Interface IPTSPlumtreeCollection

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IPTSCollabCollection, IPTSContentCollection, IPTSPortalCollection

public interface IPTSPlumtreeCollection
extends IPTSSearchableCollection

Interface that returns common fields (IPTSField instances) that appear in objects indexed by any Plumtree application.

See subinterfaces IPTSPortalCollection, IPTSCollabCollection, IPTSContentCollection for additional fields specific to each Plumtree application, and IPTSSearchableCollection (in the parent package) for fields common to both Plumtree and non-Plumtree applications.

Method Summary
 IPTSField Application()
          Application that owns this object.
 IPTSField CategorizableObjectType()
          An alternative format of the object type that the portal UI uses to group by object type.
 IPTSField Created()
          Date/time the object was created.
 IPTSField Description()
          Description of the object.
 IPTSField Excerpt()
          Excerpts from the Description and TextContent fields that matched the query.
 IPTSField IconURL()
          URL for an icon representing the object's type.
 IPTSField IconUUID()
          UUID for a searchable item's icon.
 IPTSField Language()
          Object's language.
 IPTSField LastModified()
          Date/time the object was last modified.
 IPTSField Name()
          Name of the object.
 IPTSField ObjectType()
          Fully-qualified type of this object.
 IPTSField TextContent()
          Full text content of a document.
 IPTSField URL()
          Clickthrough URL for the object.
Methods inherited from interface
IsBestBet, Rank, TextQueryDefault

Method Detail


IPTSField Application()
Application that owns this object. For the Plumtree applications, this field will be one of PTSConstants.PORTAL_PREFIX, PTSConstants.COLLAB_PREFIX, PTSConstants.CONTENT_PREFIX.

Type String. This field is retrievable, but not searchable, and may not be used for group-by. Instead of querying on this field, restrict your query using one of the IPTSQuery objects returned by factory methods in IPTSPortalCollection, IPTSCollabCollection, or IPTSContentCollection (for example, IPTSPortalCollection.DocDirectory).


IPTSField ObjectType()
Fully-qualified type of this object. For the Plumtree applications, this field will be one of the TYPE_ values defined in PTSConstants, such as PTSConstants.TYPE_KD_DOCUMENTS. Note that these constants are prefixed with the value of the Application field.

The purpose of this field is to return a cross-application object type value for situations where the query may match items created by any Plumtree application. IPTSPortalCollection and IPTSCollabCollection contain other object-type-like fields (such as IPTSPortalCollection.ClassID and ITPSCollabCollection.CollabType) that may be more useful within those individual applications. Also, see CategorizableObjectType below.

Type String. This field is retrievable, but not searchable, and may not be used for group-by. Instead of querying on this field, restrict your query using one of the IPTSQuery objects returned by factory methods in IPTSPortalCollection, IPTSCollabCollection, or IPTSContentCollection (for example, IPTSPortalCollection.DocDirectory).


IPTSField CategorizableObjectType()
An alternative format of the object type that the portal UI uses to group by object type. Value is a single token. For portal items, the token indicates the detailed type, such as PTCARD or PTCOMMUNITY. For Collab or Content Server items, the value is simply PTCOLLAB or PTCONTENT, respectively.

Type String. This field is retrievable, but not searchable. Instead of querying on this field, restrict your query using one of the IPTSQuery objects returned by factory methods in IPTSPortalCollection, IPTSCollabCollection, or IPTSContentCollection (for example, IPTSPortalCollection.DocDirectory).


IPTSField Name()
Name of the object. Type String, searchable and retrievable. This field may have both a standard value and localized values in various languages. Queries automatically search both the standard value and the localized value (if available) in the language used for the query request. When retrieved, the localized value is returned if it exists; if not the standard value is returned.


IPTSField Description()
Description of the object. Type String, searchable and retrievable. This field may have both a standard value and localized values in various languages. Queries automatically search both the standard value and the localized value (if available) in the language used for the query request. When retrieved, the localized value is returned if it exists; if not the standard value is returned.


IPTSField Language()
Object's language. Type String, searchable and retrievable.


IPTSField Created()
Date/time the object was created. Type date/time; searchable and retrievable.


IPTSField LastModified()
Date/time the object was last modified. This field is searchable and retrievable.


IPTSField IconURL()
URL for an icon representing the object's type. Type String, searchable and retrievable.


IPTSField IconUUID()
UUID for a searchable item's icon. Type String, searchable and retrievable.


Clickthrough URL for the object. Type String, searchable and retrievable. For portal Web documents, this is the underlying URL, e.g. "". For other portal items, such as portlets, this field may be undefined, but you can construct an object opener URL using the IPTSPortalCollection.ClassID and IPTSPortalCollection.ObjectID fields. For Collab items, this URL is actually a suffix that must have the remote server URL prepended, and then must be gatewayed using a valid webservice ID. See IPTSCollabCollection.CollabURLPrefix for more information.


IPTSField TextContent()
Full text content of a document. Not defined for non-document-like items. Type String. This field is searchable and retrievable, but it is usually not a good idea to retrieve all of the text content, which may be very large. See the Excerpt field for an alternative.


IPTSField Excerpt()
Excerpts from the Description and TextContent fields that matched the query. Individual excerpts are enclosed in <excerpt> tags. Search query keywords within excerpts are enclosed in <keyword> tags. The actual excerpts themselves are HTML-encoded, so you may safely do string replacement on the tags to put them in whatever form you wish (e.g. replace them with HTML formatting tags).

This pseudofield is an easier-to-use alternative to calling IPTSResult.getFieldExcerpts. Type is String, field is retrievable, but not searchable (it does not make sense to query on this pseudofield).

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