AcceptInvitation(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserManager
An invitation is a token that can be sent to a potential user.
ACL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Field containing the Collab Server ACL (access control list) for this result.
ACL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSContentCollection
Field containing the ACL (access control list) for a Content item.
ActionTypeEnum - Class in com.plumtree.server.condition
Enumerates the type of actions that can be performed when an expression evaluates to true.
ActionTypeEnum() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.condition.ActionTypeEnum
Add(int, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Adds a new entry to the access list
Add(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValues
Extends the list of properties stored with this card.
Add(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearch
Adds a Federated Portal to the search targets for this search.
Add(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Add an item to the state object.
Add(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Add an item to the state object.
Add(String, XPDateTime, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Add an item to the state object.
Add(String, float, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Add an item to the state object.
Add(String, double, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Add an item to the state object.
Add(String, byte, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Add an item to the state object.
Add(String, IPTState, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Add an item to the state object.
Add(String, byte[], int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Add an item to the state object.
Add(String, Object, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Add an item to the state object.
Add(int, IPTState) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStates
Add an IPTState object to the collection.
AddAdminFolderShortcut(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserManager
AdminFolderShortcuts are favorite admin folders associated with the current user.
AddAdminGadgetSetting(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminSettings
Sets a named Administrative setting for the Gadget, replacing any existing value for the setting.
AddAdminGadgetSetting(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminSettings
Sets a named Administrative setting for the Gadget, replacing any existing value for the setting.
AddAdminGadgetSetting(String, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminSettings
Sets a named Administrative setting for the Gadget, replacing any existing value for the setting.
AddAdminGadgetSetting(String, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminSettings
Sets a named Administrative setting for the Gadget, replacing any existing value for the setting.
AddAdminGadgetSetting(String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminSettings
Sets a named Administrative setting for the Gadget, replacing any existing value for the setting.
AddBestBet(String, String, IXPList) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Add a new Best Bet to the add list.
AddCardToMultipleFolders(int, int[], int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds a single document to multiple target document folders.
AddCardToMultipleFolders(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds a single document to a single target document folder.
AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int, int[], int[], int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds a single document to multiple target document folders with ranking.
AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.
AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int, int, int[], int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.
AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int, int[], int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds a single document to multiple target document folders with ranking.
AddChildGroups(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Adds the indicated groups to this group
AddChildGroups(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Adds the indicated group to this group
AddClassificationFilter(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Assigns a Classification Filter to this Folder
AddCommunitySetting(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Add a community setting (preference) to the community that the current page is part of.
AddCommunitySetting(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Add a community setting (preference) to the community that the current page is part of.
AddCommunitySetting(String, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Add a community setting (preference) to the community that the current page is part of.
AddCommunitySetting(String, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Add a community setting (preference) to the community that the current page is part of.
AddCommunitySetting(String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Add a community setting (preference) to the community that the current page is part of.
AddCommunitySetting(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddCommunitySetting(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddCommunitySetting(String, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddCommunitySetting(String, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddCommunitySetting(String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddDestinationFolder(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Adds a particular Folder to the list of Target Folders
addField(IPTSField, float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSWeightedFieldList
Add a field to this list.
AddGadget(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddGadgetEx(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetBundle
Adds a gadget to the Gadget bundle.
AddGadgetEx(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddGadgetEx(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Add a gadget to a column in the current page template.
AddItem(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTListManager
Adds a new item to the list.
AddItem(IPTPropertyFilterItem, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterClauses
A PropertyFilterClauses object is essentially a list of PropertyFilterItems.
AddJobListEntry(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
Adds an operation to the list of items executed within this job
AddMandatoryGroup(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Adds this gadget as mandatory to the specified group
AddMandatoryGroupMember(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Doesn't actually add a group as mandatory member since groups are always mandatory.
AddMapping(int, String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTACLSyncMap
Add a mapping
AddMultipleCardsToFolder(int[], int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds multiple documents to a single target document folder.
AddMultipleCardsToFolder(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds a single document to a single target document folder.
AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int[], int[], int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds multiple documents to a single target document folder with ranking.
AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.
AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int, int[], int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.
AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int[], int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Adds multiple documents to a single target document folder with ranking.
AddOneSecureHeader(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSSOInfo
Adds a header not to forward in requests.
AddPage(String, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Deprecated. Method AddPage(String, int, int, int) is deprecated. Use IPTPageContainer.AddPage(int) instead.
AddPage(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
AddPageTemplate(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityTemplate
Adds a Page template to this Community template.
AddPersonalSetting(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Add a personal setting (preference) for the current user.
AddPersonalSetting(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Add a personal setting (preference) for the current user.
AddPersonalSetting(String, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Add a personal setting (preference) for the current user.
AddPersonalSetting(String, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Add a personal setting (preference) for the current user.
AddPersonalSetting(String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Add a personal setting (preference) for the current user.
AddPersonalSetting(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddPersonalSetting(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddPersonalSetting(String, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddPersonalSetting(String, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddPersonalSetting(String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddPersonalSetting(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, int) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, int, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
AddPersonalSetting(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, String) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, String, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
AddPersonalSetting(String, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, XPDateTime) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, XPDateTime, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
AddPersonalSetting(String, float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, float) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, float, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
AddPersonalSetting(String, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, double) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, double, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
AddPersonalSetting(String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, Object) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, Object, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
AddPortlet(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Add a Portlet to a column on the Page.
AddPreference(String, int, int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPreferencesContext
This method adds a preference on the current object.
AddPreference(String, String, int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPreferencesContext
This method adds a preference on the current object.
AddPreference(String, XPDateTime, int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPreferencesContext
This method adds a preference on the current object.
AddPreference(String, double, int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPreferencesContext
This method adds a preference on the current object.
AddPreference(String, Object, int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPreferencesContext
This method adds a preference on the current object.
AddPreference(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method sets a preference on the current user.
AddPreference(String, String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method sets a preference on the current user.
AddPreference(String, XPDateTime, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method sets a preference on the current user.
AddPreference(String, double, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method sets a preference on the current user.
AddPreference(String, Object, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method sets a preference on the current user.
AddSection(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Adds a section to the mao
AddSecureSessionCookie(String, String, XPDateTime, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSSOInfo
Adds a single cookie.
AddSessionPreference(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Adds a session preference for the current user.
AddSessionPreference(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AddSessionPreference(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Adds a session preference for the current user.
AddSessionPreference(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Adds a session preference for the current user.
AddSessionPreferences(String[][], boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Adds session preferences for the current user.
AddSourceFolder(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Adds a particular Folder to the list of Source Folders
AddSubExpressions(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Adds the list of sub expressions inside the current expression.
addSubquery(IPTSQuery) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSBooleanQuery
Add an IPTSQuery to this IPTSBooleanQuery.
addSubquery(IPTFilter) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSBooleanQuery
Add an IPTFilter as a subquery of this IPTSBooleanQuery.
addSubquery(IPTSField, String, PTSTextQueryParseMode) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSBooleanQuery
Add a text query as a child of this IPTSBooleanQuery.
addSubquery(IPTSField, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSBooleanQuery
Add a comparison involving an integer, floating-point, or date field, as a child of this IPTSBooleanQuery.
addSubquery(IPTSField, int, long) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSBooleanQuery
Add a comparison involving an integer, floating-point, or date field, as a child of this IPTSBooleanQuery.
addSubquery(IPTSField, int, float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSBooleanQuery
Add a comparison involving an integer, floating-point, or date field, as a child of this IPTSBooleanQuery.
addSubquery(IPTSField, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSBooleanQuery
Add a comparison involving a boolean field as a child of this IPTSBooleanQuery.
addSubquery(IPTSField, int, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSBooleanQuery
Add a comparison involving a date/time field and a non-relative operator as a child of this IPTSBooleanQuery.
AddSubscription(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearchManager
Adds a User to the list of subscribers serialized with a specific SavedSearch object
AddToBulkProfile(IPTCard, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Adds a Card to the Profiling Engine for taxonomization
AddUserAsRelatedExpert() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Adds the current user as a Related Expert on this Folder.
AddUserInfoSetting(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Adds a userinfo setting.
AddUserInfoSetting(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Adds a userinfo setting.
AddUserInfoSetting(String, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Adds a userinfo setting.
AddUserInfoSetting(String, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Adds a userinfo setting.
AddUsers(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Adds the indicated users to this group as static members.
AddUsers(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Adds the indicated user to this group as a static member.
ADMIN_OBJ_CLASSES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_CLASSES
AdminACL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portal objects' admin ACL.
AdminDirectory() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Query that restricts to the portal's entire admin directory.
AdminDirectory(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Query that restricts to the portal's entire admin directory.
AdminDirectory(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Query that restricts to the portal's entire admin directory.
AdminDirectory(int, boolean, String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Query that restricts to a subtree of the portal's admin directory.
AggressiveMerge(IPTAccessList) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Similar to Merge, but without accounting for read-only items (i.e.
AncestorFolderIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portal objects' ancestor folder IDs (all ancestors, not just immediate parents).
AND - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.OperatorEnum
Application() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
Application that owns this object.
ApplyChanges() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Saves all changes to the database and commits to the search server.
ApplyDependencyMapping(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Applies a dependency mapping to this IPTMigrationElement.
ApproveCardWhereUnapproved(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Approves every copy of the document in every document folders that it resides in.
AssignCommunityGadgetSettings(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Assign a list of community-gadget settings (preferences) to the combination of the community that the current page is part of the gadget represented.
AssignCommunityGadgetSettings(int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AssignCommunityGadgetSettingsEx(Object[][], boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Assign a list of community-gadget settings (preferences) to the combination of the community that the current page is part of and gadget represented.
AssignCommunityGadgetSettingsEx(int, Object[][], boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AssignGadgetSettings(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Assign a list of user-gadget settings (preferences) to the combination the gadget represented and the current user.
AssignGadgetSettings(int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AssignGadgetSettingsEx(Object[][], boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Assign a list of user-gadget settings (preferences) to the combination of the gadget represented and the current user.
AssignGadgetSettingsEx(int, Object[][], boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AssignGadgetsEx(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetBundle
Assigns a new list of gadgets to the Gadget bundle.
AssignGadgetsEx(int[], int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AssignGadgetsEx(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
AssignGadgetsEx(int[], int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Assign a list of gadgets to a column in the current page template.
AssignJobFolder(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Assigns an admin folder to an existing Job Server
AssignPages(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageContainer
Assigns new page order.
AssignPages(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageContainer
Assigns new page order.
AssignPortlets(int[], int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Assign a list of Portlets to a column on the Page.
AssignPortlets(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Assign a Portlet to a column on the page.
AssignPreferences(Object[][], boolean, int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPreferencesContext
This method adds multiple preferences on the current object.
AssignPreferences(Object[][], boolean, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method sets multiple preferences on the current user.
AttachDataSourceProvider(IPTCard, IPTDataSourceProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
AttachDataSourceProvider Use this method to attach an instantiated Data Source Provider.
AttachToDocument(IXPPropertyBag, IPTSession) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Attaches this Accessor to the document identified by information in the PropertyBag
AttachToDocument(IXPPropertyBag, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Attach to Document (requires that Initialize has been successfully called already) Takes the Document Location Information (where the Document is located inside the Repository) and the Accessor to be used (the ID of which is taken from the Document Type).
AttachToFile(XPFile, XPFile) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Called to give this accessor a reference to the file to be parsed, and, if the accessor can extract text content, to an output file for the text content.
Authenticate(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJobDispatcherService
Verifies that the user has sufficient permission to kill jobs.


BASIC_AUTH_TYPE_LOCKBOX_AUTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
BASIC_AUTH_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
BASIC_AUTH_TYPE_PORTAL_AUTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
BeginComplexElement(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Begins an element with child nodes (a scope) when reading or writing to the IPTMigrationElement, and sets the node as the active element.
BeginMigrationAtSource(String, String, String, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTRemoteMigrationContext
On Export of a portlet, sends a request to the remote server to ask for remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID.
BeginMigrationAtSourceForCommunity(String, String, String, String, Object[][], Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTRemoteMigrationContext
On Export of a portlet, sends a request to the remote server to ask for remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID and the community specified by the community UUID.
BeginProcessing(int, IPTSession, IPTGadgetInfo, IPTStates, IPTAdminSettings, Object, IPTUserInterface, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
The Provider must be Initialized before this method may be called.
BeginProcessing(int, IPTSession, IPTGadgetInfo, IPTStates, IPTAdminSettings, Object, IPTUserInterface) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
Same as BeginProcessing (int lMode, IPTSession pUserSession, IPTGadgetInfo pGadgetInfo, IPTStates pStates, IPTAdminSettings pAdminSettings, Object vAppDataStateObject, IPTUserInterface pUserInterface, int nStateMode), but nStateMode is set to PT_STATEMODES.PT_STATEMODES_REQUEST
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.PTSFieldType
Field type for boolean fields.
BulkSetMigratedStatusByUUID(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Sets the status of the objects to MIGRATED.
BulkSetMigrationStatus(int, int[], int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Sets the migration status of the specified objects to have the passed-in migration status.


CachedOpenCommunityInfo(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Returns an IPTCommunityInfo, which can be used by the UI to display a cached version of the community.
CachedOpenExpressionInfo(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionManager
Returns an IPTExpressionInfo, which can be used by the UI to display a cached version of the Expression.
CachedOpenPageInfo(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageManager
Returns an IPTPageInfo, which can be used by the UI to display a cached version of the page.
CachedOpenSiteMapFolderInfo(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolderManager
Get an IPTSiteMapFolderInfo object for a particular Site Map folder.
CalculateNextRuntime(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Computes the next time of execution based on a given date
CalculateNextRuntimeForSuspendedJob() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Computes the next time to suspend this operation
CanAddBestBet(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Checks wether a particular Best Bet is addable or not.
CancelChanges() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Undoes all changes made.
CancelImport() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Cancel PerformImport, an in-progress migration import.
CanExtractTextContent() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Should return true if the accessor can generally extract the full text content of a document.
CanSuggestCardName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Should return true if the accessor can generally suggest a card name given the file's contents.
CanSummarizeDocument() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Should return true if the accessor can generally make a short summary of a file's contents.
Categories() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for the search-devised categories.
CategorizableObjectType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
An alternative format of the object type that the portal UI uses to group by object type.
ChangeNumericPassword(String, String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Changes the current user's numeric password (PIN).
ChangeNumericUserName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Changes the numeric user name for the current user.
ChangePassword(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Changes the current user's password.
CheckCurrentUserIsAdmin() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Checks whether the current user is a member of the built-in Administrators group.
CheckCurrentUserIsGuest() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Checks whether the current user is a guest user.
CheckDependencies() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Returns only missing dependencies for this object, as a 2-D array.
CheckForActivityRight(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Checks whether the current user has the specified activity right.
CheckForActivityRight(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Checks whether the current user has the specified activity right.
CheckGadgetAccess(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the current user's access level to the specified Gadget (Portlet).
CheckLock() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectLock
Check to see if the object is locked.
CheckObjectCreationRights() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Checks whether or not the calling user has sufficient activity rights to create all objects contained in the package.
CheckPropertySearchRight(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Checks whether the current user has rights to search the indicated property.
CheckWebServiceAccess(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the current user's access level to the specified Web Service.
ChildElementExists(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Tests whether or not a child element of the specified name exists.
Children(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Returns information about the children of the current location.
ClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portal objects' class ID.
classIdToObjectType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Helper method to map a portal Class ID value to the String object type codes used here.
Clean(IPTSession) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFileUploadAgent
CleanupProfileCommunity() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileManager
Cleans up UserInfo information used by profile portlets.
Clear() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Removes the non-read only entries from the access list
Clear() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValues
Clears from the object in memory all existing property data.
Clear() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Clears the map.
Clear() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterClauses
Removes all PropertyFilterItems
Clear() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyMap
Clears all Properties and their mappings.
Clear() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Clears this object and releases memory associated with it, which may be substantial.
Clear() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Purges all items from the state object.
clear() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Clears this object and releases references to any result set.
ClearAllExpiredLocks() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLockManager
Clears all expired locks.
ClearCardRejectsMemory(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Produces tally and optionally purges crawler history of previously rejected cards.
ClearCompletely() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Removes all entries in the list without regards to read-only attributes
ClearCurrentActivityRightsCache() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Purges the cache specifying the current user's activity rights.
ClearCurrentCommunityMembershipCache() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Purges the cache containing current user's community memberships.
ClearCurrentMyPagesCache() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Purges the cache of the current user's MyPages.
ClearData(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Internal server use only: Clears data stream
ClearDefaults() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Clears the defaults list.
ClearDeletedCardsMemory(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Produces tally and optionally purges crawler history of previously deleted cards.
ClearFieldValues() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValues
Clears values from the object in memory for all existing property data, but retains the value-less IPTCardPropertyValue(s).
ClearHistory() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Clears the history of imports, so all information will be re-imported during the next sync.
ClearMappings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTACLSyncMap
Remove all existing mappings in memory for the given type
ClearOverrides() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Clears the overrides list
ClearProfile() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Clear the current profile query.
ClearPropertyFilter() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
Purges the contents of the top-level property filter
ClearRankFromAllCardsInFolder(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Clears the rank of all the documents within the specified document folder.
ClearSearchablePropertyCache() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Purges the cache of searchable properties for the current user.
Clone() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Clones the access list
Clone() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValues
Creates an in-memory copy of the IPTCardPropertyValues object.
Clone() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Create a new IPTIndexer object that is a copy of the current one.
Clone(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Create a new object of this class that is a copy of an existing object.
Clone(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Create a new object of this class that is a copy of an existing object.
Clone(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Clone() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterItem
Returns a copy of this filter item
Clone() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryFilter
Deprecated. This method should not be used.
CloneSession() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Creates a deep copy of this object.
COLLAB_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Prefix on any collab object type, and value of the Application() field for collab items
CollabCollection() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Returns an IPTSCollabCollection that contains IPTSQuery and IPTSField instances related to Plumtree Collaboration Server.
CollabServer() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Query that restricts to all Collab projects and object types.
CollabServer(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Query that restricts to certain Collab object types within any Collab project.
Columns() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Returns an array which contains the PT_PROPIDS constant describing the contents of each column.
com.plumtree.server - package com.plumtree.server
com.plumtree.server.authsource.sso - package com.plumtree.server.authsource.sso
com.plumtree.server.condition - package com.plumtree.server.condition
com.plumtree.server.crawlers - package com.plumtree.server.crawlers
com.plumtree.server.datasource.soap - package com.plumtree.server.datasource.soap
com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver - package com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver
com.plumtree.server.marshalers - package com.plumtree.server.marshalers
com.plumtree.server.search - package com.plumtree.server.search
com.plumtree.server.search.admin - package com.plumtree.server.search.admin
com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions - package com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps - package com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps
com.plumtree.server.treeiterator - package com.plumtree.server.treeiterator
com.plumtree.server.xui - package com.plumtree.server.xui
CommitAll(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Send any pending index, update, or delete requests to the Search Server.
CommitAll() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
"Assynchronous" commit - client doesn't need to wait to make sure that the request was fully processed by the search server.
CommitAsProfiled(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Send any pending profile requests to the Search Server.
CommitBulkProfile(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Commits the profiled Cards to the index
Community(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Query that restricts to the set of things attached to a community.
CommunityLinks() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns a string IPTSField containing the IDs of communities this item is linked to.
Compare(XPHashtable, IValue, XPStringBuilder) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IConditionServerType
Compares the value given to the one that is in the environmnent hashtable.
CompleteUpload(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFileUploadAgent
CONDITIONTYPE_ID_ADMIN_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ConditionTypeConstants
CONDITIONTYPE_ID_BASE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ConditionTypeConstants
Starting ID for custom condition types.
CONDITIONTYPE_ID_COMMUNITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ConditionTypeConstants
CONDITIONTYPE_ID_GROUP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ConditionTypeConstants
CONDITIONTYPE_ID_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ConditionTypeConstants
IDs for Plumtree's intrinsic condition types
CONDITIONTYPE_ID_IPADDRESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ConditionTypeConstants
CONDITIONTYPE_ID_URLDOMAIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ConditionTypeConstants
CONDITIONTYPE_ID_USER_AGENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ConditionTypeConstants
ConditionTypeConstants - Class in com.plumtree.server.condition
ConditionTypeConstants() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.condition.ConditionTypeConstants
Connect(int, String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Connects the IPTSession with the passed-in credentials.
Connect(String, String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Connects the IPTSession with the passed-in credentials.
Connect(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUpgradeManager
Connect to the Plumtree server.
ConnectAsCurrentUser(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
ConnectAsGuest(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
ContainsPropID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Returns a boolean indicating if the specified property (from PT_PROPIDS) is in this IPTQueryResult.
CONTENT_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Prefix on any content object type, and value of the Application() field for content items
ContentCollection() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Returns an IPTSContentCollection that contains IPTSQuery and IPTSField instances related to Plumtree Content Server.
ContentInCommunity(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSContentCollection
Query that restricts to all objects published by Content Server in portlets contained in the specified community.
ContentIsMarkupArray() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IServiceContent
ContentPortlet(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSContentCollection
Query that restricts to all objects published by Content Server within the specified portlet.
ContentServer() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSContentCollection
Query that restricts to all objects published by Content Server.
CopyAdminFolder(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Copies an Admin Folder from one location to the next.
CopyFolder(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Copies the document folder.
CrawlerTag() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns a string IPTSField containing the crawler tag, if defined, for documents.
Create() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Generate a brand-new instance of this accessor class.
Create(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Create a new object of this class.
Create() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Allocates a zero sized temp file in the machine's PLUMTREE_TEMP directory
createAdmin() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Returns an IPTSAdmin instance that may be used for various search administration tasks.
CreateAdminFolder(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Creates a new regular admin folder in a given parent folder.
CreateAdvancedQuery(IPTFilter) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Factory method that returns an advanced (filter-based) query, using the provided filter.
CreateBasicQuery(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Factory method that returns a basic (simple text) query for the indicated search string and fields.
createBestBetMaintenance() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSAdmin
Factory method that creates an IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance object.
createBestBetTargetQuery(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Construct an IPTSQuery that returns the best bet targets for a specified trigger string.
createBooleanQuery(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Construct an IPTSBooleanQuery that ANDs or ORs a number of child queries.
CreateCard() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Creates a blank document.
createComparisonQuery(IPTSField, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Construct an IPTSQuery for a comparison involving boolean fields.
createComparisonQuery(IPTSField, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Construct an IPTSQuery for a comparison involving integer, floating-point, or date fields.
createComparisonQuery(IPTSField, int, long) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Construct an IPTSQuery for a comparison involving integer, floating-point, or date fields.
createComparisonQuery(IPTSField, int, float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Construct an IPTSQuery for a comparison involving integer, floating-point, or date fields.
createComparisonQuery(IPTSField, int, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Construct an IPTSQuery for a comparison involving a date/time field and a non-relative operator.
Created() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
Date/time the object was created.
CreateEmptyMigrationElement() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Creates an empty IPTMigrationElement.
CreateFolder(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Creates a document folder.
CreateGadgetInstance(IPTSession, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetTemplate
Creates an instance of this gadget template object which can then be stored in the database.
CreateHTTPRequest(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Creates IOKHttpRequest based on IOKHttpSession, IOKUrl, and http tracing parameters.
createIndexer() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Returns an IPTIndexer which may be used to submit index requests.
CreateJobHistoryEntry(int, XPDateTime, String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
These methods add an entry into the job history table as well as operations that occur during job processing.
CreateLink() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Create a new link that will be in the current folder.
CreateNewInvitationCode(String, XPDateTime, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTInvitation
CreateObject(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Deprecated. Deprecated for 5.0 and above.
CreateObject(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Deprecated. Deprecated for 5.0 and above.
createPropertyFilterQuery(IPTFilter) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Construct an IPTSQuery that wraps the provided IPTFilter.
createQueryRequest() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Returns an IPTSQueryRequest which may be used to submit search queries.
CreateRemoteUser(int, String, String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Creates a remote user against the specified authentication source.
CreateSerializedPropertyBag(String, IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Saves a Property Bag as a config file.
CreateSubfolder(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Create a new folder that will be a child of the current folder.
createTextQuery(IPTSField, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Construct a text (string) query against the indicated field.
createTextQuery(IPTSField, String, PTSTextQueryParseMode) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Construct a text (string) query against the indicated field, using the indicated parse mode.
createWeightedFieldList() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Returns an empty IPTSWeightedFieldList.
CurrentLocInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Retrieve information about the current location.


Data() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Returns the raw data underlying this QueryResult.
DATETIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.PTSFieldType
Field type for date/time fields.
DecreaseCardPopularityWeight(double, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Decreases the popularity of a Card by a percentage
Decrypt(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedEncryptionProvider
Delete(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Delete the object with the specified Object ID
Delete(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Deletes the file and uninitializes this object.
DeleteAdminFolder(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Deletes an Admin Folder and all its contents.
DeleteAll() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Deletes all Best Bets.
DeleteByTriggerString(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Takes a list of trigger string, and deletes those triggers.
DeleteCards(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Deletes multiple documents from the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
DeleteCards(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Deletes a single document from the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
DeleteFolder(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Deletes a document folder.
DeleteFromDisplayedList(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Takes a list of indices into the displayed list array, and marks the best bets for deletion.
DeleteItem(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTListManager
Delete an existing item from the list.
DeleteJobHistory(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Deletes entries from the history table and any associated log files as well.
DeleteLink(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Delete link in the current folder.
DeleteObjects(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Delete multiple objects with the specified IDs
DeleteObjects(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
DeleteReport(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLogAnalysis
Deletes the report specified by the given objectid
Description() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
Description of the object.
DiscardCardWhereUnapproved(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Discards unapproved documents from folders that do not allow document access.
DiscardOldAuditMsgs(int, XPDateTime, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Delete audit messages from the database and from archive files that meet the specified criteria
DoBasicSearch(String, String, String, String, int, int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Run a search against this portal.
DocDirectory() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Query that restricts to the portal's entire Knowledge Directory.
DocDirectory(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Query that restricts to the portal's entire Knowledge Directory.
DocDirectory(int, boolean, String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Query that restricts to a subtree of the portal's Knowledge Directory.
DocumentSummary() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns a human readable summary of the document
DocumentSummary() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns a suggested description field for this document if the Provider is equipped to deliver one.
DocumentTypeID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns an integer IPTSField containing the document type ID for knowledge directory documents.
DocUploadID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns a string IPTSField containing the "document upload ID" for certain knowledge directory documents.
DocUploadServer() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns a string IPTSField containing the "document upload server" for certain knowledge directory documents.
DownloadDocument(IPTDocumentType, IPTCard, IPTDataSourceProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Downloads a temporary copy of the source document for the given card


EditACL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portal objects' edit ACL.
EmailAddress() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns a string IPTSField containing the email address, if defined, for users.
EnableAgentDisabledUsers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Enable "agent-disabled" users, and return the number of users that were re-enabled.
Encrypt(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedEncryptionProvider
EndComplexElement(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Ends an element with child nodes (a scope) when reading or writing to the IPTMigrationElement, and sets the parent node as the active element.
EndExport() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Writes and closes the migration package file.
EndImport() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Closes the migration package currently open for import.
EndMigrationAtDestination(String, String, String, Object[][], String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTRemoteMigrationContext
On Import of a portlet, sends to the remote server the remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID.
EndMigrationAtDestinationForCommunity(String, String, String, String, Object[][], Object[][], String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTRemoteMigrationContext
On Import of a portlet, sends to the remote server the remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID and the community specified by the community UUID.
ENTIRE_FIELD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.PTSTextQueryParseMode
Require this TextQuery to match the entire contents of the field precisely.
Excerpt() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
Excerpts from the Description and TextContent fields that matched the query.
Execute(int, XPHashtable, XPStringBuilder) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IExpressionEngine
Executes tree of conditional expression nodes and returns a list of resulting actions, one expression of each unique action type, no more than one of each type.
execute() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Runs the search and returns results in an IPTSQueryResponse object.
ExecuteSimpleSearch(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearch
Perform the specified search against all Federated Portals that were added with the Add call.
Exists(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Checks whether an item of the specified name exists.
Export(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigratable
Returns a MigrationElement that contains serialized metadata about the object which can be used to import the object into another Portal
Export(IPTMigrationElement, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterItem
Exports this filter item to a MigrationElement
ExportObject(int, int, IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Exports a single object into an IPTMigrationElement.
ExportPackage(IXPPropertyBag, int[], int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationProvider
Exports resources based on property bag of SCI settings.


Finalize(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Finalize connects to the remote webservice, and finalizes the actions of the wizard.
Find(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Finds an entry in the list that matches the given classID and objectID
Find(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Find the index of a gadget using a gadget id.
FindFirstTargetForTrigger(String, IPTSField[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Like the other Find calls, this method should not strictly be here.
FindTriggersContainingTarget(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
This method should not strictly be here since it has little to do with maintenance.
FindTriggersWithFirstTarget(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
This method should not strictly be here since it has little to do with maintenance.
FinishSimpleFederatedSearch(String, IXPPropertyBag, int, Object, IPTState, XPStringBuilder) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProvider
Retrieves the search results
FLOAT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.PTSFieldType
Field type for floating-point fields.
FlushCaches() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. Method FlushCaches is deprecated. Use IPTMyPages.FlushMandatoryGadgetsCache() and IPTCommunityManager.FlushMandatoryTabsCache() instead.
FlushMandatoryGadgetsCache() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Flush the mandatory gadget cache.
FlushMandatoryTabsCache() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Flush the mandatory tabs cache.
FlushNameFromObjectIdLookupCache() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Clears the object id lookup cache.
FlushObjectIdLookupCache() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Flush the object name to object id cache.
FolderACL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for the ACL on portal objects' parent folders.
FolderDepth() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns an integer IPTSField corresponding to the depth of a folder in the knowledge directory hierarchy.
FolderPath() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portal objects' folder path.
FollowupSearch(int, int, int, IPTFilter) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
creates a follow up query based on filter and 'Ands' follow up qry with original query in a follow up Search call.
FollowupSearch(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Follow up a previous search by ANDing the provided array of queries together and executing them.
FORM_LOGIN_TYPE_LOCKBOX_AUTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
FORM_LOGIN_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
FORM_LOGIN_TYPE_PORTAL_AUTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility


GATEWAY_FLAGS_HOSTED_DISPLAY_MODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
GATEWAY_FLAGS_TRANSFORM_CSS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
GATEWAY_FLAGS_TRANSFORM_JAVASCRIPT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
GenerateCardStatusReport() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Queries the search index and database to generate a status report of the documents in the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
GenerateNewUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Generates a new Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
GenerateState(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGenerateState
Generates a property bag that can be passed to AttachToDocument.
Get(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStates
Retrieve an IPTState object from the collection.
GetAbsoluteURL(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Constructs an absolute URL relative to the remote server base URL from a ProviderInfo setting.
GetAccessingFromIntranet() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns whether the user is accessing the portal from the Intranet.
GetAccessLevel() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessListEntry
Returns the access level as specified in PT_ACCESS_LEVELs.
GetAccessLevel() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Get the ACL to this Community for the current user.
GetAccessLevel() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
Get the ACL to this Page for the current user.
GetAccessLevel() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Retrieves the access level of the Session used to instantiate this object.
GetAccessLevel() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolderInfo
Get the current user's access level to the current folder.
GetAccessorCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns the CLSID associated with this accessor
GetAccessorCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
GetAccessorCLSID is used to retrieve the GUID of the Accessor associated with this Doc Type.
GetAccessorDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Should return a human-readable description of the accessor, which might describe the types of files it can parse, the name of the accessor implementer, etc.
GetAccessorFormatID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
GetAccessorFormatID is used to retrieve the location format associated with the Accessor that's associated with this DocType.
GetAccessorGUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Should return a unique GUID for this accessor class that distinguishes it from any other object in the system.
GetAccessorIconGUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Should return a unique GUID for this accessor's file type icon that distinguishes it from any other icon.
GetAccessorInfo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessorRegistry
Returns information about the Accessor, such as name and description
GetAccessorName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Should return a human-readable name for the accessor.
GetAccessType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Gets the AccessType bitmask.
GetAccessType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
Gets the AccessType bitmask.
GetACL(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTACLSyncMap
Generates an ACL for the list of users and groups passed in The array coming in should be a 2D array with three columns.
GetACL(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceACLSyncProvider
Retrieve the ACL for the current document or container Returned array columns are enumerated in PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS
GetACL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Retrieves the ACL of this object.
GetAcquiredDate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectLock
Returns the acquisition date of the lock.
GetActionType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Gets the type of action to be performed if the expression evaluates to true.
GetActionType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
Gets the type of action to be performed if the expression evaluates to true.
GetActionValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Gets the action value to be performed if the expression evalutes to true.
GetActionValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
Gets the action value to be performed if the expression evalutes to true.
GetActionValueName(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionManager
Returns the String name of the Action Value to be displayed in the UI.
GetActivityRight(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTActivityGroups
Retrieves an activity for migration.
GetAddedCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Get a count of the # of items added since the last commit.
GetAdminACLs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Returns the Admin only entries in the current ACL
GetAdminCatalog() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns the Admin Catalog
GetAdminCatalog() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Returns the IPTAdminCatalog object which provides access to the Admin Objects Hierarchy.
GetAdminFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
Returns the ID of the Admin Folder into which this object is stored
GetAgentDisabledUsersCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Get the number of "agent-disabled" users currently disabled by an agent on this auth source.
GetAlignment() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Gadget alignment refers to the column the gadget is in within the specific page layout.
GetAlignment() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Returns the portlet alignment.
getAllOthersGroup() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Returns information about items that could not be categorized into any of the groups returned by getGroups.
GetAllowGuestAccess() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Federated searches can allow guests to search as the guest user.
GetApprovalSettings() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the approval settings
GetArchivePath() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Returns the path to the archive files
GetAsByte(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Retrieve an item from the state object.
GetAsByte1DArray(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Retrieve an item from the state object.
GetAsDouble(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Retrieve an item from the state object.
GetAsFloat(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Retrieve an item from the state object.
GetAsInt(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Retrieve an item from the state object.
GetAsIPTState(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Retrieve an item from the state object.
GetAsObject(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Retrieve an item from the state object.
GetAsString(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Retrieve an item from the state object.
GetAsXPDateTime(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Retrieve an item from the state object.
GetAtRoot() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Is this iterator at root?
GetAuditingState() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Returns the current auditing settings (i.e.
GetAuthenticationGroup() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Used when synchronizing with external usergroup repositories (e.g.
GetAuthenticationSourceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the authentication source ID for this user.
GetAuthenticationSourceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Retrieves the authentication source ID for this group.
GetAuthenticationUser() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the authentication name for the user.
GetAuthPartnerID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the ID of the authentication partner, or 0 for no partner.
GetAuthSourcePartner() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Returns the auth source parter whose settings will be used for the provider.
GetAuthSources() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Authentication Sources.
GetBasicAuthName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSSOInfo
Returns the username to use for Basic Auth headers.
GetBasicAuthPassword() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSSOInfo
Returns the password to use for Basic Auth headers.
GetBinaryBody() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTContent
Returns the unprocessed body of the content as an array of bytes.
GetBinaryHeaders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTContent
GetBody() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTContent
Returns the body of the content as an array of markup fragments, some of which require post-processing.
GetBuildDate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieves the Portal build date.
GetBulkCopyNum() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the maximum number of database rows which can be inserted at a time during user sync.
GetBulkSubscriber() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns the Bulk Subscriber.
GetCachedResponse(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearchManager
Retrieves the cached Search Results for a specific SavedSearch
GetCapabilities(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProvider
Query this Provider to find it's capabilities
GetCapabilitiesAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
Query a particular capability of this provider.
GetCapabilitiesAsObject(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
GetCard() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTokenAccess
GetCardACL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns the Access Control List assigned to cards created by this crawler.
getCardCount(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSAdmin
Runs a special-purpose search query that returns the number of cards (documents) indexed.
GetCardExpirationDateAsObject() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Retrieves the date at which this Card is scheduled to expire
GetCardExpirationDateAsXPDateTime() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Retrieves the date at which this Card is scheduled to expire
GetCardExpirationDelay(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
GetCardExpirationDelayUnits() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns the time units expressed as a PT_SCHEDULETYPES used to compute the expiration rate for cards brought in by this crawler.
GetCardExpirationDelayValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns the number of units used to compute the expiration delay.
GetCardID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTokenAccess
GetCardImageURL(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Returns a URL for an icon associated with a particular result's type.
GetCardLastRefreshedDate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Returns the last time the Card was refreshed.
GetCardMissingDocumentDeletionDelay(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
GetCardMissingDocumentDeletionDelay(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
GetCardMissingDocumentDeletionDelayUnits() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Retrieves the type of interval units at which the Card kept alive after it is found to be missing.
GetCardMissingDocumentDeletionDelayUnits() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns the time units expressed as a PT_SCHEDULETYPES used to compute the missing deletion delay rate for cards brought in by this crawler.
GetCardMissingDocumentDeletionDelayValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Retrieves the number of interval units at which the Card kept alive after it is found to be missing.
GetCardMissingDocumentDeletionDelayValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns the number of units used to compute the missing document deletion delay.
GetCardNextRefreshDateAsObject() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Returns the next time the Card is scheduled to be refreshed.
GetCardNextRefreshDateAsXPDateTime() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Returns the next time the Card is scheduled to be refreshed.
GetCardOverrideImageUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the card override image uuid
GetCardRank(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the ranking of a specific document in a specific document folder.
GetCardRefreshInfo(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshAgent
Retrieves the Card Refresh Info for a specified Card
GetCardRefreshRate(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
GetCardRefreshRate(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
GetCardRefreshRateUnits() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Retrieves the type of interval units at which the Card is refreshed
GetCardRefreshRateUnits() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns the time units expressed as a PT_SCHEDULETYPES used to compute the card refresh rate for cards brought in by this crawler.
GetCardRefreshRateValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Retrieves the number of interval units at which the Card is refreshed
GetCardRefreshRateValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns the number of units used to compute the next card refresh rate
GetCardRefreshSetting(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Retrieves the Card Refresh setting interval for a specified setting.
GetCardRefreshSetting(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
For any requested PT_CARDREFRESHSETTING, returns a 2D array of dimensions [0][2], the first two elements of which contain the values for the number of units and their size (PT_SCHEDULETYPES) accordingly.
GetCardSettingsAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
GetCardSettingsAsObject(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
GetCardSettingsAsObject1DArray(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
GetCardSettingsAsString(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Get the value stored for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
GetCardSubmitDataSources(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the DataSources that support the given document submission type.
GetCardSubmitType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Gets the type of CardSubmission a web service supports.
GetCatalog() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns an interface to the Catalog
GetCatalog() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Returns the IPTCatalog object which provides access to the Document Directory.
GetCharacteristicsAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Properties have a number of characteristics which determine how the Property is used.
GetCharacteristicsAsObject2DArray(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Properties have a number of characteristics which determine how the Property is used.
GetCharacteristicsAsString(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Properties have a number of characteristics which determine how the Property is used.
GetCheckLinkOnly() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Returns whether the verification of existence of the Card is enough or whether the Card Refresh Agent actually needs to check whether content has changed.
GetCheckLinkOnly() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Determines whether the crawler has been configured to mark its cards for link validation only.
GetChildCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Returns the number of children (both nodes and containers) of the current location.
GetChildProperties() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSection
Returns the properties in this section.
GetChildSections() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfilePage
Returns the list of section ids on this page.
GetClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessListEntry
Returns the classid of this ACL entry.
GetClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Get the class id for the gadget represented
GetClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Returns the classID of the underlying object.
GetClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
Returns the ID of the class to which this object belongs (from PT_CLASSIDS)
GetClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectLock
Returns the class ID of the object.
GetClassificationFiltersOperator() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the Classification Filter operator, either PT_BOOLOP_AND or PT_BOOLOP_OR, that us applied to the Filters assigned to this Folder
GetCollapsedOrErrorContent(Object, IPTGadgetInfo, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
Get the content of this portlet that should be displayed in case the portlet is collapsed or has an error.
GetCollapsedOrErrorContent(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Gets the content that should be displayed for this portlet if it's in a collapsed or error state.
GetCommandLine() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTExternalOperation
Retrieves the command line that is launched by this external operation.
GetCommonFields() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns names and descriptions of fields that are commonly returned from GetFields, for use in a mapping UI.
GetCommonFields(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessorRegistry
Returns the common fields for an Accessor
GetCommonFields() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Retrieve the common fields and descriptions for this Provider
GetCommonFields(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProviderRegistry
Retrieve the common fields and descriptions for a particular Data Source Provider
GetCommonFields() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
GetCommonFields is used to retrieve a SafeArray of common field names and descriptions for this Document Type.
GetCommunities() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Communities.
GetCommunityID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Deprecated. use GetPageContainerClassID and GetPageContainerObjectID instead
GetCommunityID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
GetCommunityIDGivenPageID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Returns the community id of the community which owns passed in page id.
GetCommunityName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
GetCommunityTemplateID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Get the community template ID assigned to this community.
GetCommunityTemplates() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Community Templates.
getCompleteQuery() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
GetConditionTypeID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Gets the type of condition that is inside the expression.
GetConditionTypeID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
Gets the type of condition that is inside the expression.
GetConditionTypeObject(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IExpressionEngine
Gets the condition type object specified by nCondTypeID
GetConditionValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Gets the value of the condition for the current expression.
GetConditionValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
Gets the value of the condition for the current expression.
GetContainerClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
GetContainerObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
GetContent(int, String, Object, IPTSession, IPTGadgetInfo, IPTAdminSettings, IPTUserInterface) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetAssociatedContentProvider
Get a piece of associated content when given the mode and the content identifier.
GetContent(int, int, Object, IPTSession, IPTGadgetInfo, IPTAdminSettings, IPTUserInterface) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetAssociatedContentProvider
Get a piece of associated content when given the mode and the content identifier.
GetContent(Object, int, IPTGadget, int, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Deprecated. Use GetContent (Object vAppDataStateObject, int vContentID, IPTGadget vObject, int nClassID, int nPageID, int nPageContainerClassID, int nPageContainerObjectID, String bstrUserInterface, int lMode, boolean bReturnAllGadgets) instead.
GetContent(Object, int, int, int, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Deprecated. Use GetContent (Object vAppDataStateObject, int vContentID, int vObject, int nClassID, int nPageID, int nPageContainerClassID, int nPageContainerObjectID, String bstrUserInterface, int lMode, boolean bReturnAllGadgets) instead.
GetContent(Object, String, IPTGadget, int, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Deprecated. Use GetContent (Object vAppDataStateObject, String vContentID, IPTGadget vObject, int nClassID, int nPageID, int nPageContainerClassID, int nPageContainerObjectID, String bstrUserInterface, int lMode, boolean bReturnAllGadgets) instead.
GetContent(Object, String, int, int, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Deprecated. Use GetContent (Object vAppDataStateObject, String vContentID, int vObject, int nClassID, int nPageID, int nPageContainerClassID, int nPageContainerObjectID, String bstrUserInterface, int lMode, boolean bReturnAllGadgets) instead.
GetContent(Object, int, IPTGadget, int, int, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Passes through a URI request to the provider's IPTGadgetAssociatedContentProvider, if supported.
GetContent(Object, int, int, int, int, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Passes through a URI request to the provider's IPTGadgetAssociatedContentProvider, if supported.
GetContent(Object, String, IPTGadget, int, int, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Passes through a URI request to the provider's IPTGadgetAssociatedContentProvider, if supported.
GetContent(Object, String, int, int, int, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Passes through a URI request to the provider's IPTGadgetAssociatedContentProvider, if supported.
GetContent(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get the content of the gadget at a particular index.
GetContent(int, IXPPropertyBag, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Returns an IServiceContent which can be used to retrieve the content for a particular page.
GetContentAsIPTFilter() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchQuery
Returns an IPTFilter that corresponds to this search query.
GetContentAsString() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchQuery
Returns this search query as a simple string.
GetContentLanguage() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Retrieve the language code used for indexing text associated with the underlying document.
GetContentLanguage() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns the two character language designation determining how text retrieved from source documents will be indexed.
GetContentPortletIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearchManager
Returns the IDs of the properties returned via the search
GetContentXML(int, IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Returns the content of a given page, without transforming it first.
GetCookieDomain() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCookieInfo
Cookie should be forward to URLs in this domain.
GetCookieExpirationDate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCookieInfo
Get the expiration date and time of the cookie.
GetCookieName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCookieInfo
Get the name of the cookie.
GetCookieOfIndex(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSSOInfo
Returns information about a single cookie.
GetCookiePath() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCookieInfo
Cookie should be forward to URLs within this path.
GetCookieValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCookieInfo
Get the value of the cookie.
GetCorrectedToken(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns a single spelling correction for a single misspelled token.
getCorrectedTokens() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSSpellingCorrection
Returns an array of strings; each string is a possible correction for the unknown token returned by getOriginalToken.
getCorrectionFrequencies() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSSpellingCorrection
Returns an array of ints; each int is the number of times the associated entry in the array returned by getCorrectedTokens appeared in the result set.
GetCorrectionFrequency(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the number of search results in which the selected correction appears.
GetCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Gets the number of access list entries
GetCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get the number of gadgets represented by this object.
GetCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterClauses
A PropertyFilterClauses object is essentially a list of PropertyFilterItems.
GetCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryFilter
Deprecated. This method should not be used.
GetCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Returns the number of items stored on the state object.
GetCrawlDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Gets a human readable description of the intended crawl activity.
GetCrawlerConfig() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawlerManager
GetCrawlerID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Retrieve the ID of the crawler that originally imported this card.
GetCrawlerRuntimeConfiguration() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
GetCrawlers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Crawlers.
GetCrawlerTag() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Returns the value of the CrawlerTag property.
GetCrawlerTag() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Gets the current value each of the cards brought in by this crawler will inherit for their Crawler Tag property.
GetCreated() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
Returns the DateTime at which this object was created.
GetCreationRight() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
The activity right (from PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS) needed to create objects of this class
GetCurrentAuthUniqueName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the current user's auth unique name.
GetCurrentCollabRoleMemberships() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the current user's Collab role memberships.
GetCurrentCommunityMembership() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the current user's community memberships.
GetCurrentMyPage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves a cached version of one of the user's My Pages with the page ID passed in.
GetCurrentMyPages() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the MyPages for the current user.
GetCurrentReport() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLogAnalysis
Returns the log report (contained in an IXPPropertyBag) which was produced by calling PerformOperationEx() or PerformOperation on the IPTScheduledOperation interface of the log analysis object.
GetCurrentUserAdminFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the admin folder ID where the current user's User object resides.
GetCurrentUserCachedPluggablePages() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves a cached IPTQueryResult of web services visible to the current user that support one or more of the 3 types of pluggable pages (personal, community, or admin).
GetCurrentUserCachedSubPortalInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the IPTSubPortalInfo for the current user.
GetCurrentUserGroupIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the current user's group memberships as an array of group IDs.
GetCurrentUserID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the current user's ID.
GetCurrentUserLoginName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the current user's login name.
GetCurrentUserName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the current user's display name.
GetDataSource() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTokenAccess
GetDataSourceBrowserCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Returns a String used to identify the browsing object for the provider on which this Data Source is based.
GetDataSourceBrowserCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns a unique identifier string used by the server to instantiate the browsing class for this provider
GetDataSourceCrawlProviderCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns a unique identifier string used by the server to instantiate the crawling class for this provider
GetDataSourceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTACLSyncMap
Gets the ID of the data source associated with the crawler who opened the acl sync map.
GetDataSourceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Identifies the unique ID of the Data Source on which this card relies for click-thru and refresh activity.
GetDataSourceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns the ID identifying the single data source on which this crawler depends.
GetDataSourceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTokenAccess
GetDataSourceProvider() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
DataSourceProvider Use this method to get an instantiated Data Source Provider for this Data Source which has been Intialized using the RepositoryInfo bag.
GetDataSourceProviderCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Returns a String used to identify the provider object for this Data Source.
GetDataSourceProviderCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns a unique idenifier string used by the server to instantiate the provider
GetDataSources() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Data Sources.
GetDaysInArchive() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Returns the number of days that an audit message will be stored in an archive file before the archive file is deleted
GetDaysInDB() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Returns the number of days that an audit message will be stored in the database before it's archived to an archive file
GetDefaultDataSource() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the default DataSource to be used when submitting Cards to this Folder
GetDefaultFirstPage() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Gets the ID of the page user's first see when they login (MyPage, Community, etc.)
GetDefaultFirstPageID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
Gets the ID of the page user's first see when they login (MyPage, Community, etc.)
GetDefaultFirstPageType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Gets the type of page user's first see when they login (MyPage, Community, etc.)
GetDefaultFirstPageType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
Gets the type of page user's first see when they login (MyPage, Community, etc.)
GetDefaultOrderBy() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns the default order by as a 1x2 array.
GetDefaultOrderBy() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the PropertyID by which cards should be ordered when querying through the database
GetDefaultPageLocalizable() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Gets an interface to the object that gets and sets the localized Default Page Names.
GetDefaultPageName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Get the primary default page name for the current page template.
GetDefaultPagePrimaryLang() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
The primary language of the object is the language that the primary name and primary description are in.
getDefaultProcessingThreads() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
GetDefaultProfile() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the ID of the Default Profile from which this user was created.
GetDefaultProfileForNewUsers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the id of the default profile which will be applied to users imported by this auth source.
GetDefaultProfileID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTInvitation
Gets the Default Profile ID set for this Invitation.
GetDefaultProfilesMap_FolderIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the array of folder ids from the default profiles map.
GetDefaultProfilesMap_GroupIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the array of group ids from the default profiles map.
GetDefaultProfilesMap_UserIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the array of default profile ids from the default profiles map.
getDefaultPullingThreads() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
GetDefaultSearchOrderBy() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the PropertyID by which cards should be ordered when querying through search
GetDefaultsList() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Gets the defaults list
GetDefaultValueAsByte(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns default value of property id as byte
GetDefaultValueAsDouble(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns default value of property id as double
GetDefaultValueAsFloat(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns default value of property id as float
GetDefaultValueAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the default values as an int.
GetDefaultValueAsObject(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns default value of property id as Object
GetDefaultValueAsString(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the default values as a string.
GetDefaultValueAsXPDateTime(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns default value as XPDateTime
GetDeletedCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Get a count of the # of items deleted since the last commit.
GetDeletedGroupFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the id of the admin folder where deleted groups will be moved.
GetDeletedUserFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the id of the admin folder where deleted users will be moved.
GetDeleteWhenDone() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
Returns a boolean indicating whether the Job object will be automatically removed upon completion.
GetDeleteWhenDone() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Returns an indication of whether the file will be removed when this object is destroyed.
GetDepartment() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns the user's department.
GetDependencies() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Returns all dependencies for this object, as a 2-D array.
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns a description of this Accessor
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
A short description of this provider.
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns a human readable description for this Data Source Provider
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProvider
Returns a description of this Provider
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Returns the primary description of the object.
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Returns the description of the serialized object.
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolderInfo
Get the localized description of the current folder.
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Get description of the current link
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTransformer
GetDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Get a description of the service.
GetDestinationFolders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Returns the target Folders for this Taxonomist.
GetDirectoryForUpload() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFileUploadAgent
GetDirty() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPersist
Retrieves the dirty flag for this object.
GetDisabledMessage() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetCacheSite
Returns message to display in gadget if disabled.
GetDisabledMessage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get the disabled message for a gadget at a particular index.
GetDisabledMessage() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Get the message to show when the web service has been disabled.
GetDisplayedCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Get the # of displayed items.
GetDisplayedItemSetupString(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Get the item setup string.
GetDisplayedItemTargets(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Gets an IXPList of IPTBestBetTarget items.
GetDisplayedItemTrigger(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Get the item's trigger string.
GetDocumentFields() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Return all extracted metadata fields associated with the file (except for the suggested card name, summary, and full text content, which use the specialized methods shown above).
GetDocumentImageUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns the UUID for the image that should be used to represent the document in the UI
GetDocumentImageUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns a String used to build the image URL for this card
GetDocumentLocation() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Returns an XML specification of the unique location and Provider format for the document represented by this card.
GetDocumentLocationFormatID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Each Accessor knows how to deal with a particular format of document (for example, some Accessors parse files, while others know how to extract metadata from Lotus Notes.) This identifier documents the type of document that this Accessor knows how to deal with.
GetDocumentSignature() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Returns the Provider generated string used to determine whether a card's document has changed.
GetDocumentSignature() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns a provider specific string identifying the "state" of the attached document
GetDocumentSummary() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Should return a summary of the content of the file being accessed.
GetDocumentTypeID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Passes back the ID of the Document Type for the card.
GetDocumentTypeMap() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Retrieves a reference to the IPTDocumentTypeMap object used to determine which Document Type should apply to incoming documents based on a file extension or MIME type.
GetDocumentTypeMapSections() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
This is used to retrieve a list of sections that should appear in the Document Type Map along with descriptions, etc.
GetDocumentTypeMapSections() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProviderRegistry
Returns the set of sections in the Document Type Map
GetDocumentTypeMapSuggestedIdentifiers(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProviderRegistry
Returns a list of suggested Document Type mappings for this provider.
GetDocumentTypes() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Document Types.
GetDocumentURL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Reveals the click-thru URL for the document identified by this card.
GetDocumentURL(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Returns an URL that may be used to open the document corresponding to a search result.
GetDomainName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSyncSingleNTDomain
GetDTDURL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInterface
For UIs that are written in XML, this provides a DTD we can check against.
GetDynamicMembershipRule() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns the IPTFilter describing this group's dynamic membership rule.
GetEmail() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns the user's email.
GetEmployeeID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns the user's employee id.
GetEmptyPropertyBag() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Creates and returns an empty IXPPropertyBag object.
GetEnabled() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetCacheSite
Returns boolean enabled flag for this gadget
GetEnabled(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get whether the gadget at a particular index is enabled.
GetEnabled() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTrace
GetEnabled() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Get the status of the web service, enabled or disabled.
GetEncryptedNumericPassword() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the encrypted numeric password.
GetEncryptedPassword() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTExternalOperation
Deprecated. This method should not be implemented.
GetEncryptedPassword() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetContentServer
Get the encrypted password for HTTP basic authentication.
GetEncryptedPassword() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLDAPQueryTool
GetEncryptedPassword() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the encrypted password for the user.
GetEndDate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLogAnalysis
Returns the date of the last day included in the log report
GetEnumerator() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Returns the enumerator over the access list
GetEnumerator() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValues
Retrieves an enumerator of IPTCardPropertyValue objects which can be used to modify the values of properties stored with the card representing this document.
GetEnumerator() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Creates an enumerator that allows retrieving each item in the state object.
GetErrorCode() - Method in exception com.plumtree.server.marshalers.PTException
Returns the error code associated with this error (from PT_RESULTCODES).
GetEveryoneGroupID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the id of the everyone group for this auth source.
GetExpirationDate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectLock
Returns the expiration date of the lock.
GetExpirationMinutes() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Search results will be cached for a limited amount of time.
GetExposedAuthSources() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Return an array of Authentication Sources that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
GetExposedUserGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Return an array of User Groups that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
GetExpressionList(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IExpressionEngine
Gets all the expressions whose action matches that of the action type given.
GetExpressions() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Expressions.
GetExternalOperations() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for External Operations.
GetFallBackLocale() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Retrieves the language of the Taxonomist
GetFederatedPortalIdentity() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Incoming federated searches will accept search requests identified with this name.
GetFederatedPortals() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Federated Portals (Network Searches).
GetFederatedSearchProvider() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Returns the Federated Search Provider that performs searches on the remote Portal
GetFederatedSearchProviderCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProvider
Returns the CLSID associated with this Provider
GetFederatedSearchProviderInfo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProviderRegistry
Returns information about the Provider, such as name and description
getFieldAsBoolean(IPTSField) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSResult
Returns the value of a boolean IPTSField.
getFieldAsDouble(IPTSField) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSResult
Returns the value of a floating-point IPTSField.
getFieldAsInt(IPTSField) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSResult
Returns the value of an integer IPTSField.
getFieldAsObject(IPTSField) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSResult
Returns the value of a IPTSField, regardless of type.
getFieldAsString(IPTSField) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSResult
Returns the value of a String IPTSField.
getFieldAsXPDateTime(IPTSField) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSResult
Returns the value of a floating-point IPTSField.
getFieldAt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSWeightedFieldList
Returns a single field from the list.
getFieldExcerpts(IPTSField, String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSResult
Returns a set of excerpts of the indicated IPTSField that matched the user's query.
getFieldExists(IPTSField) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSResult
Returns whether or not the field exists in this result.
GetFields(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
GetFields() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns a 2D array containing the metadata found in the document.
GetFields() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Retrieves the fields from the document and repository The provider must have already been attached.
GetFieldsAsDouble(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Returns the value of a single field (property) of type double in a single search result.
GetFieldsAsDouble(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the value of a single field (property) in a single search result.
GetFieldsAsInt(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Returns the value of a single field (property) of type int in a single search result.
GetFieldsAsInt(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the value of a single field (property) in a single search result.
GetFieldsAsObject(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Returns the value of a single field (property) in a single search result.
GetFieldsAsObject(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the value of a single field (property) in a single search result.
GetFieldsAsString(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Returns the value of a single field (property) of type String in a single search result.
GetFieldsAsString(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the value of a single field (property) in a single search result.
GetFieldsAsXPDateTime(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Returns the value of a single field (property) of date type in a single search result.
GetFieldsAsXPDateTime(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the value of a single field (property) in a single search result.
getFieldsToReturn() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Returns fields that will be included as part of each IPTSResult when the search query is executed; counterpart of setFieldsToReturn.
GetFieldValueAsDouble() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the underlying double value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
GetFieldValueAsFloat() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the underlying float value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
GetFieldValueAsInt() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the underlying int value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
GetFieldValueAsString() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the underlying String value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
GetFieldValueAsXPDateTime() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the underlying XPDateTime value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
GetFileExtension() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns the file extension (e.g.
GetFileExtension() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns the .extension for the attached document
GetFileExtension() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Returns the file extension of the temp file.
GetFileName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Returns the temp file's name
GetFileSize() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Returns the current size of the created file
GetFilterCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Returns the number of Filters assigned to the Profiling Engine
GetFilters() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Filters.
GetFilterType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
Reveals the type of filter this object to which this object corresponds.
getFirstResultIndex() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Returns the current first result index.
getFirstResultIndex() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Returns the index of the first result that is part of this response (1-based).
GetFolderDepth() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Get the folder depth.
GetFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Returns the folderID where the serialized object resides.
GetFolderLevel() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns the folder level (the number of ancestor folders)
GetFolderLevel() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the depth of the Folder
GetFolderPath() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Returns the full path to the folder where the serialized object resides.
GetFolderType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns the folder type.
GetFollowupResults(int, int, int, int, IPTFilter) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearchManager
Conducts a follow up search to the original SavedSearch object
GetFooterID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Gets the footer ID assigned to this community.
GetFooterID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Get the footer ID assigned to this community from the cache.
GetFooterID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityTemplate
Gets the ID of the Footer portlet if one is set.
GetFooterID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Gets the ID of the Footer Portlet
GetFooterID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
Gets the ID of the Footer Portlet
GetFullName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns the user's name.
GetFullPath() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Returns the full path to the tempfile.
GetFullSyncGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the list of groups which have been selected for partial users sync.
GetFullTextIndex() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns if this document type has full text index
GetGadget() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetCacheSite
Instance of IPTGadget referencing the gadget in this gadget cache entry
GetGadget(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get the IPTGadget object for the gadget at a particular index.
GetGadgetAlignment(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get the alignment of of the gadget at particular index.
GetGadgetBrowserCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
GetGadgetBrowserCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
GetGadgetBundles() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Gadget Bundles (Portlet Bundles).
GetGadgetColumn(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get the column of the gadget at a particular index.
GetGadgetContentServers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Gadget Content Servers (Remote Servers).
GetGadgetID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetCacheSite
ID of gadget in this entry in the gadget cache.
GetGadgetID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get the ID of the gadget at a particular index.
GetGadgetLastModified() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetCacheSite
Returns the XPDateTime which is the last modified date/time for the portlet.
GetGadgetName(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get the name of the gadget at a particular index.
GetGadgetProviderCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
The CLSID for this provider.
GetGadgetProviderCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Retrieves the CLSID of the gadget provider (for example, the remote gadget provider, or intrinsic gadget provider)
GetGadgetProviderInfo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetProviderRegistry
Returns information about the Provider, such as name and description
GetGadgets() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Gadgets (Portlets).
GetGadgetTemplateID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Retrieves the template ID of this gadget Note: This value is only set if the gadget was instantiated from a gadget template, or if this gadget is of type template
GetGadgetTemplates() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Gadget Templates (Portlet Templates).
GetGadgetType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Gadget types refer to personal, community, and template (gadget template).
GetGadgetUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetCacheSite
Returns the String which is the UUID for the portlet.
GetGadgetUUID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get the UUID of the portlet.
GetGatewayClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns the Class ID used within the Click Thru URL
GetGatewayURL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns the click thru URL for the attached document using the gateway prefix
GetGeneratedURLPrefix() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Retrieves a 4.x style URL prefix String
GetGID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Return the GID, or genealogical ID.
GetGroupLabel(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns a label for a single group.
getGroupLabel() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSGroupInfo
Returns a text label for this group.
GetGroupList() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Returns the list of groups whose profile information will be updated.
getGroupQuery() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSGroupInfo
Returns an IPTSQuery that may be used to restrict a followup query to the members of this group.
getGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Returns groups discovered during execution of this query, if IPTSQueryRequest.setResultsGroupBy was called.
GetGuestLoginIDFromSubPortalID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLoginManager
Query the GuestLogin object ID given a subportal ID.
GetGuestLogins() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for GuestLogins.
GetGuestPassword() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Deprecated and not used.
GetGuestRedirectToLogin() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
Gets the boolean flag indicating whether guest should be redirected to the login page or default page (mypage or community page depending on the sub-portal configuration).
GetGuestRedirectToLogin() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLoginInfo
Gets the boolean flag indicating whether guest should be redirected to the login page or default page (mypage or community page depending on the sub-portal configuration).
GetGuestUserID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
Gets the user ID of the guest user.
GetGuestUserID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLoginInfo
Gets the user ID of the guest user.
GetGuestUserName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
Gets the username of the guest user.
GetGuestUserName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLoginInfo
Gets the username of the guest user.
GetHasHelpURL(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get whether the gadget at a particular index has a help URL or not.
GetHasRefreshButton(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get whether the portlet at a particular index has a refresh button or not.
GetHeaderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Gets the header ID assigned to this community.
GetHeaderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Get the header ID assigned to this community from the cache.
GetHeaderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityTemplate
Gets the ID of the Header portlet if one is set.
GetHeaderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Gets the ID of the Header Portlet
GetHeaderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
Gets the ID of the Header Portlet
GetHeaders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTContent
Returns the headers of the content.
GetHostPageQueryString() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Used to pass the original query string from the host page URL to portlets.
GetHTMLText(int, IPTSession, IPTGadgetInfo, IPTStates, IPTAdminSettings, Object, IPTUserInterface, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
Get the HTML text for this portlet as an array of markup fragments, some of which require post-processing.
GetHTMLText(int, IPTSession, IPTGadgetInfo, IPTStates, IPTAdminSettings, Object, IPTUserInterface) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
Same as GetHTMLText (int lMode, IPTSession pUserSession, IPTGadgetInfo pGadgetInfo, IPTStates pStates, IPTAdminSettings pAdminSettings, Object vAppDataStateObject, IPTUserInterface pUserInterface, int nStateMode), but nStateMode is set to PT_STATEMODES.PT_STATEMODES_REQUEST
GetHTMLText(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Retrieves the HTML text from the portlet
GetHttpUserSession() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Returns the HttpUserSession
getId() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTBestBetTarget
GetImageFile() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Get the Service image file path.
GetImageServerURL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
GetImageUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns the UUID for the image that's used to represent this Accessor in the UI
GetImageUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
Get the Image UUID for this Provider (used to find the correct Icon or GIF for the Gadget).
GetImageUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns the image string for this provider type.
GetImageUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProvider
Returns the UUID for the image that's used to represent this Provider in the UI
GetImageUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
Returns the UUID for the image for this object.
GetImportCrossASMembers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the value of the import memberships from other authentication sources flag.
GetIndexFile() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Creates an IPTTempfile object corresponding to an empty file which can subsequently be used as the target for copying the document stream.
GetInheritCommunityTemplate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
GetInheritPageTemplate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
GetInheritPageTemplate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
GetInitialized() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Set the Service image file path
GetInterfaces(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUnknown
Deprecated. Returns the "this" pointer of the object implementing this interface.
GetInvitations() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Invitations.
GetIsBestBet(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns true if the result appears in the result set (or if its rank was affected) because of a Best Bet.
GetIsDefaultPageLocalized() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Does this object support localization? Note that an object may support localization, but nonetheless have no actual localizations.
GetIsFirstPageInContainer() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
GetIsLocalized() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Does this object support localization? Note that an object may support localization, but nonetheless have no actual localizations.
GetIsPrivate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfilePage
GetIsSuspendable() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Returns a boolean indicating whether this operation supports suspension, or is capable of serializing its execution state.
GetIsText() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTContent
Returns true if the content is of text type, false otherwise.
GetItem(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Retrieves an access list entry
GetItem(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValues
Returns a property value object for the property ID specified.
GetItem(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterClauses
A PropertyFilterClauses object is essentially a list of PropertyFilterItems.
GetJobType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns the job type associated with this folder
GetJobType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Get the job type.
getKeepAliveTimeFetch() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getKeepAliveTimeProcess() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
GetKWICFieldsAsDouble(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Behaves identically to GetFieldsAsDouble; call that method instead.
GetKWICFieldsAsInt(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Behaves identically to GetFieldsAsInt; call that method instead.
GetKWICFieldsAsObject(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Call GetFieldsAsObject() or GetKWICFieldsAsString() instead, depending on what you want.
GetKWICFieldsAsString(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns keyword-in-context ("KWIC") information for the given result and property.
GetKWICFieldsAsXPDateTime(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Behaves identically to GetFieldsAsXPDateTime; call that method instead.
getLanguage() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Returns the 2-character locale code, such as "en", for the language that will be used to parse text queries.
GetLastError() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
GetLastError(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearch
If a call to GetSearchResult returns null (indicating an error), call this method to get a description of the error.
GetLastErrorCode(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearch
If a call to GetSearchResult returns null (indicating an error), call this method to get the error number associated with the error.
GetLastModified() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
Returns the DateTime at which this object was last modified.
GetLastModifiedBy() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Retrieves the user id of the user that last modified this object.
getLastSearchTransactionIDAsString() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSAdmin
Give back a String representaion of a last search index request made within this application.
GetLayoutEnabled() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
GetLayoutEnabled() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
GetLayoutOptions() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
GetLayoutOptions() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
GetLinkClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Get the link class id, which defines the type of link.
GetLinkObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Get the object id that this link refers to.
GetLinkPageID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Get the page id that this link refers to.
GetLinkURL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Get URL of current link.
GetLocalizedDefaultPageName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Return the default page name of this object localized to the language of the current user
GetLocalizedDefaultPageNames() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Returns the localized default page names for this object as a 2D array.
GetLocalizedDescription() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Return the description of this object localized to the language of the current user
GetLocalizedDescriptions() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Returns the localized descriptions for this object as a 2D array.
GetLocalizedName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Return the name of this object localized to the language of the current user
GetLocalizedNames() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Returns the localized names for this object as a 2D array.
GetLocalizedPortletName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Returns the string which is the localized portlet name.
GetLocalizedStrings(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStringLocalizationManager
Returns the primary and localized strings for every object in the Plumtree database, as a 2D array.
GetLocation() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Retrieve the identifier of the current location
GetLockedAccounts(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserManager
Returns a QueryResult that lists the users that have been locked.
GetLockedStatus() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the lock status for this user account.
GetLockingMachine() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectLock
Returns the name of the locking machine.
GetLockingUserID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectLock
Returns the user ID of the locking user.
GetLockState() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Returns the current lock state of the object.
GetLogAnalysis() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
GetLogin() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetContentServer
Get the login for HTTP basic authentication.
GetLoginName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the login name for the user, which uniquely identifies the user within Plumtree, and is used in calls to IPTSession.Connect().
GetLongValue(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTRegAccess
GetManagedClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
The Class ID of objects managed by this manager (from PT_CLASSIDS)
GetManagedCommunities(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileManager
Returns a list of communities for which the given user has edit access, and the current user has read access.
GetManager() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns the user's manager.
GetMandatoryGadgetOrder() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Retrieves the "priority" of this gadget if it is mandatory.
GetMandatoryLinksID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Gets the ID of the SiteMapFolder storing Mandatory links.
GetMandatoryLinksID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
Gets the ID of the SiteMapFolder storing Mandatory links.
GetMandatoryTabOrder() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Get the mandatory community tab priority assigned for this community.
GetMappedFieldNames(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyMap
Retrieves the mapped Field Names for a given property
GetMappedProperties() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyMap
Returns all the property IDs that are mapped
GetMappingAuthName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the Mapping Auth Name for the user.
GetMappingAuthName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Retrieves the Mapping Auth Name for the group.
GetMappings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Returns the mappings of a particular section
GetMappings() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Properties are associated with specified classes of Plumtree objects.
GetMarkupFragment(IPTState) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IServiceContent
GetMatchesReturned() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Get the number of results returned.
getMaxBatchSize() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getMaxEmptyBatchTimeout() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getMaxFetchPoolSize() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getMaxFetchQueuedTasks() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getMaxGroupCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Get the maximum number of result groups (clusters) that can be returned, if setResultsGroupBy has been called.
getMaxProcessingThreads() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getMaxProcessPoolSize() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getMaxProcessQueuedTasks() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getMaxPullingThreads() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
GetMessage() - Method in exception com.plumtree.server.marshalers.PTException
Override the generated message to return one with an error code (from PT_RESULTCODES).
GetMigrationComment() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Returns the migration comment used when requesting migration for the object.
GetMIMEType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTContent
Returns the MIME Type of this content piece.
GetMIMETypes() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInterface
Allows the web service to do rudimentary checking of the content returned by a server.
getMinFetchPoolSize() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getMinProcessingThreads() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getMinProcessPoolSize() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
getMinPullingThreads() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
GetMisspelledToken(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns one misspelled token.
GetMWSRemoteData() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Retrieve all MWS REMOTEDATA elements.
GetMyPages() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieves the IPTMyPages object for this IPTSession.
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessListEntry
GetName returns the name of the Group/User on this ACL entry.
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns the name of this Accessor
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
The name of this provider (human readable unique identifier).
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets the name of this Community
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns the human readable name of this Data Source Provider
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProvider
Returns the name of this Provider
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Returns the primary name of the object.
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Returns the name of the serialized object.
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
Gets the name of this Page
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolderInfo
Get the localized name of the current folder.
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Get name of the current link
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTransformer
getName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTBestBetTarget
getName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSField
Returns an internal unique name for this field.
GetName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Get the name of the service.
GetNavigationScheme() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Gets the Navigation Scheme ID for user's in this subportal.
GetNavigationScheme() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
Gets the Navigation Scheme ID for user's in this subportal.
GetNestedException() - Method in exception com.plumtree.server.marshalers.PTException
Deprecated. Should use XPException GetInnerException().
GetNewFilterItem(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
Returns a newly created property filter item Object as an IPTPropertyFilterItem which may then be cast to either an IPTPropertyFilterStatement or IPTPropertyFilterClauses depending on whether the request parameter specified the value as PT_FILTER_ITEM_TYPES.PT_FILTER_ITEM_STATEMENT or PT_FILTER_ITEM_TYPES.PT_FILTER_ITEM_CLAUSES
GetNewGroupFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the id of the admin folder where new groups will be created.
GetNewUserFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the id of the admin folder where new users will be created.
GetNotDeletable() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
GetNumberOfSerializedPropertyBags(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieves the number of property bags matching the file pattern specified.
GetNumCorrections(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the number of spelling corrections found for the given misspelled token.
GetNumericUserName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the numeric user name for this user.
GetNumGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the number of categories into which the results were divided.
GetNumMisspelledTokens() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the number of tokens (words) in the user's query that were spell corrected.
GetNumSkipped() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
GetNumTopQueries() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLogAnalysis
Returns the length of the lists to be included in the log report.
GetObjectClass() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigratable
Returns the PT_CLASSIDS Object Class of this object
GetObjectClassIndex(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Returns the index in the PT_MIGRATION_CLASSES.SUPPORTED_CLASSES array, given a classID.
GetObjectCount(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Returns the count of objects of the specified classID in the currently loaded migration package.
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessListEntry
Returns the object id of this ACL entry.
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets the Object ID of this Community
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Get the object id of the gadget represented
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLoginInfo
Gets the ID of the object.
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectLock
Returns the object ID of the object.
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
Gets the Object ID of this Page
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Returns the object ID of this object, which is unique for each object of a particular class (unique by class ID).
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolderInfo
Get the object id of the current folder.
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Get object id of the current link
GetObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
GetObjectManager(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Returns the object manager for a given class id
GetObjectManagers(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager of the specified type.
GetObjectProperties() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
Object Properties are used to associated extended Properties with Objects in a uniform way.
GetObjectUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigratable
Returns the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for this object
GetOpenDocKey() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Incoming fedeated portals.
GetOperand() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Returns the operand for the filter statement.
GetOperand(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryFilter
Deprecated. This method should not be used.
GetOperator() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
Returns the top level operator as a PT_BOOLOPS for the filter.
GetOperator() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterClauses
Returns the operator- the way that the clauses will be logically joined together
GetOperator() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Returns the operator for the filter statement.
GetOperator(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryFilter
Deprecated. This method should not be used.
GetOperatorID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Gets the operator that will be used to combine the list of sub expressions.
GetOperatorID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
Gets the operator that will be used to combine the list of sub expressions.
GetOrderByProperties() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the document properties that a document can be ordered by in a database query.
getOriginalToken() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSSpellingCorrection
Returns the original search token that could not be found in the search server's lexicon.
GetOverrideEnabled() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Retrieves a boolean indicating whether an override value has been set for the property represented by this object
GetOverridesList() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the Overrides list
GetOverrideValueAsByte(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the override value of a property id as byte.
GetOverrideValueAsDouble() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Gets the overriding double value for the property represented by this object.
GetOverrideValueAsDouble(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the override value of a property id as double.
GetOverrideValueAsFloat() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Gets the overriding float value for the property represented by this object.
GetOverrideValueAsFloat(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the override value of a property id as float.
GetOverrideValueAsInt() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the underlying double value for the property represented by this object.
GetOverrideValueAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the override value of a property id as int.
GetOverrideValueAsObject() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Gets the overriding object value for the property represented by this object.
GetOverrideValueAsObject(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the override value of a property id as Object.
GetOverrideValueAsString() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Gets the overriding String value for the property represented by this object.
GetOverrideValueAsString(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the override value of a property id as String.
GetOverrideValueAsXPDateTime() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Gets the overriding XPDateTime value for the property represented by this object.
GetOverrideValueAsXPDateTime(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Returns the override value of a property id as XPDateTime.
GetOwnerID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Retrieves owner of this object, which is generally the user that created it.
GetOwnerInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Get the owner info for this community.
GetPackageSourcePortalUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Returns the source portal UUID where the currently loaded migration package was created.
GetPackageSourcePortalVersion() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Returns the portal version of the portal on which the currently loaded migration package was created.
GetPage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets the cached IPTPageInfo object for the specified page
GetPage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageContainer
Gets the cached version of the specified page
GetPage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Returns entries comprising the page for the requested page number.
GetPageContainerClassID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Get the page container class id of the page container of the page that the current gadget is from.
GetPageContainerObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Get the page container object id of the page container of the page that the current gadget is from.
GetPageCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Services have a particular number of pages that they refer to.
GetPageID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Get the Page ID of the page that this IPTGadgetInfo is from.
GetPageID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
GetPageName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
GetPages() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets specific or all pages inside this community from the cache.
GetPages() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Pages.
GetPageTemplateID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
GetPageTemplateID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
GetPageTemplates() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Page Templates.
GetPageType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
GetPageType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
GetPageType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
GetPageType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Get the page type for the current page template.
GetParentCommunity() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets the parent community of this community from the cache.
GetParentFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns the ID of the folder containing this folder, or 0 if no parent
GetParentFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the parent folderID of this Folder
GetParentFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Get the current folder's parent folder id.
GetParentFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Get the folder id of the current link's parent
GetParentIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns the IDs of folders that contain this folder as an array
GetPath() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns the path to this admin folder as a string.
GetPath() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the Folder Path starting from root folder to this Folder.
GetPath() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Get all the names of the parent folders above the current folder, from the root first, to the current folder's parent last.
GetPathAsQueryResult() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns path as query result, which includes PT_PROPID_OBJECTID and PT_PROPID_NAME.
GetPathAsQueryResult() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns a localized path as a query result.
GetPeerCommunities() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets this Community's peer communities, i.e.
GetPersonalInformation() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Deprecated. in 5.0. Use user profiling instead.
GetPhone() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns the user's phone.
GetPickList() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Properties may optionally be associated with picklists.
GetPopularitySamplingRate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Returns the popularity sampling rate.
GetPortalAuthPassword() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Set the password that will be used for authentication between portals.
GetPortalUniqueKey() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Returns the id of an IPTProperty or a value from the PT_PROFILE_UNIQUE_KEYS enumeration.
GetPosition() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfilePage
Returns the position of this page in the user profile editor.
GetPrefixString() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the prefix used for users imported by this auth source.
GetPresentationHint() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Retrieves the Presentation Hint
GetPrimaryLang() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
The primary language of the object is the language that the primary name and primary description are in.
GetPrimaryName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets the primary name of this Community
getProcessQueueCapacity() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
GetProfilePages() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Profile Pages.
GetProfileSections() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Profile Sections.
GetProfileSources() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Profile Sources.
GetProfileUserID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Used internally by the intrinsic User Profile Community to specify which user's profile is being viewed.
GetProperties() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSection
GetProperties() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Properties.
GetPropertyData(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectProperties
Retrieve non-reference property data for the object from the database.
GetPropertyFilter() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
Returns the top level property filter.
GetPropertyID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the property ID for which this object contains value assignments.
GetPropertyIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValues
Creates and returns an array of Integers identifying property IDs currently stored with this card
GetPropertyMap() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
GetPropertyMap is used to retrieve the PropertyMap associated with this Doc Type.
GetPropertyMap() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Returns the map from property id to provider attribute.
GetPropertyRefData(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectProperties
Retrieve reference property data for the object from the database.
GetPropertyType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the type of the property value.
GetPropertyValues() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Extracts the collection of properties defined for this card.
GetPropID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryFilter
Deprecated. This method should not be used.
GetProvider(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Creates and initializes an IPTMigrationProvider based on the web service ID.
GetProviderCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the CLSID of the provider for this auth source.
GetProviderCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Returns the CLSID of the provider for this auth source.
GetProviderCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Needed by Web Service Editor to support Web Service types.
GetProviderInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the provider property bag.
GetProviderInfo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProviderRegistry
Get information about a particular Provider.
GetProviderInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Returns the provider-specific settings for this federateed portal.
GetProviderInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Gets the property bag containing all properties for the associated gadget provider
GetProviderInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Returns the provider property bag.
GetProviderInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Get additional provider-specific settings.
GetPublicKey() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetContentServer
The public key can be used to encrypt data before sending it to the remote server.
getQuery() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Get the current search query for this request; counterpart of setQuery.
GetQueryForAllOthers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Like GetQueryForGroup(), returns an IPTSearchQuery that may be used to drill down into the "all others" set of results that did not fall in any coherent group.
GetQueryForGroup(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns an IPTSearchQuery that may be passed to IPTSearchRequest.FollowupSearch() (along with the original query/queries used to generate this IPTSearchResponse) to drill down into the indicated group.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Returns the search server's query processing timeout for this request.
GetRank(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Maps from the result ranking within a group to the overall (ungrouped) result ranking.
getRank() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSResult
Returns the rank of this result within its result set.
GetRankForUncategorizedDoc(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Like GetRank(), maps from the rank in the uncategorized "all others" set to the overall result ranking.
GetReadBlock(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStreamScroller
GetReadDataStream(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Obtain stream to read data from BLOB or file associated with object.
GetReadOnly() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessListEntry
Returns if this ACL entry is read only and therefore immutable.
GetRecurrenceInterval() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Returns the interval multiplier Recurring schedules recur every RecurrenceInterval .
GetRedirectOnLogout() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
After logging out the user will normally go to the login page.
GetRedirectOnLogout() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLoginInfo
After logging out the user will normally go to the login page.
GetRegisteredAccessors() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessorRegistry
Returns the list of all registered Accessors
GetRegisteredCrawlingProviders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProviderRegistry
Returns a list of registered crawl providers
GetRegisteredFederatedSearchProviders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProviderRegistry
Returns the list of all registered Providers
GetRegisteredGadgetProviders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetProviderRegistry
Returns the list of all registered Providers
GetRegisteredProviders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProviderRegistry
Returns a list of registered providers
GetRelatedResources(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the Related Resources assigned to this Folder for the specified categories.
GetRelatedResources(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the Related Resources assigned to this Folder for the specified categories.
GetRelatedResourcesAccessType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Gets the access types to Related Resources.
GetRelatedResourcesAccessType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
Gets the access types to Related Resources.
GetRemoteServerID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Get the remote server associated with this web service.
GetReport(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLogAnalysis
Retrieve from the database the report indicated by the integer id
GetRepositoryInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Returns a provider specific format of configuration and connection parameters for this Data Source.
GetRequestingPortal() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
GetRequestingPortalPassword() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
GetRequestingUser() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
getRequiredAccessLevel() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Get the access level that the current user must have for items returned by the query request.
GetRequiredPropertyIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
GetRequiredPropertyIDs retrieves a SafeArray of property IDs that are "required" for cards created from this Document Type
GetResultAbsType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Abstractified, cross-application type of the result: "DOCUMENT", "CONTAINER", or "OTHER".
GetResultACL(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the ACL of the result (for portal objects only), or the list of Collab roles that have access to the result (for Collab objects only).
GetResultApp(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the application that indexed this result: one of PTPORTAL (portal items), PTCONTENT (Content Server), PTCONTENTTEMPLATE (Branding Engine), or PTCOLLAB (Collaboration Server).
GetResultFolderACL(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the ACL of the result's folder (for portal objects only).
GetResultInternalField(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the value of one of several "internal fields" that don't correspond to properties and that aren't important enough to merit their own method.
GetResultPath(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the full path to the object, in text form.
getResults() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Returns an enumeration of the actual results that matched the query.
getResultsGroupByField() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Returns the field that will be used for clustering (grouping) results (counterpart of setResultsGroupBy).
getResultsInGroup() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSGroupInfo
Returns an enumeration of search results within this group.
GetResultSize(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the size of the result in bytes, or a negative value if unknown.
getResultsOrderByAscending() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Returns whether results will be in ascending or descending order of the order-by field (see getResultsOrderByField).
getResultsOrderByField() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Returns the field that will be used for ordering results; counterpart of setResultsOrderBy.
GetResultsReturned() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Get the number of results returned.
GetResultSubType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the application-specific type of the result.
getReturnedCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Returns the currently requested number of returned results.
getReturnedCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Returns the number of results returned as part of this response.
getReturnedCountInGroup() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSGroupInfo
Returns the number of results in this group, within the subset that fell within the requested results range.
GetReturnedPropertyIDs(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearchManager
Returns the IDs of the properties returned via the search
GetReturnedResultsInGroup(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the number of results in the group that are available for display.
GetReturnedResultsNotInAnyGroup() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the number of displayable results that did not fall in any group.
getReturnMatchingExcerpts() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Returns whether the search server will return excerpts from fields that matched the query.
GetReturnProps() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Returns the props that have been returned via the search.
GetRFQuery() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchQuery
Returns an OpenKernelSearch object that encapsulates this query.
GetRootAdminFolder() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Returns the root admin folder
GetRootFolder() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the root folder.
GetSavedSearches() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Saved Searches.
GetSchedule() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
Returns a schedule object indicating the next scheduled launch and recurring interval (if any)
GetScheduledJobs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Returns an IPTJobManager interface
GetScheduler() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Returns a Scheduler object which provides job scheduling functionality.
GetScheduleType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Retrieves the schedule type of this schedule The schedule type indicates whether it is recurring or a one time launch
GetSchema() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Returns an array of PT_PROPIDs, Names, Types, and Sizes for the searchable schema of this object class.
getSearchableObjectIDsInRange(int, int, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSAdmin
Runs a special-purpose query used by Search Repair to check for discrepancies between the database and search index.
GetSearchFactory() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an IPTSearchFactory initialized with our Session parameters.
GetSearchName(IPTUser, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
GetSearchProviderCLSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Returns the ClassID (as a string) of the Search Provider that's used to perform requests on the remote Portal
GetSearchQuery() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Retrieves the Search Query.
GetSearchRequest() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Returns an interface to the Search Request.
GetSearchRequest() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns a Search Request initialized with our Session parameters.
GetSearchResult(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearch
Get an IPTSearchResponse that encapsulates the results of a search for a particular FederatedPortal.
GetSearchServerStatus() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the status of the query and failover search servers.
GetSearchString() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
Retrieves the string being applied to the basic composite field of indexed content.
GetSearchUpdateStatus(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Generates a report on the search status of the Plumtree objects
GetSections() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Returns all the sections currently in the map
GetSecureHeaders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSSOInfo
Returns a list of headers not to forward in requests.
GetSecureToken() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.authsource.sso.IPTSSOAuthTokenGenerator
Generates a secure token which can be passed as the third parameter (SecurityProviderInfo) to Session.Connect for login with SSO.
GetSendUserBasicAuthentication() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetContentServer
Should web services use the current user's login and password or a common login and password set by the administrator when accessing this web server?
GetSerializedPropertyBag(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieves and loads an IXPPropertyBag from the config file matching the specified pattern.
GetSerializedPropertyBagName(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieves the names of property bags matching the file pattern specified.
GetServerContextSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Retrieves the value associated with a setting for this object
GetServerName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieves an identifying string for the current configuration.
GetSession() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Returns the IPTSession that was used to create this Object Manager
GetSession() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Returns the IPTSession that was used to instantiate the underlying object.
GetSessionInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Returns the IPTSessionInfo object associated with this IPTSession.
GetSetting(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns a single setting by name.
GetSettingAsDouble(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Returns the specified global Plumtree setting as a double.
GetSettingAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Retrieves an integer setting based on settingID
GetSettingAsInt(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Retrieves an integer setting based on setting name
GetSettingAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Returns the specified global Plumtree setting as an int.
GetSettingAsObject(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Retrieves an setting value based on setting name
GetSettingAsObject(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Returns the specified global Plumtree setting as an Object.
GetSettingAsString(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Returns the specified global Plumtree setting as a String.
GetSettingAsXPDateTime(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Retrieves a time setting based on settingID
GetSettingAsXPDateTime(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Retrieves a time setting based on setting name
GetSettingAsXPDateTime(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Returns the specified global Plumtree setting as a XPDateTime.
GetSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
GetSettings() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns a value representing an OR'd list of PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS.
GetSettings() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
GetSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
GetSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns a particular setting of this folder.
GetSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Return the value of settings for the PTIndexer object.
GetSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
GetSettings(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Retrieves multiple global Plumtree settings in a single call.
GetSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Deprecated. Use GetServerContextSettings(int)
GetSettings() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Retrieves the settings stored on this Taxonomist in the form of a bitmap.
GetSettingsAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
Returns an int corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes, timeouts, and logging levels
GetSettingsAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Queries values for PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS
GetSettingsAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Retrieve value of an integer-valued search setting.
GetSettingsAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieve session-wide settings.
GetSettingsAsObject(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Retrieve value of any search setting.
GetSettingsAsObject1DArray(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Retrieve value of an array-valued search setting.
GetSettingsAsString(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Returns the value for a PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS in a String format
GetSettingsAsString(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Retrieve value of an String-valued search setting.
GetSettingsAsString(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieve session-wide settings.
GetSettingsAsXPDateTime(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
Returns an XPDateTime corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes, timeouts, and logging levels
GetSettingsAsXPDateTime(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieve session-wide settings.
GetShowingAll() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Determine of there is a query restriction or if all Best Bets are being displayed.
GetSinglePropertyData(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectProperties
Retrieve non-reference property data of a single property for the object from the database.
GetSinglePropertyRefData(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectProperties
Retrieve reference property data of a single property for the object from the database.
GetSiteMapDisabled() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Checks if the community sitemap is disabled for this community.
GetSiteMapDisabled() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Checks if the community sitemap is disabled for this community from the cache.
GetSiteMapFolders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Site Map Folders (Community Knowledge Directory folders).
GetSiteMapRoot() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Get the root sitemap folder for this community
GetSiteMapRootID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets the ID root sitemap folder for this community from the cache.
getSize() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSWeightedFieldList
Returns the number of fields already on the list.
GetSkipped() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the number of results skipped before beginning to return results.
GetSourceFolders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Retrieves the Source Folders of this Taxonomist.
getSpellingCorrections() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Returns spelling corrections applied as part of the request.
GetSSOVendor() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
Gets the SSOVendor setting.
GetSSOVendor() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLoginInfo
Gets the SSOVendor setting.
GetStartDate() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLogAnalysis
Returns the date corresponding to the first day included in the log report.
GetStartLocation() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Retrieves the start location or root node designation for the crawl.
GetStartTimestamp() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Returns Start Timestamp.
GetStates() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieves the States object for this IPTSession.
GetStatistics() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns IPTCatalogStatistics, which is the interface for determining document popularity statistics.
GetStatus() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Returns an int corresponding to a PT_JOBSTATUS indicating the state of the job (running, interrupted, failed, suspended, etc.)
GetStatusCode() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTContent
Returns the status code of the content.
GetStringValue(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTRegAccess
GetStyle() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Returns the current display style, from PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLES.
GetStyleSheet() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets the Stylesheet, stored as an administrative portlet preference on the header portlet assigned to this SubPortal (if any).
GetStyleSheet() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Gets the Stylesheet of the subportal.
GetStyleSheet() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortalInfo
Gets the Stylesheet, stored as an administrative portlet preference on the header portlet assigned to this SubPortal (if any).
GetSubcommunities() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets this Community's subcommunities, i.e.
GetSubmitAccessLevel() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the highest Access Level that the current user has on this Folder
GetSubPortalID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
Gets the ID of Subportal associated with this Guest Login.
GetSubPortalID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLoginInfo
Gets the ID of Subportal associated with this Guest Login.
GetSubPortals() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for SubPortals.
GetSubscriptionEnabled() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Returns whether the storage and retrieval of Subscriber userIDs is supported on this SavedSearch object
GetSuggestedCardName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns a suggested name for the Card to be made, which is typically generated from a field in the document
GetSuggestedCardName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Should return a suggested name for the card, based on the file being accessed.
GetSuggestedCardName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Returns the provider determined name for this document
GetSuggestedDocumentType(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Returns the suggested document type for a section and matched document identifier
GetSuggestedDocumentTypeMapEntries() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns suggested entries for the Document Type Map.
GetSuggestedDocumentTypeMapEntries() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
SuggestedDocumentTypeMapEntries returns a SafeArray of suggested Document Type Map entries.
GetSuggestedIdentifiers(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Returns the identifiers for a section
GetSupportsLocalization() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Does this type of object support localization? Some object types (IPTCard, for example) do not support localization.
GetSupportsPersonalization() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetCacheSite
Returns int for personalization level.
GetSupportsPersonalization(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get the gadget at a particular index's personalization value, which can then be bitmasked with to a type in PT_GADGETPERSONALIZATION_ROLES.
GetSupportsPersonalization() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Flag set by the web service creator that indicates whether or not this web service allows personalization.
GetSupportsSync() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns whether this auth source supports user sync.
GetSupportsUserInterface(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get whether or not the gadget at a particular index supports non-standard user interfaces.
GetSupportsUserInterface(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Indicates whether this web service supports a particular user interface.
GetSuppressTitleBar() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Returns true if the title bar is supressed for this gadget.
GetSuppressTitleBar(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get whether the gadget at a particular index is has a suppressed title bar or not.
GetSynchronizeAll() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSyncSingleNTDomain
GetSyncType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the sync gype fo this auth source.
GetTaxonomist() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Returns a reference to the crawler's taxonomist component containing a combination of settings for card classification behavior.
GetTaxonomists() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Taxonomists.
GetTempDirectory() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Returns the location where temp files get created
GetThisPortalIdentity() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Returns the name that outgoing federated searches will use to identify themselves for portal-to-portal authentication and searching.
GetTimeout() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTExternalOperation
Gets the timeout for the command line in milliseconds
GetTimeoutSeconds() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Get the timeout for this search request.
GetTitle() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns the user's title.
GetToken(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Generates a login token that can be used to connect new instances of IPTSession as the currently logged-in user.
GetTopicPos() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Gets the priority of the expression categorized by action types.
GetTopicPos() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
Gets the priority of the expression categorized by action types.
GetTopicPos(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortalGadgetContent
Get TopicPos (for ordering of gadgets) for a particular gadget.
GetTopicPos() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
GetTotalCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Get the total count of Best Bets.
getTotalCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Returns the total number of items in the search server that matched the query; not all were necessarily returned.
getTotalCountInGroup() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSGroupInfo
Returns the total number of results in this group, across the entire search index.
GetTotalMatches() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Get the total number of matches for the query.
GetTotalMatches() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Get the total number of matches for the query.
GetTotalNumberOfHits() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
GetTotalNumCookies() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSSOInfo
Returns the total number of cookies to send.
GetTotalResultsInGroup(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns the total number of results in the indicated group, or an estimate in some cases.
GetTotalResultsNotInAnyGroup() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns an estimate the number of results in the overall result set (not just those displayed) that did not fall into any group.
GetType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IValue
Gets the type of the value in order to know how to use it.
GetType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Returns the PT_PROPERTY_TYPES value with which this object was initialized
GetType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterItem
Returns the type of this filter item, from PT_FILTER_ITEM_TYPES
getType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTBestBetTarget
getType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSField
Returns the type of this field.
GetTypeID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IConditionServerType
Each condition type needs a unique identifier.
GetUnclassifiedCardsFolder() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the Unclassified Cards folder.
GetUnclassifiedObjectsAdminFolder() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Returns the unclassified objects admin folder
GetUnclassifiedSubFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Returns the Unclassified Subfolder that is associated with this Taxonomist.
GetUniqueAuthName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the Auth Unique Name for the user.
GetUniqueAuthName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns the unique name for this group in the authentication source from which the group was synced (e.g., the unique name for the group in LDAP).
GetUniqueID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInterface
This gets the unique user interface ID.
GetUntilTimestamp() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Returns final date after which job should not run
GetURI() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Get the Service URI.
GetURL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetContentServer
Get the base URL for the remote server.
GetURL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
Deprecated. - This function should not be called.
GetURL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInterface
Allows us to redirect to the UI based on what type of device is accessing the portal.
GetURLInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Returns additional URL info that helps the UI perform clickthrough on the document
GetURLType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Returns the type of URL that is generated for opening documents for cards built on this Data Source.
GetUseDefaultProfilesMap() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns whether the default profiles map is used for this auth source.
GetUser() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTExternalOperation
Deprecated. This method should not be implemented.
GetUser() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieve the IPTUser object associated with this Session.
getUserAssignedMetadata() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Get a reference to the hashtable that represents metadata directly assigned to the card.
GetUserFolderID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTInvitation
Gets the Folder ID where new users are created.
GetUserGroupIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTInvitation
Gets the usergroups newly created users automatically become member of.
GetUserGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Groups Should only be called after the IPTSession has been connected.
GetUserGroupsMap_GroupIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
GetUserGroupsMap_Names() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
GetUserInfo(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileManager
Returns UserInfo for a particular user.
GetUserInfo() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieves the IPTUserInfo for this IPTSession.
GetUserInfoMap() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileManager
Returns the map from property id to UserInfo attribute.
GetUserInterfaces() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for UserInterfaces.
GetUserInterfaces() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Gets the UserInterfaces a web service supports.
GetUserName(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileManager
Returns the name and description of a user.
GetUserProperties(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileManager
Returns dser profile properties for a given user.
GetUsers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Users.
GetUserType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Retrieves the user type for the user, which identifies the user as either a regular user or a guest user.
getUseShortConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Returns true if the search server will use a short (30 second) timeout when waiting for a connection to the search server.
GetUseUserGroupsMap() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
GetUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Returns the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the serialized object.
GetValidDocumentTypes(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Returns all the valid document types from a section
GetValue() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IValue
Gets the value object stored as a generic object.
GetValueAsDouble() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the double value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
GetValueAsDouble() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Returns the value for the filter statement.
GetValueAsFloat() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the Float value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
GetValueAsFloat() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Returns the value for the filter statement.
GetValueAsInt() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Retrieves the int value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
GetValueAsInt() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Returns the value for the filter statement.
GetValueAsObject() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Returns the value for the filter statement.
GetValueAsString() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the String value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
GetValueAsString() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Returns the value for the filter statement.
GetValueAsXPDateTime() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Returns the XPDateTime value currently assigned to the property represented by this object.
GetValueAsXPDateTime() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Returns the value for the filter statement.
GetVersion() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Retrieves the Portal version.
GetWarning() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchResponse
Returns a code indicating whether any warnings were issued in the course of running the search.
GetWebService() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetCacheSite
Returns the integer ID of the web service associated with this gadget instance.
GetWebServiceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the id of the web service associated with this auth source.
GetWebServiceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Retrieves the Web Service ID from which this Data Source was based
GetWebServiceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Get the web service that this outgoing federated portal uses.
GetWebServiceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Retrieves the web service ID for this gadget.
GetWebServiceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Returns the id of the web service associated with the provider.
GetWebServiceInfo(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebServiceManager
Returns a WebServiceGadgetInfo object that can be used the UI to retrieve content.
GetWebServiceProvider(int, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebServiceManager
Returns the WebServiceProvider used by the WebService object.
GetWebServices() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns an Object Manager for Web Services.
getWeightAt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSWeightedFieldList
Returns a single weight from the list.
GetWizardPageHelp(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Returns the URI to the help for a particular wizard page.
GetWizardPageImageFile(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Given a page number, retrieves the image file of the wizard for that page.
GetWizardPageInstructions(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Retrieves the instructions for the specified page.
GetWizardPageTitle(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Given a page number, retrieves the title of the wizard for that page.
GetWriteDataStream(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Obtain stream to write data to BLOB or file associated with object.
GetXSLPath() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Returns the path to the current XSL file being used for transformations of content.
GetXUIPage() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IServiceContent
GetZipCode() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns the user's zip code.
GrantActivityRights(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Grant the indicated activity rights to members of this group
GrantRightToGroups(int, Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTActivityGroups
Grant the right to an activity to a list of groups.


