Interface IPTCard

All Superinterfaces:
IPTLocalizable, IPTObject, IPTServerContext, IPTStorable, IPTUnknown

public interface IPTCard
extends IPTObject

Stephen Chang and Mike Sample

Method Summary
 int GetCardSettingsAsInt(int lSettingID)
          Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
 java.lang.Object GetCardSettingsAsObject(int lSettingID)
          Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
 java.lang.Object[] GetCardSettingsAsObject1DArray(int lSettingID)
          Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
 java.lang.String GetCardSettingsAsString(int lSettingID)
          Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
 java.lang.String GetContentLanguage()
          Retrieve the language code used for indexing text associated with the underlying document.
 int GetCrawlerID()
          Retrieve the ID of the crawler that originally imported this card.
 java.lang.String GetCrawlerTag()
          Returns the value of the CrawlerTag property.
 int GetDataSourceID()
          Identifies the unique ID of the Data Source on which this card relies for click-thru and refresh activity.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GetDocumentLocation()
          Returns an XML specification of the unique location and Provider format for the document represented by this card.
 java.lang.String GetDocumentSignature()
          Returns the Provider generated string used to determine whether a card's document has changed.
 int GetDocumentTypeID()
          Passes back the ID of the Document Type for the card.
 java.lang.String GetDocumentURL()
          Reveals the click-thru URL for the document identified by this card.
 IPTTempfile GetIndexFile()
          Creates an IPTTempfile object corresponding to an empty file which can subsequently be used as the target for copying the document stream.
 IPTCardPropertyValues GetPropertyValues()
          Extracts the collection of properties defined for this card.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPHashtable getUserAssignedMetadata()
          Get a reference to the hashtable that represents metadata directly assigned to the card.
 void Refresh(boolean bSummarize, boolean bForceRefresh)
          Conducts a complete refresh of a card's properties by revisiting the source document and re-collecting mappable data.
 void SetCardSettings(int Value, int pvValue)
          Set the value for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
 void SetCardSettings(int Value, int[] pvValue)
          Set the value for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
 void SetCardSettings(int Value, java.lang.String pvValue)
          Set the value for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
 void SetContentLanguage(java.lang.String Value)
          Set the language code used for indexing text associated with the underlying document.
 void SetCrawlerID(int Value)
          Sets the ID of this card's crawler.
 void SetCrawlerTag(java.lang.String Value)
          Sets the value of the CrawlerTag property.
 void SetDataSourceID(int Value)
          Designates the Data Source to be used for capturing data for this card's document
 void SetDocumentLocation(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag Value)
          Set the document location, Provider format, Document Type Map section, and necessary Provider document parameters for this card.
 void SetDocumentLocation(java.lang.String Value)
          Set the document location, Provider format, Document Type Map section, and necessary Provider document parameters for this card.
 void SetDocumentSignature(java.lang.String Value)
          Sets the Provider generated string used to determine whether a card's document has changed.
 void SetDocumentTypeID(int Value)
          Sets the ID of the Document Type used for this card.
 void SetDocumentURL(java.lang.String Value)
          Sets the click-thru URL for the document identified by this card.
 void setUserAssignedMetadata(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPHashtable value)
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
GetAdminFolderID, GetClassID, GetCreated, GetImageUUID, GetLastModified, GetObjectProperties, SetAdminFolderID, SetImageUUID, SetLastModified
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
GetDescription, GetIsLocalized, GetLocalizedDescription, GetLocalizedDescriptions, GetLocalizedName, GetLocalizedNames, GetName, GetPrimaryLang, GetSupportsLocalization, SetDescription, SetIsLocalized, SetLocalizedDescriptions, SetLocalizedNames, SetName, SetPrimaryLang
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUnknown
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
GetAccessLevel, GetACL, GetLastModifiedBy, GetLockState, GetObjectID, GetOwnerID, GetServerContextSettings, GetSession, GetSettings, LockObject, SetLastModifiedBy, SetObjectID, SetOwnerID, SetServerContextSettings, SetSettings, UnlockObject
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStorable

Method Detail


IPTCardPropertyValues GetPropertyValues()
Extracts the collection of properties defined for this card. The returned object is used to add or modify a card's list of properties.

An aggregation of properties assigned to this card.


int GetDataSourceID()
Identifies the unique ID of the Data Source on which this card relies for click-thru and refresh activity.

The ID of this card's data source.


void SetDataSourceID(int Value)
Designates the Data Source to be used for capturing data for this card's document

Value - The ID for this card's Data Source.


int GetCrawlerID()
Retrieve the ID of the crawler that originally imported this card. The crawler corresponding to this ID is not guaranteed to exist and a return value of zero indicates a manually submitted card (no crawler).

The ID of this card's Crawler.


void SetCrawlerID(int Value)
Sets the ID of this card's crawler. Method is used by the crawling agent and cannot be overriden once set.

Value - The ID of the crawler creating this card.


