UCM VCR Adapter Guide

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What Is the UCM VCR Adapter?

The UCM VCR Adapter provides access through the WebLogic Portal Content Management Virtual Content Repository (VCR) to content stored in the Oracle UCM system. Oracle UCM is a suite of enterprise content management products that include Oracle Content Server and Oracle Site Studio. The adapter allows WebLogic Portal to access UCM-based content for use in portal applications. For example, you could access content stored in UCM with WLP features like Content Presenter and content selectors.

Note: Although the VCR supports read/write operations, the Version 1.0 of the UCM VCR Adapter is read-only.

This document explains how to install and configure the adapter. In addition, the guide describes best practices for modeling content in the UCM content repository and in Site Studio. These best practices help ensure the best exposure of that content through the VCR. Finally, this guide offers several examples that demonstrate techniques for modeling content in UCM to allow the most reliable mapping of content through the adapter.

Note: Only Content Server is required to use the adapter. The adapter works whether or not Site Studio is installed on the server. Site Studio is not required; however, extra features are available when Site Studio is installed.


This document is intended for portal developers, portal administrators, UCM administrators, and UCM content architects.

Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents:

You can find information on UCM, including Content Server and Site Studio here: http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10316_01/ouc.htm.


Adapter Architecture

The UCM VCR Adapter serves as a bridge between the WebLogic Portal Content Management VCR and a UCM repository. The relationships between the various elements are illustrated in Figure 1-1.

Note: Version 1.0 of the UCM VCR Adapter supports Read Only access to the UCM repository. Additionally, only content in a UCM repository that is in specified as State = Released will be accessible through the adapter. Content that is in any other workflow state, or is scheduled for future release, will not be accessible through the VCR.
Figure 1-1 Architecture of the UCM VCR Adapter

Architecture of the UCM VCR Adapter

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