Interface IPTLogAnalysis

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IPTLogAnalysis
extends IPTUnknown

IPTLogAnalysis is the primary interface for search server log report functionality. The search server is capable of digesting its logs into a report which lists 4 pieces of information:

IPTLogAnalysis provides methods for configuring a request for a log report (e.g. specifying the desired date range), retrieving a report which has just been executed, and retrieving or deleting reports which have been executed in the past and are currently stored in the portal database table PTSEARCHLOGREPORTS.

IMPORTANT: the underlying Java object which implements IPTLogAnalysis also implements IPTScheduledOperation. It is through the IPTScheduledOperation interface, not the IPTLogAnalysis interface, that a new search log report is created. This is achieved through calling the IPTScheduledOperations methods PerformOperation or PerformOperationEx. Once one of these methods has been called, then the results of the operation (i.e., the requested report) can be retrieved with the IPTLogAnalysis method GetCurrentReport

See Also:

Method Summary
 void DeleteReport(int id)
          Deletes the report specified by the given objectid
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GetCurrentReport()
          Returns the log report (contained in an IXPPropertyBag) which was produced by calling PerformOperationEx() or PerformOperation on the IPTScheduledOperation interface of the log analysis object.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetEndDate()
          Returns the date of the last day included in the log report
 int GetNumTopQueries()
          Returns the length of the lists to be included in the log report.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GetReport(int id)
          Retrieve from the database the report indicated by the integer id
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetStartDate()
          Returns the date corresponding to the first day included in the log report.
 IPTQueryResult QueryReportList(IPTSession Session)
          Returns an IPTQueryResult containing 5 pieces of information for every log report stored in the database: the objectid (int), the time created (PTDateTime), the start date (String in the form YYYY-MM-DD), the end date (String in the form YYYY-MM-DD), and the STATUS (String indicating "OK" or otherwise).
 void SetEndDate(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime Value)
          Sets the date of the last day included in the log report
 void SetNumTopQueries(int Value)
          Sets the length of the lists to be included in the log report.
 void SetStartDate(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime Value)
          Sets the date of the first day included in the log report
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUnknown

Method Detail


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GetCurrentReport()
Returns the log report (contained in an IXPPropertyBag) which was produced by calling PerformOperationEx() or PerformOperation on the IPTScheduledOperation interface of the log analysis object. If neither of those methods have been called yet, then this method will return null.

an IXPPropertyBag containing the current log report


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetEndDate()
Returns the date of the last day included in the log report

an XPDateTime indicating the last day included in the report


void SetEndDate(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime Value)
Sets the date of the last day included in the log report

Value - an XPDateTime indicating the last day included in the report


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime GetStartDate()
Returns the date corresponding to the first day included in the log report.

An XPDateTime indicating the first day included in the log report


void SetStartDate(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime Value)
Sets the date of the first day included in the log report

Value - an XPDateTime indicating the first day included in the log report


int GetNumTopQueries()
Returns the length of the lists to be included in the log report. The two lists are (1) a list of the most frequent queries and (2) a list of the most frequent zero-results queries.

int- length of the lists to be included in the log report


void SetNumTopQueries(int Value)
Sets the length of the lists to be included in the log report. The two lists are (1) a list of the most frequent queries and (2) a list of the most frequent zero-results queries.

Value - int- length of the lists to be included in the log report


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GetReport(int id)
Retrieve from the database the report indicated by the integer id

id - The objectid of the desired report
an IXPPropertyBag containing the desired report


IPTQueryResult QueryReportList(IPTSession Session)
Returns an IPTQueryResult containing 5 pieces of information for every log report stored in the database: the objectid (int), the time created (PTDateTime), the start date (String in the form YYYY-MM-DD), the end date (String in the form YYYY-MM-DD), and the STATUS (String indicating "OK" or otherwise).

Session - a valid administrator IPTSession
an IPTQueryResult of 5 columns for every row in the search log report db table, as described above


void DeleteReport(int id)
Deletes the report specified by the given objectid

id - the objectid of the report to be deleted

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