Interface IPTSContentCollection

All Superinterfaces:
IPTSPlumtreeCollection, IPTSSearchableCollection

public interface IPTSContentCollection
extends IPTSPlumtreeCollection

Factory methods for fields defined by Plumtree Content Server, and queries that restrict to areas within Content (i.e. portlets).

Method Summary
 IPTSField ACL()
          Field containing the ACL (access control list) for a Content item.
 IPTSQuery ContentInCommunity(int communityID)
          Query that restricts to all objects published by Content Server in portlets contained in the specified community.
 IPTSQuery ContentPortlet(int portletID)
          Query that restricts to all objects published by Content Server within the specified portlet.
 IPTSQuery ContentServer()
          Query that restricts to all objects published by Content Server.
 IPTSField LastPublishedUser()
          Field containing the name of the user who last published the Content item.
 IPTSField PortletIDs()
          Field containing the IDs of the portlets in which a Content item was published (separated by whitespace).
 IPTSField WebServiceID()
          Field containing the ID of a webservice that can gateway the Content item.
Methods inherited from interface
Application, CategorizableObjectType, Created, Description, Excerpt, IconURL, IconUUID, Language, LastModified, Name, ObjectType, TextContent, URL
Methods inherited from interface
IsBestBet, Rank, TextQueryDefault

Method Detail


IPTSField PortletIDs()
Field containing the IDs of the portlets in which a Content item was published (separated by whitespace). Type String, searchable and retrievable.


IPTSField WebServiceID()
Field containing the ID of a webservice that can gateway the Content item. Type String, retrievable but not searchable.


IPTSField LastPublishedUser()
Field containing the name of the user who last published the Content item. Type String, searchable and retrievable.


Field containing the ACL (access control list) for a Content item. Type string; same format as IPTSPortalCollection.ACL. Retrievable but not searchable (the current user's ACL is implicitly applied to every search query).


IPTSQuery ContentServer()
Query that restricts to all objects published by Content Server. May be passed into IPTSQueryRequest.restrictTo, or used as a subquery of an IPTSBooleanQuery.


IPTSQuery ContentPortlet(int portletID)
Query that restricts to all objects published by Content Server within the specified portlet. May be passed into IPTSQueryRequest.restrictTo, or used as a subquery of an IPTSBooleanQuery.


IPTSQuery ContentInCommunity(int communityID)
Query that restricts to all objects published by Content Server in portlets contained in the specified community. May be passed into IPTSQueryRequest.restrictTo, or used as a subquery of an IPTSBooleanQuery.

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