviting Users to Join

After you create your own GroupSpace Community, you can invite other users to join the GroupSpace Community. You can also assign Community members to a role to control what they can do, use portlet settings to control who can view a portlet’s data, and set portlet preferences.

Note: To successfully use the Invitation wizard (discussed in the section, Sending an Invitation to Join the Community), you must be entitled to view the users you want to invite. The best general practice is to assign to one or more groups the users that you want to include in the pool of potential users to invite to the community, and then entitle those groups with a role that has the View capability. For details on creating visitor entitlements, see the Security Guide. For information on creating groups, see the User Management Guide.

The benefit of joining a GroupSpace Community is that users who belong to the same Community can work together and share information and resources.

The ability to access a GroupSpace Community is based on Community properties and membership. If anyone can access a GroupSpace Community, the Community is public. If you are required to register, the Community is private and you are redirected to a registration page.

The following two ways allows users to join a Community:

  1. Invitations – GroupSpace creators and owners send an e-mail Invitation to invite users to join the Community. Prospective Community members must each receive their own unique invitation. See Inviting Users.
  2. Self-registration – If Public Registration exists, visitors can register to join the Community without an Invitation. The capability of each new self-registered user depends on what you set up (choose Communities > Manage This Community and select the Security tab.) The default capability for a user that self-registers is Contributor. See Figure 6-1.
  3. Figure 6-1 Set the Default Role

    Set the Default Role

Inviting Users

Accessing a Community is based on Community properties and membership. The following two related properties affect Community access:

GroupSpace creators and owners can invite users through e-mail to join the Community. Prospective Community members must each receive their own unique invitation. Users that belong to the same Community can work together and share information and resources.

This section contains the following topics:

Sending an Invitation to Join the Community

You can invite users to join the GroupSpace application. You must first configure your outgoing mail server to be able to send e-mail invitations.

Note: To successfully use the Invitation wizard (discussed in step 5 below), you must be entitled to view the users you want to invite. The best general practice is to assign to one or more groups the users that you want to include in the pool of potential users to invite to the community, and then entitle those groups with a role that has the View capability. For details on creating visitor entitlements, see the Security Guide. For information on creating groups, see the User Management Guide.

Perform the following steps to invite someone to join the GroupSpace Community:

  1. Log into the GroupSpace application as a Community owner or creator.
  2. Choose Communities > Manage This Community.
  3. Configure your outgoing e-mail server to be able to send e-mail invitations by selecting the Properties Page tab and clicking Community Email Configuration and enter the following information to set up your outgoing mail server. Each field is required.
    • Reply-to Address – Your username.
    • Display Name – The name you want to appear in the From field of the e-mail.
    • Outgoing Mail Server (smtp) – Your server name.
    • Outgoing Mail Port (smtp) The port to connect to the incoming mail server. This defaults to the value for the selected protocol. For SMTP, enter 25.
    • Account username (smtp) Enter the account’s username. For example, groupspace.
    • Account password (smtp) – Enter the account’s password for the incoming mail server.
  4. Select the Members Page tab and click Invite More People.
  5. In the Invite Members to Community: Step 1 dialog in the Invitation wizard, use the drop-down list to select users or groups to invite.
    • Type username or e-mail address – Manually type each existing username or e-mail address.
    • Browse All Available Users – Select a user from the list. If the list is long, you can search for the user’s name. The search is case sensitive.
    • Browse All Available Groups – Select a group from the list. The Visitor Entitlements you set up for your portal determine which groups appear here. If the list of groups is long, you can search for a group name. The search is case sensitive. For more information on Visitor Entitlements, see the Security Guide.
    • Your current Communities – Select a user from the list. The list contains other Community members from all the Communities to which you belong.
    • Click Add to move the user or group to the Users or Groups to Invite section (see Figure 6-2) and click Next. (If you use a username, the user must have a User Profile created.)

      Figure 6-2 Use the Drop-Down List to Select Who to Invite to the GroupSpace Community

      Use the Drop-Down List to Select Who to Invite to the GroupSpace Community

  6. In the Invite Members to Community: Step 2 dialog, assign a role by selecting one of the check boxes and clicking Next. See Editing Roles and Capabilities and Editing Default Role Capabilities for more information on roles. See Figure 6-3.
  7. Figure 6-3 Assign a Role to the Person You Are Inviting

    Assign a Role to the Person You Are Inviting

  8. In the Invite Members to Community: Step 3 dialog, enter your name in the Send Invitation from field, type a message, and click Next.
  9. In the Invite Members to Community: Step 4 dialog, review the invitation and click Finish.
  10. Click Close to exit the Invitation wizard. The people you invited will receive an e-mail with a link to the GroupSpace Community you created. The members must log in to accept the invitation.
Tip: You can view Invitations that have been sent on behalf of the Community that have not been accepted. Choose Communities > Manage This Community and select the Invitations tab to see Invitation details and status. Status includes sent, accepted, rejected, revoked, or expired invitations. You can select the Cancel Invitation check box next to a pending Invitation and click Remove to cancel the Invitation.