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GetDocumentLocation()
Returns an XML specification of the unique location and Provider format for the document represented by this card. The source URL can be retrieved from the returned property bag by reading the string value stored for the name 'PTC_UNIQUE'

A Property bag containing document location and format values.


void SetDocumentLocation(java.lang.String Value)
Set the document location, Provider format, Document Type Map section, and necessary Provider document parameters for this card. These values should only be set once upon creation of the card. The values passed in this property bag uniquely identify the document for this card.

Value - String version of property bag content, identifying source document location.


void SetDocumentLocation(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag Value)
Set the document location, Provider format, Document Type Map section, and necessary Provider document parameters for this card. These values should only be set once upon creation of the card. The values passed in this property bag uniquely identify the document for this card.

Value - Property bag identifying source document location.


java.lang.String GetDocumentURL()
Reveals the click-thru URL for the document identified by this card.

An URL for opening the document


void SetDocumentURL(java.lang.String Value)
Sets the click-thru URL for the document identified by this card.

Value - An URL for opening the document


int GetDocumentTypeID()
Passes back the ID of the Document Type for the card. A Document Type serves as a template of properties and mapping designations used by the Data Source in collecting and assigning data from the source document.

Document Type ID


void SetDocumentTypeID(int Value)
Sets the ID of the Document Type used for this card. A Document Type serves as a template of properties and mapping designations used by the Data Source in collecting and assigning data from the source document.

Value - Document Type ID


void Refresh(boolean bSummarize,
             boolean bForceRefresh)
Conducts a complete refresh of a card's properties by revisiting the source document and re-collecting mappable data. This call does not imply a serialization of new data. It is an in memory refresh. If the summarization parameter is passed as true, the card's description will be regenerated from the source document. If the bForceRefresh parameter is passed as true, the refresh activity will be done irrespective of whether the source document has changed.

bSummarize - Regenerate card description if true.
bForceRefresh - Perform action even irrespective of document state.


java.lang.String GetDocumentSignature()
Returns the Provider generated string used to determine whether a card's document has changed.

a String containing the Document Signature


void SetDocumentSignature(java.lang.String Value)
Sets the Provider generated string used to determine whether a card's document has changed. A card's Data Source will set this value when the document is originally imported or refreshed.

Value - A provider specific identifier for document state.


IPTTempfile GetIndexFile()
Creates an IPTTempfile object corresponding to an empty file which can subsequently be used as the target for copying the document stream.

a temp file object used during indexing


int GetCardSettingsAsInt(int lSettingID)
Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values. These settings govern various aspects of card storage behavior.

lSettingID - One of the integer members specified in the PT_CARD_SETTINGS class
Value stored for desired setting.


java.lang.String GetCardSettingsAsString(int lSettingID)
Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values. These settings govern various aspects of card storage behavior.

lSettingID - One of the integer members specified in the PT_CARD_SETTINGS class
Value stored for desired setting.


java.lang.Object[] GetCardSettingsAsObject1DArray(int lSettingID)
Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values. These settings govern various aspects of card storage behavior.

lSettingID - One of the integer members specified in the PT_CARD_SETTINGS class
Value stored for desired setting.


java.lang.Object GetCardSettingsAsObject(int lSettingID)
Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values. These settings govern various aspects of card storage behavior.

lSettingID - One of the integer members specified in the PT_CARD_SETTINGS class
Value stored for desired setting.


void SetCardSettings(int Value,
                     int pvValue)
Set the value for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values. These settings govern various aspects of card storage behavior.

Value - One of the integer members specified in the PT_CARD_SETTINGS class
pvValue - Value stored for desired setting.


void SetCardSettings(int Value,
                     java.lang.String pvValue)
Set the value for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values. These settings govern various aspects of card storage behavior.

Value - One of the integer members specified in the PT_CARD_SETTINGS class
pvValue - Value stored for desired setting.


void SetCardSettings(int Value,
                     int[] pvValue)
Set the value for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values. These settings govern various aspects of card storage behavior.

Value - One of the integer members specified in the PT_CARD_SETTINGS class
pvValue - Value stored for desired setting.


java.lang.String GetContentLanguage()
Retrieve the language code used for indexing text associated with the underlying document.

A two letter language string


void SetContentLanguage(java.lang.String Value)
Set the language code used for indexing text associated with the underlying document.


java.lang.String GetCrawlerTag()
Returns the value of the CrawlerTag property. This value is seeded by the card's crawler and is intended to provide a searchable value for purposes of identifying all cards brought in by a particular crawler.

A string provided by a configurable crawler parameter.


void SetCrawlerTag(java.lang.String Value)
Sets the value of the CrawlerTag property. This value is seeded by the card's crawler and is intended to provide a searchable value for purposes of identifying all cards brought in by a particular crawler.

strCrawlerTag - string provided by a configurable crawler parameter.


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPHashtable getUserAssignedMetadata()
Get a reference to the hashtable that represents metadata directly assigned to the card. This metadata will be merged with the metadata derived from datasources and file accessors to create the list of card properties. For more info see PTDataSource.PutCardProperties() method


void setUserAssignedMetadata(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPHashtable value)

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