HasBestBetBeenDeleted(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Returns true if the Best Bet with the given trigger string has been deleted since the last "ApplyChanges()" call.
HasDisplayedItemBeenDeleted(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Returns true if the display item at the given index has been deleted since the last "ApplyChanges()" call.
HasDisplayedItemBeenNewlyAdded(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Returns true if the display item at the given index was newly added since the last "ApplyChanges()" call.
HTTP_SESSION_TYPE_PER_PORTLET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
HTTP_SESSION_TYPE_SHARED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility


IconAltTextID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Field containing an index into the portal string file ptmsgs_collabserverobjecttypes.xml with user-displayable alt-text for this result (for example, "Collaboration Server Task List").
IConditionServerType - Interface in com.plumtree.server.condition
Condition Server Type interface.
IconURL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
URL for an icon representing the object's type.
IconUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
UUID for a searchable item's icon.
IExpressionEngine - Interface in com.plumtree.server.condition
Expression engine management class.
ImpersonateUser(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Creates a new session using a different user ID.
ImpersonateUser(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Creates a new session using a different user ID.
Import(IPTMigrationElement, IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigratable
Sets object metadata to values specified in the MigrationElement
Import(IPTMigrationElement, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterItem
Imports this filter item from a MigrationElement
ImportDocument(String, int, IPTCard, boolean, IPTDataSourceProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Import Document Takes init info for the Data Source Provider, ID of the Document Type to use, and a fresh Card which will be populated with Properties, have its indexing file property set, and be given a Signature.
ImportDocument(IXPPropertyBag, int, IPTCard, boolean, IPTDataSourceProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Import Document Takes init info for the Data Source Provider, ID of the Document Type to use, and a fresh Card which will be populated with Properties, have its indexing file property set, and be given a Signature.
ImportDocumentEx(String, IPTDocumentType, IPTCard, boolean, IPTDataSourceProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Same as ImportDocument only takes Document Type object in lieu of its ID
ImportDocumentEx(IXPPropertyBag, IPTDocumentType, IPTCard, boolean, IPTDataSourceProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Same as ImportDocument only takes Document Type object in lieu of its ID
ImportMigrationWebServices() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Imports all items in the MWSDataArray.
ImportPackage(IXPPropertyBag, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationProvider
Imports resources based on a property bag of SCI settings, and XML data extracted from the import package.
IndexAdminObject(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Add a searchable representation of an administrative object to the current list of items awaiting indexing.
IndexCard(int, IPTCardPropertyValues, IPTAccessList, IPTAccessList, Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Add a searchable representation of a card to the current list of items awaiting indexing.
IndexFolder(int, IXPPropertyBag, IPTAccessList, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Add a searchable representation of a folder to the current list of items awaiting indexing.
InflateObjectForImport(IPTMigrationElement, IXPPropertyBag, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Populates an in-memory instance of an object using the passed in IPTMigrationElement.
Init(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTRegAccess
Initialize(IPTSession) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTACLSyncMap
Initializes the map
Initialize(IPTGadgetCacheSite, IXPPropertyBag, IXPPropertyBag, IPTGadgetContentServer) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
Initializes all of the data structures in this object and must be called before BeginProcessing.
Initialize(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Initializes internal crawler resources From the Data Source, the Crawler can get the supported data formats from the Data Source Provider Registry and then go to the Top Level Document Type Map and pick out the sections it needs (or is relevant) in the Crawler.
Initialize(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Initializes newly created Data Source.
Initialize(IXPPropertyBag, IPTSession, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Initialization of a Data Source Provider requires Repository specific Information (passwd, logon, preferences, etc.) Initialization causes the DataSourceProvider to connect to the Repository in 5.0, client should pass in the WSID on the data source
Initialize(IPTSession) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
For DTMs inside Crawlers, this function will be called as the Crawler is being restored (in the CrawlerManager::OnOpen).
Initialize(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Prepared this federated portal for executing a search.
Initialize(IPTSession) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchAgent
Initializes object.
Initialize(IPTSession, IXPPropertyBag, IPTWebService, int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProvider
Initialize the Provider before making other stateful calls on it.
Initialize(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Initializes the portlet instance using a CLSID to specify gadget type.
Initialize(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Initialize must be called before the Property can be stored.
Initialize(IPTSession, IPTPropertyMap) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyMap
Associates a Session with this PropertyMap and optionally sets a Parent Map.
Initialize(Object, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStreamScroller
Initialize(IPTSession) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Initializes the Taxonomist by associated it with an IPTSession.
Initialize(String, IPTSession) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTokenAccess
Initialize(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTransformer
Initialize(IXPPropertyBag, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Connects to the remote web service, and initialized the connection.
Initialize(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IServiceManager
Initialize the service manager with the given XSL file.
InitializeForExport(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Initializes the migration manager for export and opens an empty migration package at the specified file system path.
InitializeForImport(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Initializes the migration manager for import.
InitializeForImport(byte[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Initializes the migration manager for import.
InitializeIterator(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Each iterator implmentation requires it's own type of initialization information.
Insert(int, int, int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryFilter
Deprecated. This method should not be used.
INT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.PTSFieldType
Field type for integer fields.
INTEGER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ValueTypeEnum
INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ActionTypeEnum
INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.OperatorEnum
INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ValueTypeEnum
IPADDRESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ValueTypeEnum
IPTAccessList - Interface in com.plumtree.server
An Access List describes the security attributes of a Plumtree Object.
IPTAccessListEntry - Interface in com.plumtree.server
An Access List describes the security attributes of a Plumtree Object.
IPTAccessor - Interface in com.plumtree.server
An IPTAccessor is an external component that knows how to parse a particular type of document and return metadata found in the document
IPTAccessorRegistry - Interface in com.plumtree.server
A registry for Accessors that are known to the system
IPTACLSyncMap - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTActivityGroups - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Interface used for granting rights to groups, revoking rights from groups, and querying for the rights of a group.
IPTAdminCatalog - Interface in com.plumtree.server
All administrative objects in Plumtree are stored in a foldering system.
IPTAdminFolder - Interface in com.plumtree.server
All administrative objects in Plumtree are stored in a foldering system.
IPTAdminSettings - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface is used to retrieve and set the Administrative settings on a Gadget.
IPTAsyncGadgetProvider - Interface in com.plumtree.server
The interface implemented by portlet providers that support asynchronous processing.
IPTAuditManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface is used to manage the audit trail for changes to Plumtree objects.
IPTAuthSource - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Authentication Source objects provide authentication for plumtree users, as well as synchronization with external user repositories.
IPTBestBetTarget - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search.admin
IPTBulkSubscriber - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCard - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCardPropertyValue - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCardPropertyValues - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCardRefreshAdmin - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCardRefreshAgent - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCardRefreshInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCatalog - Interface in com.plumtree.server
The interface representing the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
IPTCatalogStatistics - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCommunity - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCommunityInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCommunityManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCommunityTemplate - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTContent - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Returns gatewayed content.
IPTCookieInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Used to forward a Single Sign-On cookie.
IPTCrawler - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCrawlerConfig - Interface in com.plumtree.server.crawlers
IPTCrawlerManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTCustomFileAccessor - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTDataSource - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTDataSourceACLSyncProvider - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTDataSourceProvider - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTDataSourceProviderRegistry - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTDocumentType - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Interface for IPTDocumentTYpe
IPTDocumentTypeMap - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Interface for IPTDocumentTypeMap
IPTExpression - Interface in com.plumtree.server.condition
Expression interface.
IPTExpressionInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server.condition
IPTExpressionManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server.condition
IPTExternalOperation - Interface in com.plumtree.server
JHQ 050604: External Operations have been re-architected to run script files instead of commands from the command line.
IPTFederatedEncryptionProvider - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTFederatedPortal - Interface in com.plumtree.server
The term Federated Portal refers to a remote Plumtree Portal that is part of a network of Plumtree Portals that work together to deliver content.
IPTFederatedPortalManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
A Federated Portal is accessed by issuing a Federated Search to it.
IPTFederatedSearch - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Federated Searches are used to access data on remote Federated Portals.
IPTFederatedSearchAgent - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This is the interface for the federated search agent.
IPTFederatedSearchProvider - Interface in com.plumtree.server
An IPTFederatedSearchProvider is an external component that knows how to perform searches in external systems and return search results to Plumtree
IPTFederatedSearchProviderRegistry - Interface in com.plumtree.server
A registry for Federated Search Providers that are known to the system
IPTFileUploadAgent - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTFilter - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTFolder - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTGadget - Interface in com.plumtree.server
The Gadget interface wraps access to a specific portlet instance.
IPTGadgetAssociatedContentProvider - Interface in com.plumtree.server
The interface implemented by provider that wish to expose associated content files to the portal.
IPTGadgetBundle - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTGadgetCacheSite - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Object used to hold gadget data in the gadget cache.
IPTGadgetContentServer - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface wraps access to a specific remote server instance.
IPTGadgetGateway - Interface in com.plumtree.server
A global object available from the session via OpenGlobalObject that retrieves associated content via an HTTP gateway.
IPTGadgetInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTGadgetProviderRegistry - Interface in com.plumtree.server
A registry for Gadget Providers that are known to the system
IPTGadgetTemplate - Interface in com.plumtree.server
PTGadgetTemplate interface.
IPTGenerateState - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This is a secondary interface optionally implemented by data source providers to assist the UI to to generate a property bag describing a document from this data source.
IPTGuestLogin - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTGuestLogin defines the guest-user experience during an unauthenticated session, up to the point where the user is successfully authenticated.
IPTGuestLoginInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This is the Info object of IPTGuestLogin.
IPTGuestLoginManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTIndexer - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Interface for class which manages the indexing, updating, and deleting of cards, folders, and administrative objects.
IPTInvitation - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Administrative and browsing interface for modifying and accessing an invitation.
IPTJob - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTJobDispatcherService - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTLDAPQueryTool - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTListManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
General interface which is mean to be used for the addition, deletion, and edit of a list of simple "objects".
IPTLocalizable - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface is supported by objects that support localization of their names and descriptions.
IPTLockManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Used to query for locked Plumtree objects, unlock locked objects, and clear expired object locks.
IPTLogAnalysis - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTLogAnalysis is the primary interface for search server log report functionality.
IPTMigratable - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface is implemented by objects that are migratable via Object migration.
IPTMigrationElement - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface represents an intermediate format for serialized Plumtree objects.
IPTMigrationManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface manages the Import and Export of migration packages of Plumtree objects into/out of a system.
IPTMigrationProvider - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Interface for Migration providers which allow remote applications to plug migration features into the migration utility.
IPTMyPages - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTMyPortal - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Deprecated. Interface IPTMyPortal is deprecated. Use IPTPageInfo or IPTPage instead.
IPTMyPortalGadgetContent - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTObject - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This is the fundamental interface for all Plumtree administrative objects.
IPTObjectLock - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Internal interface used for locking and unlocking Plumtree objects.
IPTObjectManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Object Managers are used to create, open, copy, delete, and find administrative objects.
IPTObjectProperties - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Modify and retrieve property data associated with object-manager managed objects, administrative folders, and document folders.
IPTObjectPropertyMap - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Retrieve and modify property to class mappings for object properties.
IPTPage - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTPageContainer - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTPageInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTPageManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTPageTemplate - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTPersist - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTPersist is implemented by objects that wish to support standardized persistence to and from the Plumtree database.
IPTPickListEditor - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Modify the values of a managed pick list.
IPTPreferencesContext - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTProfileManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Interface to access information about user profiles.
IPTProfilePage - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Used to store user profile layout information in the database.
IPTProfileSection - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Used to store user profile layout information in the database.
IPTProfileSource - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Profile source objects import user profile information from external repositories.
IPTProperty - Interface in com.plumtree.server
A Property represents normalized extended metadata about Plumtree objects.
IPTPropertyFilterClauses - Interface in com.plumtree.server
A PropertyFilterClauses element is an element within a filter that contains PropertyFilterStatements and other PropertyFilterClauses.
IPTPropertyFilterItem - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Filters are used in Plumtree to perform queries- the filter is used to specify which items should be returned in the query.
IPTPropertyFilterStatement - Interface in com.plumtree.server
A PropertyFilterStatement is an element within a filter that specifies an atomic condition, such as "Name = 'Fred'".
IPTPropertyMap - Interface in com.plumtree.server
The Property Map provides a mapping of Card Properties to Document Attributes
IPTQueryFilter - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Deprecated. This interface should not be used since it is never implemented by any classes (in the server as well as UI).
IPTQueryResult - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTQueryResult are returned by many server calls.
IPTRegAccess - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTRemoteMigrationContext - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface is used for remote migration of portlets.
IPTSAdmin - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search.admin
Contains helper methods used by search-related administrative tasks in the Plumtree Corporate Portal.
IPTSavedSearch - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSavedSearchManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSBooleanQuery - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
An IPTSQuery that is the conjunction (AND) or disjunction (OR) of one or more other IPTSQuery objects.
IPTSchedule - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTScheduledOperation - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTScheduledOperation is the internal interface used to run job operations.
IPTScheduler - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSCollabCollection - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps
Factory methods for fields defined by Plumtree Collaboration Server, and queries that restrict to areas within Collab, such as projects.
IPTSContentCollection - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps
Factory methods for fields defined by Plumtree Content Server, and queries that restrict to areas within Content (i.e.
IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search.admin
Interface for an object used to maintain search Best Bets.
IPTSearchFactory - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
Defines factory methods for all other objects in the com.plumtree.server.search package.
IPTSearchMaintenance - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSearchProxy - Interface in com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver
IPTSearchQuery - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Interface that encapsulates one search query; used with (and manufactured by) IPTSearchRequest.
IPTSearchRequest - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSearchRequest is the major interface used to run a search through the Plumtree portal; it contains factory methods for search queries, settings that govern all aspects of the search, and methods to actually execute the query.
IPTSearchResponse - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSearchResponse contains the results of a single search; it is returned by IPTSearchRequest.Search() and FollowupSearch().
IPTServerConfigSettings - Interface in com.plumtree.server
The IPTServerConfigSettings interface is used to set and retrieve global Plumtree Server settings.
IPTServerContext - Interface in com.plumtree.server
The IPTServerContext interface is used to set and retrieve object metadata that is common to Plumtree objects.
IPTSession - Interface in com.plumtree.server
The IPTSession interface is the main entry point into the Portal API.
IPTSessionInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This object caches the user specific items on the IPTSession (specifically, on its InternalSession).
IPTSessionPrefChangeNotification - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface defines the method to be called when there's a change in session prefs.
IPTSField - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
A single field that might appear in a search result or as part of a search query.
IPTSGroupInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
Holder class for info about a single "group" of results discovered during execution of a query request.
IPTSiteMapFolder - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSiteMapFolderInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSiteMapFolderManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSiteMapLink - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSModifiableQuery - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
Base interface for all search queries that can be modified with extra options such as spell correction, thesaurus, etc.
IPTSPlumtreeCollection - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps
Interface that returns common fields (IPTSField instances) that appear in objects indexed by any Plumtree application.
IPTSPortalCollection - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps
Factory methods for fields defined by the Plumtree Corporate Portal, and queries that restrict to areas within the portal, such as folders.
IPTSQuery - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
A search query that may be used within an IPTSQueryRequest.
IPTSQueryRequest - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
A single request for the Plumtree search system to perform a search query and return results.
IPTSQueryResponse - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
The response from a search query request.
IPTSResult - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
A single search result, returned as part of an IPTSQueryResponse.
IPTSSearchableCollection - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
Interface that returns the most basic set of fields (IPTSField instances) necessary for the Plumtree search API to function.
IPTSSOAuthTokenGenerator - Interface in com.plumtree.server.authsource.sso
Generates secure tokens used for authentication during SSO login.
IPTSSOInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Used to store information which will be sent in portlet and gateway requests.
IPTSSpellingCorrection - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
A single spelling correction done as part of a query request.
IPTState - Interface in com.plumtree.server
The IPTState interface provides a means to pass in request-specific variables from the UI into the server.
IPTStates - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface is a container for managing a collection of IPTState objects.
IPTStorable - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Objects that can be stored implement the IPTStorable interface
IPTStreamScroller - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTStringLocalizationManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface is used to download or upload all localized strings in the Server in one batch (that is, localized names and descriptions for Plumtree objects.) Generally, this will be used to employ third party localization firms to localize strings.
IPTSubPortal - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSubPortalInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTSWeightedFieldList - Interface in com.plumtree.server.search
A weighted list of IPTSField objects.
IPTSyncSingleNTDomain - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTTaxonomist - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This class defines an object that performs taxonomization.
IPTTempfile - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTTestManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTTokenAccess - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTTrace - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTTransformer - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTTreeIterator - Interface in com.plumtree.server.treeiterator
IPTTreeIterator allows clients to walk a tree of information in a generic manner (e.g.
IPTUnknown - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTUpgradeManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Used to perform upgrades from Plumtree 4.5ws -> the current version of Plumtree.
IPTUser - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTUser is the interface representing a portal User object.
IPTUserGroup - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IPTUserGroup is the interface representing a portal UserGroup object.
IPTUserInfo - Interface in com.plumtree.server
UserInfo is information about the current user that is sent to portlets.
IPTUserInterface - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Represents a type of user interface that a portlet or other web service may optionally support, such as wireless device portals.
IPTUserInterfaceManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Object manager for IPTUserInterface objects.
IPTUserManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
Used to perform administrative tasks on users
IPTWebService - Interface in com.plumtree.server
This interface wraps access to a specific web service instance.
IPTWebServiceManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server
IsAdminFolderAccessible(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Checks if the admin folder is accessible with at least the minimum of the specified access level
IsAdminModified(IPTAccessList) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Checks if there are new Admin entries or existing ones modified to Admin.
IsBestBet() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSSearchableCollection
A pseudofield, defined for any search result, indicating whether the result achieved its rank because of a Best Bet.
IsCatalogObjectAccessible(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Checks if current user has at least the minimum access level for a specific document or folder.
IsCondition() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
This expression is just a single condition, with no operator or other moderator.
IsCondition() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
This expression is just a single condition, with no operator or other moderator.
IsDifferent(IPTAccessList) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Checks if the passed-in IPTAccessList is different from this one
IService - Interface in com.plumtree.server.xui
IService is used to connect to a remote web service, and get the editable properties.
IServiceContent - Interface in com.plumtree.server.xui
IServiceContent represents the content for a single service page.
IServiceManager - Interface in com.plumtree.server.xui
IServiceManager allows clients to create IService objects.
IsGuestUser() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Returns true if the user is of type PT_USER_TYPES.PT_USER_TYPE_GUEST
IsHostedDisplayMode() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTContent
Returns true if the content should be displayed in hosted mode, i.e.
IsObjectAccessible(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Used to test if the object in question is accessible by the given user at the given security level
IsOrdered() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
The Plumtree Server will attempt to order result sets before returning them through IPTQueryResult.
isRetrievable() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSField
Returns whether this field may be retrieved as part of a search result.
isSearchable() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSField
Returns whether this field may be used in search queries.
IsSecureCookie() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCookieInfo
A secure cookie must be sent over SSL, it is never sent to http:// URLs.
IsSubscribed(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Checks whether a User is a subscriber to this SavedSearch
IsSubscribed(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearchManager
Checks whether a specific user is subscribed to a specific SavedSearch object
IsTimeToSaveCheckpoint() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
A utility method used by the server to poll for checkpoint requests.
IsTimeToSuspend() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
A utility method used by the server to poll for suspension requests.
ItemAsDouble(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Returns the value of a "cell" in this IPTQueryResult.
ItemAsFloat(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Returns the value of a "cell" in this IPTQueryResult.
ItemAsInt(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Returns the value of a "cell" in this IPTQueryResult.
ItemAsObject(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Returns the value of a "cell" in this IPTQueryResult.
ItemAsString(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Returns the value of a "cell" in this IPTQueryResult.
ItemAsXPDateTime(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Returns the value of a "cell" in this IPTQueryResult.
IValue - Interface in com.plumtree.server.condition
An IValue is a value set by a user for a specific condition instance.