Accepting an Invitation

When a member receives an invitation and decides to join a Community, the member must go to the provided GroupSpace Community URL and accept the invitation.

Perform the following steps to accept an invitation to join a Community:

  1. Open the e-mail you received that invited you to join a GroupSpace Community.
  2. In the e-mail, click the URL for the GroupSpace Community that you were invited to join.
  3. In the Community Registration page, click Need to create a login.
  4. Enter a Username and a Password. Retype the password in the Confirm password field and click Create Account.
  5. In the Community Registration page, click the link to the Community.

Removing a Member

A GroupSpace owner or creator can remove members from the Community. Removing a member deletes the user’s membership, but does not delete the user.

Perform the following steps to remove a Community member:

  1. Log into the GroupSpace application as an owner or creator.
  2. Choose Communities > Manage This Community, as shown in Figure 6-4.
  3. Figure 6-4 Choose Manage This Community

    Choose Manage This Community

  4. Select the Members Page tab.
  5. Locate the member and select the Remove check box.
  6. Click Remove.


Editing Roles and Capabilities

The GroupSpace Community administrator sets up the roles to control what users can do in the Community. Each role has specific, defined capabilities. A content item can be a folder or an item in the folder.

The GroupSpace application contains the following capabilities:

The GroupSpace application’s roles and default capabilities are listed in Table 6-1. You can change the default capabilities (except for View, which is always enabled). The default membership role is Contributor. A GroupSpace Community member can have more than one role. See Editing Default Role Capabilities for more information.

Table 6-1 Roles and Default Capabilities
Create a GroupSpace Community, and create, update, and delete content
Manage a GroupSpace Community, and create, update, and delete content
Can create and update content
View content

A user’s capability can be tied to the Active Menu that you see when you hover your mouse over an item (an Issue, for example) and click the arrow that appears. If your assigned capabilities include the ability to delete items, you will see the Delete choice, as shown in Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5 This User has Create, Update, Delete, and View Capabilities, as shown in the Active Menu

This User has Create, Update, Delete, and View Capabilities, as shown in the Active Menu

For instructions on editing the XML file that controls the Active Menu capabilities, see the Communities Guide.

A system administrator at your company can use the Administration Console to modify the GroupSpace Content Repository and control the visibility of content for all GroupSpace Communities. See the Content Management Guide for more information.

This section contains the following topics:

Assigning a Role to a Member

A GroupSpace Community owner or creator can assign a role to each member.

Perform the following steps to change the role a member is assigned:

  1. Log into the GroupSpace application as an owner or creator.
  2. Choose Communities > Manage This Community.
  3. Select the Members Page tab. The Members Page is shown in Figure 6-6.
  4. Figure 6-6 Roles for Users

    Roles for Users

  5. Locate the member and click Edit.
  6. Select the check box for a role that you want to assign to the member and click Update, as shown in Figure 6-7. Select only one role for each member.
  7. Figure 6-7 Assign Roles to a Member

    Assign Roles to a Member

  8. Click Update and close the window.
Tip: To assign all your users the same role, click Assign To All at the bottom of the column in the Members Page tab.

An anonymous user is a user that has not logged in and does not have a role in the GroupSpace Community. Anonymous users cannot see the data in the GroupSpace portlets.

Editing Default Role Capabilities

GroupSpace administrators can change the default capabilities that are assigned to each GroupSpace Community role.

Perform the following steps to change what a role can do:

  1. Log into the GroupSpace application as an owner or creator.
  2. Select Communities > Manage This Community.
  3. Select the Security tab.
  4. Click Security Capabilities.
  5. Locate the role you want to change and select the check box under each capability to enable it or disable it, as shown in Figure 6-8.
  6. Figure 6-8 Edit the Default Capabilities for Each Role

    Edit the Default Capabilities for Each Role

  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Return to Community.


Managing the GroupSpace Portlets

This section contains the following topics:

Controlling Who Can View Portlet Data

The data in a GroupSpace portlet can be visible just to the user in the Communities to which the user belongs, or to all members of the Community.

Use the following definitions help you control who can view a portlet’s data:

A Community member can change the visibility of some private items to be visible to the Community. For example, a private Issue can be changed from being visible only to the user that created it to being visible to the entire Community. (A saved search can also be changed from Private visibility to Community visibility; see Saving Your Search Queries.)

Table 6-1 lists each portlet and who can view the portlet’s data.

Table 6-1 Data Visibility Is Controlled by the Community, Personal, and Private Settings
Portlet Name
GS Issues

The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

Discussion Forums

The New Page Appears as a Tab


The New Page Appears as a Tab


The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

GS GroupNotes

The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab


The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab


The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

GS Links

The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

GS Announcements

The New Page Appears as a Tab

GS RSS Reader

The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

GS Document Library

The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

The New Page Appears as a Tab

CM Browser

The New Page Appears as a Tab


Changing Default Portlet Preferences

You can change preferences for some portlets to control the language, time zone, number of items to display on each page, default views, and so on.

Perform the following steps to edit a portlet’s preferences:

  1. Log into your GroupSpace Community.
  2. Select the portlet’s tab and click the portlet’s Edit icon, as shown in Figure 6-9.
  3. Figure 6-9 Edit the Portlet’s Preferences

    Edit the Portlet’s Preferences

  4. Enter information by clicking General Preferences and Discussion Preferences (this example is for the Discussion Forums portlet shown in Figure 6-10; preferences are specific to the portlet):
    • General Preferences – Choose the preferred time zone.
    • Discussion Preferences – Select the number of items to display on each page from the Items Per Page drop-down list, as shown in Figure 6-10. Depending on the portlet, other preferences can also appear here.
    • Figure 6-10 Preferences for the Discussion Forums Portlet

      Preferences for the Discussion Forums Portlet

  5. Click Save.
  6. Click the portlet’s Leave Edit icon.

Using GroupSpace QuickLinks

The GroupSpace Community application contains a an area called QuickLinks to temporarily store items. For example, you can create an Issue, copy the Issue to the QuickLinks, and then insert the Issue as a Related Item in a GroupNote.

QuickLinks works with the following portlets:

Perform the following steps to copy and paste an item using QuickLinks:

  1. Create an item, such as an Issue, and save it. (See the instructions on Using the GS Issues Portlet.)
  2. Open the item and click Copy to QuickLinks, as shown in Figure 6-11.
  3. Figure 6-11 Copy the Issue to QuickLinks

    Copy the Issue to QuickLinks

    You can also click Done (see Figure 6-11) and then drag and drop the title of the item to the QuickLinks area at the top of the page. (You can also hover your mouse over the title of the item, click the arrow that appears, and choose Copy to QuickLinks.) The QuickLinks area can hold up to five items. You can remove an item from QuickLinks by clicking the Remove This Item from QuickLinks icon next to the item.

    Figure 6-12 shows one item in the QuickLinks.

    Figure 6-12 Items Appear in QuickLinks

    Items Appear in QuickLinks

  4. Open the portlet and the item where you want to copy the item.
  5. Drag the QuickLink item to the Related Items section and drop it. If the portlet is longer than the page, hold the left mouse key and scroll with your mouse scroll wheel. (You can also click Add Related Items and select the QuickLinks option. Select a Resource Type to view the contents of QuickLinks, choose an item to copy into the Related Items section, and click Add.)
  6. Click Update in the portlet where you dropped the QuickLinks item. The item now appears in the Related Items section, as shown in Figure 6-13.
  7. Figure 6-13 The QuickLinks Item Appears as a Related Items Icon

    The QuickLinks Item Appears as a Related Items Icon

Tip: Dragging an item to QuickLinks makes a copy of the item and places it in the QuickLinks area. Clicking Move QuickLink Item Here (instead of copying the item), removes the item from QuickLinks and places it in the new portlet.

Adding Related Content Items

When you establish a relationship between two resources in a GroupSpace portlet (for example, you relate a document to an Issue), you have created a related content item. Related content items are relationships to GroupNotes, Issues, Discussions, and Document Library items.

Viewing the History of Items in a Portlet

You can monitor who added or changed items in your GroupSpace application during a specific time frame.