JoinCommunity(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Join the current user to a community with a particular membership type.
JoinCommunity(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. Method JoinCommunity is deprecated. Use IPTCommunityManager.JoinCommunity(int, int) instead.


KD_CLASSES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_CLASSES
KillJob(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJobDispatcherService
Kill the specified job.
KillRunningJob(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Sends a kill request signal to a running job


Language() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
Object's language.
LastModified() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
Date/time the object was last modified.
LastPublishedUser() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSContentCollection
Field containing the name of the user who last published the Content item.
Load(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPersist
Load the persistent data about the object from a PropertyBag (which was typically retrieved from the database)
LoadConditionTypes(XPHashtable) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IExpressionEngine
Dynamically discovered condition types need to be passed to the expression engine.
LoadExpressions() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IExpressionEngine
Loads the expressions from the database while constructing the expressions' order of execution for all action types.
LoadExpressionsLite(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IExpressionEngine
Loads the expressions from the database while constructing the expressions' order of execution for the specified action type.
LoadFromXML(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPersist
Load the persistent data about the object from an XML string
LoadQuery(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Load a query (in the form of an IPTFilter) into the current set of filter queries, returning an integer id that can be used to refer to the filter later.
LockObject() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Locks the object.
LogOperationToJobHistory(Object[], int, int, String, int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Logs an operation run during a job.
LookupAdminGadgetSettings(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminSettings
Retrieve the indicated Administrative setting for the Gadget.
LookupAdminGadgetSettings(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminSettings
Retrieve the indicated Administrative setting for the Gadget.
LookupAdminGadgetSettings(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminSettings
LookupAdminGadgetSettings(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up admin-gadget settings (preferences) for the combination of the community that the current page is part of and the gadget represented.
LookupAdminGadgetSettings(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up an admin-gadget setting (preference) for the combination of the community that the current page is part of and the gadget represented.
LookupAdminGadgetSettings(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up admin-gadget settings (preferences) for the combination of the community that the current page is part of and the gadget represented.
LookupByPropBag(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Returns the doc type id based on the prop bag xml string passed in
LookupByPropBag(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Returns the doc type id based on the prop bag passed in
LookupCommunityGadgetSettings(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up community-gadget settings (preferences) for the combination of the community that the current page is part of and the gadget represented.
LookupCommunityGadgetSettings(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up a community-gadget setting (preference) for the combination of the community that the current page is part of and the gadget represented.
LookupCommunityGadgetSettings(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up community-gadget settings (preferences) for the combination of the community that the current page is part of and the gadget represented.
LookupCommunityGadgetSettings(int, String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupCommunityGadgetSettings(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupCommunityGadgetSettings(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupCommunitySettings(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up community settings (preferences) for the community that the current page belongs to.
LookupCommunitySettings(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up one community setting (preference) for the community that the current page is part of.
LookupCommunitySettings(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up community settings (preferences) for the community that the current page is part of.
LookupCommunitySettings(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupCommunitySettings(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupCommunitySettings(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupGadgetSettings(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up a list of user-gadget settings (preferences) for the combination of the gadget represented and the current user.
LookupGadgetSettings(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up one user-gadget setting (preference) for the combination of a particular gadget and the current user.
LookupGadgetSettings(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up a list of user-gadget settings (preferences) for the combination the gadget represented and the current user.
LookupGadgetSettings(int, String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupGadgetSettings(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupGadgetSettings(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupMappingInProfile(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Retrieves a migration mapping from the database, if it exists.
LookupNameFromObjectId(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Looks up the priamry name of the object with the specified id.
LookupObjectIdFromName(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Looks up the id (or ids if there are more than one) of the objects with the specified name.
LookupObjectIdFromName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Looks up the id (or ids if there are more than one) of the objects with the specified name.
LookupPageIdFromCommunityPageName(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Looksup the page id or page ids if there are more than one page with the specified name in the specified community.
LookupPersonalSettings(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up a list of personal settings (preferences) for the current user.
LookupPersonalSettings(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up one personal setting (preference) for the current user.
LookupPersonalSettings(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Look up a list of personal settings (preferences) for the current user.
LookupPersonalSettings(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupPersonalSettings(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupPersonalSettings(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupPersonalSettings() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Deprecated. LookupPersonalSettings() is deprecated. Use LookupPreferences((String[])null, 0) to get back all non-portlet personal preferences instead.
LookupPreference(String, int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
This method looks up a preference.
LookupPreference(String, int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPreferencesContext
This method looks up a preference on the current object.
LookupPreference(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method looks up a preference set for the current user.
LookupPreferences(String[], int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
This method looks up preferences.
LookupPreferences(String[], int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPreferencesContext
This method looks up preferences on the current object.
LookupPreferences(String[], int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method looks up preferences set for the current user.
LookupSessionPreference(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
This method looks up a preference set for the current user.
LookupSessionPreference(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupSessionPreference(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method looks up a preference set for the current user.
LookupSessionPreferences(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
This method looks up session preferences set for the current user.
LookupSessionPreferences(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
LookupSessionPreferences(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method looks up session preferences set for the current user.
LookupSessionPreferences(String[], boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method looks up session preferences set for the current user.
LookupSuggested(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Returns the doc type for a section id and matched document identifier.
LookupUserInfoSettings(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Returns the specified UserInfo settings.
LookupUserInfoSettings(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
LookupUserInfoSettings(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo


m_operatorEnums - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.OperatorEnum
MapFields(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyMap
Maps Fields to Properties.
Matched(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Check the current Profile results to determine if a given card matches a given query.
MAX_NUMBER_PROCESSING_THREADS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_INFO
Indicates the maximum number of pulling threads that a crawl will have
MAX_NUMBER_PULLING_THREADS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_INFO
Indicates the maximum number of pulling threads that a crawl will have
Merge(IPTAccessList) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Merges access list with the spFromACL argument.
Merge(IPTUserInfo) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Adds everything in the incoming IPTUserInfo to the current IPTUserInfo.
MIN_PROPERTY_ID_FOR_NONINTRINSIC_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Non-intrinsic properties have IDs greater than or equal to 100.
MonitorSuspendResumeScheduleForJob(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
MoveAdminFolder(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Moves an admin folder to another folder.
MoveCards(int, int[], int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Moves multiple documents from a single document folder to another single document folder.
MoveCards(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Moves a single document from a single document folder to another single document folder.
MoveFolder(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Moves a document folder into another location.
MoveFolder(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolderManager
Move a folder from one location to another.
MoveObjectsBetweenAdminFolders(Object[][], int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Moves objects to a different admin folder.
MoveTo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Move to a specified location in the tree.
MoveToParent() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Move "up" one position in the tree, to the parent of the current node
MoveToRoot() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Move to the root of the tree


Name() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
Name of the object.
NameSortKey() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns a IPTSField for a floating-point value based on the first few characters of document names.
NOT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.OperatorEnum
NumericConnect(String, String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Connects the IPTSession using numeric credentials.
NUMTYPES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ActionTypeEnum
NUMTYPES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.OperatorEnum
NUMTYPES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ValueTypeEnum


ObjectExistsInPackage(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Checks whether or not the object with the specified UUID exists in the currently loaded migration package.
ObjectExistsInSystem(IPTMigrationElement) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Checks whether or not the object serialized in the specified IPTMigrationElement already exists in the portal system.
ObjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portal objects' object ID.
ObjectIDToUUID(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Looks up an object's UUID based on its class ID and object ID
ObjectType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
Fully-qualified type of this object.
ObjectTypeCode() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Field containing a Collab-specific code for the object type.
OnSessionPrefAdd(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionPrefChangeNotification
Call this method when there's a new session pref being added.
OnSessionPrefRemove(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionPrefChangeNotification
Open(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Open the object with the specified ObjectID
OpenAdminFolder(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Opens a specified admin folder.
OpenBySubPortalID(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLoginManager
Open the object that contains the specified subportal ID.
OpenByUniqueID(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInterfaceManager
Opens a User Interface object by its UniqueID.
OpenCard(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Retrieves an existing document.
OpenFederatedSearch(int, IPTState) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortalManager
Returns a new Federated Search object
OpenFolder(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Retrieves a document folder.
OpenFolderByPath(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Retrieves a document folder.
OpenGadgetInfo(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Helper method for gadget pages.
OpenGadgetInfo(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Deprecated. OpenGadgetInfo(int nGadgetID, int nPageID, int nCommunityID) is deprecated. Use OpenGadgetInfo(int nGadgetID, int nPageID, int nPageContainerClassID, int nPageContainerObjectID).
OpenGadgetInfoFromPage(int, IPTMyPortal) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetGateway
Deprecated. Method OpenGadgetInfoFromPage(int, IPTMyPortal) is deprecated. Use OpenGadgetInfo(int nGadgetID, int nPageID, int nPageContainerClassID, int nPageContainerObjectID).
OpenGlobalObject(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns a Global object.
OpenLink(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Open a link in the current folder.
OpenLogForRead(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Opens a job log for purposes of reading lines through subsequent calls to GetPage.
OpenLogForSearch(int, int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Conducts a search against an existing job log.
OpenPage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Deprecated. Method OpenPage is deprecated. Use IPTPageContainer.GetPage instead. IPTCommunity extends IPTPageContainer.
OpenPage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Deprecated. Method OpenPage is deprecated. Use GetPage instead, which returns the cached version of the Page, IPTPageInfo.
OpenPage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. Method OpenPage is deprecated. Use IPTPageContainer.GetPage instead. IPTMyPages extends IPTPageContainer.
OpenRegistry(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Instantiates and returns the specified Provider Registry.
OpenXUIService(IPTSession, Object, Object, IXPPropertyBag, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IServiceManager
This function initializes and returns an IService.
OperatorEnum - Class in com.plumtree.server.condition
Enumerates the boolean operators that have been implemented.
OperatorEnum() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.condition.OperatorEnum
OR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.OperatorEnum
OrderedBy() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Calls that return IPTQueryResults generally order the data before returning it.
OverwriteSimpleElement(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Overwrites the value of an existing child element of the currently active node.
OverwriteSimpleElement(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Overwrites the value of an existing child element of the currently active node.
OverwriteSimpleElement(String, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Overwrites the value of an existing child element of the currently active node.
OverwriteSimpleElement(String, float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Overwrites the value of an existing child element of the currently active node.
OverwriteSimpleElement(String, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Overwrites the value of an existing child element of the currently active node.
OverwriteSimpleElement(String, IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Overwrites the value of an existing child element of the currently active node.


ParentFolderIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portal objects' parent folder ID.
ParentProjectID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Field containing the ID of the project that contains this item.
ParentProjectName() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Field containing the name of the project that contains this item.
ParentProjectURLSuffix() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Field containing URL suffix used to build an URL leading to the result's project home page.
PerformImport(XPArrayList[], boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Performs the actual import of objects passed in as arguments.
PerformOperationEx(String, IPTSession) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduledOperation
Deprecated. This method should not be implemented.
PerformUpgrade(Object[][], String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUpgradeManager
Performs the upgrade, using the supplied parameters
PLUMTREE_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
An internal prefix used to distinguish Plumtree items
PlumtreeExtensibility - Class in com.plumtree.server
PlumtreeExtensibility.h THIS FILE IS INTENDED AS AN API.
PlumtreeExtensibility() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PORTAL_AD_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Prefix on any portal Admin Directory object type
PORTAL_KD_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Prefix on any portal Knowledge Directory object type (documents or folders)
PORTAL_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Prefix on any portal object type, and value of the Application() field for portal items
PORTAL_PROPERTY_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Prefix on the field name for fields corresponding to nonintrinsic portal properties.
PortalCollection() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Returns an IPTSPortalCollection that contains IPTSQuery and IPTSField instances related to the Plumtree Corporate Portal.
PortletAlignment() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portlet alignment.
PortletIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSContentCollection
Field containing the IDs of the portlets in which a Content item was published (separated by whitespace).
PortletOrWSID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Field containing the ID of a portlet or web service that may be used to gateway clickthrough URLs (including IPTSPlumtreeCollection.URL) for this item.
PortletType() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portlet type.
portletTypes(int[], int[], boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Special factory method to make a query that restricts to specific types of portlets, to support the old API's portlet search options.
PortletUserInterfaces() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portlet user interfaces.
PREFER_PROXIMITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.PTSTextQueryParseMode
Provide behavior similar to SEARCHBOX, but give preference to documents where the query terms appear near each other.
PreviewDynamicMembershipRule(IPTFilter) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns an IPTQueryResult that shows what users match the given IPTFilter.
Project(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Query that restricts to a specified Collab project.
Project(int, String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Query that restricts to certain Collab object types within a specified Collab project.
ProjectsForCommunity(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Query that restricts to Collab projects associated with a particular portal community.
PropagateAdminFoldersSecurity(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminCatalog
Propagates security setting recursively by replacing all ACLs with the starting admin folder ACLs.
PropertiesURLSuffix() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Field containing URL suffix used to build an URL leading to the result's "properties" page.
Property(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSFields corresponding to a portal property; looks up the property by name.
Property(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSFields corresponding to a portal property; looks up the property by the object ID of the Property object.
ProviderClassUUID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns a string IPTSField containing the provider UUID for certain types of portal items.
PT_508_MODE_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_AC_DOCUMENT_SUMMARY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESSOR_CAPABILITIES
The accessor implements DocumentSummary.
PT_AC_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESSOR_CAPABILITIES
Invalid, this value and above are reserved for future use.
PT_AC_SUGGESTED_CARD_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESSOR_CAPABILITIES
The accessor implements GetSuggestedCardName.
PT_AC_WRITE_INDEX_FILE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESSOR_CAPABILITIES
The accessor implements WriteIndexingFile.
PT_ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESS_LEVELS
Administrative access is granted.
PT_ACCESS_LEVEL_EDIT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESS_LEVELS
Edit access is granted.
PT_ACCESS_LEVEL_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESS_LEVELS
No access to the item is granted
PT_ACCESS_LEVEL_READ - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESS_LEVELS
Read access is granted.
PT_ACCESS_LEVEL_SELECT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESS_LEVELS
Select access is granted.
PT_ACCESS_LEVELS - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list contains the available access levels in the Plumtree security model.
PT_ACCESS_LEVELS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESS_LEVELS
PT_ACCESSOR_CAPABILITIES - Class in com.plumtree.server
A list of optional capabilities that an accessor may support.
PT_ACCESSOR_CAPABILITIES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACCESSOR_CAPABILITIES
PT_ACL_IMPORT_CAPABILITIES - Class in com.plumtree.server
A list of optional capabilities that a data source ACL sync provider may support.
PT_ACL_IMPORT_CAPABILITIES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_CAPABILITIES
PT_ACL_IMPORT_CAPABILITY_GROUPACLS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_CAPABILITIES
Supports Access Control Lists containing groups.
PT_ACL_IMPORT_CAPABILITY_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_CAPABILITIES
Invalid, this value and above are reserved for future use.
PT_ACL_IMPORT_CAPABILITY_USERACLS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_CAPABILITIES
Supports Access Control Lists containing users.
PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Defines the columns of an array of Access Control Lists.
PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS
PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS_DOMAIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS
PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS
PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS
PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_COLS
PT_ACL_IMPORT_TYPE - Class in com.plumtree.server
Type of Access Control List.
PT_ACL_IMPORT_TYPE() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_TYPE
PT_ACL_IMPORT_TYPE_GROUPS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_TYPE
PT_ACL_IMPORT_TYPE_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_TYPE
PT_ACL_IMPORT_TYPE_USERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACL_IMPORT_TYPE
PT_ACLSYNC_ITEMTYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
ACL Sync Map item types.
PT_ACLSYNC_ITEMTYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACLSYNC_ITEMTYPES
PT_ACLSYNC_MAPPINGTYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
ACL Sync mapping types
PT_ACLSYNC_MAPPINGTYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACLSYNC_MAPPINGTYPES
PT_ACLSYNCITEM_AUTHSOURCECATEGORY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACLSYNC_ITEMTYPES
PT_ACLSYNCITEM_EXTERNALDOMAIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACLSYNC_ITEMTYPES
PT_ACLSYNCITEM_EXTERNALGROUP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACLSYNC_ITEMTYPES
PT_ACLSYNCITEM_USERGROUP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACLSYNC_ITEMTYPES
PT_ACLSYNCMAP_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Access Control List Synchronization Maps are used to map items in the ACLs of external documents to users and groups in Plumtree
PT_ACLSYNCMAPPING_DOMAIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACLSYNC_MAPPINGTYPES
PT_ACLSYNCMAPPING_GROUP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACLSYNC_MAPPINGTYPES
PT_ACSDTM_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SUGG_DOC_TYPE_MAP_ENTRIES_INDICES
PT_ACSDTM_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SUGG_DOC_TYPE_MAP_ENTRIES_INDICES
PT_ACSDTM_SECTION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SUGG_DOC_TYPE_MAP_ENTRIES_INDICES
Section ID
PT_ACTIVITY_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Activities define actions that might be performed by users.
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_ACCESS_ADMINISTRATION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_ACCESS_UTILITIES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_ACTIVITIES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_ADMINFOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_AUTHSOURCES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_COMMUNITIES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_CRAWLERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_DATASOURCES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_DOCTYPES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_EXTOPERATIONS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_FILTERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_GROUPS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_INVITATIONS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_JOBS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_NETWORKSEARCHES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_PORTLETS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_PROFILESOURCES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_SAVEDSEARCHES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_SUBPORTALS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_TAXONOMISTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_CREATE_USERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_DELEGATE_RIGHTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_EDIT_DOCUMENT_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_EDIT_OWN_PROFILE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_EDIT_PROFILE_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_EDIT_USERINFO_MAP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_PROPAGATE_SECURITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_SELFSELECTING_EXPERTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list includes all of the standard Activity Rights supported by Plumtree.
PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS
PT_ADD_ALL_DOCS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROFILER_MODE
Indicates that all items should be added to the index, and matched against the current set of profiling queries.
PT_ADDITIONAL_COOKIE_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_ADMIN_CATALOG_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
The Admin Catalog is the root of the foldering system for administrative objects
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_BASE_PAGE_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds Base Page layouts
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_COMMUNITY_SELECTION_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds Community Selection layouts
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_DEFAULTPROFILES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds Default Profiles
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_DEFAULTSUBPORTAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds Subportals, by default
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_ERROR_PAGE_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds portlet selection layouts
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_FIRST_ENUM - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_SETTINGS
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
AdminFolders are the containers for administrative objects, and the hierarchy of AdminFolders defines the navigational scheme for administrators.
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_INTRINSICOPS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds jobs to be run immediately and discarded
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_JOB_DELETEFOLDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_JOB_TYPES
Delete folder
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_JOB_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_JOB_TYPES
No folder job
Propagate Admin only ACLs
Replace ACL recursively
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_JOB_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These values are used to set or query the job type for an Admin Folder (through IPTAdminFolder.SetJobType() or IPTAdminFolder.GetJobType().) The job type of an Admin Folder determines what action the Admin Folder will perform when it is scheduled to run as a job.
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_JOB_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_JOB_TYPES
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_KNOWLEDGE_DIRECTORY_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds Knowledge Directory layouts
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_LOGIN_PAGE_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds portlet selection layouts
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_MYACCOUNT_PAGE_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds portlet selection layouts
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_PAGE_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds Page Layout folders
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_PORTLET_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds portlet layouts
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_PORTLET_SELECTION_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds portlet selection layouts
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_PROFILE_PAGE_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds Profile Page layouts
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_PROFILECOMMUNITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds the User Profile community
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_PROFILELAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds Profile Sections
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_ROOTFOLDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The administrative folder returned by IPTAdminCatalog.GetRootAdminFolder
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_SEARCH_RESULTS_LAYOUTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds Search Results layouts
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_SETTINGS
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_SUBPORTALOBJECTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Admin Folder that holds Subportals
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_TYPE_COMMUNITYFOLDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_TYPES
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_TYPE_REGULARFOLDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_TYPES
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list includes the identifiers for all Admin Folder types.
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_TYPES
PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_UNCLASSIFIEDOBJECTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The administrative folder returned by IPTAdminCatalog.GetUnclassifiedObjectsAdminFolder
PT_ADMIN_SYNCHRONOUS_INDEXING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- will objects be indexed on store, or at some later time?
PT_APPROVED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARDREF_STATES
Card is approved in the specified Folder
PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT - Class in com.plumtree.server
A list of predefined pages containing content associated with a portlet or web service.
PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT
PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT_ADMIN_PLUG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT
The administrator pluggable page for this web service.
The administrator perferences page for this portlet.
The community portlet preferences page.
PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT_HELPPAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT
The help page for this portlet.
PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT_PERSONAL_PLUG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT
The personal preferences pluggable page for this web service.
The portlet page itself (for refresh).
PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT_PREFSPAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ASSOCIATEDCONTENT
The portlet preferences page.
PT_AUDIT_GLOBAL_CHANGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUDIT_TYPES
PT_AUDIT_LOCKED_ACCOUNT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUDIT_TYPES
PT_AUDIT_LOGIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUDIT_TYPES
PT_AUDIT_OBJECT_CHANGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUDIT_TYPES
PT_AUDIT_OBJECT_DELETION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUDIT_TYPES
PT_AUDIT_SECURITY_CHANGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUDIT_TYPES
PT_AUDIT_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list includes all the types of auditing supported by Plumtree.
PT_AUDIT_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUDIT_TYPES
PT_AUDITLOGMANAGEMENT_JOBID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Audit Log Management job
PT_AUDITMSGS_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
PT_AUTH_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_CLSIDS
Authentication Provider Class ID
PT_AUTHSOURCE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Authentication Sources are used to authenticate users when they log in, and for related purposes.
PT_AUTHSOURCE_LEGACYNT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
PT_AUTHSOURCE_NOTUSED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUTHSOURCE_SETTINGS
Deprecated. Unused.
PT_AUTHSOURCE_PLUMTREE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The Plumtree Authentication Source- used to authenticate Users that are defined in Plumtree (as opposed to Users that are imported from external systems)
PT_AUTHSOURCE_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_AUTHSOURCE_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUTHSOURCE_SETTINGS
PT_AUTHSOURCE_SSO - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
Used to authenticate users through Single Sign-On.
PT_AUTHSOURCE_SUPPORTSSYNCMODES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Constant class which details the capabilities of auth sources: authentication (verification of users' identity on login) and/or synchronization (import of users and groups into Plumtree).
PT_AUTHSOURCEPROV_CONFIG_CATEGORY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_AUTHSOURCEPROV_CONFIG_NTDOMAIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
Group unique name.
Defines an additional column returned by auth source providers in group membership queries.
Authentication name.
Number of columns.
Unique name.
Supports synchronizing groups and users with an external directory.
PT_AUTHSOURCEPROV_USERGROUP_COLS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Defines the columns returned by auth source providers in user and group queries.
A list of optional capabilities that an auth source provider may support.
Auth source does not support synchronization.
Auth source supports authentication and synchronization.
Auth source has an auth partner which handles all authentication.
PT_AUTHTYPE_EXTENSIBLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUTHTYPES
Deprecated. Auth type for all external auth sources.
PT_AUTHTYPE_LEGACYNT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUTHTYPES
Deprecated. Auth type for the deprecated Legacy NT auth source.
PT_AUTHTYPE_PLUMTREE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUTHTYPES
Deprecated. Auth type for the Plumtree auth source.
PT_AUTHTYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_AUTHTYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_AUTHTYPES
PT_BINARY_BODY_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_BINARY_HEADERS_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_BLANK_COMMUNITYTEMPLATEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the blank Community Template
PT_BLANK_PAGETEMPLATEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the blank Page Template
PT_BOOLOP_AND - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_BOOLOPS
The "AND" boolean operator- logically equivalent to the Java "&&" operator
PT_BOOLOP_OR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_BOOLOPS
The "OR" boolean operator- logically equivalent to the Java "||" operator
PT_BOOLOPS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Boolean operators (AND and OR) as used in Plumtree filters- the filter operator is a PT_BOOLOPS.
PT_BOOLOPS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_BOOLOPS
PT_BULKSUBSCRIBE_JOBID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
PT_CAN_NOT_SET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_CAN_SET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_CAN_SET_ADMIN_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_CAN_SET_COMMUNITY_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_CAN_SET_PERSONAL_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_CARD_COMPLETEURLONSTORE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
this flag is set when the card needs to add its objectid to the url on store.
PT_CARD_DESCRIPTIONALREADYSET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
a non-persistant version of PT_CARD_OVERWRITEDESCRIPTION, defaults to 0.
PT_CARD_EXISTINGCARD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
internal use only
PT_CARD_HASRELATIVEDOCUMENTURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
returns 0/1 indicating whether or not the DocumentURL property is relative.
PT_CARD_INDEXONSTORE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
Indicates whether the changes should be immediately persisted to Search Index or whether it should be left to the Search Update Agent for updating.
PT_CARD_INHERITPARENTFOLDERPERMISSIONS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
if set to TRUE, this card will get a security profile identical to that of its parent folder (or merged acl of all its parent folders).
PT_CARD_INSERTAPPROVED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
flag which is set if the card should be added to PT_CARD_PARENTFOLDERIDS approved.
PT_CARD_NEVERFULLTEXTINDEX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
a persistant flag which, if set, will prevent this card's document from ever getting indexed.
PT_CARD_ORIG_XML - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
internal use only, original card xml string.
PT_CARD_OVERWRITEDESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
persistant flag which indicates whether the search summary should be used to overwrite the description on the card.
PT_CARD_OVERWRITENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
persistant flag which indicates whether the search name should be used to overwrite the name on the card.
PT_CARD_PARENTFOLDERIDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
Folders into which this Card should be inserted upon store (for newly created cards only).
PT_CARD_PROVIDERURLINFO - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
the URL Info from the Data Source Provider, if the PT_CARD_COMPLETEURLONSTORE is set.
PT_CARD_RAWDOCUMENTURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
returns the raw DocumentURL value.
PT_CARD_SEARCHENGINE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
Indicates whether the card needs to be updated in the search index.
PT_CARD_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Plumtree Card Settings.
PT_CARD_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
PT_CARD_TEMPORARYCARDID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
Indicates whether the Card is temporary.
PT_CARD_UNCLASSIFIEDCARD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
this value will be set to TRUE by the crawler if the card is being placed in Unclassified Cards.
PT_CARD_UPDATEFULLTEXTINDEX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARD_SETTINGS
flag which indicates whether the full-text search index needs to be updated for this card.
PT_CARDREF_STATES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Plumtree Card Approval States.
PT_CARDREF_STATES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARDREF_STATES
PT_CARDREFRESHGROUP_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Card Refresh Groups are used by the Card Refresh Agent
PT_CARDREFRESHSETTING - Class in com.plumtree.server
Plumtree Card Refresh Settings
PT_CARDREFRESHSETTING() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARDREFRESHSETTING
The interval that a Card is kept alive after it has found to be deleted
The lifetime of the Card.
The interval between refreshing
indicates the number of items in this enumeration
number of units (1 hour? 3 hours? 24 hours?)
time unit type (hour, day, month...).
PT_CARDREFRESHSETTINGCOLUMNS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Plumtree Card Refresh Setting Columns
PT_CATALOG_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
The Catalog is the root of the Card foldering system
PT_CATALOG_SEARCHPROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CATALOG_SETTINGS
not used
PT_CATALOG_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Plumtree Catalog settings.
PT_CATALOG_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CATALOG_SETTINGS
PT_CATALOGCARD_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Cards are the objects in Plumtree that store data and metadata about external Documents,
PT_CATALOGFOLDER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Folders are the containers for Cards, and the hierarchy of Folders defines the navigational scheme for the Catalog
PT_CATALOGOBJ_CLEAN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CATALOGOBJ_STATUS
Indicates that the indexed object in search is synchronized with the object in the database.
PT_CATALOGOBJ_DELETED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CATALOGOBJ_STATUS
Indicates that the indexed object needs to be removed from the search index.
PT_CATALOGOBJ_DIRTY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CATALOGOBJ_STATUS
Indicates that the indexed object needs to be updated for changes made to the object in the database.
PT_CATALOGOBJ_INDEX_PENDING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CATALOGOBJ_STATUS
Indicates that an indexed Card is awaiting full-text indexing.
PT_CATALOGOBJ_STATUS - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list contains the possible status of objects in the Search Server.
PT_CATALOGOBJ_STATUS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CATALOGOBJ_STATUS
PT_CHARSET_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_CHILDNODE_INDICES - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list contains the different types of information about a Child Node during a Crawl
PT_CHILDNODE_INDICES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CHILDNODE_INDICES
PT_CHILDNODE_MAX_NUM_COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CHILDNODE_INDICES
indicates the number of items in this enumeration
PT_CHILDNODE_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CHILDNODE_INDICES
Child Name
PT_CHILDNODE_PBAG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CHILDNODE_INDICES
Propertybag containing data on this node
PT_CLASS_ID_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_CLASSIDS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Lists all classes, or types, of objects supported by Plumtree
PT_CLASSIDS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
PT_COMMUNITY_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Communities are shared areas in Plumtree that display content of interest to a particular group of users.
PT_COMMUNITY_ID_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_COMMUNITY_MEMBERSHIPTYPE - Class in com.plumtree.server
Enumeration of the different membership types of a Community.
PT_COMMUNITYMEMBER_FREE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_COMMUNITY_MEMBERSHIPTYPE
This is the only applicable membership for users.
Can only be set for groups.
PT_COMMUNITYMEMBER_TAB - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_COMMUNITY_MEMBERSHIPTYPE
Same as Mandatory membership, but also adds a mandatory tab for this Community to members navigation.
PT_COMMUNITYPAGES_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Deprecated. PT_COMMUNITYPAGES_ID is deprecated. Use PT_PAGE_ID instead.
PT_COMMUNITYTEMPLATE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
A Community Template defines many of the characteristics of a Community (such as branding, layout, etc.) and can be used to create multiple Communities with similar characteristics.
not used
PT_CONTAINER_JOB_DELETEFOLDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CONTAINER_OPERATIONS
Indicates that this Folder and all its subfolders should be deleted.
Indicates that the ACL of the current folder should replace the ACLs of its subfolders.
PT_CONTAINER_OPERATIONS - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list contains the possible Scheduled Folder Operations.
PT_CONTAINER_OPERATIONS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CONTAINER_OPERATIONS
PT_CONTAINER_PROPAGATEACL_MERGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CONTAINER_OPERATIONS
Indicates that the ACL of the current folder should be propagated and merged to the ACLs of its subfolders.
PT_CONTENT_SNAPSHOT_PORTLET_MODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- if 0, "more" link takes you the advance search page.
PT_CP_CAPABILITIES - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list is used to check the capabilities of a Crawl Provider.
PT_CP_CAPABILITIES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CP_CAPABILITIES
PT_CPC_DOCS_IN_MULTIPLE_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CP_CAPABILITIES
Indicates whether the Documents in the Provider can reside in multiple Folders
PT_CPC_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CP_CAPABILITIES
Indicates the number of items in this enumeration
PT_CPC_REQUIRE_BACKLINK_CHECK - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CP_CAPABILITIES
Indicates whether a backlink check is required
PT_CPC_RETURNS_FOLDER_NAMES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CP_CAPABILITIES
Indicates whether Folder Names are returned by the Provider
PT_CPC_SUPPORTS_ACL_IMPORT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CP_CAPABILITIES
Indicates whether the Provider supports the import of ACL's
PT_CPC_SUPPORTS_MIRROR_CRAWL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CP_CAPABILITIES
Indicates whether the Provider supports mirror crawls.
Backlink check is not required.
Backlink check is required.
PT_CPCV_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_PROVIDER_CAPABILITY_VALUES
Indicates the number of items in this enumeration
PT_CRAWL_CONTAINER_INFO - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list contains the different types of information about Folders during a Crawl.
PT_CRAWL_CONTAINER_INFO() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_CONTAINER_INFO
PT_CRAWL_CONTAINER_INFO_FOLDER_DESC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_CONTAINER_INFO
Folder Description
PT_CRAWL_CONTAINER_INFO_FOLDER_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_CONTAINER_INFO
Folder Name
PT_CRAWL_CONTAINER_INFO_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_CONTAINER_INFO
indicates the number of items in this enumeration
PT_CRAWL_INFO - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list specifies the different parameters that a Crawl can have
PT_CRAWL_INFO() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_INFO
PT_CRAWL_INFO_CRAWL_DEPTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_INFO
Indicates the maximum depth of nodes that should be crawled.
PT_CRAWL_INFO_CRAWL_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_INFO
Description of the Crawler
PT_CRAWL_INFO_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_INFO
Indicates the number of items in this enumeration
PT_CRAWL_INFO_THREADS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWL_INFO
Indicates the number of threads that should be used during a Crawl
PT_CRAWL_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_CLSIDS
Crawl Provider Class ID
PT_CRAWL_PROVIDER_CAPABILITY_VALUES - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list contains the possible values for the capabilities listed in PT_CP_CAPABILITIES
PT_CRAWLENGINEINSTANCE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Crawl engine instances are used internally to prevent the multiple instances of the same crawl from running at the same time in two different jobs
PT_CRAWLER_ACL_IMPORT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
If this bit is set than the crawler will import ACLs from the datasource for cards (and folders, if mirroring).
PT_CRAWLER_DEFAULT_LANGAUGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
Used by the server to pass the crawler default language to crawl providers.
PT_CRAWLER_FORCE_ACL_REFRESH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
If this bit is set than the crawler will force refresh ACLs from the datasource for cards (and folders, if mirroring).
PT_CRAWLER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Crawlers are the items in Plumtree that have the ability to navigate external document repositories, and import metadata for documents that are found.
Indicates whether Cards rejected by the Crawler in a previous crawl should be ignored
PT_CRAWLER_IMPORT_ALL_CARDS_AS_APPROVED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
Indicates whether cards should be imported in an approved state.
PT_CRAWLER_IMPORT_ONLY_CRAWLER_NEW_CARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
Indicates whether only new cards that have not been associated with a particular Crawler should be imported.
PT_CRAWLER_IMPORT_ONLY_DATA_SOURCE_NEW_CARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
Indicates whether only new cards that have not been associated with a particular Data Source should be imported.
PT_CRAWLER_INDEX_ONLY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
If this bit is set than the crawler will not make regular cards, but just index the documents- in a special searchable content object.
PT_CRAWLER_MIRROR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
If this bit is set than the crawler will mirror the structure found in the repository.
PT_CRAWLER_RECRAWL_DELETED_CARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
Indicates whether Cards that have been deleted manually should be recrawled
PT_CRAWLER_REFRESH_RECRAWLED_CARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
Indicates whether recrawled Cards should be refreshed
PT_CRAWLER_RETAXONOMIZE_RECRAWLED_CARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
Indicates whether recrawled Cards should be retaxonomized.
PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list defines a list of settings for a Crawler.
PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS
PT_CRAWLPROVIDER_GETCHILDNODEMASK - Class in com.plumtree.server
This list specifies the bitmask used to retrieve information about a Child Node
PT_DATABASE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_DATASOURCE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Data Sources represent connections to external systems (such as the file system or a Documentum server) to be used for Card import
Data Source Crawl Capabilities bit mask used by the Data Source Provider Registry
PT_DEBUG_PORTLET_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_DEBUG_USER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_DEFAULTPAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
A Default Page is not a real object.
PT_DIRECTORY_BROWSEBY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- used by the UI to record the method of supplying browse functionality in the directory (through search or the DB)
PT_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT_DOCTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- the ObjectID of the Document Type to be used by default when a user submits a document for Card creation
PT_DIRECTORY_DOC_DESC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- used by the UI to record how descriptions should be displayed for Cards
PT_DIRECTORY_FOLD_DESC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- used by the UI to record how descriptions should be displayed for Folders
PT_DIRECTORY_NUM_DOC_COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_DIRECTORY_NUM_DOCS_PER_PAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- used by the UI to record the number of Cards to display per page
PT_DIRECTORY_NUM_FOLD_COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- used by the UI to record the number of columns in which to display folders
PT_DIRECTORY_NUM_FOLDERS_PER_PAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_DIRECTORY_NUM_SUB_SUB_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- used by the UI to record the number of subfolders to be displayed under a folder
int value- used by the UI to record the placement of related resources on the page
PT_DIRECTORY_PROP_COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- used by the UI to record the Properties to be displayed when a user views the Directory
PT_DOC_ACTION_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Enumeration of search indexing action codes, used by IPTIndexer to return information about the success or failure of indexing requests.
PT_DOC_ACTION_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOC_ACTION_TYPES
PT_DOC_DELETE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOC_ACTION_TYPES
Code representing a "delete" action, deleting a searchable item from the search index.
PT_DOC_INSERT_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOC_ACTION_TYPES
Code representing an "insert" action, indexing a complete searchable item in the search index.
PT_DOC_PROFILE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOC_ACTION_TYPES
Code representing an "profile" action, taxonomizing a card in the search index based on filter matching.
PT_DOC_UPDATE_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOC_ACTION_TYPES
Code representing an "update" action, updating the properties (but not the full-text) of a card in the search index.
PT_DOC_UPDATE_ADD_ALL_ACTION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOC_ACTION_TYPES
Code representing an "update add all" action, updating the properties of a document in the search index.
PT_DOCTYPEMAP_MAPPINGS_INDICES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_DOCUMENT_TYPE_APPROVAL_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_DOCUMENTTYPE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Document Types are used to identify the type of external documents, and store information about how to treat those external documents when importing into Plumtree (e.g.
PT_DOCUMENTTYPEMAP_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Document Type Maps are used to identify which Document Type should be used to import an external document
PT_DSCPF_CONTAINERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLPROVIDER_GETCHILDNODEMASK
Containers in this Child
Both the Containers and the Documents in this Child
PT_DSCPF_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CRAWLPROVIDER_GETCHILDNODEMASK
Documents in this Child
PT_DSPC_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DSPROVIDER_CAPABILITIES
Invalid, this value and above are reserved for future use.
PT_DSPC_SUPPORTS_ACL_IMPORT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DSPROVIDER_CAPABILITIES
Supports importing Access Control Lists using IPTDataSourceACLSyncProvider.
PT_DSPC_VALID_CRAWLPROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DSPROVIDER_CAPABILITIES
Supports crawling using IPTDataSourceCrawlProvider.
PT_DSPCV_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DSPROVIDER_CAPABILITY_VALUES
PT_DSPCV_SUPPORTS_CRAWLING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DSPROVIDER_CAPABILITY_VALUES
PT_DSPDTMS_ACC_PROPBAG_FORMATID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_DOC_TYPE_MAP_SECTIONS
PT_DSPDTMS_FIXED_DOC_IDENT_LIST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_DOC_TYPE_MAP_SECTIONS
PT_DSPDTMS_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_DOC_TYPE_MAP_SECTIONS
PT_DSPDTMS_SECTIONDESC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_DOC_TYPE_MAP_SECTIONS
PT_DSPDTMS_SECTIONID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_DOC_TYPE_MAP_SECTIONS
PT_DSPDTMS_SECTIONNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_DOC_TYPE_MAP_SECTIONS
Indicates whether ACL Import is supported by the Provider
Indicates whether Mirror Crawling is supported by the Provider
PT_DSPROVIDER_CAPABILITIES - Class in com.plumtree.server
A list of optional capabilities that a data source provider may support.
PT_DSPROVIDER_CAPABILITIES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_DSPROVIDER_CAPABILITIES
PT_DSPROVIDER_CAPABILITY_VALUES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Does this data source provider support crawling?
PT_DTAS_ALWAYS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOCUMENT_TYPE_APPROVAL_SETTINGS
Future use
PT_DTAS_IF_MISSING_REQPROPS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOCUMENT_TYPE_APPROVAL_SETTINGS
Future use
PT_DTAS_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOCUMENT_TYPE_APPROVAL_SETTINGS
Future use
PT_DTAS_NEVER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOCUMENT_TYPE_APPROVAL_SETTINGS
Future use
PT_DTM_DOCTYPEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOCTYPEMAP_MAPPINGS_INDICES
Identifies second element as containing the document type ID
PT_DTM_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_DOCTYPEMAP_MAPPINGS_INDICES
Identifies first element as containing the document type mapping string
PT_E_ACCESSDENIED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_ACCOUNTLOCKED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_AUTHSOURCENOTFOUND - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_AWS_FAILED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_AWS_FAILED_INVALID_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_AWS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_AWS_SERVICE_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_BADSERVERCONFIG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_CANNOTCONNECTTODB - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_CANNOTEDITREADONLY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_CANNOTLOCKGUESTACCOUNT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_CANTDELETEAUTHSOURCE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_CANTDELETEDATASOURCE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_CANTDELETEDATASOURCE_DOCS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_CANTDELETEINTRINSICS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_CIRCULAR_GROUP_STRUCTURE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_COMM_DUPLICATE_GADGET_GADGETBUNDLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_COMM_DUPLICATE_GADGET_PAGETEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_COMM_DUPLICATE_PAGETEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_COMM_IN_USE_COMMUNITYTEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_COMM_PAGE_FROM_COMM_TEMP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
Deprecated. Use PT_E_PAGE_NOT_DELETABLE instead.
PT_E_COMMUNITY_NO_ACL_ON_ALL_PAGES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_COMMUNITY_NO_ACL_ON_PAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_DBERROR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_DBEXECUTESQL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_DOCUMENTNOTFOUND - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_DYNAMICRULE_INVALID_COMPARISON_VALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_DYNAMICRULE_INVALID_FILTERITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_DYNAMICRULE_INVALID_OPERATOR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_DYNAMICRULE_INVALID_PROP_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_DYNAMICRULE_INVALID_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FAIL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FED_BADADMINPREF - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FED_BADHTTPRESPONSE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FED_BADUSERINFO - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FED_BADUSERPREF - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FED_BLANKPORTALNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FED_BLANKSEARCHSTRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FED_BLANKUSERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FED_INVALIDPASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FED_PORTALNOTRECOGNIZED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FED_USERNOTRECOGNIZED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_FILESYS_CREATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_GADGET_HTTP_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_GADGET_REDIRECT_OUTSIDE_GATEWAY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_GADGET_RUNTIME_ERROR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_GADGET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_INSUFFICIENTROLEACCESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_INVALIDARG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_INVALIDARGUMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_INVALIDFORMAT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_INVALIDPROPERTYVALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_INVITATIONEXHAUSTED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_INVITATIONEXPIRED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_INVITATIONINVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_LOGIN_FAILED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_LOGIN_FAILED_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_LOGIN_FAILED_ACCOUNT_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_LOGIN_FAILED_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_LOGIN_FAILED_PASSWORD_EXPIRED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_METHODDEPRECATED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_MYPAGES_NO_PAGES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_MYPAGES_PAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_MYPORTAL_DUPLICATETOPIC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_MYPORTAL_GADGETDISABLED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_NAMENOTUNIQUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_NOTIMPL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_NOTINITIALIZED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_NUM_AUTH_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_NUM_AUTH_INVALID_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_NUM_AUTH_INVALID_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_NUM_AUTH_NONNUMERIC_STRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_NUM_AUTH_NONUNIQUE_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_OBJECTLOCKED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_OBJECTNOTFOUND - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_OBJECTNOTLOCKED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_OUTOFMEMORY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_PAGE_NOT_DELETABLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_PASSWORDINVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_PROPERTY_IN_USE_DGROUP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_REMOTESERVER_IN_USE_WEBSRVC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SEARCH_EMPTY_QUERY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SEARCH_FAIL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SEARCH_INDEXFAILED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SEARCH_INVALIDSEARCH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SEARCH_MIDSTRING_WILDCARD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SEARCH_SERVER_CONNECTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SEARCH_SYNTAX_ERROR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SESSIONALREADYCONNECTED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SESSIONNOTAVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SESSIONNOTCONNECTED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_SOAP_CONNECTION_FAIL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.xui.PT_SOAP_CONNECTION_RESULTCODES
Connection was unable to successfully complete SOAP transaction.
This service does not support manual import of documents.
PT_E_UNEXPECTED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_UNKNOWNMODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_UNSUPPORTEDMODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_USERGROUP_IS_REMOTE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_USERNAMENOTFOUND - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_USERNOTFOUND - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_USERUNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_WEBSERVICE_IN_USE_AUTHSRC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_WEBSERVICE_IN_USE_DATASOURCE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_WEBSERVICE_IN_USE_FEDSRCH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_WEBSERVICE_IN_USE_PORTLET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_E_WEBSERVICE_IN_USE_PROFILESRC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_EDIT_ACTIVITY_COLUMNS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Identities of columns used in edit activities.
PT_EDIT_ACTIVITY_COLUMNS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_ACTIVITY_COLUMNS
PT_EDIT_ACTIVITY_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_ACTIVITY_COLUMNS
only two columns allowed
PT_EDIT_ACTIVITY_PROP_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_ACTIVITY_COLUMNS
property name
PT_EDIT_ACTIVITY_PROP_VALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_ACTIVITY_COLUMNS
property value
PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_CLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_COLUMNS
PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_COLUMNS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_COLUMNS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_COLUMNS
PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_COLUMNS
PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_NEWVALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_COLUMNS
PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_OLDVALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_BULK_PROPDATA_COLUMNS
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_ACTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_COLS
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_ACTION_ADD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_ACTIONS
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_ACTION_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_ACTIONS
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_ACTION_REMOVE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_ACTIONS
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_ACTIONS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_ACTIONS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_ACTIONS
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_COLS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_COLS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_COLS
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_DATA - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_COLS
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_COLS
PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_SORTDATA - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PICKLIST_COLS
PT_EDIT_PROPDATA_COLUMNS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_EDIT_PROPDATA_COLUMNS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PROPDATA_COLUMNS
PT_EDIT_PROPDATA_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PROPDATA_COLUMNS
PT_EDIT_PROPDATA_PROPERTYID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PROPDATA_COLUMNS
PT_EDIT_PROPDATA_VALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_EDIT_PROPDATA_COLUMNS
PT_EXPRESSION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Expressions contain one or more conditions and specifies an action to change a user's experience
PT_EXTOP_BULKSUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Bulk Subscribe External Operation
PT_EXTOPERATION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
External Operations allow Plumtree administrators to use the Plumtree Scheduler to schedule operations that take place outside of Plumtree (such as scheduling the archiving of files, or a database backup)
PT_FEDERATEDPORTAL_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Federated Portals enable Plumtree portals to perform searches in external systems (including other Plumtree Portals), and to enable external systems to search in Plumtree
These constants are used by the FederatedEncryptionProvider to record what type of key should be used for encryption/decryption
PT_FEDERATEDSEARCH_SEARCHREQUEST_FORMVARIABLENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
the name of the form variable set in the form post made by the requesting portal that contains the search request
PT_FEDERATEDSEARCHMODE_SIMPLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FEDERATEDSEARCHMODES
PT_FEDERATEDSEARCHMODES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the allowed search modes for Federated Searches
PT_FEDERATEDSEARCHMODES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_FEDERATEDSEARCHMODES
PT_FEDSEARCH_STATE_DATA_FEDPORTALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_FEDSEARCH_STATE_DATA_GUESTPASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_FEDSEARCH_STATE_DATA_PORTALAUTHPASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_FEDSEARCH_STATE_DATA_USERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_FIELDARRAY_INDICES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Indices for Field arrays returned by Accessors and Data Source Providers.
PT_FIELDARRAY_INDICES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_FIELDARRAY_INDICES
PT_FIELDARRAY_MAX_NUM_COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FIELDARRAY_INDICES
Maximum Number of Columns Index
PT_FIELDARRAY_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FIELDARRAY_INDICES
Field Name Index
PT_FIELDARRAY_VALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FIELDARRAY_INDICES
Field Value Index
PT_FILTER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Filters can be applied to Cards to test if the Card meets specified constraints on it's metadata.
PT_FILTER_ITEM_CLAUSES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTER_ITEM_TYPES
PT_FILTER_ITEM_STATEMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTER_ITEM_TYPES
PT_FILTER_ITEM_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Filter Item Types are used to set the type for IPTPropertyFilterItems.
PT_FILTER_ITEM_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTER_ITEM_TYPES
PT_FILTER_PASSUNINDEXED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTER_SETTINGS
PT_FILTER_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the settings that can be set or retrieved for an IPTFilter
PT_FILTER_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTER_SETTINGS
PT_FILTEROP_CONTAINS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_DOESNOTCONTAIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_EQ - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_EQ_NOCASE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_GT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_GTE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_IN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_ISEMPTY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_ISNOTEMPTY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_LT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_LTE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_NE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_NUMERIC_EQ - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_NUMERIC_NOTEQ - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_REGEXPMATCH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_REGEXPNOTMATCH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_RELATIVE_GT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_RELATIVE_GTE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_RELATIVE_LT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROP_RELATIVE_LTE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTEROPS - Class in com.plumtree.server
The FILTEROPS constants define the operators that are supported in query filters.
PT_FILTEROPS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTEROPS
PT_FILTERTYPE_CLASSIFY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTERTYPES
Classify filters are associated with Catalog Folders, and are used by Taxonomists
PT_FILTERTYPE_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTERTYPES
PT_FILTERTYPE_SEARCH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTERTYPES
Search filters are used by Saved Searches
PT_FILTERTYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the types of filters that the IPTFilter interface can support.
PT_FILTERTYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_FILTERTYPES
PT_FOLDER_CLASSFN_AND_FILTERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS
All of a folder's filters must be satisfied for cards to pass
PT_FOLDER_CLASSFN_DEFAULT_SUBFOLDERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS
Cards rejected from child folders default to this specified folder
PT_FOLDER_CLASSFN_DONT_INDEX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS
Folder object itself should not be indexed for search
PT_FOLDER_CLASSFN_OR_FILTERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS
Any of a folder's filters can be satisfied for cards to pass
PT_FOLDER_CLASSFN_PASS_ALL_CARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS
Allow all cards to pass without examination
PT_FOLDER_CLASSFN_PASS_NO_CARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS
No cards may pass irrespective of filter satisfication
PT_FOLDER_CLASSFN_PUT_CARDS_HERE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS
Cards rejected from child folders default to this parent folder
PT_FOLDER_INDEXONSTORE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS
Folder should be indexed at the time store is called
PT_FOLDER_ROOTFOLDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The folder returned by IPTCatalog.GetRootFolder
PT_FOLDER_SEMIO_ENHANCED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS
Folder is subject of Semio integration logic
PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SETTINGS
PT_FOLDER_SUBMITACCESSLEVELS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_FOLDER_UNCLASSIFIEDCARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The folder returned by IPTCatalog.GetUnclassifiedCardsFolder
PT_FOLDERSEARCH_KWIC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDERSEARCH_SETTINGS
PT_FOLDERSEARCH_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDERSEARCH_SETTINGS
PT_FOLDERSEARCH_LIMITBYLOCALE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDERSEARCH_SETTINGS
PT_FOLDERSEARCH_PARSER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDERSEARCH_SETTINGS
PT_FOLDERSEARCH_QUERYTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDERSEARCH_SETTINGS
PT_FOLDERSEARCH_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_FOLDERSEARCH_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDERSEARCH_SETTINGS
PT_FOLDERSEARCH_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDERSEARCH_SETTINGS
PT_FRIENDLYGATEWAY_URI_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_FRIENDLYREFRESH_URL_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_FRIENDLYSECURE_GATEWAY_URI_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_GADGET_ALIGNMENTS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Portlet alignment values.
PT_GADGET_ALIGNMENTS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_ALIGNMENTS
PT_GADGET_COLUMNS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Gadget column enumerator.
PT_GADGET_COLUMNS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_COLUMNS
PT_GADGET_COMMUNITYLINKS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Community Links Portlet" Gadget
PT_GADGET_FLAGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Flags for gadgets.
PT_GADGET_FLAGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_FLAGS
PT_GADGET_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
PT_GADGET_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Gadgets represent the boxes containing content that users can place on their MyPages
PT_GADGET_LOGIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Portal Login" Gadget
PT_GADGET_MODES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Defines the mode or context in which a portlet runs.
PT_GADGET_MODES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_MODES
PT_GADGET_SAVEDSEARCHES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Saved Searches" Gadget
PT_GADGET_SEARCH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Portal Search" Gadget
PT_GADGET_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
The type of portlet.
PT_GADGET_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_TYPES
PT_GADGETALIGN_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_ALIGNMENTS
Use this value if the portlet is a footer.
PT_GADGETALIGN_FREEFORM - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_ALIGNMENTS
Use this value if the portlet is a content canvas.
PT_GADGETALIGN_HEADER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_ALIGNMENTS
Use this value if the portlet is a header.
PT_GADGETALIGN_NARROW - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_ALIGNMENTS
Use this value if the portlet can only reside in a narrow column.
PT_GADGETALIGN_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_ALIGNMENTS
No alignment.
PT_GADGETALIGN_WIDE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_ALIGNMENTS
Use this value if the portlet can only reside in a wide column.
PT_GADGETBUNDLE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Gadget Bundles are collections of Gadgets that can be added as a group to MyPages or Communities
PT_GADGETCOLUMN_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_COLUMNS
base gadget page column
PT_GADGETCONTENTSERVER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Gadget Content Servers contain basic connectivity information about external services, such as Gadgets and Crawlers.
PT_GADGETFLAG_SUPPRESSTITLEBAR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_FLAGS
Titlebar suppression flag
PT_GADGETINFO_APPLICATIONURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS
application URL: no longer used (4.5X)
PT_GADGETINFO_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS
directory used for gadget agent serialization: no longer used (4.5X)
PT_GADGETINFO_GADGETASPDIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS
ASP directory to gadget: no longer used (4.5X)
PT_GADGETINFO_GADGETID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS
Gadget ID: no longer used (4.5X)
PT_GADGETINFO_GADGETURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS
URL to gadget: not used
PT_GADGETINFO_SENDBASICAUTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS
if true, send basic auth: no longer used (4.5X)
PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
DEPRECATED Gadget info enumerator.
PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS
PT_GADGETINFO_USERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS
user ID for owner of this gadget cache entry instance: no longer used (4.5X)
PT_GADGETINFO_WEBSERVERADDRESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGETINFO_SETTINGS
web server address
PT_GADGETMODES_DIAGNOSTIC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_MODES
This mode is used on the remote servers diagnostics page.
PT_GADGETMODES_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_MODES
This mode is used to display a document in the knowledge directory.
PT_GADGETMODES_JOB - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_MODES
The portlet is running in a job, and output will be stored for later use.
PT_GADGETMODES_PREVIEW - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_MODES
The portlet should display a preview that does not rely on personalization settings.
PT_GADGETMODES_PREVIEW_CONTENTSYNDICATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_MODES
PT_GADGETMODES_RUNTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_MODES
The portlet is running on a Community or MyPage and should return a fully-personalized response as quickly as possible.
PT_GADGETMODES_SUMMARY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_MODES
The portlet should return a short summary of its contents for display in Alternative Browsing Devices.
PT_GADGETMODES_SUMMARY_CONTENTSYNDICATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_MODES
Supports administrator personalization using an administator preferences page.
Supports an alternate administator preferences page for personalizing a portlet template.
Supports community owner personalization using a community portlet preferences page.
Supports end user personalization using a portlet preferences page.
Supports a help page.
Supports refresh button
PT_GADGETPERSONALIZATION_ROLES - Class in com.plumtree.server
A bitmask of the types of personalization that a web service supports.
Supported alignments, can be 0=All or one of PT_GADGET_ALIGNMENTS.
Supports personalization, 0=false, 1=true.
PT_GADGETPROVIDER_CAPABILITIES - Class in com.plumtree.server
A list of optional capabilities that a portlet provider may support.
PT_GADGETTEMPLATE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
A Gadget Template defines many of the characteristics of a Gadget (such as Gadget Type) and can be used to create multiple Gadgets with similar characteristics
PT_GADGETTYPE_COMMUNITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_TYPES
A portlet that can appear only in a Community.
PT_GADGETTYPE_PANEL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_TYPES
PT_GADGETTYPE_PERSONAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_TYPES
Standard portlet, can appear on a MyPage or in a Community.
PT_GADGETTYPE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GADGET_TYPES
A portlet template used to generate other portlets, cannot be displayed.
PT_GATEWAY_CURRENT_VERSION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_GATEWAY_REQUEST_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_GATEWAY_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_GATEWAY_URI_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_GATEWAY_VERSION_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_GATEWAYFRIENDLY_KEYWORD_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_GLOBAL_ACLSYNCMAP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global Access Control List Synchronization map
PT_GLOBAL_ACTIVITY_SECURITY_MANAGER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global Activity Security Manager
PT_GLOBAL_AUDITMANAGER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
Enables and disables auditing, retrieves audit results, etc.
PT_GLOBAL_CARD_REFRESH_AGENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global Card Refresh Agent
PT_GLOBAL_CATALOG_SEARCH_UPDATE_AGENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global Search Update Agent
PT_GLOBAL_DEPLOYMENT_NODE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- the node type to be used for replication
PT_GLOBAL_DOCUMENTTYPEMAP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global Document Type Map
PT_GLOBAL_DYNAMIC_MEMBERSHIP_UPDATE_AGENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
Dynamic Membership Update Agent - manages dynamic memberships for Plumtree groups.
PT_GLOBAL_FEDERATED_SEARCH_AGENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
PT_GLOBAL_FILE_UPLOAD_AGENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
PT_GLOBAL_GADGETGATEWAY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
Gateways" remote Web sites to make them directly available to Plumtree clients as if they were hosted on the Plumtree Web Server.
PT_GLOBAL_LOCKMANAGER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
Centrally manages Plumtree object locks.
PT_GLOBAL_MIGRATION_MANAGER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global Migration Manager, used to import and export Plumtree objects
PT_GLOBAL_MYPORTAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
PT_GLOBAL_OBJECTPROPERTYMAP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global Object Property Map
PT_GLOBAL_PROFILE_MANAGER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global Profile Manager, used to manage User Profile information
PT_GLOBAL_PROPERTYMAP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global Property Map
PT_GLOBAL_SCHEDULED_AGENTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
This constant can be passed to IPTSession.OpenGlobalObject to retrieve a QueryResult containing all global agents.
PT_GLOBAL_SCHEDULED_CLASSES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
This constant can be passed to IPTSession.OpenGlobalObject to retrieve a QueryResult containing all global objects that can be scheduled.
PT_GLOBAL_SERVERCONFIGSETTINGS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global Server Config Settings object
PT_GLOBAL_STRING_LOCALIZATION_MANAGER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The global String Localization Manager, used to import and export all localized Server strings (names and descriptions of objects)
PT_GLOBAL_SUBMIT_HELPER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The component used to submit remote documents.
PT_GLOBAL_SYNC_NTUSERS_AGENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
PT_GLOBAL_TEST_MANAGER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
PT_GLOBAL_WEB_DOWNLOADER_SESSION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The WebDownloader session associated with the current IPTSession
PT_GLOBAL_WEB_SUBMIT_HELPER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The component used to submit web documents.
PT_GLOBAL_WEEKLY_HOUSEKEEPING_AGENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The Weekly Housekeeping Agent performs various maintenance tasks in Plumtree.
PT_GLOBAL_XUI_SERVICE_MANAGER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
The XUI service manager.
PT_GLOBALOBJECT_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Global objects, such as the Global Document Type Map
PT_GLOBALOBJECTS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Global objects are opened through IPTSession.OpenGlobalObject.
PT_GLOBALOBJECTS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_GLOBALOBJECTS
PT_GPAPPDATA_ON_STATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_GUESTLOGIN_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Guest Logins define the guest-user experience during an unauthenticated session, up to the point where the user is successfully authenticated.
PT_HEADERS_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_HIGH_PRIORITY_MSG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MSGTYPES
PT_HOST_PAGE_URI_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_HTTP_METHOD_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_HTTP_REQUEST_TRACE_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
Debug/trace settings
PT_HTTP_RESPONSE_TRACE_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_IMAGE_FORMATS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_IMAGE_FORMATS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_IMAGE_FORMATS
PT_IMAGE_ICON - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_IMAGE_FORMATS
PT_IMAGE_LARGE_GIF - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_IMAGE_FORMATS
PT_IMAGE_LARGE_JPEG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_IMAGE_FORMATS
PT_IMAGE_SMALL_GIF - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_IMAGE_FORMATS
PT_IMAGE_SMALL_JPEG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_IMAGE_FORMATS
PT_IMAGESERVER_BASE_URI - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_IMAGESERVER_URI_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_INTERNAL_CURRENTJOBID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_INTL_CHARSET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_INTL_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_INTL_LOCALE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_INTL_TIMEZONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_JOBINSTANCEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_JOBOPCLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_JOBOPID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_LOG_FILEPATH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_LOG_MAXFILES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_LOG_MAXFILESIZE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_LOG_SINGLEFILEMODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTERNAL_SETTINGS
PT_INTRINSICPORTLET_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_CLSIDS
Intrinsic Portlet Provider Class ID
PT_INTRINSICS - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants represent the ObjectIDs for intrinsic Plumtree objects- objects that should be in every system, and cannot be deleted
PT_INTRINSICS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
PT_INVALID_PAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_INVITATION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Invitations can be sent from one Plumtree user to another, to inform the second user about an item of interest, and to give the second user access to the item
PT_JOB_CONTINUEONERRORS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOB_SETTINGS
Zero or One.
PT_JOB_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Jobs are the items that can be scheduled in the Plumtree Automation Server.
PT_JOB_LASTRUNTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOB_SETTINGS
Date when the job last ran
PT_JOB_LOGLEVEL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOB_SETTINGS
The verbosity level of the job log created when the job is run.
PT_JOB_NEXTRUNTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOB_SETTINGS
Date when the job should run next
PT_JOB_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_JOB_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOB_SETTINGS
PT_JOB_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOB_SETTINGS
The maximum amount of time for the job to run.
PT_JOB_TIMEOUT_UNITS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOB_SETTINGS
Time units for the maximum amount of time for the job to run.
PT_JOBLOGINSTANCE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Job log instances are used internally in Plumtree to manage Job Log persistence
PT_JOBSERVERSTATUS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_JOBSERVERSTATUS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSERVERSTATUS
PT_JOBSERVERSTATUS_OFFLINE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSERVERSTATUS
Job Server is offline, not polling for jobs
PT_JOBSERVERSTATUS_ONLINE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSERVERSTATUS
Job Server is online, currently polling for jobs
PT_JOBSERVERSTATUS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSERVERSTATUS
Status of this Job Server is not known at this time.
PT_JOBSTATUS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_JOBSTATUS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSTATUS
PT_JOBSTATUS_FAILED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSTATUS
Job terminated with a reported failure
PT_JOBSTATUS_INPROCESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSTATUS
Job is marked as actively running
PT_JOBSTATUS_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSTATUS
Job was interrupted by an unexpected termination
PT_JOBSTATUS_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSTATUS
Invalid job status: should not be used
PT_JOBSTATUS_KILLREQUESTED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSTATUS
Job has been requested to terminate
PT_JOBSTATUS_SAVINGCHECKPOINT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSTATUS
Job is currently saving checkpoint
PT_JOBSTATUS_SUCCEEDED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSTATUS
Job successfully completed
PT_JOBSTATUS_SUSPENDED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSTATUS
Job was suspended
PT_JOBSTATUS_SUSPENDING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_JOBSTATUS
Job is currently being suspended
PT_LEGACY_STYLESHEET_URI_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_LOCALE_ID_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_INDICES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Indices of the columns in the 2D array returned by IPTLocalizable.
PT_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_INDICES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_INDICES
PT_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOCKSTATES
The object is locked, and it can be stored.
PT_LOCKSTATES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the lock states for server objects, as returned by IPTServerContext.GetLockState()
PT_LOCKSTATES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOCKSTATES
PT_LOG_LOW - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOGLEVELS
PT_LOG_NORMAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOGLEVELS
PT_LOG_SILENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOGLEVELS
PT_LOG_VERBOSE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOGLEVELS
PT_LOGLEVELS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Log levels are used by Scheduled Operations to decide how much logging they should perform to the Job Log
PT_LOGLEVELS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOGLEVELS
PT_LOW_PRIORITY_MSG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MSGTYPES
PT_LSINDEX_LANG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_INDICES
PT_LSINDEX_MAX_NUM_COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_INDICES
PT_LSINDEX_STRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_INDICES
PT_MANDATORYORDER_HIGH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MANDATORYORDERING
high order
PT_MANDATORYORDER_LOW - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MANDATORYORDERING
low order
PT_MANDATORYORDER_MEDIUM - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MANDATORYORDERING
medium order
PT_MANDATORYORDER_VERYHIGH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MANDATORYORDERING
very high order
PT_MANDATORYORDER_VERYLOW - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MANDATORYORDERING
very low order
PT_MANDATORYORDERING - Class in com.plumtree.server
Mandatory ordering priority.
PT_MANDATORYORDERING() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_MANDATORYORDERING
PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Defines the columns of the array of markup fragments returned by a web service, including finished markup and unfinished portions that require further processing.
PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS
PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS
The fragment.
PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS
The type of fragment, see PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES.
PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_NUM_COLS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_ARRAY_COLS
The number of columns in the array.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_BEGIN_HEAD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment marks the location immediately after the first head tag.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_BEGIN_HTML - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment marks the location immediately after the first html tag.
The fragment contains the effective timeout for this portlet.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_END_HEAD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment marks the location immediately before the first /head tag.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_ERRORCODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains the error code for a portlet.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_ERRORMESSAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains error message for a portlet.
The fragment contains the exception stack.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_FINISHED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment is a string containing finished markup ready for display without further post-processing.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_FIX_FN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains a placeholder for gateway fixURL function insertion.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_GATEWAY_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains an URL which should be gatewayed.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
Invalid, this value and above are reserved for future use.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_IPP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains the name of the control used to render and intrinsic portlet.
The fragment contains the portlet timeout.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_PT_URI - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains a pt:// URI.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_PT_XML - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains an XML tag that requires post-processing, in an array with columns defined by PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_REFRESH_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains a URL which should be refreshed in-place through the CS API.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_RESBODY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains response HTTP body for a portlet.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_RESSTATUS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains the HTTP status for the response.
The fragment contains a secure URL which should be gatewayed.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_TITLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains the portlet title.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPE_XUI - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
The fragment contains XUI (aka SCI) controls.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Defines the type of each fragment in the array of markup fragments.
PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_MARKUP_FRAGMENT_TYPES
PT_MAX_ADMIN_FOLDER_DEPTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum depth of the Admin Folder hierarchy- an admin folder path cannot be longer than this number of folders
PT_MAX_ADMIN_FOLDERNAMELENGTH_SERVER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum number of characters in the name of an Admin Folder in the Server.
PT_MAX_ADMIN_FOLDERNAMELENGTH_UI - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum number of characters in the name of an Admin Folder in the User Interface
PT_MAX_CARDNAMELENGTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum number of characters in the name of a Card
PT_MAX_COMMUNITY_PAGES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
Deprecated. No longer a maximum on the number of Community Pages.
PT_MAX_DESCRIPTIONLENGTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum number of characters in the description of a normal Administrative object (e.g.
PT_MAX_FOLDERDEPTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum depth of the Folder hierarchy- a folder path cannot be longer than this number of folders
PT_MAX_FOLDERNAMELENGTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum number of characters in the name of a Folder
PT_MAX_INTRINSIC_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum ObjectID for an object to be considered "intrinsic"
PT_MAX_MYPORTAL_CARDSTOSHOW - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
PT_MAX_MYPORTAL_FOLDERTOPICS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
PT_MAX_MYPORTAL_GADGETS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum number of Portlets to be displayed on a MyPortal or Community Page
PT_MAX_MYPORTAL_PAGES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum number of pages in a MyPortal
PT_MAX_MYPORTAL_PUBTOPICS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
PT_MAX_MYPREFS_VALUECOLUMNSIZE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The size of the column in the DB that stores a Gadget preference.
PT_MAX_NAMELENGTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum number of characters in the name of a normal Administrative object (e.g.
PT_MAX_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum ObjectID for a normal object (one created by a user)
PT_MAX_PAGENAMELENGTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
Deprecated. PT_MAX_PAGENAMELENGTH is deprecated. Use PT_MAX_NAMELENGTH instead.
PT_MAX_PASSWORDSIZE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum number of characters in a user password
PT_MAX_READONLYINTRINSIC_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum ObjectID for an object to be considered "read-only"
PT_MAX_URLLENGTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The maximum number of characters in the URL of a MyPage or Community Page
PT_MEDIUM_PRIORITY_MSG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MSGTYPES
PT_MIGRATION_CLASSES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_MIGRATION_CLASSES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_CLASSES
PT_MIGRATION_OBJECT_COLS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Indices of the columns in the 2D array returned by IPTMigrationManager.UUIDToObjectID
PT_MIGRATION_OBJECT_COLS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_OBJECT_COLS
PT_MIGRATION_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_CLSIDS
Migration Provider Class ID
PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_APPROVED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_TYPES
PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_DENIED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_TYPES
PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_MIGRATED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_TYPES
PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_TYPES
PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the Migration Statuses supported in Plumtree objects.
PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_STATUS_TYPES
PT_MIN_INTRINSIC_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The minimum ObjectID for an object to be considered "intrinsic"
PT_MIN_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The minimum ObjectID for a normal object (one created by a user)
PT_MIN_READONLYINTRINSIC_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
The minimum ObjectID for an object to be considered "read-only"
PT_MOC_CLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_OBJECT_COLS
PT_MOC_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_OBJECT_COLS
PT_MOC_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_OBJECT_COLS
PT_MSGTYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Log message types used when logging job messages, for example in InternalSession.JobLogMsg
PT_MSGTYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_MSGTYPES
PT_MYPAGESCONTAINER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
The object that contains a users pages.
PT_NEWLYCREATED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOCKSTATES
The newly created object is stored in memory, but not in the database.
PT_NODE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- the node identifier of the node to be used for replication
PT_NOLOCKINGREQUIRED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOCKSTATES
This object does not support locking.
PT_NULL_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
An invalid ObjectID, used as a dummy placeholder
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_ACL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_TYPES
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_ALWAYS_EXPORT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_TYPES
This is used on export.
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_BY_UUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_TYPES
Dependencies marked with this flag will get exported when the admin chooses to export dependencies.
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_COLS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Indices of the columns in the 2D array returned by IPTMigrationElement.GetDependencies
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_COLS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_COLS
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_EOD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_TYPES
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_INFOLDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_TYPES
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_NEVER_EXPORT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_TYPES
This is used on export.
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_OPTIONAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_TYPES
This is used on import.
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the types of dependency that one migration element can have on another migration element.
PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_TYPES
PT_OBJECT_ID_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_ODC_ALTERNATEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_COLS
PT_ODC_CLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_COLS
PT_ODC_DEPENDENCY_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_COLS
PT_ODC_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_COLS
PT_ODC_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_COLS
PT_ODC_UUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OBJECT_DEPENDENCY_COLS
PT_ONLY_ADD_MATCHING_DOCS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROFILER_MODE
Indicates that only the items matching the current set of queries should be added to the index.
PT_ORDERBY_ASCENDING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ORDERBY_SETTINGS
PT_ORDERBY_DESCENDING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_ORDERBY_SETTINGS
PT_ORDERBY_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the order (ascending or descending) for ObjectManager queries
PT_ORDERBY_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_ORDERBY_SETTINGS
PT_ORDFINDEX_MAX_NUM_COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_INDICES
Indices of override/default value 2D array
PT_ORDFINDEX_PROPID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_INDICES
Indices of override/default value 2D array!
PT_ORDFINDEX_PROPVAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_INDICES
Indices of override/default value 2D array
PT_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_INDICES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_INDICES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_INDICES
PT_OWNER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The faux property (faux since it's not saved in the DB, only indexed) that contains the owner id of a manually submitted document.
PT_PAGE_DIAGNOSTIC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Diagnostic Page
PT_PAGE_GENERALINFORMATION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the General Information Page of the User Profile Community
PT_PAGE_GLOBAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Global Page
PT_PAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Pages are used to display and layout portlets.
PT_PAGE_ID_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
Propagate a deletion of the page template.
PT_PAGE_TEMPLATE_JOB_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PAGE_TEMPLATE_JOB_TYPES
no job whatsoever.
Propagate a change int he page type.
PT_PAGE_TEMPLATE_JOB_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Page template job types.
PT_PAGE_TEMPLATE_JOB_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PAGE_TEMPLATE_JOB_TYPES
PT_PAGE_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Page types.
PT_PAGE_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PAGE_TYPES
PT_PAGETEMPLATE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
A Page Template defines many of the characteristics of a MyPage or Community Page (such as Gadgets, etc.) and can be used to create multiple pages with similar characteristics.
PT_PAGETYPE_REGULAR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PAGE_TYPES
regular page type
PT_PENDING_APPROVAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CARDREF_STATES
Card is unapproved in the specified Folder
PT_PERSONALPAGES_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Deprecated. PT_PERSONALPAGES_ID is deprecated. Use PT_PAGE_ID instead.
PT_PICKTABLE_COLUMN_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PICKTABLE_COLUMNS
PT_PICKTABLE_COLUMN_PICKCOL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PICKTABLE_COLUMNS
PT_PICKTABLE_COLUMN_SORTCOL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PICKTABLE_COLUMNS
PT_PICKTABLE_COLUMNS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Picktables are described by a 2D array.
PT_PICKTABLE_COLUMNS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PICKTABLE_COLUMNS
PT_PICKTABLE_TYPE_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PICKTABLE_TYPES
PT_PICKTABLE_TYPE_MANAGED_PICKLIST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PICKTABLE_TYPES
PT_PICKTABLE_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PICKTABLE_TYPES
PT_PICKTABLE_TYPE_PICKTREE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PICKTABLE_TYPES
PT_PICKTABLE_TYPE_UNMANAGED_PICKLIST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PICKTABLE_TYPES
PT_PICKTABLE_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Enumerates the allowed types of picklist tables.
PT_PICKTABLE_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PICKTABLE_TYPES
PT_PORTALOBJECT_COMMUNITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PORTALOBJECT_TYPES
Community portal object type
PT_PORTALOBJECT_MYCOMMUNITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PORTALOBJECT_TYPES
Not Used.
PT_PORTALOBJECT_MYPAGES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PORTALOBJECT_TYPES
MyPages portal object type
PT_PORTALOBJECT_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Portal object types.
PT_PORTALOBJECT_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PORTALOBJECT_TYPES
PT_PORTLET_TIMEOUT_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PREF_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PREF_TYPES
PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PREF_TYPES
PT_PROFILE_COMMUNITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The intrinsic User Profile Community object, which is used to display User Profiles
PT_PROFILE_EXISTING_DOCS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROFILER_MODE
Indicates that a subset of items that are already in the index should be matched against the current set of profiling queries.
PT_PROFILE_PAGE_CREDENTIAL_VAULT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Credential Vault Profile Page
PT_PROFILE_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_CLSIDS
Profile Provider Class ID
PT_PROFILE_UNIQUE_KEYS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Defines the meaning of special property IDs used by the IPTProfileSource interface as unique keys for profile syncs.
PT_PROFILE_UNIQUE_KEYS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROFILE_UNIQUE_KEYS
PT_PROFILEPAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Profile Pages are pages within the User Profile viewer/editor
PT_PROFILER_MODE - Class in com.plumtree.server
Enumeration for different profiling (aka taxonomization) options.
PT_PROFILER_MODE() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROFILER_MODE
PT_PROFILESECTION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Profile Sections are sections within Profile Pages
PT_PROFILESOURCE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Profile Sources represent external pieces of software that can provide User Profile information about Plumtree users.
PT_PROFILESOURCE_STATUS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Return values for the profile provider's AttachToUser.
PT_PROFILESOURCE_STATUS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROFILESOURCE_STATUS
PT_PROFILESOURCESTATUS_OK - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROFILESOURCE_STATUS
Attach was successful.
The provider is temporarily unavailable.
The user was not found.
PT_PROPAGATE_SECURITY_ADMINS_ONLY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPAGATE_SECURITY_MODES
Propagate Admin only ACLs
PT_PROPAGATE_SECURITY_MODES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants control how IPTAdminCatalog.PropPropagateAdminFoldersSecurity propages ACL state from parent folders to child folders
PT_PROPAGATE_SECURITY_MODES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPAGATE_SECURITY_MODES
PT_PROPAGATE_SECURITY_REPLACE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPAGATE_SECURITY_MODES
Replace the ACLs on child folders with the ACLs on parent folders
PT_PROPBAG_ADMINGADGETSETTINGS_NUMPREFS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_CONTAINER_NODE_FOLDER_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
The human readable name of the folder (e.g.
PT_PROPBAG_DOC_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
The Document Identifier is used to look in the Document Type Map.
PT_PROPBAG_DOC_TYPE_MAP_SECTION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
The Doc Type Map Section is used to know which part of the Document Type Map to use to do lookups of the value stored in PT_PROPBAG_DOC_IDENTIFIER
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_OPENDOC_INNERBAG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_OPENDOC_INNERBAG_CARDID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_OPENDOC_INNERBAG_EXPIRES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_OPENDOC_INNERBAG_REQUESTINGPORTAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_OPENDOC_INNERBAG_REQUESTINGUSER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_OPENDOC_REQUESTINGPORTAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_RESULT_CARDPROPERTYIDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_RESULT_CARDPROPERTYVALUES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
CardPropertyValues will be appended with the ID of a card property; the value of PTC_FEDSEARCH_CARDPROPERTYVALUES1 will then contain an array of PT_PROPERTY_CARDNAME values for each row returned.
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_RESULT_FAILEDMESSAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
this is set ONLY if the search fails
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_RESULT_MATCHESRETURNED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_RESULT_SKIPPED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_RESULT_TOTALMATCHES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_SIMPLEREQUEST_ENCRYPTEDINNERBAG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_SIMPLEREQUEST_INNERBAG_MAX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_SIMPLEREQUEST_INNERBAG_REQUESTINGUSER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_SIMPLEREQUEST_INNERBAG_REQUESTSTRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_SIMPLEREQUEST_INNERBAG_SKIP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_SIMPLEREQUEST_INNERBAG_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FEDSEARCH_SIMPLEREQUEST_REQUESTINGPORTAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORM_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD_FIELD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORM_CREDENTIAL_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORM_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME_FIELD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORM_FIELD_NAMES_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORM_FIELD_VALUES_ARRAY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORM_LOGIN_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
form-based login settings
PT_PROPBAG_FORM_POST_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORMAT will be used by ALL extensibility PropertyBags, and contains the format identifier.
PT_PROPBAG_FORMAT_ADMINGADGETSETTINGS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORMAT_FEDSEARCH_OPENDOCTOKEN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORMAT_FEDSEARCH_SEARCHRESULT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORMAT_FEDSEARCH_SIMPLEREQUEST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORMAT_HTML_TRANSFORMER_INIT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_FORMAT_XML_TRANSFORMER_INIT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_GATEWAY_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
advanced gateway flags, stored as a bitmask
PT_PROPBAG_GATEWAY_REFRESH_SPACE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
URL prefixes that should refresh in-place, also automatically added to the proxy space
PT_PROPBAG_GCS_GADGET_LIST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTP_SESSION_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
should each portlet have its own session, or share with other portlets on the same remote server?
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPAWS_AUTH_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPAWS_AUTHURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPAWS_SYNCURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPCWS_CONTAINERURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPCWS_DOCUMENTURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_ACTIVITYRIGHTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
array of activity rights Strings
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_ADMINPREFSURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
String what to append to the GCS URL
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_ADMINTEMPLATEPREFSURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
special URL for setting gadget template prefs.
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_BASICAUTHNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
String what to append to the GCS URL
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_BASICAUTHPASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
String what to append to the GCS URL
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_COMMUNITYPREFS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
array of Strings telling which community prefs to send
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_COMMUNITYPREFSURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
String what to append to the GCS URL
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_GATEWAYTIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
gateway timeout
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_HELPURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
String what to append to the GCS URL
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_HIDEERRORS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
boolean, should the GP display an expired cache entries if the GCS times out or returns an error
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_LOGINTOKENVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of how log should the login token be valid for
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_MAXCACHE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int, max time to cache, seconds
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_MINCACHE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int, min time to cache, seconds
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_PLUGADMINPAGEURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
pluggable admin pages url
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_PLUGUSERPAGEURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
pluggable user pages url
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_PREFSURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
String what to append to the GCS URL
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_PROXYSPACE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
String what to append to the GCS URL
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_SENDALIGNMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of whether to send portlet alignment to portlets.
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_SENDALLCOMMUNITYPREFS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of whether to send all community prefs or not
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_SENDALLUSERINFOSETTINGS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of whether to send all user info prefs or not
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_SENDALLUSERPREFS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of whether to send all user prefs or not
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_SENDCOMMUNITYACL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of whether to send community ACL to portlets
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_SENDLOGINTOKEN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of whether to send login token to portlets.
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_SENDSUBPORTALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of whether to send subportal id to portlets.
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_SENDUSERBASICAUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of whether to send basic authentication information.
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_SESSIONPREFS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
array of Strings telling which session prefs to send
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_SUMMARYURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
ErickS: add the constant for SUMMARYURL
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
String what to append to the GCS URL
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
String what to append to the GCS URL
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_USERINFOSETTINGS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
array of Strings telling which user info prefs to send
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_USERPREFS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
array of Strings telling which user prefs to send
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_XSLFILEPATH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
String UNC path to an XSL file
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPGADGET_XUIURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPMWS_MWSURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPPWS_SYNCURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPSOAP_ENCODED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPSOAP_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_HTTPSWS_SEARCHURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_LOCKBOX_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
credential vault settings
PT_PROPBAG_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
The signature of the card that is used during card refresh to detect whether a card has changed.
PT_PROPBAG_TRANSFORMER_CLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_PROPBAG_UNIQUE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
The Unique Identifier is used to uniquely identify the location of the document or container.
PT_PROPCHAR_HREF - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_ISCARDPROP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_MANDATORY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_MULTIVALUED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_PICKTABLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_PICKTABLECOLS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_PICKTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_READONLYVALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_REFCLASS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_SEARCHABLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPCHAR_VISIBLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS
PT_PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Values in this enum can be passed into IPTProperty.GetCharacteristicsAsXXX or SetCharacteristics.
PT_PROPERTY_CLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
Use this pseudoproperty in IPTSearchResponse.GetFields to get the class ID of a search result
PT_PROPERTY_CONTENTLANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Content Language" Property
PT_PROPERTY_CRAWLERTAG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Crawler Tag" Property
PT_PROPERTY_DEFAULTDATASOURCE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Card Submit Data Source" Property
PT_PROPERTY_DOCUMENTTYPEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Document Type ID" Property
PT_PROPERTY_DOCUMENTURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Open Document URL" Property
PT_PROPERTY_EMAIL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Email Address" Property
PT_PROPERTY_FOLDERLEVEL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
Used internally to provide Search functionality
PT_PROPERTY_FOLDERPATH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
Used internally by the search engine
PT_PROPERTY_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Properties are used by Cards to store and identify metadata about external documents
PT_PROPERTY_NAMEINDEX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
Used internally to provide Search functionality
PT_PROPERTY_OBJECTCREATED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Object Created" Property
PT_PROPERTY_OBJECTCREATED1 - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Object Created" Property.
PT_PROPERTY_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
Use this pseudoproperty in IPTSearchResponse.GetFields to get the object ID of a search result
PT_PROPERTY_OBJECTIMAGEURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
Used internally by the search engine
PT_PROPERTY_OBJECTIMAGEUUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Plumtree Card Image UUID" Property
PT_PROPERTY_OBJECTLASTMODIFIED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Object Last Modified" Property
PT_PROPERTY_OBJECTNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Name" Property
PT_PROPERTY_OBJECTRESULTTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
Used internally by the search engine
PT_PROPERTY_OBJECTSUMMARY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Description" Property
PT_PROPERTY_PROVIDERCLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
Used internally by the search engine
PT_PROPERTY_SEARCHSCORE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
Used internally by the search engine
PT_PROPERTY_TEXTCONTENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Full Text Content" Property
PT_PROPERTY_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Every Plumtree IPTProperty is typed with a value from this enum.
PT_PROPERTY_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_TYPES
PT_PROPERTY_UPLOAD_DUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Card Upload ID" Property
PT_PROPERTY_UPLOAD_DUSERVER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Card Upload Repository Server" Property
PT_PROPERTYARRAY_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTYARRAY_INDICES
Indices for arrays of Plumtree Properties produced by the Property Map object.
PT_PROPERTYARRAY_INDICES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_PROPERTYARRAY_INDICES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTYARRAY_INDICES
PT_PROPERTYARRAY_MAX_NUM_COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTYARRAY_INDICES
Indices for arrays of Plumtree Properties produced by the Property Map object.
PT_PROPERTYARRAY_VALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTYARRAY_INDICES
Indices for arrays of Plumtree Properties produced by the Property Map object.
PT_PROPERTYMAP_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Property Maps are used to identify which Plumtree Property should be associated with individual metadata items in external documents
PT_PROPID_ACCESSLEVEL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_ACLSYNC_FROMSTRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_ACLSYNC_MAPPINGTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_ACLSYNC_TOSTRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_ACLSYNCUNMAPPED_DATASOURCEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_ACLSYNCUNMAPPED_EXTERNALDOMAIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_ACTIVITY_URI - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_ALL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_APREG_CLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_APREG_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_APREG_IMAGEUUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_APREG_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AREG_CLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AREG_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AREG_IMAGEUUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AREG_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AREG_PROPBAGFORMATID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUDIT_CLASSNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUDIT_MSGCONTENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUDIT_MSGTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUDIT_MSGTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUDIT_OBJECTNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUDIT_SERVERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUDIT_USERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUDIT_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUTHSOURCE_AUTHPARTNER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUTHSOURCE_AUTHTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUTHSOURCE_CONFIGINFO - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUTHSOURCE_EVERYONEGROUP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUTHSOURCE_PREFIXSTRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUTHSOURCE_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUTHSOURCE_SERVERADDRESSS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUTHSOURCE_SUPPORTSSYNC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUTHSOURCE_SYNCTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_AUTHSOURCE_WEBSERVICEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CARD_ACCESSCOUNT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CARD_CONTENTLANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CARD_CRAWLERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CARD_DATASOURCEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CARD_DOCUMENTTYPEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CARD_LASTACCESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CARD_NUMPARENTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CARD_PARENTFOLDERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CARD_POPULARITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CARD_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COMMONFIELD_DESC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COMMONFIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COMMUNITY_COMMUNITYTEMPLATEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COMMUNITY_DELETINGFOLDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COMMUNITY_FOOTERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COMMUNITY_HEADERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COMMUNITY_INHERITCOMMUNITYTEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COMMUNITY_MANDATORYTABORDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COMMUNITY_OWNERINFO - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COMMUNITY_SITEMAPROOTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CONTENTSERVER_GLISTURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CONTENTSERVER_LOGIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CONTENTSERVER_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CONTENTSERVER_PROVIDERCLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CONTENTSERVER_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_COUNT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CRAWLER_DATASOURCEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_CREATED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DMPREG_BROWSERCLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DMPREG_CLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DMPREG_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DMPREG_IMAGEUUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DMPREG_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DOCTYPE_ACCESSORCLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DOCTYPE_ACCESSORFORMATID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DS_PROVIDERCLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DS_WEBSERVICEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DTMSECTION_ACCFORMATID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DTMSECTION_DESC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DTMSECTION_FIXEDIDENTLIST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DTMSECTION_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_DTMSECTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_EXPRESSION_ACTIONTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_EXPRESSION_ACTIONVALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_EXPRESSION_CONDITIONTYPEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_EXPRESSION_CONDITIONVALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_EXPRESSION_CONDITIONVALUETYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_EXPRESSION_OPERATORID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_EXPRESSION_TOPICPOS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_EXTOPERATION_COMMANDLINE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_EXTOPERATION_RUNASPASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_EXTOPERATION_RUNASUSER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FEDERATEDPORTAL_EXPIRATIONMINUTES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FEDERATEDPORTAL_SERVERADDRESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FEDERATEDPORTAL_THISPORTALIDENTITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FEDERATEDPORTAL_WEBSERVICEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FILTER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FILTERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_CARDAPPROVALSTATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_CARDRANK - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_CLASSIFICATIONFILTERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_CLASSIFICATIONSETTINGS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_DEFAULTORDERBY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_DEFAULTORDERBYASC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_DEFAULTSSEARCHORDERBY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_DEFAULTSUBFOLDERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_EXISTRR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_FOLDERTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_HASFILTERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_JOBTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_PARENTFOLDERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_PATH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDER_PRESENTATIONHINT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FOLDERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FPREG_CLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FPREG_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FPREG_IMAGEUUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_FPREG_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GADGET_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GADGET_COLUMN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GADGET_FLAGS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GADGET_FROMPAGETEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GADGET_GADGETTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GADGET_MANDATORYGADGETORDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GADGET_PROVIDERCLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GADGET_TEMPLATEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GADGET_USERINTERFACES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GADGET_WEBSERVICEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GPREG_BROWSERCLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GPREG_CAP_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GPREG_CAP_PERSONALIZATION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GPREG_CLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GPREG_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GPREG_IMAGEUUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GPREG_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GUESTLOGIN_GUESTUSERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GUESTLOGIN_REDIRECTONLOGOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GUESTLOGIN_REDIRECTTOLOGIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GUESTLOGIN_SSOVENDOR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_GUESTLOGIN_SUBPORTALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_IMAGEUUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_INVITATION_EXPIRATIONDATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_INVITATION_INVITATIONCODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_INVITATION_NUMINVITES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_IREG_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_IREG_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_IREG_IMAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_IREG_IMAGEUUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_ISLOCALIZED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOB_LASTRUNTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOB_LASTRUNTIME_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOB_LASTRUNTIME_SERVERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOB_LASTRUNTIME_STATUS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOB_LISTINDEX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOB_NEXTRUNTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOB_OPERATIONCLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOB_OPERATIONOBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_FINISHTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_INSTANCEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_JOBID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_JOBNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_JOBSTATUS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_NEXTRUNTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_OPERATIONCLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_OPERATIONOBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_OPERATIONOBJECTNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_OPERATIONRUNTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_RESULT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_RUNTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBHISTORY_SERVERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBSERVER_LASTUPDATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBSERVER_NETADDRESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBSERVER_SERVERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_JOBSERVER_STATUS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_LANG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_LASTMODIFIED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_LASTMODIFIEDBY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MEMBERSHIP_LOWERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MIGRATION_CATALOGFOLDER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MIGRATION_COMMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MIGRATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MIGRATION_REQUESTOR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MIGRATION_SOURCEPORTALUUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MIGRATION_STATUS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MIGRATION_UUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MYPORTAL_NUMCARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MYPORTAL_ORDERBYPROPID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_MYPORTAL_TOPICPOS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_OBJECTCOUNT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_OBJLOCK_ACQUIREDAT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_OBJLOCK_EXPIRESAT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_OBJLOCK_FROMMACHINENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_OBJLOCK_LOCKINGUSERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_OWNERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PAGES_FROMCOMMTEMP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
Deprecated. use PT_PROPID_PAGES_NOTDELETABLE instead
PT_PROPID_PAGES_INHERITPAGETEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PAGES_MARKEDFORDELETE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PAGES_NOTDELETABLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PAGES_PAGEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
Deprecated. PT_PROPID_PAGES_PAGEID is deprecated, use PT_PROPID_OBJECTID instead
PT_PROPID_PAGES_PAGETEMPLATEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PAGES_TOPICPOS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PAGES_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PAGES_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
Deprecated. PT_PROPID_PAGES_URL is no longer used
PT_PROPID_PAGETEMPLATE_DEFAULTPAGELANG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PAGETEMPLATE_DEFAULTPAGENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PAGETEMPLATE_JOBTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREFS_GADGETID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREFS_PAGENUMBER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREFS_PREFNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREFS_PREFVALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREFS_PREFVALUETYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREG_BROWSERCLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREG_CLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREG_CRAWLCAPABILITES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREG_CRAWLSUPPORT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREG_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREG_DISPLAYFILENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREG_IMAGEUUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PREG_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROFILEPAGE_ISPRIVATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROFILEPAGE_POSITION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROFILESOURCE_AUTHPARTNER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROFILESOURCE_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROFILESOURCE_WEBSERVICEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_CARDPROP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_HREF - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_MANDATORY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_MULTIVALUED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_PICKTABLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_PICKTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_READONLYVALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_REFCLASS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_SEARCHABLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_VALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_VALUETYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_PROP_VISIBLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SEARCHLOGREPORT_CREATED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SEARCHLOGREPORT_ENDDATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SEARCHLOGREPORT_OBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SEARCHLOGREPORT_STARTDATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SEARCHLOGREPORT_STATUS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SEARCHSCORE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SITEMAP_DEFAULTORDERBY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SITEMAP_GID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SITEMAP_LINKCLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SITEMAP_LINKOBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SITEMAP_LINKPAGEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SITEMAP_LINKPAGENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SITEMAP_LINKURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SITEMAP_PARENTFOLDERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SITEMAP_USERORGROUPID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_ACCESSTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_DEFAULTFIRSTPAGETYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_FIRSTPAGEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_FOOTERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_HEADERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_LAYOUTMODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_LAYOUTOPTIONS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_MANDATORYLINKSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_NAVIGATIONSCHEME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_RRACCESSTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_SUBPORTAL_STYLESHEET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USAGECOUNT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_AUTHNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_AUTHSOURCE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_LOGINNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_NAMECRCA - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_NAMECRCB - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_NUMPASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_NUMUSERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_SIMPLENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_UNIQUENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USER_USERTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USERGROUP_AUTHNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USERGROUP_AUTHSOURCE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USERGROUP_GROUPID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USERGROUP_SIMPLENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USERGROUP_UNIQUENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USERINTERFACE_DTDURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USERINTERFACE_UNIQUEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USERINTERFACE_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_USERLOCKEDACCOUNTS_LOCKCANEXPIRE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_UUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_WEBSERVICE_CARDSUBMITTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_WEBSERVICE_DISABLEDMSG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_WEBSERVICE_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_WEBSERVICE_PERSONALIZATION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_WEBSERVICE_PROVIDERCLSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_WEBSERVICE_REMOTESERVERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPID_WEBSERVICE_USERINTERFACES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPIDS - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the properties that can be retrieved from ObjectManagers when querying them for objects.
PT_PROPIDS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPIDS
PT_PROPPAG_HTTPGADGET_SENDPAGEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of whether to send PageID to portlets.
PT_PROPPAG_HTTPGADGET_SENDTIMEZONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
int of whether to send timezone to portlets.
PT_PROPTYPE_DATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_TYPES
PT_PROPTYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_TYPES
PT_PROPTYPE_ENCRYPTED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_TYPES
PT_PROPTYPE_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_TYPES
PT_PROPTYPE_LONG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_TYPES
PT_PROPTYPE_MEMBERSHIP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_TYPES
PT_PROPTYPE_REF - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_TYPES
PT_PROPTYPE_STRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROPERTY_TYPES
PT_PROVIDER_CLSIDS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Lists all Provider Class IDs
PT_PROVIDER_CLSIDS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_CLSIDS
PT_PROVIDER_DOC_TYPE_MAP_SECTIONS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Defines a list of sections that should appear in the Document Type Map.
PT_REFRESH_CLIENT_SIDE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_REFRESH_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_REFRESH_PORTLET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_REFRESH_TAG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_REFRESH_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_REFRESH_URL_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_REGISTRY_ACCESSORS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_REGISTRYTYPES
PT_REGISTRY_AUTHSOURCEPROVIDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_REGISTRYTYPES
PT_REGISTRY_DATASOURCEPROVIDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_REGISTRYTYPES
PT_REGISTRY_FEDERATEDSEARCHPROVIDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_REGISTRYTYPES
PT_REGISTRY_GADGETPROVIDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_REGISTRYTYPES
PT_REGISTRYTYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the available Plumtree registries, and can be passed into IPTSession.OpenRegistry
PT_REGISTRYTYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_REGISTRYTYPES
PT_RELATED_RESOURCE_COMMUNITIES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Related Communities" Property
PT_RELATED_RESOURCE_CONTENT_MANAGERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Related Content Managers" Property
PT_RELATED_RESOURCE_EXPERTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Related Experts" Property
PT_RELATED_RESOURCE_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Related Folders" Property
PT_RELATED_RESOURCE_GADGETS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Related Portlets" Property
PT_RELATED_RESOURCES_ACCESS_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define which Related Resource types in a particular SubPortal can be seen.
PT_REMOTE_SERVER_IMAGESERVER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Imageserver Remote Server
PT_REMOTEPORTLET_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_CLSIDS
CSPPortletProvider Class ID
PT_RESULTCODES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants enumerate result codes that could appear in errors thrown by the Plumtree Portal.
PT_RESULTCODES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_RETURN_URI - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_RETURN_URI_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_S_FALSE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_S_OK - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_S_OP_COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_S_OP_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_S_OP_SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_RESULTCODES
PT_SAVEDSEARCH_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Saved Searches represent prefetched search results that can be shared among users
PT_SCHEDULE_BLOCKEDTIMES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS
Specifies blocked out periods.
PT_SCHEDULE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Schedule objects are used to set the runtime and periodicity for Jobs
PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS
Interval for automatic checkpoint saving, minutes.
PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_MODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS
Automatic suspend/resume mode.
PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_MODES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_MODES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_MODES
PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_ON - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_MODES
Suspend On Specified Day/Times
PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_WEEKDAY_BEGIN_TIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS
Work or suspend (depending on PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_MODE) time begin on week days.
PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_WEEKDAY_END_TIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS
Work or suspend time end on week days.
PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_WEEKEND_BEGIN_TIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS
Work or suspend time begin on weekends.
PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_WEEKEND_END_TIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS
Work or suspend time end on weekends.
PT_SCHEDULE_WORK_CONTINUOUSLY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_MODES
Work continuously, no suspending
PT_SCHEDULE_WORK_ON - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULE_SUSPEND_MODES
Work On Specified Day/Times
PT_SCHEDULETYPE_ANNUALY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULETYPES
occurs every RecurrenceUnits Years from the last action
PT_SCHEDULETYPE_DAILY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULETYPES
occurs every RecurrenceUnits Days from the last action
PT_SCHEDULETYPE_HOURLY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULETYPES
occurs every RecurrenceUnits Hours from the last action
PT_SCHEDULETYPE_MINUTELY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULETYPES
occurs every RecurrenceUnits Minutes from the last action
PT_SCHEDULETYPE_MONTHLY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULETYPES
occurs every RecurrenceUnits Months from the last action
PT_SCHEDULETYPE_NEVER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULETYPES
never occurs
PT_SCHEDULETYPE_ONCE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULETYPES
occurs only once at RecurrenceTimestamp
PT_SCHEDULETYPE_WEEKLY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULETYPES
occurs every RecurrenceUnits Weeks from the last action
PT_SCHEDULETYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_SCHEDULETYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SCHEDULETYPES
PT_SCHEMA_VERSION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- the version of the DB schema, as recorded in the DB
PT_SEARCH_ABSTYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
"Abstract types" to be searched as part of an IPTSearchRequest.
PT_SEARCH_ABSTYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_ABSTYPES
PT_SEARCH_ABSTYPES_CONTAINERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_ABSTYPES
Return any form of container, such as a folder.
PT_SEARCH_ABSTYPES_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_ABSTYPES
Return any form of document, such as a card (on the portal) or an uploaded Collab document.
PT_SEARCH_ABSTYPES_OTHER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_ABSTYPES
Return any other object not included in the other types.
PT_SEARCH_ALLOW_SPELLCHECK - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- should search queries be spell corrected?
PT_SEARCH_ALLOW_THESAURUS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- If 0, thesaurus expansion in banner search is disabled.
PT_SEARCH_APPS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Applications to be searched as part of an IPTSearchRequest.
PT_SEARCH_APPS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_APPS
PT_SEARCH_APPS_COLLAB - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_APPS
Search Collaboration Server
PT_SEARCH_APPS_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_APPS
Search Content Server
PT_SEARCH_APPS_PORTAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_APPS
Search portal documents, folders, and objects
PT_SEARCH_BULK_IMPORT_BYTE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- the number of bytes to be indexed in one "bulk import" during crawling, defaults to 1000000
PT_SEARCH_BULK_IMPORT_SIZE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- the number of Cards to be indexed in one "bulk import" during crawling, defaults to 100 if not set
PT_SEARCH_CARD_FULLTEXT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHES
PT_SEARCH_CARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHES
PT_SEARCH_CLUSTER_HOST_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- the host name of one machine in a search cluster used to contact the cluster
PT_SEARCH_CLUSTER_HOST_PORT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- the port of one machine in a search cluster used to contact the cluster
PT_SEARCH_CONTENT_TERM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- the maximum number of terms which can be retrieved per Property with search results.
PT_SEARCH_DEFAULT_FIELD_ALIAS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- Comma-separated list of fields considered by banner search.
PT_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.PT_SEARCH_RESULT_FIELDS
PT_SEARCH_DOCUMENT_SUMMARY_SIZE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- Number of words to extract from the full-text of cards for use as a document summary.
PT_SEARCH_DOCUMENT_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.PT_SEARCH_RESULT_FIELDS
int value- the maximum number of bytes of full text to extract from a document.
PT_SEARCH_FAILOVER_QUERY_HOST_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_SEARCH_FOLDER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHES
PT_SEARCH_IF_BESTBETKEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
The first half of the search server key for this item, used in conjunction with IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance to make the item into a Best Bet target.
PT_SEARCH_IF_COLLAB_ICON_ALT_TEXT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for Collab results only; a numeric ID for the alt-text associated with the item's icon.
PT_SEARCH_IF_COLLAB_PORTLET_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for Collab results only; the ID of a Collab portlet (not necessarily associated with the item; Collab portlets are not tied to individual projects or objects the way Content portlets are).
PT_SEARCH_IF_COLLAB_PROJ_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for Collab results only; the name of the project in which the item appears.
PT_SEARCH_IF_COLLAB_PROJ_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for Collab results only; the URL that opens the item's Project page (when prepended with the value of PT_SERACH_IF_COLLAB_URL_PREFIX).
PT_SEARCH_IF_COLLAB_PROPS_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for Collab results only; the URL that opens the item's Properties page (when prepended with the value of PT_SERACH_IF_COLLAB_URL_PREFIX).
PT_SEARCH_IF_COLLAB_URL_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for Collab results only; an URL fragment to be prepended to other Collab item URLs to generate a complete (but not gatewayed) Collab URL.
PT_SEARCH_IF_CONTENT_PORTLET_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for Content results only; the IDs of the portlets associated with this item.
PT_SEARCH_IF_CONTENT_PUBLISHED_USER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for Content results only; the username of the user who last published this item.
PT_SEARCH_IF_CONTENT_WS_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for Content results only; the ID of a webservice object that is guaranteed to be able to gateway the Content item.
PT_SEARCH_IF_GADGET_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for portlet results only; the portlet alignment.
PT_SEARCH_IF_GADGET_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for portlet results only; the portlet type.
PT_SEARCH_IF_GADGET_USER_INTERFACES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
Defined for portlet results only; the allowed portlet user interfaces.
PT_SEARCH_IF_PARENTIDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
IDs of parent folders of this item, prefixed by "dd" for a document folder or "od" for an admin folder.
PT_SEARCH_IMAGE_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.PT_SEARCH_RESULT_FIELDS
PT_SEARCH_INDEXING_HOST_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_SEARCH_INDEXING_PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD - Class in com.plumtree.server
This enumeration lists special "internal fields" that can be requested by calling IPTSearchResponse.GetResultInternalField.
PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_INTERNAL_FIELD
PT_SEARCH_KWIC_WINDOW_SIZE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- Size in words of the context window surrounding highlighted keywords in search results.
PT_SEARCH_MAX_INDEX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.PT_SEARCH_RESULT_FIELDS
PT_SEARCH_MAX_NUM_KWICS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- Maximum number of context windows to display in keyword highlighted search results.
PT_SEARCH_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROVIDER_CLSIDS
Search Provider Class ID
PT_SEARCH_QUERY_HOST_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_SEARCH_QUERY_PORT_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_SEARCH_RESULT_FIELDS - Class in com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver
PT_SEARCH_RESULT_FIELDS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.PT_SEARCH_RESULT_FIELDS
PT_SEARCH_SETTING - Class in com.plumtree.server
These are settings that can be get and set on an IPTSearchRequest, via GetSettings() and SetSettings().
PT_SEARCH_SETTING() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
PT_SEARCH_TITLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.PT_SEARCH_RESULT_FIELDS
PT_SEARCH_UPDATE_REQUEST_SIZE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- then number of items to be indexed in a batch by the Search Maintenance agent
PT_SEARCH_WARNING - Class in com.plumtree.server
This enumeration lists all the warning codes that can be returned by IPTSearchResponse.GetWarning.
PT_SEARCH_WARNING() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_WARNING
Use the default timeout for processing search queries.
Use no timeout.
PT_SEARCHACCESS_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
This (vaguely named) enumeration lists legal values for IPTSearchRequest's PT_SEARCHSETTING_TIMEOUT setting.
PT_SEARCHACCESS_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHACCESS_SETTINGS
Set this setting to a nonzero value to indicate that the Search Server host or port has changed.
The language used when committing documents to the search server
Set this setting to a nonzero value to indicate that a property has been added, or has changed type.
PT_SEARCHCOLLECTION_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
This enumeration lists legal setting IDs that may be used in a call to IPTIndexer.GetSettings() or IPTIndexer.SetSettings().
PT_SEARCHES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_SEARCHES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHES
PT_SEARCHLOGREPORT_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
PT_SEARCHSETTING_ABSTYPES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Abstractified object types to constrain the search to (documents, containers, or other types).
PT_SEARCHSETTING_ACCESS_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Searches ordinarily return items that the current user has READ access to; pass in a PT_ACCESS_LEVEL value to restrict the search to a higher level of access.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_ADMINFOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Admin folders to constrain the search.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_APPS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Applications to constrain the search to (portal, collab, or content).
PT_SEARCHSETTING_ASSOC_COLLAB_PROJECT_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Constrains Collab Server matches to items associated with the specified project; has no effect on other results (use the APPS setting if you only want Collab results to be returned).
PT_SEARCHSETTING_ASSOC_PORTLET_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Constrains Content Server matches to items associated with the specified portlet IDs; has no effect on other results (use the APPS setting if you only want Content results to be returned).
PT_SEARCHSETTING_BESTBETS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Whether to apply Best Bets to this query.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_COMMUNITY_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Communities to constrain the search.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_DDFOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Document folders to constrain the search.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_DOCUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Constrains document matches to the user selected type which is one of the ObjectIDs listed in PTDOCUMENTTYPE table.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_GADGET_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Constrains portlet matches to match any of the specified portlet alignments; has no effect on other results (use the OBJTYPES and APPS settings if you only want portlets to be returned).
PT_SEARCHSETTING_GADGET_FIELDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Requests that certain fields defined only for portlets be returned as part of search results.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_GADGET_SEARCH_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Constrains portlet matches to obey certain special case behavior; legal values are null or empty string, "bannersearch", and "noncommunityfolder".
PT_SEARCHSETTING_GADGET_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Constrains portlet matches to match any of the specified portlet types; has no effect on other results (use the OBJTYPES and APPS settings if you only want portlets to be returned).
PT_SEARCHSETTING_GROUPBYPROP - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Specifies categorization for the results.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_INCLUDE_SUBFOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
If DDFOLDERS and/or ADMINFOLDERS are set, whether to include their subfolders in the search.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_INCLUDE_USUAL_FIELDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
If true, a standard set of fields (name, description, ACL, etc) that is sufficient for the portal's standard search results page will be returned for each search result.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_INITIALSEARCHSTRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Misnamed; does NOT set the actual search string.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_KWIC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Whether to make keyword-in-context ("KWIC") information available as part of the search result.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Language in which to parse the user's query (such as en, de).
PT_SEARCHSETTING_LIMITBYLOCALE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Whether to limit to results in the same language used to parse the user's query.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_MAXNUMGROUPS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Maximum number of categories to generate, when GROUPBYPROP is used.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_MAXRESULTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Maximum number of results to return.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_OBJIDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Object IDs to constrain the search; used along with OBJTYPES and APPS to check whether specific objects are indexed.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_OBJTYPES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Portal object types (array of PT_CLASSIDS values) to constrain the portal part of the search.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_ORDERBY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
ID of a property used to order the results, overriding the search server's normal relevance ranking.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_QUERYTYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
A "query type" that is logged as part of the search server logs within the tag queryType.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_RET_PROPS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Requests that a set of Plumtree properties (identified by id) be returned for each search result, in addition to the standard intrinsic properties (name, summary, etc) that are returned if the INCLUDE_USUAL_FIELDS setting is true.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_SECURITY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
PT_SEARCHSETTING_SKIPRESULTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Number of results to skip before returning results.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_SPELLCHECK - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Whether to attempt to spell-correct the query if any terms are not recognized.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_THESAURUS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Whether to use the search server's thesaurus to expand the query.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
The maximum time, in seconds, that the search server should process this query.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_USE_SHORT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Whether to use a short (30 second) search server connection timeout instead of a long (10 minute) timeout.
PT_SEARCHSETTING_USER_IS_GUEST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_SETTING
Constrains user matches to guest or non-guest users.
PT_SEARCHUPDATE_CLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Search Update Agents are jobs that update the Plumtree Search collection, keeping it synchronized with the Plumtree database.
PT_SEARCHUPDATE_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_SEARCHUPDATE_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHUPDATE_SETTINGS
PT_SEARCHWARNING_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_WARNING
No warning
PT_SEARCHWARNING_QUERY_IS_PARTIAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_WARNING
Search cluster was in some way "incomplete" and a partial result set was returned.
PT_SEARCHWARNING_QUERY_TIMED_OUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_WARNING
Query processing (not the connection to the search server) timed out, and a partial result set was returned.
PT_SEARCHWARNING_WILDCARD_TOO_GENERAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCH_WARNING
A very general wildcard query was issued (such as "a*").
PT_SECURE_GATEWAY_URI_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_SERIALIZED_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_COLS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Localized strings (object names and descriptions) that are stored by the server can be serialized to an array through the IPTStringLocalizationManager.GetLocalizedStrings and IPTStringLocalizationManager.SetLocalizedStrings calls.
PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGID - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGID() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGID
PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the settings that can be set or retrieved through the IPTServerConfigSettings interface
PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_SERVER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
Gadget content sever object ID, used by multiple remote services.
PT_SERVERCONFIG_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGID
PT_SERVERCONFIG_ISCACHEABLEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGID
PT_SERVERCONFIG_VALUEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGID
PT_SERVERCONFIG_VALUETYPEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGID
PT_SERVERCONSTANTS - Class in com.plumtree.server
A grab bag of lower and upper limits on values used by the Server
PT_SERVERCONSTANTS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONSTANTS
When storing an object fails due to a duplicate name error, should the Server attempt to rename the object to a unique name? 1 for yes, 0 for no.
PT_SERVERCONTEXT_DIRTYACL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONTEXT_SETTINGS
Has the ACL of this object changed since it was last stored? 1 for yes, 0 for no.
PT_SERVERCONTEXT_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the settings supported by IPTServerContext.
PT_SERVERCONTEXT_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONTEXT_SETTINGS
PT_SERVERCONTEXT_UUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONTEXT_SETTINGS
PT_SERVERCONTEXT_VERSION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVERCONTEXT_SETTINGS
PT_SERVICE_UUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
UDDI service UUID, used by multiple remote services.
PT_SESSION_AUTOASSIGNNUMERICAUTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
int value- should the Portal automatically assign a numeric authentication username to all users on store
PT_SESSION_CHARSET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
string value- the charset for the session
PT_SESSION_CONTENTLANGUAGES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_CURRENTJOBID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_CURRENTSERVERTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
date value- the current time
PT_SESSION_DISPLAYFILESDIRECTORYURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_ENABLERELATIVEDOCURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_JOBINSTANCEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_JOBOPCLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_JOBOPID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_SESSION_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
string value- the language for the session
PT_SESSION_LOCALE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
string value- the locale for the session
PT_SESSION_LOG_FILEPATH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_LOG_MAXFILES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_LOG_MAXFILESIZE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_LOG_SINGLEFILEMODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_NUMERICAUTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
int value- is numeric authentication enabled?
PT_SESSION_OPENFEDERATEDSEARCHURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
string value- the URL in the Portal used to open federated search items
PT_SESSION_RELATIVEDOCURLPREFIX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
string value- the URL prefix used to turn relative doc URLs into absolute URLs
PT_SESSION_ROOTDATADIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
These constants define the settings that can be set or retrieved through the IPTSession.GetSettingsAsXXX and SetSettings calls
PT_SESSION_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_TIMEZONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSION_WEBSERVERURL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSION_SETTINGS
PT_SESSIONSTATE_COMMUNITYID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSIONSTATE_OBJECTS
PT_SESSIONSTATE_OBJECTS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Used by IPTSession.OpenGlobalObject when PT_GLOBALOBJECTS.
PT_SESSIONSTATE_OBJECTS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSIONSTATE_OBJECTS
PT_SESSIONSTATE_PAGEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SESSIONSTATE_OBJECTS
int value- if 0, a user must be granted the Create User activity right to create users.
string value- the path to the Audit archive files
PT_SETTINGNAME_AUDIT_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- a bitmask of values from the PT_AUDIT_TYPES constants that determines what types of auditing are enabled
int value- number of days that Audit data should be archived in files before deleting
PT_SETTINGNAME_AUDIT_DAYS_IN_DB - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- number of days that Audit data should be maintained in the DB before archiving it to files
int value- should the Portal automatically assign a numeric authentication username to all users on store.
PT_SETTINGNAME_DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_SETTINGNAME_DEFAULT_LOCALE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- the default locale to be used to index documents when the locale cannot be identified
int value- if 0, debugging mode is disabled.
int value- if 0, debugging mode is disabled.
PT_SETTINGNAME_IMAGE_FILES_PATH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
PT_SETTINGNAME_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
a placeholder to store the largest valid setting + 1
PT_SETTINGNAME_INVITE_CIPHER_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- invitation cipher key
PT_SETTINGNAME_ISSUES_PATH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- number of days that job logs are maintained before being deleted
PT_SETTINGNAME_NUMERIC_AUTH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- determines if numeric authentication is supported (IPTSession.NumericConnect.) 1 for yes, 0 for no.
int value- is the Collaboration server installed?
int value- is the Content server installed?
string value - the URL to the directory where the data source provider specific display files are stored
int value- the number of seconds that end user objects such as mandatory Gadgets and Communities should live in the cache
string value- the URL in the Portal used to open federated search items
string value- used by the UI to record the URL to the SOAP API server
PT_SETTINGNAME_PORTAL_UUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- unique identifier for the Portal server cluster (used to identify the Server to Gadget Servers, etc.)
string value- path used by IPTSession.CreateSerializedPropertyBag and similar calls
int value- number of times a user may fail to logon before they're considered bad (i.e.
int value- number of minutes to remember that a "bad logon" was attempted (essentially the TTL of the "bad logon" cache.)
int value- is account locking enabled? 1 for yes, 0 for no.
int value- number of minutes that an account will be locked before the lock expires
PT_SITEMAPFOLDER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Site Maps are used to provide navigation functionality in communities.
PT_SITEMAPLINK_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Site Map Links represent the links that are available to users when navigating in Site Map Folders
PT_SITEMAPWEBLINK_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Site Map Web Links are a special type os Site Map Link that links to external content
PT_SLS_CLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERIALIZED_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_COLS
The index of the column containing the ClassID of the object in question
PT_SLS_ITEMID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERIALIZED_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_COLS
The index of the column containing the Item ID of the object in question.
PT_SLS_SOURCE_LANG - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERIALIZED_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_COLS
The index of the column containing the language of the source string
PT_SLS_SOURCE_STRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERIALIZED_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_COLS
The index of the column containing the source string- the "primary" Name, Description, etc.
PT_SLS_STRINGID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERIALIZED_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_COLS
The index of the column containing the String ID of the string in question.
PT_SLS_TARGET_STRING_START - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERIALIZED_LOCALIZED_STRINGS_COLS
The index of the first column containing localized strings
PT_SNAPSHOT_QUERY_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Snapshot Query Reference" Property
PT_SNAPSHOT_QUERY_RESULTS_FACTOR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
int value- this value is multiplied against the max number of cache results to return in order to increase the chances that an individual will get results.
PT_SOAP_CONNECTION_RESULTCODES - Class in com.plumtree.server.xui
Additional SOAP-related result codes that could appear in errors thrown by the Plumtree Portal.
PT_SOAP_CONNECTION_RESULTCODES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.xui.PT_SOAP_CONNECTION_RESULTCODES
PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.datasource.soap.PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_ENTRIES
The second entry is the document type identifier.
PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_DTM_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.datasource.soap.PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_ENTRIES
The third entry is the namespace of the document type.
PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_ENTRIES - Class in com.plumtree.server.datasource.soap
Submit helper for remote documents takes a 1D array, this defines the expected value at each index of the array.
PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_ENTRIES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.datasource.soap.PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_ENTRIES
PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_NUM_ENTRIES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.datasource.soap.PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_ENTRIES
The total number of entries in the array.
PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_UNIQUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.datasource.soap.PT_SOAPPROVIDER_GENERATE_ENTRIES
The first entry is the unique identifer of the document.
PT_SOURCE_URI_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_SSOINFO_ON_STATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_STATE_FILES_PATH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- path to the saved state files used to suspend and resume jobs
PT_STATEMODES - Class in com.plumtree.server
These values can be passed to IPTStates.Get to return the approprate IPTState object
PT_STATEMODES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_STATEMODES
PT_STATEMODES_APPLICATION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_STATEMODES
PT_STATEMODES_REQUEST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_STATEMODES
PT_STATEMODES_SESSION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_STATEMODES
PT_STOREDPROC_IN_PARAM - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_STOREDPROC_PARAMTYPES
PT_STOREDPROC_INOUT_PARAM - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_STOREDPROC_PARAMTYPES
PT_STOREDPROC_OUT_PARAM - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_STOREDPROC_PARAMTYPES
PT_STOREDPROC_PARAMTYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_STOREDPROC_PARAMTYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_STOREDPROC_PARAMTYPES
PT_STOREDPROC_RETVAL_PARAM - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_STOREDPROC_PARAMTYPES
PT_STYLESHEET_URI - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_STYLESHEET_URI_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_STYLESHEETPREFS_DISALLOWCOMMUNITYSTYLESHEETOVERRIDE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
used by content server, the web UI, and IPTSubPortalInfo to determine the stylesheet associated with a header gadget, which can be in an admin or a community-gadget pref.
PT_STYLESHEETPREFS_STYLESHEET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_SUACONFIG_BEGINTIME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHUPDATE_SETTINGS
Internal index into update iteration instance
PT_SUACONFIG_LASTREPAIRDATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHUPDATE_SETTINGS
Internal index into last scheduled repair
PT_SUACONFIG_NEXTCLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHUPDATE_SETTINGS
Internal index into class iteration
PT_SUACONFIG_NEXTOBJECTID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHUPDATE_SETTINGS
Internal index into object id iteration
PT_SUACONFIG_NEXTREPAIRDATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHUPDATE_SETTINGS
Internal index into next scheduled repair
PT_SUACONFIG_REPAIRRATE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SEARCHUPDATE_SETTINGS
Internal index into repair rate
May submit approvied cards
PT_SUBMITACCESSLEVEL_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_FOLDER_SUBMITACCESSLEVELS
Cannot submit to this folder
May submit unapproved cards
Undetermined submission privilege
PT_SUBPORTAL_ACCESS_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Subportal access types.
PT_SUBPORTAL_ACCESS_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SUBPORTAL_ACCESS_TYPES
PT_SUBPORTAL_COMMUNITIES_ACCESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SUBPORTAL_ACCESS_TYPES
Communities subportal access
PT_SUBPORTAL_DIRECTORY_ACCESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SUBPORTAL_ACCESS_TYPES
Directory subportal access
PT_SUBPORTAL_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Subportals are sections of the Plumtree Portal targeted at specific user communities, and managed relatively autonomously.
PT_SUBPORTAL_MYPAGES_ACCESS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SUBPORTAL_ACCESS_TYPES
MyPages subportal access type
PT_SUGG_DOC_TYPE_MAP_ENTRIES_INDICES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Indices for suggested Document Type Map Entries
PT_SYNCAGENT_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
PT_SYNCTYPE_FULL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SYNCTYPES
Full sync: all users and groups are brought in.
PT_SYNCTYPE_NONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SYNCTYPES
No sync: no users imported.
PT_SYNCTYPE_PARTIAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SYNCTYPES
Partial users sync: all groups brought in, but only users from selected groups.
PT_SYNCTYPE_PARTIALGROUPS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SYNCTYPES
Partial groups sync: all users imported, but no new groups are brought in.
PT_SYNCTYPE_PARTIALUSERSPARTIALGROUPS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SYNCTYPES
Partial users partial groups sync: only users from selected groups, and no new groups are brought in.
PT_SYNCTYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Enumeration of sync types for auth sources.
PT_SYNCTYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_SYNCTYPES
PT_SYNDPUB_IMPERSONATINGUSER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_SYSTEMMAINTENANCE_JOBID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the System Maintenance job
Successfully taxonomized cards appear approved
PT_TAXONOMIST_DELETE_REJECTED_CARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_TAXONOMIST_SETTINGS
Remove rejected card references
future use
PT_TAXONOMIST_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Taxonomists are used to automatically categorize Cards into Folders.
Leave source card references
PT_TAXONOMIST_LEAVE_REJECTED_CARDS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_TAXONOMIST_SETTINGS
Retain rejected card references
Ignore any filters applying to the top level destination folder
Move rejected card references to unclassified
Remove cards failing from source
PT_TAXONOMIST_SETTINGS - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_TAXONOMIST_SETTINGS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_TAXONOMIST_SETTINGS
Taxonomize entire branch
PT_TAXONOMIST_VERBOSE_RESULTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_TAXONOMIST_SETTINGS
Verbose logging
PT_TIMEOUT_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_TIMEZONE_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_TOKEN_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME
string value- the seed string used to generate Login Tokens (e.g.
PT_TOTAL_BYTES_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_TRANSFORMERS_PAGE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO - Class in com.plumtree.server.treeiterator
These constants describe the columns in the array returned by IPTTreeIterator.Children and IPTTreeIterator.CurrentLocInfo
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO_ADDL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
Additional, application specific information about the item
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO_BROWSEABLE_URL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
An URL that can be used to browse to the item, or the blank string if not applicable
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO_CHILDCOUNT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
The number of children of this item, or -1 if not known
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO_DESC - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
A description of this item
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
The unique string identifier for this item, can be passed into IPTTreeIterator.MoveTo
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO_IMAGE_UUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
An image UUID that specifies the image that should be used to represent this item when it is closed
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
The highest column index is one less than this value
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
The name of this item
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO_OPEN_IMAGE_UUID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
An image UUID that specifies the image that should be used to represent this item when it is open
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_INFO
The type of this item, which is a BITMASK of PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_TYPES values
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_TYPE_CONTAINER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_TYPES
This item is a container- a thing that can contain other nodes and containers.
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_TYPE_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_TYPES
Invalid value
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_TYPE_NODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_TYPES
This item is a node- a thing to be selected.
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server.treeiterator
These constants define the types of children that may appear in an IPTTreeIterator.
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_CHILD_TYPES
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLE_HTML - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLES
Return strings as HTML (for example, formatting tags are allowed)
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLE_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLES
invalid style
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLE_PLAIN_TEXT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLES
Return strings in plain text
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLES - Class in com.plumtree.server.treeiterator
An instance of a tree iterator has a style, which determines how strings will be returned.
PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLES
PT_UDDI_SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
UDDI service name, used by multiple remote services.
PT_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_LOCKSTATES
The object is not locked, and it cannot be stored.
PT_UPGRADE_DATATYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Datatypes for data used in IPTUpgradeManager
PT_UPGRADE_DATATYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_UPGRADE_DATATYPES
PT_UPGRADE_DATATYPES_FILEPATH - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_UPGRADE_DATATYPES
PT_UPGRADE_DATATYPES_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_UPGRADE_DATATYPES
PT_UPGRADE_DATATYPES_STRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_UPGRADE_DATATYPES
PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Indices of the columns in the 2D array returned by IPTUpgradeManager.
PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS
PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS_INVALID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS
PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS
PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS_PROMPT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS
PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS_VALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS
PT_URL_TYPE_DATASOURCE_GENERATED - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_URL_TYPES
Data source formatted URL
PT_URL_TYPE_SIMPLE_FIELD_MAPPING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_URL_TYPES
Simple field mapping format
PT_URL_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_URL_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_URL_TYPES
PT_USER_DEFAULTPROFILE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The default User Profile- used for Users without explicitly set User Profiles
PT_USER_GUEST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Guest" User
PT_USER_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
PT_USER_SYSADMIN - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Administrator" User
PT_USER_TYPE_GUEST - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_USER_TYPES
The "Guest" User Type
PT_USER_TYPE_REGULAR - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_USER_TYPES
The "Regular" User Type
PT_USER_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
PT_USER_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_USER_TYPES
PT_USERGROUP_EVERYONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Everyone" User Group.
PT_USERGROUP_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Groups of users
PT_USERGROUP_SYSADMINS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The "Administrators Group" User Group
PT_USERINFO_ACCESSINGFROMINTRANET - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_ALL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_DEPARTMENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_EMAIL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_EMPLOYEEID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_FULLNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_HOSTPAGEQUERYSTRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_IMUSER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_MANAGER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_PHONE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_PROFILEAUTHNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_PROFILEDESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_PROFILELOGINNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_PROFILEUNIQUENAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_PROFILEUSERID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_PROFILEUSERNAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_TITLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINFO_ZIPCODE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_USERINTERFACE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
User Interface objects represent different modes of displaying data to users, or different devices on which Plumtree data can be viewed.
PT_USERNAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_VIA_SERVER_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
PT_WEBSERVICE_BASE_PAGE_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Page Layouts Folder
Web Service supports advanced UI submission
Web Service does not support manual card submission
Web Service supports simple UI submission
PT_WEBSERVICE_CARDSUBMIT_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Web Service supports card upload
PT_WEBSERVICE_COMMUNITY_SELECTION_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Community Selection Layout Web Service
PT_WEBSERVICE_DEFAULT_PORTLET_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Default Portlet Layout Web Service
PT_WEBSERVICE_ERROR_PAGE_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Error Page Layout Web Service
PT_WEBSERVICE_ID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
Web Services store configuration information about Gadgets- there is a one to many relationship between Web Services and Gadgets, and multiple Gadgets associated with the same Web Service share most settings
PT_WEBSERVICE_KNOWLEDGE_DIRECTORY_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Page Layouts Folder
PT_WEBSERVICE_LOGIN_PAGE_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Login Page Layout Web Service
PT_WEBSERVICE_MYACCOUNT_PAGE_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the My Account Page Layout Web Service
PT_WEBSERVICE_PORTLET_SELECTION_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Portlet Selection Layout Web Service
PT_WEBSERVICE_PROFILE_PAGE_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Profile Page Layout Web Service
PT_WEBSERVICE_SEARCH_RESULTS_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Page Layouts Folder
Supports an administrator preferences pluggable page.
Supports a community preferences pluggable page.
Supports a Migration Web Service.
Supports a personal preferences pluggable page.
Displays user profile data.
PT_WEEKLYHOUSEKEEPING_CLASSID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_CLASSIDS
The Weekly Housekeeping Agent is a job that performs various maintenance tasks in Plumtree.
PT_WEEKLYHOUSEKEEPING_JOBID - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_INTRINSICS
The ObjectID of the Weekly Housekeeping job
PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS - Class in com.plumtree.server
Markup fragments of type PT XML are returned as 2D arrays with these columns.
PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS
PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS
The name of the tag or attribue.
PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS_TYPE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS
The type, see PT_XML_TYPES.
PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS_VALUE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS
The value of an attribute.
PT_XML_ARRAY_NUM_COLS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_ARRAY_COLS
The number of columns in the array.
PT_XML_TYPES - Class in com.plumtree.server
Markup fragments of type PT XML are returned as 2D arrays with these columns.
PT_XML_TYPES() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_TYPES
PT_XML_TYPES_OTHER - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_TYPES
This value and above are reserved for future use.
PT_XML_TYPES_PTUI - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_TYPES
An XML tag in the namespace "http://www.plumtree.com/xmlschemas/ptui/".
PT_XML_TYPES_PTUI_ATT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_TYPES
An XML attribute in the namespace "http://www.plumtree.com/xmlschemas/ptui/".
PT_XML_TYPES_PTUI_CLOSE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_TYPES
An close tag in the namespace "http://www.plumtree.com/xmlschemas/ptui/".
PT_XML_TYPES_XHTML_ATT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_XML_TYPES
An attribute in the XHTML namespace (or the default namespace in an HTML document).
PTException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.marshalers
PTException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.marshalers.PTException
Create a PTException object containing the specified error message and error code (from PT_RESULTCODES).
PTException(Exception, String, int) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.marshalers.PTException
Crate a PTException that wraps an underlying native Exception object, and contains a Plumtree specific error message and error code (from PT_RESULTCODES).
PTSAdjacentOperatorsException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception indicating a search query containing more than one operator in a row, such as "dog and or cat".
PTSAdjacentOperatorsException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSAdjacentOperatorsException
PTSConstants - Class in com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps
Assorted constants needed by users of the com.plumtree.server.search package.
PTSConstants() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
PTSEmptyQueryException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception indicating that a search query was empty.
PTSEmptyQueryException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSEmptyQueryException
PTSEndsInOperatorException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception indicating a search query that ends in an operator, such as "dog and".
PTSEndsInOperatorException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSEndsInOperatorException
PTSException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Base class for all exceptions defined in package com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.
PTSException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSException
Create a PTSException containing the specified error message and error code (from PT_RESULTCODES).
PTSException(Exception, String, int) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSException
Create a PTSException that wraps an underlying native Exception object, and contains a Plumtree specific error message and error code (from PT_RESULTCODES).
PTSFieldType - Class in com.plumtree.server.search
An enumeration of field types supported by Plumtree Search.
PTSInappropriateOperatorException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception indicating a search query containing an operator used in some inappropriate way, such as "or cat".
PTSInappropriateOperatorException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSInappropriateOperatorException
PTSIncompatibleRestrictionException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception indicating that a search query contained a set of restrictions that could never match anything.
PTSIncompatibleRestrictionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSIncompatibleRestrictionException
PTSInvalidArgumentException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception thrown when an invalid argument is passed to a public method in com.plumtree.server.search.
PTSInvalidArgumentException(String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSInvalidArgumentException
PTSInvalidArgumentException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSInvalidArgumentException
PTSInvalidSearchException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception indicating some sort of generic search error.
PTSInvalidSearchException(String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSInvalidSearchException
PTSInvalidSearchException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSInvalidSearchException
PTSNoFieldValueException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception thrown when a requested field is not defined in a search result.
PTSNoFieldValueException(String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSNoFieldValueException
Constructor for PTSNoFieldValueException.
PTSSearchServerConnectionException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception indicating some sort of low-level failure in connecting to the search server.
PTSSearchServerConnectionException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSSearchServerConnectionException
PTSSyntaxException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception indicating some sort of syntax error detected by the search server.
PTSSyntaxException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSSyntaxException
PTSSyntaxException(Exception, String, int) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSSyntaxException
PTSTextQueryParseMode - Class in com.plumtree.server.search
An enumeration of ways in which a text (string) query may be parsed.
PTSUnbalancedParenthesesException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception indicating a search query containing unbalanced parentheses.
PTSUnbalancedParenthesesException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSUnbalancedParenthesesException
PTSUnsupportedWildcardException - Exception in com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions
Exception indicating an unsupported wildcard in a search server query.
PTSUnsupportedWildcardException(Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.plumtree.server.search.exceptions.PTSUnsupportedWildcardException
PurgeMigrationProfile(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Clears all migration mappings associated with the specified portal UUID from the database.
PutCookieInfo(String, String, XPDateTime, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCookieInfo
Set all the properties in one call.
PutEveryoneGroupID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Allows the everyone group ID to be set.