This history is available for the following portlets:

Perform the following steps to view the history of items added or modified in a portlet:

  1. Select the Review tab.
  2. At the Resource Type field, choose a resource type from the drop-down list.
  3. At the View Items Modified or Created in the Past x Days field, select a number from the drop-down list. The new or modified items appear in the list, as shown in Figure 6-14.
  4. Figure 6-14 New GS Issues Added or Modified in the Last Seven Days

    New GS Issues Added or Modified in the Last Seven Days

  5. Click an item to view its details in the appropriate portlet.

Sending Notifications to the Community

The GroupSpace Notifications Center advises you when Announcements, Invitations, and E-mail items appear and when Calendar items and Tasks are due. The Notification Center is visible from anywhere in the GroupSpace Community.

The GroupSpace application checks for Notifications every 15 seconds. If you receive more than one e-mail Notification regarding an update to an item you are following, the GroupSpace application summarizes the number of updates and sends one Notification. If other Notifications occur for Announcements, personal Calendar appointments, personal Tasks, or Invitations, you will receive one Notification per item. If you subscribe to more than one GroupSpace Community, you will receive separate Notifications for each Community.

Displaying Notifications can be intrusive or passive. A Critical Notification has a high priority, so it is intrusive and a pop-up box informs you that a Critical item is waiting for you. The Notification alert disappears if you click OK. You must clear the Notification from the Notifications Center, or you will be notified each time you log in. A Notification with a lower priority is passive, and is queued so you can view it later.

Tip: If you are expecting a new Notification and do not see it in the Notifications Center, click Refresh.

For instructions on creating and managing Announcements, see Using the GS Announcements Portlets.

Configuring the Notifications Center

You can make changes to the Notifications Center to determine what causes Notifications to appear in the Notifications Center and how often.

Perform the following steps to set up the Notifications Center:

  1. Click the Notification link at the top of the GroupSpace application, as shown in Figure 6-15.
  2. Figure 6-15 Notifications Link

    Notifications Link

  3. In the Notifications Center, click Configure Options, as shown in Figure 6-16.
  4. Figure 6-16 You Can Determine How Often You Will be Notified for Specific Portlets

    You Can Determine How Often You Will be Notified for Specific Portlets

  5. Select the check boxes to enable the following features:
    • Enable interim message retrieval between page navigation – Select this check box to view Notifications without doing a full page refresh. If you do not select this check box, you will still see the Notifications but they do not dynamically update unless you use the GroupSpace application and manually refresh the pages that generate the Notifications. Changing this value requires a full page refresh before the new setting takes effect.
    • Note: The default Notification time for the poller to run is every 15 seconds for Announcements, Invitations, E-mail, Calendar, Tasks, and Invitations. Administrators can change this default value by editing an XML file; see the Communities Guide for instructions.
    • Email – Select the Email check box to be notified when you have an e-mail. Use the drop-down list to select when the sent Notification will expire.
    • Calendar – Select the Calendar check box to be notified when you have a Calendar item that is due. Use the drop-down list to select when the sent Notification will expire. You can also set a reminder by choosing to be notified before a Calendar event occurs.
    • Tasks – Select the Tasks check box to be notified when you have a Task item that is due or overdue. Use the drop-down list to select when the sent Notification will expire.
    • Figure 6-17 shows the configuration choices.

      Figure 6-17 Configure the Notifications Center

      Configure the Notifications Center

  6. Click Save.

Viewing Notifications

Perform the following steps to view a Notification:

  1. Click the Notification link at the top of the GroupSpace application.
  2. Select the type of Notification (for example, Announcements).
  3. Click the Notification to view more detail about it.
Note: To remove the Notification after you view it in the Notifications Center, select the check box and click Clear Selected.

Searching Your GroupSpace Community

All Community members can retrieve information in and outside the GroupSpace application using the following three methods:

See Using the Search Portlets for more information.


Customizing Your GroupSpace Community

GroupSpace contains a set of Visitor Tools in the Customize menu. You can use these tools to change the content and appearance of your GroupSpace Community.

You can perform the following tasks to customize your GroupSpace Community:

This section contains the following topics:

Enabling GroupSpace Customization

When you create a GroupSpace Community, the default is to be able to customize the new Community by adding new pages or portlets, changing the look and feel, adjusting the number of columns, and adding content to pages.

Tip: If you cannot see the Customize menu in your GroupSpace application, the Community template used to create your GroupSpace Community does not allow you to add pages and other customization. You can change this by choosing Communities > Manage This Community. In the Properties Page tab, click Edit Location & Access. Select the Allow people to customize their view and add personal pages check box and click Save. Click Return to Desktop and the Customize menu now appears.

The Customize menu is part of the Visitor Tools that ships with WebLogic Portal. For more information on Visitor Tools and how to enable the tools in your application, see the Portal Development Guide for more information.

Changing the Appearance of Your GroupSpace Community

You can change the contents on a page and the layout of the page’s columns.

Changing the Page Layout

Perform the following steps to change the layout of a page in your GroupSpace application:

  1. Log into your GroupSpace application.
  2. Choose Customize > Page Contents, as shown in Figure 6-18.
  3. Figure 6-18 Choose Page Contents to Change the Layout or Contents of a Page

    Choose Page Contents to Change the Layout or Contents of a Page

  4. Select the page you want to customize by selecting an item from the drop-down menu and clicking Go, as shown in Figure 6-19.
  5. Figure 6-19 Select a Page to Customize

    Select a Page to Customize

  6. The dialog reflects the portlets that you are changing. For example, the Collaborate page contains one portlet. Change the layout of the page you are in by clicking Change Layout.
  7. Tip: You can also click the up and down arrows to change the portlet’s position on the page.
  8. Select one of the layouts to determine the number of columns and click Change Layout.
  9. Click Save Changes. Figure 6-20 shows how the Collaborate page was changed from a single column layout to a two-column layout.
  10. Figure 6-20 The Collaborate Page Now Has a Two-Column Layout

    The Collaborate Page Now Has a Two-Column Layout

Changing the Content on the Page

Perform the following steps to change the content that displays on a page in your GroupSpace application:

  1. Choose Customize > Page Contents.
  2. Select the page you want to customize by selecting an item from the drop-down menu and clicking Go.
  3. Click Add Content to display the available portlets.
  4. In the Browse Content tab in the Browse Portlets view, pick a portlet by selecting the check box next to it and clicking Save Changes. Figure 6-21 shows how to select the Related Items portlet check box and where it appears on the page.
  5. Figure 6-21 Adding Content, such as the Related Items Portlet to a Page

    Adding Content, such as the Related Items Portlet to a Page

    Tip: You can change a portlet’s theme, rename the portlet, delete the portlet, or edit the portlet’s content (available only in a book) by clicking the portlet’s icons. See Figure 6-21. A theme is the Look & Feel of part of the GroupSpace application, such as a page or a portlet.

    You can also add content with the following steps:

    • In the Browse Content tab in the Change Page Contents and Layout dialog, click Browse Books to add the contents of an existing GroupSpace tab. For example, if you add the Collaborate book, the three Collaborate portlets (GS Issues, Discussion Forums, and GS GroupNotes) are added in a tabbed format, as shown in Figure 6-22.
    • Figure 6-22 Adding the Collaboration Book

      Adding the Collaboration Book

      If you add each portlet separately, the tabs shown above do not appear.

    • Search for a specific portlet by selecting the Search tab in the Change Page Contents and Layout dialog, entering a search term, and clicking Search. The search is not case sensitive. Search displays a maximum of 200 items.
    • Add remote portlets by selecting the Add Remote Content tab, entering a search term, and clicking Search. Select the check box next to the remote portlet and click Save Changes. For example, entering organiz might retrieve portlets, such as the Daily Organizer, Lotus Organizer, RSS NonProfit Organizations, and so on. This type of search queries the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registry for the name and all available metadata of a particular content item, including the producer. The UDDI registry contains all available portlets on the server and is used in an enterprise to share web services.

Changing the Look & Feel of a Page

A theme lets you override a portal desktop's overall Look & Feel on individual books, pages, and portlets.

If you modified the default GroupSpace Look & Feel, or created a new GroupSpace Look & Feel from the default GroupSpace Look & Feel, you can apply that change to a book, page, or portlet. (You can also change the Look and Feel for the entire GroupSpace Community; see Changing the GroupSpace Look & Feel.)

Tip: Only the GroupSpace default (gsdefault) Look & Feel is compatible with GroupSpace; you should make all other Look & Feel files (Default, Classic, All Text, and Legacy) unavailable to users. The best way to do this is to create an entitlement role to which no one belongs, and then entitle the other Look & Feel files so that they are available only to that role. Leave the GroupSpace default Look & Feel unentitled so that it is available to all users.