Query(int, int, int[][], int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Perform a query for objects of this type.
Query(int, int, int[], int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Perform a query for objects of this type.
Query(int, int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Perform a query for objects of this type.
Query(int, int, Object, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
QueryACLCapabilityAsInt(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceACLSyncProvider
Allows for querying of ACLSync capabilities implemented by the provider (whether it supports it at all, users, or groups)
QueryACLCapabilityAsObject(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceACLSyncProvider
Allows for querying of ACLSync capabilities implemented by the provider (whether it supports it at all, users, or groups)
QueryActivityRights() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Retrieves the activity rights held by the current user.
QueryActivityRights(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns a QueryResult containing the activity rights granted to members of this group.
QueryAdminFolders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Query for Admin Folders where this SubPortal is applied
QueryAdminFolderShortcuts() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserManager
AdminFolderShortcuts are favorite admin folders associated with the current user.
QueryAllActivityRights() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Similar to QueryActivityRights, but returns a QueryResult containing all properties for all activity rights granted to members of this group.
QueryAllClassPropertyMappings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectPropertyMap
Query all property to class mappings used for object properties.
QueryAllGroups(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTActivityGroups
Returns all of the groups that have the right to the specified activity.
QueryAllInheritedActivityRights() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Similar to QueryInheritedActivityRights, but returns a QueryResult containing all properties for all activity rights granted to members of this group, including those that were obtained through groups that this group is a member of.
QueryAuditMsgs(int, int, int, int, Object[][], int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Used to retrieve all of the audit messages that are in the database which correspond to the indicated constraints
QueryAvailableCommunities() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Query for communities that are available to the current user.
QueryAvailableCommunities() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. Method QueryAvailableCommunities is deprecated. Use IPTCommunityManager.QueryAvailableCommunities() instead.
QueryCapability(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Used to determine if the Accessor supports certain operations.
QueryCapability(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Allows for determination of Provider capabilities
QueryCardAccess(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the access level of the current user for the document.
QueryCardIsVisible(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns whether or not the current user can see the requested card, if the card exists.
QueryCardPaths(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the document folders path of a document.
QueryCardPaths(int[], boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the document folders path of a set of documents.
QueryCardPopularityStatistics(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Returns basic information about a card including the popularity
QueryCards(int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns an IPTQueryResult of documents based on datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
QueryCards(int, int, boolean, boolean, int, Object, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns an IPTQueryResult of documents based on datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
QueryCards(int, boolean, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Queries the Cards in this Folder.
QueryCards(int, boolean, Object, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Queries the Cards in this Folder.
QueryCardsCount(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the number of cards in this Folder.
QueryChangedHistory(int, int, int, int[], int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
QueryChangedHistory is similar to QueryAuditMsgs, but is intended to return information about which users made modifications to which objects.
QueryClassificationFilters() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Queries the Filters that are assigned to this Folder
QueryClassPropertyMappings(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectPropertyMap
Query property to class mappings used for object properties for a single class.
QueryCommunitiesForGadget(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Returns a query result of object IDs for the communities that contain the given gadget.
QueryCount(int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Counts the number of objects of this class that match a filter
QueryDirectChildGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns an IPTQueryResult describing all groups in this group (excluding the groups that are in subgroups- this function returns ONLY the groups that are direct members of this group.) Returned properties include PT_PROPID_OBJECTID, PT_PROPID_NAME, PT_PROPID_ISLOCALIZED, PT_PROPID_USERGROUP_UNIQUENAME.
QueryDirectChildGroupsCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns the number of groups that are direct members of this group.
QueryDirectGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Queries for the user's group memberships, without taking into account any nested group hierarchy.
QueryDirectGroups(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Queries for the user's group memberships, without taking into account any nested group hierarchy.
QueryDirectParentGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns a QueryResult describing the groups that directly contain this group.
QueryFlattenedGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Queries for the user's group memberships, taking into account any nested group hierarchy.
QueryFlattenedParentGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns a QueryResult describing the groups that directly or indirectly contain this group.
QueryFolderPaths(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the folder path of a document folder.
QueryFolderPaths(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the folder path of a set of document folders.
QueryFoldersByFilter(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns an IPTQueryResult of document folders that use a particular classification Filter.
QueryForLockedObjectClasses() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLockManager
Query for locked object classes.
QueryGadgetContent(Object, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
Deprecated. Use IPTPageInfo.QueryPortletContent instead. If you are not on a Community Page or My Page, then use the IPTPageInfo for the Global Page: PT_INTRINSICS.PT_PAGE_GLOBAL.
QueryGadgets(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetBundle
Queries for gadgets in this Gadget bundle the user has at least READ access to.
QueryGadgets() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
QueryGadgets() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Query for all the gadgets in the current page template.
QueryGroups(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTActivityGroups
Returns all of the groups that have the right to the specified activity.
QueryHeaderAndFooter(Object, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Deprecated. Use IPTPageInfo.QueryPortletContent instead. If you are not on a Community Page or My Page, then use the IPTPageInfo for the Global Page: PT_INTRINSICS.PT_PAGE_GLOBAL.
QueryHeaderAndFooter(Object, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Deprecated. Use IPTPageInfo.QueryPortletContent instead. If you are not on a Community Page or My Page, then use the IPTPageInfo for the Global Page: PT_INTRINSICS.PT_PAGE_GLOBAL.
QueryInheritedActivityRights(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns a QueryResult containing the activity rights granted to members of this group, including those that were obtained through groups that this group is a member of.
QueryInvitationCodes() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTInvitation
Queries for all the active invitation codes.
queryIsPartial() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Returns true if the query was executed on a partial search cluster(some nodes were down).
QueryItems(int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTListManager
Query for an item in the list.
QueryJobAssignmentsByFolder(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Queries for job servers that are assigned to a job folder.
QueryJobAssignmentsByServer(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Queries for job folders that are assigned to a job server.
QueryJobHistory(XPDateTime, XPDateTime, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
This returns a query result with a list of jobid/runtime pairs (as well as other information)
QueryJobList() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
Returns the list of operations scheduled within this Job
QueryJobsByOperation(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Query for the jobs a particular operation object is in.
QueryJobServerStatus(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Queries the status for a given Job Server
QueryLeastPopularCommunityContent(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Queries communities for least popular content.
QueryLeastPopularContent(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Queries user MyPages for least popular content.
QueryLinks() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Query for all the links inside this folder that are visible to the current user.
QueryLinks() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolderInfo
Get a cached copy of the link inside the current folder.
QueryLockedObjects(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLockManager
Query each class for locked objects.
QueryMandatoryGadgets() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Query for the current user's mandatory gadgets.
QueryMandatoryGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Queries for the list of groups this gadget is mandatory on
QueryMandatoryTabs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Query for current user's list of mandatory communities that appear with navigation tabs.
QueryMandatoryTabs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. Method QueryMandatoryTabs is deprecated. Use IPTCommunityManager.QueryMandatoryTabs() instead.
QueryMappedItems(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTACLSyncMap
Get the all of the strings that are in the map for this item.
QueryMappingsForItem(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTACLSyncMap
Get the items that this item is mapped to or from.
QueryMembers(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Get either the users or groups who are members of this community.
QueryMemberships() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Query for the current user's community memberships, which includes communities that the user has joined and communities that are mandatory for groups that the user is in.
QueryMemberships() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. Method QueryMemberships is deprecated. Use IPTCommunityManager.QueryMemberships() instead.
QueryMigrationHistory(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Queries the migration history for a specified object.
QueryMigrationStatus(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Queries migration status for a specified object.
QueryMostPopularCommunityContent(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Queries communities for popular content.
QueryMostPopularContent(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Queries user MyPages for popular content.
QueryObjects(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Queries objects that are in this folder based on class ids.
QueryObjectsByStatus(int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
QueryObjectsByStatusCount(int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
QueryObjectsCount(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns the type of objects that are in this folder along with the count of how many each is.
QueryOperationHistoryByJob(int, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Query for operation history ran within the specified job at the time requested.
QueryOperationHistoryByObject(XPDateTime, XPDateTime, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Query for operation history ran by a specific object or class of objects (ie, crawlers).
QueryPages() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Deprecated. Use GetPages instead. QueryPages uses more memory than than GetPages.
QueryPages(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageContainer
Query for specific or all pages inside this page container.
QueryPageTemplates() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityTemplate
Query for the Page templates in this Community template.
QueryParametersRequiredForUpgrade() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUpgradeManager
Returns an array describing the information needed by the server to perform an upgrade.
QueryParentFolderIDs(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns a list of the parent folderIDs.
QueryPopularCardsByBranch(int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Queries for Cards in a Folder branch sorted by popularity
QueryPopularCardsByFolder(int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Queries for Cards in a Folder sorted by popularity
QueryPortletContent(int, int, Object, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Query for the all of the Portlet content on the Page.
QueryPortletContent(Object, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
Query for the all of the Portlet content on the Page.
QueryPortletList() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Returns the list of portlets that reference this query.
QueryPortlets() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Query for all the Portlets on the Page.
QueryPrefs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityInfo
Gets Community preference and Community gadget preferences from the cache.
QueryReportList(IPTSession) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLogAnalysis
Returns an IPTQueryResult containing 5 pieces of information for every log report stored in the database: the objectid (int), the time created (PTDateTime), the start date (String in the form YYYY-MM-DD), the end date (String in the form YYYY-MM-DD), and the STATUS (String indicating "OK" or otherwise).
QueryServerSchedule(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Retrieves the list of jobs a server should run and their next runtimes
QuerySingleObject(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLockManager
Query for the status of a single object.
QuerySingleObject(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Returns a Query Result (very similar to that returned by Query) that contains information about a specific object
QuerySpecificPortletContent(int[], Object, String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageInfo
Query for one Portlet content on the Page.
QueryStatusForMigrationRequestor(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Queries migration status of all objects for which the calling user requested migration.
QueryStatusForMigrationRequestorCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Queries the count of all objects for which the calling user requested migration, grouped by classID.
QuerySubcommunities() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Queries for Subcommunities in the current community that the current user has at least READ access to.
QuerySubExpressionIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Gets the list of sub expression IDs inside the current expression.
QuerySubExpressionIDs() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionInfo
Gets the list of sub expression IDs inside the current expression.
QuerySubfolders(int, int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Queries the subfolders.
QuerySubfolders(int, int, Object, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Queries the subfolders.
QuerySubfolders(int, int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Queries the subfolders of this folder.
QuerySubfolders(int, int, Object, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Queries the subfolders of this folder.
QuerySubfolders(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Query for all the child folders inside this folder and if the boolean is true, get all the children's children as well.
QuerySubfolders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolderInfo
Query for the child folders of the current folder.
QuerySubfoldersCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Returns the number of immediate subfolders
QuerySubfoldersCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Returns the number of subfolders directly under this Folder
QuerySubfoldersRecursive() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Query for all the folders beneath this folder in the tree.
QuerySubportalTypedFolders() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpressionManager
Returns a list of folders that are of Subportal Type
queryTimedOut() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Returns true if the request took too much time to run and a partial result set was returned.
QueryUnapprovedCards(int, int, boolean, int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Queries and returns documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
QueryUnapprovedCards(int, int, boolean, int, Object, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Queries and returns documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
QueryUnapprovedCardsByBranch(int, boolean, int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Queries and returns unapproved documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
QueryUnapprovedCardsByBranch(int, boolean, int, Object, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Queries and returns documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
QueryUnapprovedCardsCount(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the number of unapproved documents based on datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
QueryUnapprovedCardsCountByBranch(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the number of documents within a particular branch of the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
QueryUnapprovedCardsCountGlobal(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Returns the total number of documents in the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
QueryUnmappedExternalDomains(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTACLSyncMap
Returns external domains for which no mapping currently exists
QueryUnpopularCardsByBranch(int, XPDateTime, int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Returns the least popular Cards in a Folder branch that have either not been accessed since a given date or have a popularity lower than a given threshhold.
QueryUnpopularCardsByFolder(int, XPDateTime, int, int, int, int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Returns the least popular Cards in a Folder that have either not been accessed since a given date or have a popularity lower than a given threshhold.
QueryUserGroups() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Deprecated. in 5.0. Use QueryFlattenedGroups() or QueryDirectGroups() instead, as appropriate.
QueryUsers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns an IPTQueryResult describing all static users in this group.
QueryUsers(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns the direct user members of this group.
QueryUsers(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns a portion of the direct user members of this group, indicated by nMaxRows and nRowsToSkip.
QueryUsersCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns the number of users that are direct static members of this group.
QueryUsersCount(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Returns the number of users that are direct members of this group.
QuitCommunity(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityManager
Remove the current user from a community that they are currently joined to.
QuitCommunity(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. Method QuitCommunity is deprecated. Use IPTCommunityManager.QuitCommunity(int) instead.