Perform the following steps to change the theme (the colors and appearance) for pages, portlets, and books:

  1. Choose Customize > Colors.
  2. Select a new Look & Feel and click Change Colors, as shown in Figure 6-23. (Do not select the Bighorn XHTML Look & Feel because GroupSpace is not XHTML compatible.)
  3. Figure 6-23 Select a New Look & Feel

    Select a New Look & Feel

Adding and Creating a New Page

Perform the following steps to change the order of the tabs that appear in your GroupSpace application, add existing pages, and create new pages (which appear as tabs):

  1. Choose Customize > Pages.
  2. Tip: If you cannot see the Customize menu, the Community template used to create your GroupSpace Community does not allow you to add pages and other customization. You can change this by choosing Communities > Manage This Community. In the Properties Page tab, click Edit Location & Access. Select the Allow people to customize their view and add personal pages check box and click Save. Click Return to Desktop and the Customize menu now appears.
  3. Select a page from the drop-down menu. This tab will be highlighted when you log in.
  4. Change the order of the tabs by clicking the up or down arrow and clicking Save Changes.
  5. Add a new page by clicking Add and Create Pages. Select the Select Pages Below field and select the check box next to the page you want to add. Click Add Page.
  6. Create a new page by clicking Add and Create Pages. Select the Create New Page option and enter a Page Name, type an optional Description, and select an optional Layout from the drop-down list. For example, create a new tab called Project Status to track specific milestones related to your project. Click Create Page. After you create a new page, add it to the GroupSpace application by following the instructions in step 4.
  7. Click Save Changes and the new tab appears. Figure 6-24 shows the new Project Status tab.
  8. Figure 6-24 The New Page Appears as a Tab

    The New Page Appears as a Tab

Changing the Look & Feel for the Community

You can use Admin Mode to make changes to the layout and appearance that all Community members will see. (You can also create a new Look & Feel for the GroupSpace Community; see Creating a New GroupSpace Look & Feel.)

Perform the following steps to change the look and feel for the entire Community:

  1. Choose Customize > Switch to Admin Mode.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In Admin Mode, use the Customize menu to make changes to the layout of the pages, each page’s content, look and feel, and so on.
  4. When you finish your changes, choose Customize > Return to Normal Mode.


Customizing Template JSPs

GroupSpace Community administrators might add customized properties to the object class, in order to customize the portlets. If you want these properties to appear in a different location in the portlet, you must modify the template JSP file. For example, if you add a property called Tracking Number to the Issue Type definition, you might want that Tracking Number field to appear first in the Issues portlet when you click Details.

You can customize the templates to change the appearance of the following GroupSpace portlets:

You can customize the portlets in Workshop for WebLogic by copying the template JSP files into your web application and modifying the template JSPs. Your changes are included in the GroupSpace library modules, and the changes are applied automatically and detected by the GroupSpace Community portlets. If you customize the look and feel of your portlets, those changes will be reflected in your modified GroupSpace portlets. If you apply a WebLogic Portal Service Pack, your JSP modifications will be saved.

Tip: Modifications that you make to the template JSP files are not supported by Oracle.

Perform the following steps to customize a template JSP:

  1. In Workshop for WebLogic, create a GroupSpace-enabled portal. See the instructions in the Portal Development Guide.
  2. In the Merged Projects view, expand your <web project> folder and the templates subfolder. (The files in the templates directory are part of the wlp-groupspace-web-lib library module.)
  3. Locate the display template file you want to modify. Some files and folders in your web project might be italicized, which means that you are using the original copy of the contents on the library module. Right-click the display template file in the templates subfolder and choose Copy To Project. This action creates a duplicate copy of this file and stores it in your web project. Do not rename the file; keep the existing name. After the file is copied to your web project, the file’s name is no longer italicized.
  4. Open the template JSP file you want to modify by double-clicking the file. For example, double-click the displayAnnouncementsTemplate.jsp file in the templates subfolder.
  5. Modify the JSP by moving the properties up or down in the JSP to change the order in which the properties appear, or making a property not display by placing it in the Excluded Properties list. Modify the following items in the JSP:
    • Included properties – The includedProperties section lists the properties in the order that they are displayed in the GroupSpace portlet. For example, in the displayAnnouncementsTemplate.jsp file, the included properties are Title, Description, Effective Date, Expiration Date, Severity, and so on.
    • Excluded properties – The excludedProperties section contains the properties that do not display in the GroupSpace portlet. For example, in the displayAnnouncementsTemplate.jsp file, the excluded properties are Related Nodes, Attachments, Community ID, and so on.
    • Dynamic properties – If a property is not listed in the included or excluded properties sections, the property appears in the dynamic properties section (called other). For example, User Time Zone could be a dynamic property and it then appears at the bottom of the portlet. The GS Links portlet is the only portlet does not have a separate dynamic properties section, so new properties appear at the bottom of the list.
  6. Save the file. Your changes are automatically applied.

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