Rank() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSSearchableCollection
A pseudofield, defined for any search result, indicating the rank of the item within the result set.
ReadACL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portal objects' ACL.
ReadArrayAsObject1DArray(String, String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Reads an array of primitive types from an IPTMigrationElement.
ReadArrayAsObject2DArray(String, String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Reads an array of primitive types from an IPTMigrationElement.
ReadArrayOfObjectReferences(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Reads an array of object references from the IPTMigrationElement.
ReadSimpleElementAsDouble(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Reads a value from the specified child node of the currently active element.
ReadSimpleElementAsFloat(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Reads a value from the specified child node of the currently active element.
ReadSimpleElementAsInt(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Reads a value from the specified child node of the currently active element.
ReadSimpleElementAsIXPPropertyBag(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Reads a value from the specified child node of the currently active element.
ReadSimpleElementAsObject(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Reads a value from the specified child node of the currently active element.
ReadSimpleElementAsString(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Reads a value from the specified child node of the currently active element.
ReadSimpleElementAsXPDateTime(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Reads a value from the specified child node of the currently active element.
ReadUserDataItemFromPackage(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Reads a user-specified metadata item from the currently loaded migration package.
Reconnect(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Connects this IPTSession using a login token.
RecursiveDelete(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolderManager
Delete the entire tree of all the folders and links that are below a particular folder in the hierarchy, including the current folder.
Refresh(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Conducts a complete refresh of a card's properties by revisiting the source document and re-collecting mappable data.
Refresh(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IServiceManager
Currently unimplemented, Refresh would be used to load static content for the service into the Plumtree Image Server.
RefreshCard(int, boolean, IPTDataSourceProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Refreshes a Card's Properties and serializes the results May be called when a Card is due for automatic refresh or by a Content Admin.
RefreshCardInMemory(IPTCard, boolean, boolean, IPTDataSourceProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
RefreshCardInMemory Similar method but takes an instantiated Card, which must be already locked.
RefreshDisplayList() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Call to refresh the display list.
Register(IPTAccessor) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessorRegistry
Adds an Accessor to the registry
Register(IPTDataSourceProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProviderRegistry
Used to register new Data Source Providers (currently not used)
Register(IPTFederatedSearchProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProviderRegistry
Adds a Provider to the registry
Register(IPTAsyncGadgetProvider) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetProviderRegistry
Adds a Provider to the registry
RegisterJobServer(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Registers a job processing server machine.
Remove(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessList
Removes a particular access list entry as specified by index
Remove(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValues
Removes a property and its values from the list of properties stored with this card.
Remove(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryFilter
Deprecated. This method should not be used.
Remove(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTState
Remove an item from the state object.
Remove(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStates
Remove an IPTState object from the collection.
RemoveAdminFolderShortcut(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserManager
AdminFolderShortcuts are favorite admin folders associated with the current user.
RemoveAdminGadgetSetting(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminSettings
Remove the indicated Administrative setting for the Gadget.
RemoveAdminObjects(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Request deletion of a set of objects of a given class, given the class id and an int[] array of object ids.
RemoveAll() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPickListEditor
Remove all items from the picklist.
RemoveAllUsers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Removes all users from this group that have static memberships.
RemoveCards(int, int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Removes multiple documents from a single document folder.
RemoveCards(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Removes a single document from a single document folder.
RemoveChildGroups(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Removes the indicated groups from this group
RemoveChildGroups(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Removes the indicated group from this group
RemoveClassificationFilter(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Unassigns a Classification Filter from this Folder.
RemoveCommunityGadgetSetting(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Remove a community-gadget setting (preference) from the combination of the community that the current page is part of and the gadget represented.
RemoveCommunityGadgetSetting(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
RemoveCommunitySetting(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Remove a community setting (preference) for the community that the current page is part of.
RemoveCommunitySetting(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
RemoveDestinationFolder(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Removes a particular Folder from the list of Target Folders
RemoveElement(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Removes the child element with the specified name.
RemoveGadget(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetBundle
Removes a gadget from the Gadget bundle.
RemoveGadget(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
RemoveGadget(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Remove one gadget from the current page template.
RemoveGadgetSetting(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Remove a user-gadget setting (preference) for the combination of a the gadget represented and the current user.
RemoveGadgetSetting(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
RemoveItem(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterClauses
A PropertyFilterClauses object is essentially a list of PropertyFilterItems.
RemoveJobListEntry(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
Removes an existing operation from this Job's list
RemoveMandatoryGroup(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Removes this gadget as a mandatory for the specified group
RemoveMandatoryGroupMember(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Removes a group from this community's membership list, note that the group's ACL will still remain unchanged.
RemoveMapping(int, String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTACLSyncMap
Delete a mapping entry
RemovePage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Deprecated. RemovePage is deprecated. Use IPTPageManager.Delete(nPageID) instead.
RemovePage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. RemovePage is deprecated. Use IPTPageManager.Delete(nPageID) instead.
RemovePageTemplate(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityTemplate
Removes a Page template from this Community template.
RemovePersonalSetting(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Remove a personal setting (preference) for the current user.
RemovePersonalSetting(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
RemovePersonalSetting(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Deprecated. RemovePersonalSetting(String) is deprecated. Use RemovePreference(String, 0) to remove a non-portlet personal preference.
RemovePortlet(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Remove one Portlet from the Page.
RemovePreference(String, int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPreferencesContext
This method removes a preference on the current object.
RemovePreference(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method removes a preference set for the current user.
RemovePreferences(String[], int, PT_PREF_TYPES) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPreferencesContext
This method removes multiple preferences on the current object.
RemovePreferences(String[], int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method removes multiple preferences set for the current user.
RemovePropertyFromMap(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyMap
Removes a particular Property from the map.
RemoveSection(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Removes a section from the map
RemoveSessionPreference(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetInfo
Removes a session preference for the current user.
RemoveSessionPreference(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPortal
RemoveSessionPreference(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Removes a session preference for the current user.
RemoveSessionPreference(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Removes a session preference for the current user.
RemoveSourceFolder(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Removes a particular Folder from the list of Source Folders
RemoveSubExpressions(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Removes the list of sub expressions inside the current expression.
RemoveSubscription(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearchManager
Removes a User from the list of subscribers serialized with a specific SavedSearch object
RemoveUsers(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Removes the indicated users from this group as static members.
RemoveUsers(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Removes the indicated user from this group as a static member.
RenewLock() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectLock
Renews the lock by resetting the expiration date to 24 hours after the current time.
ReorderExpressions(int, XPArrayList) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IExpressionEngine
Re-order the espression list.
ReportCardAccess(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Reports to the statistics maintainer that the card passed in has been accessed.
ResetPageName(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Deprecated. Method ResetPageName is deprecated. Use IPTPage.SetName instead.
ResetPageName(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. Method ResetPageName is deprecated. Use IPTPage.SetName instead.
ResetPagePageTemplateID(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Deprecated. Method ResetPagePageTemplateID is deprecated. Use IPTPage.SetPageTemplateID instead.
ResetPageType(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Deprecated. Method ResetPageType is deprecated. Use IPTPage.SetPageType instead.
ResetPageType(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. Method ResetPageType is deprecated. Use IPTPage.SetPageType instead.
ResetPageURL(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Deprecated. - URL can no longer be set on Pages
ResetPageURL(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMyPages
Deprecated. - URL can no longer be set on Pages
ResolveObject(IPTMigrationElement, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Resolves the IPTMigrationElement and returns its object ID.
RestoreFromXML(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
restrictTo(IPTSQuery) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Restrict this query request to a subsection of the search index.
restrictToAnyOf(IPTSQuery[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Restrict this query request to specified subsections of the search index.
ResumeJob() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Launches a previously suspended job.
RetrieveAllUserDataNames() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Retrieves an array of all user-specified metadata names.
retrieveClusterStatus() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSAdmin
Returns current status of the search cluster, including transation and partition information
RetrieveObjectFromImportPackage(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Retrieves a single IPTMigrationElement from the migration package.
RetrieveStatus() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Return a PropertyBag containing status information about the indexing Search Server.
retrieveStatus() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSAdmin
Returns current status of the search server(s), including connection information and number of indexed documents.
RetrieveSubscribedUsers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Retrieves all Users subscribed to this SavedSearch
RevokeActivityRights(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Revoke the indicated activity rights from members of this group
RevokeRightFromGroups(int, Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTActivityGroups
Revoke the right to an activity from a list of groups.
RowCount() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryResult
Returns the number of rows in this IPTQueryResult
RunProfile(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
RunSingleQueryProfile(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer


Save(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPersist
Save the persistent data about the object to a PropertyBag (which will typically be stored into the database)
SaveCheckpoint() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - A method used by the server to trigger suspension like action.
SaveToXML(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPersist
Save the persistent data about the object to an XML string
ScheduleImmediateJob() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTBulkSubscriber
Creates a job to run once immediately to process all the subscriptions.
ScheduleImmediateJob() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduledOperation
Called by applications to create a new job that should run immediately on the next available Automation Server running jobs stored in the intrinsic admin folder, whose folder id is well-known as PT_ADMIN_FOLDER_INTRINSICOPS.
ScheduleRecursiveAction(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
This method is currently not implemented.
Search(String, String, String[], String, String, IPTUserInfo, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLDAPQueryTool
Deprecated. Performs an LDAP search for a number of LDAP attributes.
Search(String, String, String, String, String, IPTUserInfo, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLDAPQueryTool
Deprecated. Performs an LDAP search for a single LDAP attribute.
Search(IPTSearchQuery) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Executes a search, using the provided query and any settings that have previously been set.
SearchAsUser(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Executes the search as a specified user.
SEARCHBOX - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.PTSTextQueryParseMode
Interpret this constraint as a query string entered by a user into a search box, which may contain query operators such as "and" or "or".
SearchByProxy(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
SeekToEnd() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStreamScroller
SeekToStart() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStreamScroller
SelectACL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Returns the IPTSField for portal objects' select ACL.
SerializeToXML() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Serializes an IPTMigrationElement to an XML string.
SetAccessingFromIntranet(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Sets whether the user is accessing the portal from the Intranet.
SetAccessLevel(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessListEntry
Sets the access level on this ACL entry.
SetAccessorCLSID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
SetAccessorCLSID is used to associate the Doc Type with a particular Accessor.
SetAccessType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets the AccessType bitmask
SetActionType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Sets the type of action to be performed if the expression evaluates to true.
SetActionValue(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Sets the action value to be performed if the expression evalutes to true.
SetAdminFolderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
Set the Admin Folder into which this object should be stored
SetAlignment(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Sets the gadget alignment (column number).
SetAllowGuestAccess(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Federated searches can allow guests to search as the guest user.
SetApplicationDataState(IPTState) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearch
The Application Data State must be set before this Federated Search can be used.
SetApprovalSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the approval settings
SetApprovalStateByCard(int, int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Sets the approval state of a document in a set of selected document folders.
SetApprovalStateByFolder(int, int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Sets the approval state of multiple documents in a single document folder.
SetArchivePath(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Sets the folder path into which archive files will be written
SetAuthenticationGroup(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Used when synchronizing with external usergroup repositories (e.g.
SetAuthenticationSourceID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the authentication source ID for this user.
SetAuthenticationSourceID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Sets the authentication source ID for this group.
SetAuthenticationUser(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the login name for the user.
SetAuthPartnerID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the ID of the authentication partner, or 0 for no partner.
SetAuthSourcePartner(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Sets the auth source parter whose settings will be used for the provider.
SetBasicAuthName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSSOInfo
Sets the username to use for Basic Auth headers.
SetBasicAuthPassword(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSSOInfo
Sets the password to use for Basic Auth headers.
SetBulkCopyNum(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the maximum number of database rows which can be inserted at a time during user sync.
SetBulkSubscription(int, int, int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTBulkSubscriber
Bulk subscribe the users in the passed in groups to a given object with the given class id and object id.
SetCardExpirationDate(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Sets the date at which this Card is scheduled to expire
SetCardExpirationDate(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Sets the date at which this Card is scheduled to expire
SetCardExpirationDelay(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Sets the expiration delay for cards created by this crawler.
SetCardLastRefreshedDate(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Sets the last time the Card was refreshed.
SetCardMissingDocumentDeletionDelay(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Sets the interval after which a missing Card is allowed to live
SetCardMissingDocumentDeletionDelay(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Sets the missing deletion delay for cards created by this crawler.
SetCardNextRefreshDate(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Sets the next time the Card is scheduled to be refreshed.
SetCardNextRefreshDate(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Sets the next time the Card is scheduled to be refreshed.
SetCardRank(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
Sets the ranking for a document in a particular document folder.
SetCardRefreshInfo(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshAgent
Sets the Card Refresh Info for a specified Card
SetCardRefreshInfo(int[], String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshAgent
Sets the Card Refresh Info for a specified set of Cards
SetCardRefreshRate(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Sets the interval between Card Refresh.
SetCardRefreshRate(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Sets the card refresh interval for cards created by this crawler.
SetCardSettings(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Set the value for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
SetCardSettings(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Set the value for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
SetCardSettings(int, int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Set the value for a particular card setting identified by one of the PT_CARD_SETTINGS values.
SetCardSubmitType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Sets the type of CardSubmission a web service supports.
SetCharacteristics(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Properties have a number of characteristics which determine how the Property is used.
SetCharacteristics(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Properties have a number of characteristics which determine how the Property is used.
SetCharacteristics(int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Properties have a number of characteristics which determine how the Property is used.
SetCheckLinkOnly(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshInfo
Sets whether the verification of existence of the Card is enough or whether the Card Refresh Agent actually needs to check whether content has changed.
SetCheckLinkOnly(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Configures the crawler to mark its cards for link validation only or not.
SetChildProperties(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSection
Returns the properties in this section.
SetChildSections(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfilePage
Sets the list of section ids on this page.
SetClassID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Sets the classID of the underlying object.
SetClassificationFiltersOperator(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Sets the Classification Filter operator, either PT_BOOLOP_AND or PT_BOOLOP_OR, that is applied to the Filters assigned to this Folder
SetClassPropertyMappings(int, int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectPropertyMap
Set mappings from a class to a list of properties.
SetCommandLine(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTExternalOperation
Sets the command line that is launched by this external operation
SetCommunityTemplateID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Assigns a community template to this community.
SetConditionTypeID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Sets the condition type ID of the expression.
SetConditionValue(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Sets the condition value of the condition for the expression.
SetContentLanguage(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Set the language code used for indexing text associated with the underlying document.
SetContentLanguage(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Sets the two character language designation determining how text retrieved from source documents will be indexed.
SetCrawlerID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Sets the ID of this card's crawler.
SetCrawlerRuntimeConfiguration(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Set the property bag representing the runtime configuration parameters for this crawler.
SetCrawlerTag(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Sets the value of the CrawlerTag property.
SetCrawlerTag(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Gets the current value each of the cards brought in by this crawler will inherit for their Crawler Tag property.
SetDataSourceID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTACLSyncMap
Sets the ID of the data source associated with the crawler who opened the acl sync map.
SetDataSourceID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Designates the Data Source to be used for capturing data for this card's document
SetDaysInArchive(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Sets the number of days that an audit message will be stored in an archive file before the archive file is deleted
SetDaysInDB(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Sets the number of days that an audit message will be stored in the database before it's archived to an archive file
SetDefaultFirstPage(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets the ID of the page user's first see when they login (MyPage, Community, etc.)
SetDefaultFirstPageType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets the type of page user's first see when they login (MyPage, Community, etc.)
SetDefaultOrderBy(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Sets the default order by.
SetDefaultOrderBy(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Sets the PropertyID by which cards should be ordered when querying through the database
SetDefaultPageName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Set the primary default page name for the current page template.
SetDefaultPagePrimaryLang(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
The primary language of the object is the language that the primary name and primary description are in.
SetDefaultProfile(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the objectID which is the Default Profile that should be used for this user.
SetDefaultProfileForNewUsers(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the id of the default profile which will be applied to users imported by this auth source.
SetDefaultProfileID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTInvitation
Sets a Default Profile ID for this Invitation.
SetDefaultProfilesMap(int[], int[], int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the default profiles map, which determines which default profile new users will receive, and into which admin folder they will be placed.
SetDefaultProfilesMap(Object[], Object[], Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the default profiles map, which determines which default profile new users will receive, and into which admin folder they will be placed.
SetDefaultSearchOrderBy(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Sets the PropertyID by which cards should be ordered when querying through search
SetDefaultsFromPageTemplate(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Set the page name, primary language, is localized, localized page names, page type settings on the page from the settings on the page template passed in.
SetDefaultValue(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the default value of a property id.
SetDefaultValue(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the default value of a property id.
SetDefaultValue(int, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the default value of a property id.
SetDefaultValue(int, float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the default value of a property id.
SetDefaultValue(int, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the default value of a property id.
SetDefaultValue(int, byte) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the default value of a property id.
SetDefaultValue(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the default value of a property id.
SetDeletedGroupFolderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the id of the admin folder where deleted groups will be created.
SetDeletedUserFolderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the id of the admin folder where deleted users will be moved.
SetDeleteWhenDone(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
Sets a boolean indicating whether the Job object will be automatically removed upon completion.
SetDeleteWhenDone(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Sets behavior determining whether the file will be removed when this object is destroyed.
SetDepartment(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Sets the user's department.
SetDescription(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Sets the primary description of the object.
SetDescription(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Set description of the current link
SetDescription(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Set the description of the service.
SetDestinationFolders(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Sets the target Folders for this Taxonomist.
SetDirty(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPersist
Sets the dirty flag for this object.
SetDisabledMessage(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Set the message to show when the web service has been disabled.
SetDocumentLocation(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Set the document location, Provider format, Document Type Map section, and necessary Provider document parameters for this card.
SetDocumentLocation(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Set the document location, Provider format, Document Type Map section, and necessary Provider document parameters for this card.
SetDocumentSignature(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Sets the Provider generated string used to determine whether a card's document has changed.
SetDocumentTypeID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Sets the ID of the Document Type used for this card.
SetDocumentURL(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
Sets the click-thru URL for the document identified by this card.
SetDomainName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSyncSingleNTDomain
SetDTDURL(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInterface
For UIs that are written in XML, this provides a DTD we can check against.
SetDynamicMembershipRule(IPTFilter) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Sets the dynamic membership rule to be used for this group.
SetEmail(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Sets the user's email.
SetEmployeeID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Sets the user's employee id.
SetEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Set the status of the web service, enabled or disabled.
SetEncryptedNumericPassword(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the encrypted numeric password.
SetEncryptedPassword(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the (encrypted) password for the user.
SetEndDate(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLogAnalysis
Sets the date of the last day included in the log report
SetExpirationMinutes(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Search results will be cached for a limited amount of time.
SetExposedAuthSources(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Set the list of Authentication Sources that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
SetExposedAuthSources(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Set the list of Authentication Sources that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
SetExposedUserGroups(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Set the list of User Groups that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
SetExposedUserGroups(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Set the list of User Groups that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
SetFallBackLocale(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Sets the language of the Taxonomist
SetFederatedPortalIdentity(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Sets the name that incoming federated searches will use to authenticate inbound search requests.
setFieldsToReturn(IPTSField[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Specify fields to return along with each result.
SetFieldValue(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the underlying int value for the property represented by this object.
SetFieldValue(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the underlying String value for the property represented by this object.
SetFieldValue(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the underlying XPDateTime value for the property represented by this object.
SetFieldValue(float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the underlying float value for the property represented by this object.
SetFieldValue(double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the underlying double value for the property represented by this object.
SetFieldValue(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the value object The value object will be converted to the appropriate type based on the property type
SetFileExtension(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Sets the file extension of the temp file.
SetFileName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Sets the temp file's name
SetFolderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Returns the folderID where the serialized object resides.
SetFolderType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Sets the folder type.
SetFooterID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Assigns new Footer ID to this community.
SetFooterID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityTemplate
Sets a Footer for this Community template.
SetFooterID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets the ID of a Footer Portlet
SetFullName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Sets the user's name.
SetFullSyncGroups(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the list of groups which have been selected for partial users sync.
SetFullSyncGroups(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
/** Sets the list of groups which have been selected for partial users sync.
SetFullTextIndex(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the document type to have full text indexing
SetGadgetTemplateID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Sets the gadget template ID.
SetGadgetType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Sets the gadget type.
SetGeneratedURLPrefix(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Sets a 4.x style URL prefix String
SetGroupList(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Sets the list of groups whose profile information will be updated.
SetGroupList(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Sets the list of groups whose profile information will be updated.
SetGuestPassword(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Deprecated and not used.
SetGuestRedirectToLogin(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
Sets the boolean flag indicating whether guest should be redirected to the SSO login page (when SSO is enabled).
SetGuestUserID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
Sets the user ID of the guest user.
SetHeaderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Assigns new Header ID to this community.
SetHeaderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityTemplate
Sets a Header for this Community template.
SetHeaderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets the ID of the header portlet
SetHostPageQueryString(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Used to pass the original query string from the host page URL to portlets.
setId(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTBestBetTarget
SetImageServerURL(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
SetImageUUID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
Sets the UUID for the image for this object.
SetImportCrossASMembers(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets a flag that tells the sync agent to import memberships for users imported to other authentication sources.
SetInheritCommunityTemplate(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Set whether the Community should inherit the settings of the Community Template.
SetInheritPageTemplate(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Set whether the Page should inherit the settings of the page template.
SetIsDefaultPageLocalized(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Does this object support localization? Note that an object may support localization, but nonetheless have no actual localizations.
SetIsLocalized(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Does this object support localization? Note that an object may support localization, but nonetheless have no actual localizations.
SetIsPrivate(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfilePage
SetItem(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTListManager
Modifies the characteristics of an item in list.
SetItems(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPickListEditor
Edit the items in a pick list.
SetJobType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAdminFolder
Sets the job type of the folder
SetJobType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Set the job type.
setLanguage(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set the language in which all text queries associated with this request will be parsed.
SetLastModified(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
Sets the DateTime at which this object was last modified.
SetLastModifiedBy(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Sets the user that last modified the object to be the passed-in user id.
SetLayoutEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets whether or not layout mode is enabled for this subportal/ Experience Definition.
SetLayoutOptions(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets the Layout Options selected for this subportal.
SetLinkClassID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Set the current link's class id, which defines the type of link.
SetLinkObjectID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Set the object id that this link refers to.
SetLinkPageID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Set the page id that this link refers to.
SetLinkURL(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Set URL of the current link.
SetLocalizedDefaultPageNames(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Sets the localized default page names for this object.
SetLocalizedDescriptions(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Sets the localized descriptions for this object.
SetLocalizedNames(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Sets the localized names for this object.
SetLocalizedStrings(String[], Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStringLocalizationManager
Sets the localized strings for every object in the Plumtree database.
SetLockedStatus(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the locked status for this user account.
SetLogin(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetContentServer
Set the login for HTTP basic authentication.
SetLoginName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the login name for the user, which uniquely identifies the user within Plumtree.
SetLongValue(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTRegAccess
SetManager(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Sets the user's manager.
SetMandatoryGadgetOrder(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Sets the mandatory order.
SetMandatoryLinksID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets the ID of the SiteMapFolder storing Mandatory links.
SetMandatoryTabOrder(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Assigns new mandatory community tab priority for this community.
SetMappedFieldNames(int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyMap
Sets the mapped Field Names for a given property
SetMappingAuthName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the Mapping Auth Name for the user.
SetMappingAuthName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Sets the Mapping Auth Name for the group.
SetMappings(int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentTypeMap
Sets the mappings
SetMappings(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Properties are associated with specified classes of Plumtree objects.
SetMigrationComment(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Sets the migration comment for the object.
SetMigrationConfigBagSettings(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Sets user specified migration configuration options, such as export parent folders.
SetMIMETypes(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInterface
Allows the web service to do rudimentary checking of the content returned by a server.
SetMIMETypes(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInterface
SetName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessListEntry
Sets the name of the group/user of the ACL
SetName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
Sets the primary name of the object.
SetName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Set name of the current link
setName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTBestBetTarget
SetName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Set the name of the service.
SetNavigationScheme(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets the Navigation Scheme ID for user's in this subportal.
SetNewGroupFolderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the id of the admin folder where new groups will be created.
SetNewUserFolderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the id of the admin folder where new users will be created.
SetNotDeletable(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Set whether the Page is deletable or not.
setNumberSearchNodes(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSearchFactory
Set the number of verified available search server nodes
SetNumericPassword(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the user's numeric password (PIN), which can be used in calls to IPTSession.NumericConnect().
SetNumericUserName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the numeric user name for this user.
SetNumResultsAskedFor(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Set the number of items to get when fetching Best Bets (size of view window).
SetNumTopQueries(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLogAnalysis
Sets the length of the lists to be included in the log report.
SetObjectID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Sets this object's ID.
SetObjectUUID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigratable
Sets the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for this object.
SetOperand(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Sets the operand for the filter statement.
SetOperand(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryFilter
Deprecated. This method should not be used.
SetOperator(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
Sets the top level operator as a PT_BOOLOPS for the filter.
SetOperator(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterClauses
Sets the operator- the way that the clauses will be logically joined together
SetOperator(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Sets the operator for the filter statement.
SetOperator(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryFilter
Deprecated. This method should not be used.
SetOperatorID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Sets the operator ID to be associated with the expression.
SetOverrideSubportal(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
Sets the subportal id of the current user for the current request
SetOverrideValue(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the overriding int value for the property represented by this object.
SetOverrideValue(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the overriding String value for the property represented by this object.
SetOverrideValue(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the overriding XPDateTime value for the property represented by this object.
SetOverrideValue(float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the overriding float value for the property represented by this object.
SetOverrideValue(double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the overriding double value for the property represented by this object.
SetOverrideValue(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardPropertyValue
Sets the overriding Object value for the property represented by this object.
SetOverrideValue(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the override value of a given property id
SetOverrideValue(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the override value of a given property id
SetOverrideValue(int, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the override value of a given property id
SetOverrideValue(int, float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the override value of a given property id
SetOverrideValue(int, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the override value of a given property id
SetOverrideValue(int, byte) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the override value of a given property id
SetOverrideValue(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
Sets the override value of a given property id
SetOwnerID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Sets a user as the owner of this object.
SetOwnerInfo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Assigns new owner info for this community.
SetPageTemplateID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Set the Page Template for the Page.
SetPageType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPage
Set a pagetype for the Page.
SetPageType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPageTemplate
Set the page type for the current page template.
SetParent(IPTSiteMapFolder) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapFolder
Set the parent folder of this folder.
SetParentFolderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Set the parent folder id.
SetPassword(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTExternalOperation
Deprecated. This method should not be implemented.
SetPassword(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetContentServer
Set the password for HTTP basic authentication.
SetPassword(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the password for the user.
SetPhone(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Sets the user's phone.
SetPopularitySamplingRate(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalogStatistics
Sets the popularity sample rate.
SetPortalAuthPassword(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Set the password that will be used for authentication between portals.
SetPortalUniqueKey(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Allows a particular property value to be sent to remote profile providers (PWS) in place of the portal's unique name for each user.
SetPosition(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfilePage
Sets the position of this page in the user profile editor.
SetPresentationHint(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Sets the Presentation Hint
SetPrimaryLang(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
The primary language of the object is the language that the primary name and primary description are in.
SetProfileUserID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Used internally by the intrinsic User Profile Community to specify which user's profile is being viewed.
SetPropertyData(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectProperties
Sets non-reference property data for the object.
SetPropertyFilter(IPTPropertyFilterItem) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
Sets the top level property filter.
SetPropertyMap(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Sets the map from property id to provider attribute.
SetPropertyRefData(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectProperties
Sets reference property data for the object.
SetPropID(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTQueryFilter
Deprecated. This method should not be used.
SetProviderCLSID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the provider CLSID.
SetProviderCLSID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Sets the provider CLSID.
SetProviderCLSID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Needed by Web Service Editor to support Web Service types.
SetProviderInfo(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the provider property bag.
SetProviderInfo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the provider property bag as XML.
SetProviderInfo(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Sets the provider-specific settings for this federateed portal.
SetProviderInfo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Sets the provider-specific settings for this federateed portal.
SetProviderInfo(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Sets the gadget provider properties
SetProviderInfo(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Sets the provider property bag.
SetProviderInfo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Sets the provider property bag as XML.
SetProviderInfo(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Set additional provider-specific settings.
SetProviderInfo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Set additional provider-specific settings.
SetPublicKey(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetContentServer
The public key can be used to encrypt data before sending it to the remote server.
setQuery(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Use the provided String as the search query for this request.
setQuery(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Use the provided String as the search query for this request.
setQuery(IPTFilter) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Use the provided IPTFilter as the search query for this request.
setQuery(IPTSQuery) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set the search query for this request.
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set the search server's query processing timeout for this request.
SetRecurrenceInterval(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Sets the interval multiplier Recurring schedules recur every RecurrenceInterval .
SetRedirectOnLogout(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
After logging out the user will normally go to the login page.
SetRefreshInfo(int, int[], IPTCardRefreshInfo) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshAdmin
Sets the given Refresh Info to Cards based on a set of CardIDs, DataSourceIDs, or CrawlerIDs
SetRefreshInfo(int, int, IPTCardRefreshInfo) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCardRefreshAdmin
Sets the given Refresh Info to Cards based on a single CardID, DataSourceID, or CrawlerID
SetRelatedResourcesAccessType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets the access types to Related Resources.
SetRemoteServerID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Set the remote server associated with this web service.
SetRepositoryInfo(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Sets a provider specific format of configuration and connection parameters for this Data Source.
SetRepositoryInfo(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Sets a provider specific format of configuration and connection parameters for this Data Source.
SetRequestingPortal(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
SetRequestingPortalPassword(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
SetRequestingUser(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.federatedsearchserver.IPTSearchProxy
setRequiredAccessLevel(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set the access level that the current user must have for items returned by the query request.
SetRequiredPropertyIDs(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDocumentType
SetRequiredPropertyIDs allows the client to specify a SafeArray of Property IDs that are considered "required" for this Doc Type.
setResultsCount(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set the desired number of results and number to skip.
setResultsGroupBy(IPTSField) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set field for results clustering (grouping).
setResultsGroupBy(IPTSField, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set field for results clustering (grouping) and specify the maximum number of desired groups.
setResultsOrderBy(IPTSField, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set the field that will determine the order of results.
setReturnMatchingExcerpts(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set whether to return excerpts from fields that matched the query.
SetReturnProps(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Sets the props that will be used as PT_SEARCH_SETTING.PT_SEARCHSETTING_RET_PROPS in the search.
SetRootAsActiveElement() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Sets the root element as the active element when enumerating over the tree nodes in the IPTMigrationElement.
SetScheduleType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Sets the schedule type of this schedule The schedule type indicates whether it is recurring or a one time launch
SetSearchProviderCLSID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Sets the ClassID (as a string) of the Search Provider that's used to perform requests on the remote Portal
SetSearchQuery(IPTSearchQuery) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Sets the SearchQuery.
SetSearchRequest(IPTSearchRequest) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Set the member Search Request object and marks the object as dirty.
setSearchServerLogInfo(IXPDictionary) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set information to be logged as part of the search server's on-disk logs during the query request.
SetSearchString(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
Sets the string to be applied to the basic composite field of indexed content.
SetSearchString(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Set the search string to use to limit the display list.
SetSendUserBasicAuthentication(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetContentServer
Should web services use the current user's login and password or a common login and password set by the administrator when accessing this web server?
SetServerContextSettings(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Associates a value with the passed-in setting id.
SetServerName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Deprecated. This method should no longer be called.
SetSessionPreferenceChangeCallback(IPTSessionPrefChangeNotification) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSessionInfo
This method sets the callback to be used when there's a new session pref being added.
SetSetting(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Sets an integer Setting based on Setting ID
SetSetting(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Sets an integer Setting based on Setting Name
SetSetting(int, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Sets a time Setting based on Setting ID
SetSetting(String, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Sets a time Value based on setting name
SetSetting(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchMaintenance
Sets a setting value
SetSetting(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Sets the specified global Plumtree setting.
SetSetting(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Sets the specified global Plumtree setting.
SetSetting(int, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Sets the specified global Plumtree setting.
SetSetting(int, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Sets the specified global Plumtree setting.
SetSetting(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerConfigSettings
Sets the specified global Plumtree setting.
SetSettings(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCatalog
SetSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Sets a value representing an OR'd list of PT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS.
SetSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
SetSettings(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFilter
SetSettings(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Sets a particular setting value on this folder
SetSettings(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Set the value of settings for the PTIndexer object.
SetSettings(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
Sets an int corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes, timeouts, and logging levels
SetSettings(int, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
Sets an XPDateTime corresponding to a PT_JOB_SETTINGS determining runtimes or timeouts
SetSettings(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Sets the value for a PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS for interval or suspension mode.
SetSettings(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Sets the value for a PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS.
SetSettings(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Sets the value for a PT_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS.
SetSettings(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Set an integer-valued search setting.
SetSettings(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Set a String-valued search setting.
SetSettings(int, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Set a search setting (of any type).
SetSettings(int, Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSearchRequest
Set an array-valued (usually Integer[]) search setting.
SetSettings(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Deprecated. Use SetServerContextSettings(int)
SetSettings(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Set session-wide settings.
SetSettings(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Set session-wide settings.
SetSettings(int, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSession
Set session-wide settings.
SetSettings(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Sets the settings associated with this Taxonomist.
SetShowingAll(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
When set to true, removes any search restriction that exists.
SetSiteMapDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunity
Sets flag to disable sitemap.
SetSourceFolders(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Sets the Source Folders of this Taxonomist.
SetSQLLoggingFile(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUpgradeManager
Sets the log file into which SQL statements will be recorded.
SetSSOVendor(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
Sets the SSOVendor setting.
SetStartCount(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Set the start count (starting at 1) to use when fetching Best Bets.
SetStartDate(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLogAnalysis
Sets the date of the first day included in the log report
SetStartLocation(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Sets the start location or root node designation for the crawl.
SetStartLocation(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCrawler
Sets the start location or root node designation for the crawl.
SetStartTimestamp(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Sets Start Timestamp.
SetStatus(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to automation server agents - Sets an int corresponding to a PT_JOBSTATUS indicating the state of the job (running, interrupted, failed, suspended, etc.)
SetStringValue(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTRegAccess
SetStyle(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.treeiterator.IPTTreeIterator
Sets the current display style, to a value from PT_TREE_ITERATOR_STYLES.
SetStyleSheet(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSubPortal
Sets the Stylesheet of the subportal.
SetSubPortalID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGuestLogin
Sets the ID of Subportal associated with this Guest Login.
SetSubscriptionEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Sets whether the storage and retrieval of Subscriber userIDs is supported on this SavedSearch object
SetSupportsPersonalization(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Flag set by the web service creator that indicates whether or not this web service allows personalization.
SetSupportsSync(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets whether this auth source supports user sync.
SetSuppressTitleBar(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
If you set this to true, the titlebar on the gadget will be supressed when it is displayed.
SetSynchronizeAll(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSyncSingleNTDomain
SetSyncType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets the sync type of this auth source.
SetTempDirectory(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTempfile
Sets the location where temp files will get created
setTextQueryDefaultFields(IPTSWeightedFieldList) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set the list of fields that text queries search, by default.
SetThisPortalIdentity(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Sets the name that outgoing federated searches will use to identify themselves for portal-to-portal authentication and searching.
SetTimeout(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTExternalOperation
Sets the timeout for the command line in milliseconds
SetTimeoutSeconds(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Set the timeout for this search request.
SetTitle(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Sets the user's title.
SetTopicPos(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IPTExpression
Sets the priority of the expression categorized by action types.
SetType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IValue
Sets the type fo the value object.
setType(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTBestBetTarget
SetUniqueAuthName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the Auth Unique Name for the user.
SetUniqueAuthName(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Sets the unique name on the IPTUserGroup object.
SetUniqueID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInterface
This sets the unique user interface ID.
SetUntilTimestamp(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSchedule
Sets final date after which job should not run
Setup(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTestManager
SetupHTTPRequest(Object, IPTSSOInfo) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Sets the basic auth headers on an IPTHttpRequestParallel.
SetupProfileCommunity(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileManager
Prepare to pass appropriate information to profile portlets by adding information to UserInfo.
SetURI(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Set the Service URI
SetURL(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetContentServer
Set the base URL for the remote server.
SetURL(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInterface
Allows us to redirect to the UI based on what type of device is accessing the portal.
SetURLType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Sets the type of URL that is generated for opening documents for cards built on this Data Source.
SetUseDefaultProfilesMap(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Sets whether the default profiles map is used for this auth source.
SetUser(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTExternalOperation
Deprecated. This method should not be implemented.
setUserAssignedMetadata(XPHashtable) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCard
SetUserFolderID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTInvitation
Sets the ID of the Admin Folder where new users created from invitations are created.
SetUserGroupIDs(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTInvitation
Sets the usergroups newly created users automatically become member of.
SetUserGroupIDs(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTInvitation
Sets the usergroups newly created users automatically become member of.
SetUserGroupsMap(int[], String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
SetUserGroupsMap(Object[], Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
SetUserInfoMap(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileManager
Sets the map from property id to UserInfo attribute.
SetUserInterfaces(String[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
Sets the UserInterfaces a web service supports.
SetUserInterfaces(Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTWebService
SetUserType(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUser
Sets the user type for the user, which identifies the user as either a regular user or a guest user.
setUseShortConnectionTimeout(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Set whether to use a short or long timeout when waiting for a connection to the search server.
SetUseUserGroupsMap(boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedPortal
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
SetUUID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Sets the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the serialized object.
SetValue(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.condition.IValue
Sets the value object to be stored.
SetValue(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Sets the value for the filter statement.
SetValue(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Sets the value for the filter statement.
SetValue(XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Sets the value for the filter statement.
SetValue(float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Sets the value for the filter statement.
SetValue(double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Sets the value for the filter statement.
SetValue(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTPropertyFilterStatement
Sets the value for the filter statement.
SetWebServiceID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuthSource
Returns the id of the web service associated with this auth source.
SetWebServiceID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSource
Sets the Web Service ID from which this Data Source was based
SetWebServiceID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadget
Sets the wbe service ID.
SetWebServiceID(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Returns the id of the web service associated with the provider.
SetZipCode(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserInfo
Sets the user's zip code.
shouldDeleteTempFiles() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.crawlers.IPTCrawlerConfig
Shutdown() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Called by the server just before dispensing of the provider.
SIMPLE - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.PTSTextQueryParseMode
Interpret this TextQuery as literally as possible, without supporting query operators.
SimpleQuery(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectManager
Return an IPTQueryResult containing information about all objects of this class that are stored in the indicated folder
SimpleQueryCards(int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Queries the Cards of this Folder.
SimpleQueryCards(Object, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Queries the Cards of this Folder.
SimpleQuerySubfolders(int, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Queries the subfolders of this folder.
SimpleQuerySubfolders(Object, Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFolder
Queries the subfolders of this folder.
SpecificDataSourceDescription(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Retrieve a Data Source Provider specific description of the current configuration info
SpecificGadgetDescription(IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAsyncGadgetProvider
Retrieve a specific description of the current configuration info.
specificPortalItem(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Special factory method to make a query that matches one and only one portal item, identified by class ID and object ID.
StartSimpleFederatedSearch(IPTSession, String, String, String, String, IPTState, Object, int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProvider
Initializes a federated search on this object
Store() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSiteMapLink
Store the current link to the database.
Store() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStorable
Store the object, in an object-specific manner
StoreMappingInProfile(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Stores a migration mapping in the database.
StoreObject() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigratable
Stores the object to the database
StoreObjectInExportPackage(IPTMigrationElement) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Stores an IPTMigrationElement into the migration package.
StoreResultPortlet(String, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Creates a Portlet corresponding to this SavedSearch which can be used to view its results
STR_NULL_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
This string is used in lieu of returning the actual password to the client.
STR_PT_PORTLET_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PlumtreeExtensibility
This is the name of the element on the mypage that will have the portlet content.
STRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ValueTypeEnum
STRING - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.PTSFieldType
Field type for String fields.
SUBPORTAL - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ActionTypeEnum
SubscribeUser(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Adds a user id to the list of userIDs serialized with the SavedSearch object which can then be retrieved later.
SummarizeDocument(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Only called during manual card submission, this method takes a full path to a file and extracts a String "summary" consisting of the first words of the full text found in the file.
SUPPORTED_CLASSES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_MIGRATION_CLASSES
Array of migratable classes.
SuspendJob() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTJob
- OBSELETE, Functionality moved to agents - Forces running job to serialize its state at the next checkpoint.


TaxonomizeCard(IPTCard) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTaxonomist
Taxonomizes a Card into the Target Folders.
Teardown(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTestManager
Test(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTestManager
TextContent() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
Full text content of a document.
TextQueryDefault() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSSearchableCollection
A pseudofield, consisting of a weighted OR of the most commonly searched text fields.
Trace(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTrace
TransformText(String, String, IPTState) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTransformer
TransformText(byte[], String, IPTState) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTTransformer
TurnOffAuditing() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Disable all auditing (equivalent to TurnOnAuditing(0)) for THIS SESSION only
TurnOffGlobalAuditing() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Disable all auditing (equivalent to TurnOnGlobalAuditing(0))
TurnOnAuditing(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Enable specific types of auditing for THIS SESSION only
TurnOnGlobalAuditing(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAuditManager
Enable specific types of auditing
TYPE_ADMIN_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for folders in the Admin Directory
TYPE_AUTHSOURCES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for auth sources
TYPE_COLLAB_ANNOUNCEMENTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for announcements in Collab
TYPE_COLLAB_DISCUSSION_MESSAGES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for discussion messages in Collab
TYPE_COLLAB_DISCUSSIONS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for Collab discussions
TYPE_COLLAB_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for documents in Collab
TYPE_COLLAB_EVENTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for events in Collab
TYPE_COLLAB_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for folders (within projects, not project folders) in Collab
TYPE_COLLAB_MILESTONES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for milestones in Collab
TYPE_COLLAB_PROJECTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for Collab projects
TYPE_COLLAB_TASK_LISTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for task lists in Collab
TYPE_COLLAB_TASKS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for tasks in Collab
TYPE_COMMUNITIES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for portal communities
TYPE_COMMUNITY_TEMPLATES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for community template objects
TYPE_CONTENT_ITEMS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType for content items
TYPE_CRAWLERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for crawlers
TYPE_DATASOURCES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for Data Source objects
TYPE_DOCUMENT_TYPES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for Document Type objects
TYPE_EXTERNAL_OPERATIONS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for External Operation objects
TYPE_FEDERATED_PORTALS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for federated portals
TYPE_FILTERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for filters
TYPE_GROUPS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for user groups
TYPE_INVITATIONS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for invitations
TYPE_JOBS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for Job objects
TYPE_KD_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for documents in the Knowledge Directory
TYPE_KD_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for folders in the Knowledge Directory
TYPE_PAGE_TEMPLATES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for page template objects
TYPE_PAGES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for portal community pages
TYPE_PORTLET_BUNDLES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for portlet bundle objects
TYPE_PORTLET_TEMPLATES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for portlet template objects
TYPE_PORTLETS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for any kind of portlet
TYPE_PROFILESOURCES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for profile sources
TYPE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for Property objects
TYPE_REMOTE_SERVERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for Remote Server objects
TYPE_SNAPSHOT_QUERIES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for snapshot query objects
TYPE_SUBPORTALS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for Subportal objects
TYPE_USERS - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for portal users
TYPE_WEB_SERVICES - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.PTSConstants
Value of ObjectType field for Web Service objects
types - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ActionTypeEnum
types - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.condition.ValueTypeEnum


UnassignJobFolder(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Removes an administrative folder from a Job Server's purview
UnindexCards(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Request deletion of a set of cards, given an int[] array of object ids.
UnindexFolders(Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Request deletion of a set of folders, given an int[] array of object ids.
UnlockObject(int, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLockManager
Unlock an object.
UnlockObject() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObjectLock
Unlock the object.
UnlockObject() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
Unlocks the object.
UnRegister(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessorRegistry
Removes an Accessor from the registry
UnRegister(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProviderRegistry
Used to unregister existing Data Source Providers (currently not used)
UnRegister(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTFederatedSearchProviderRegistry
Removes a Provider from the registry
UnRegister(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTGadgetProviderRegistry
Removes a Provider from the registry
UnregisterJobServer(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Removes a Job Server machine from the known list of servers.
UnSubscribeUser(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTSavedSearch
Removes a user id from the list of userIDs serialized with the SavedSearch object
UpdateBestBet(String, boolean, String, String, IXPList) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSearchBestBetMaintenance
Update an existing Best Bet.
UpdateCard(int, IPTCardPropertyValues, IPTAccessList, IPTAccessList, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Add a searchable representation of a card to the current list of items awaiting property updating.
UpdateDynamicMembers() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUserGroup
Reconciles the dynamic members of this group with those that match the current dynamic membership rule.
UpdateHistory(IPTMigrationElement) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Adds a history item to the migration history for the specified object.
UpdateJobHistoryEntry(Object[], XPDateTime, int, String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Updates an existing Job History Entry to reflect current status.
UpdateJobServerStatus(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTScheduler
Updates the status of the given Job Server machine
UpdatePageTemplateOrder(int[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCommunityTemplate
Assigns a new Page template order.
UpdateUserProfile(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProfileSource
Updates the given user's profile against this profile source.
UpdateValues(Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTProperty
Property values can be updated "in bulk." For instance, suppose that each Plumtree object contained a Department Property, which recorded the department in the company that was responsible for maintaining the object.
URL() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPlumtreeCollection
Clickthrough URL for the object.
URLPrefix() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSCollabCollection
Field containing the URL prefix for Collaboration Server.
useBestBets(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSModifiableQuery
Return best bet targets for the provided trigger string as the first results for this query.
useIndexServerForQueries() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryRequest
Tells this IPTSQueryRequest to run all subsequent queries against the index search server, rather than the query search server.
USER_AUTHENTICATION_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROFILE_UNIQUE_KEYS
Identifies the user's authentication name as the key sent to the remote profile provider.
USER_UNIQUE_NAME - Static variable in class com.plumtree.server.PT_PROFILE_UNIQUE_KEYS
Identifies the user's unique name as the key sent to the remote profile provider.
userTypes(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSPortalCollection
Special factory method to make a query that returns users of specific types.
useSpellCorrection() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSModifiableQuery
Spell-correct this query.
useThesaurus() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSModifiableQuery
Expand tokens in this query using the thesaurus.
UUIDToObjectID(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Converts a UUID to its (classID, objectID) equivalent on the local system, if it exists.


Validate(int, IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.xui.IService
Connects to the remote web service and validates the given settings.
ValueTypeEnum - Class in com.plumtree.server.condition
Enumarates the types of value a condition can have.
ValueTypeEnum() - Constructor for class com.plumtree.server.condition.ValueTypeEnum


waitForAllIndexRequestsToComplete(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTIndexer
Wait until all the index requests initiated by the client have been processed by the search server.
waitForDocsToBecomeSearchable(int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.admin.IPTSAdmin
Wait until all the index requests initiated by the client have been processed by the search server.
WebServiceID() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.ptapps.IPTSContentCollection
Field containing the ID of a webservice that can gateway the Content item.
wildcardExpansionIncomplete() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.search.IPTSQueryResponse
Returns true if processing of a wildcarded query term (e.g.
WriteArray(String, String, String[], Object[]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Creates a new child node and associates a 1-D array of primitive datatypes as the value.
WriteArray(String, String, String[], Object[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Creates a new child node and associates a 1-D array of primitive datatypes as the value.
WriteArrayOfObjectReferences(String, int[][]) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Writes an array of object references into the IPTMigrationElement.
WriteIndexingFile(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTAccessor
Writes an indexing file to the specified path.
WriteIndexingFile(String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTDataSourceProvider
Copies the document stream of the attached document to the path provided
WriteMWSDataItemToPackage(int, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Writes a Migration Web Service item to the migration package.
WriteSimpleElement(String, Object) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Creates a new child node of the currently active element, with the specified name, and associates a value with the node.
WriteSimpleElement(String, int) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Creates a new child node of the currently active element, with the specified name, and associates a value with the node.
WriteSimpleElement(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Creates a new child node of the currently active element, with the specified name, and associates a value with the node.
WriteSimpleElement(String, XPDateTime) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Creates a new child node of the currently active element, with the specified name, and associates a value with the node.
WriteSimpleElement(String, float) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Creates a new child node of the currently active element, with the specified name, and associates a value with the node.
WriteSimpleElement(String, double) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Creates a new child node of the currently active element, with the specified name, and associates a value with the node.
WriteSimpleElement(String, IXPPropertyBag) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationElement
Creates a new child node of the currently active element, with the specified name, and associates a value with the node.
WriteTextContent() - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTCustomFileAccessor
Complete writing the extracted text content to the contentOutputFile specified in a preceding call to AttachToFile().
WriteUserDataItemToPackage(String, String) - Method in interface com.plumtree.server.IPTMigrationManager
Writes a user-specified metadata item to the migration package.


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