Interface IPTFederatedPortal

All Superinterfaces:
IPTLocalizable, IPTObject, IPTServerContext, IPTStorable, IPTUnknown

public interface IPTFederatedPortal
extends IPTObject

The term Federated Portal refers to a remote Plumtree Portal that is part of a network of Plumtree Portals that work together to deliver content. For example, a large international organization may have a Portal install that primarily serves their North American employees, and a separate Portal install that primarily serves their European employees. These Portals may be federated, enabling users of each Portal to search for content in the other Portal in a relatively seamless manner. The IPTFederatedPortal interface is used within one Portal instance to represent data about a second, Federated Portal.


Method Summary
 boolean GetAllowGuestAccess()
          Federated searches can allow guests to search as the guest user.
 int GetExpirationMinutes()
          Search results will be cached for a limited amount of time.
 java.lang.Object[] GetExposedAuthSources()
          Return an array of Authentication Sources that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
 java.lang.Object[] GetExposedUserGroups()
          Return an array of User Groups that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
 java.lang.String GetFederatedPortalIdentity()
          Incoming federated searches will accept search requests identified with this name.
 IPTFederatedSearchProvider GetFederatedSearchProvider()
          Returns the Federated Search Provider that performs searches on the remote Portal
 java.lang.String GetGuestPassword()
          Deprecated and not used.
 java.lang.String GetOpenDocKey()
          Incoming fedeated portals.
 java.lang.String GetPortalAuthPassword()
          Set the password that will be used for authentication between portals.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GetProviderInfo()
          Returns the provider-specific settings for this federateed portal.
 java.lang.String GetSearchName(IPTUser pUser, java.lang.Object vsaUserGroupIDs)
          Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
 java.lang.String GetSearchProviderCLSID()
          Returns the ClassID (as a string) of the Search Provider that's used to perform requests on the remote Portal
 int GetSettings()
 java.lang.String GetThisPortalIdentity()
          Returns the name that outgoing federated searches will use to identify themselves for portal-to-portal authentication and searching.
 int GetTimeoutSeconds()
          Get the timeout for this search request.
 java.lang.Object[] GetUserGroupsMap_GroupIDs()
          Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
 java.lang.Object[] GetUserGroupsMap_Names()
          Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
 boolean GetUseUserGroupsMap()
          Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
 int GetWebServiceID()
          Get the web service that this outgoing federated portal uses.
 void Initialize(int lWebServiceID)
          Prepared this federated portal for executing a search.
 void SetAllowGuestAccess(boolean Value)
          Federated searches can allow guests to search as the guest user.
 void SetExpirationMinutes(int Value)
          Search results will be cached for a limited amount of time.
 void SetExposedAuthSources(int[] Value)
          Set the list of Authentication Sources that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
 void SetExposedAuthSources(java.lang.Object[] Value)
          Set the list of Authentication Sources that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
 void SetExposedUserGroups(int[] Value)
          Set the list of User Groups that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
 void SetExposedUserGroups(java.lang.Object[] Value)
          Set the list of User Groups that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.
 void SetFederatedPortalIdentity(java.lang.String Value)
          Sets the name that incoming federated searches will use to authenticate inbound search requests.
 void SetGuestPassword(java.lang.String Value)
          Deprecated and not used.
 void SetPortalAuthPassword(java.lang.String Value)
          Set the password that will be used for authentication between portals.
 void SetProviderInfo(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag Value)
          Sets the provider-specific settings for this federateed portal.
 void SetProviderInfo(java.lang.String Value)
          Sets the provider-specific settings for this federateed portal.
 void SetSearchProviderCLSID(java.lang.String Value)
          Sets the ClassID (as a string) of the Search Provider that's used to perform requests on the remote Portal
 void SetSettings(int Value)
 void SetThisPortalIdentity(java.lang.String Value)
          Sets the name that outgoing federated searches will use to identify themselves for portal-to-portal authentication and searching.
 void SetTimeoutSeconds(int Value)
          Set the timeout for this search request.
 void SetUserGroupsMap(int[] vsaUserGroupIDs, java.lang.String[] vsaUserNames)
          Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
 void SetUserGroupsMap(java.lang.Object[] vsaUserGroupIDs, java.lang.Object[] vsaUserNames)
          Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
 void SetUseUserGroupsMap(boolean Value)
          Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as.
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
GetAdminFolderID, GetClassID, GetCreated, GetImageUUID, GetLastModified, GetObjectProperties, SetAdminFolderID, SetImageUUID, SetLastModified
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
GetDescription, GetIsLocalized, GetLocalizedDescription, GetLocalizedDescriptions, GetLocalizedName, GetLocalizedNames, GetName, GetPrimaryLang, GetSupportsLocalization, SetDescription, SetIsLocalized, SetLocalizedDescriptions, SetLocalizedNames, SetName, SetPrimaryLang
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUnknown
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
GetAccessLevel, GetACL, GetLastModifiedBy, GetLockState, GetObjectID, GetOwnerID, GetServerContextSettings, GetSession, GetSettings, LockObject, SetLastModifiedBy, SetObjectID, SetOwnerID, SetServerContextSettings, SetSettings, UnlockObject
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStorable

Method Detail


java.lang.String GetSearchProviderCLSID()
Returns the ClassID (as a string) of the Search Provider that's used to perform requests on the remote Portal

the ClassID of the Search Provider


void SetSearchProviderCLSID(java.lang.String Value)
Sets the ClassID (as a string) of the Search Provider that's used to perform requests on the remote Portal

Value - the ClassID of the Search Provider


IPTFederatedSearchProvider GetFederatedSearchProvider()
Returns the Federated Search Provider that performs searches on the remote Portal

the Federated Search Provider


int GetSettings()


void SetSettings(int Value)


java.lang.Object[] GetExposedAuthSources()
Return an array of Authentication Sources that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.

An array of Authentication Source object IDs


void SetExposedAuthSources(int[] Value)
Set the list of Authentication Sources that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.

Value - An array of Authentication Source object IDs.


void SetExposedAuthSources(java.lang.Object[] Value)
Set the list of Authentication Sources that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.

Value - An array of Authentication Source object IDs.


java.lang.Object[] GetExposedUserGroups()
Return an array of User Groups that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.

An array of User Group object IDs.


void SetExposedUserGroups(int[] Value)
Set the list of User Groups that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.

Value - An array of User Group Object IDs.


void SetExposedUserGroups(java.lang.Object[] Value)
Set the list of User Groups that will be used to associate inbound search token IDs with Plumtree Users.

Value - An array of User Group Object IDs.


java.lang.String GetThisPortalIdentity()
Returns the name that outgoing federated searches will use to identify themselves for portal-to-portal authentication and searching.

Name of the outgoing federated search.


void SetThisPortalIdentity(java.lang.String Value)
Sets the name that outgoing federated searches will use to identify themselves for portal-to-portal authentication and searching.

Value - Name of this outgoing federated search.


java.lang.String GetFederatedPortalIdentity()
Incoming federated searches will accept search requests identified with this name.

The name of the search that will be accepted.


void SetFederatedPortalIdentity(java.lang.String Value)
Sets the name that incoming federated searches will use to authenticate inbound search requests.

Value - Name of the inbound search to be validated.


int GetExpirationMinutes()
Search results will be cached for a limited amount of time. This setting marks the number of minutes before the cache of results expires and a new search is performed.

Number of minutes for which a search result will be valid.


void SetExpirationMinutes(int Value)
Search results will be cached for a limited amount of time. This setting marks the number of minutes before the cache of results expires and a new search is performed.

Value - Number of minutes the search results will be cached.


boolean GetAllowGuestAccess()
Federated searches can allow guests to search as the guest user.

True if guest access is permitted


void SetAllowGuestAccess(boolean Value)
Federated searches can allow guests to search as the guest user.

Value - Set True if you wish to allow guest access.


boolean GetUseUserGroupsMap()
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as. For example, users in Group ID 205 could all be mapped to the user token PORTAL_ENGINEERS. The receiving portal will see this token as the requesting user, then look for a user named PORTAL_ENGINEERS on its local system.

True if the map should be used.


void SetUseUserGroupsMap(boolean Value)
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as. For example, users in Group ID 205 could all be mapped to the user token PORTAL_ENGINEERS. The receiving portal will see this token as the requesting user, then look for a user named PORTAL_ENGINEERS on its local system.

Value - True if the map should be used.


void SetUserGroupsMap(int[] vsaUserGroupIDs,
                      java.lang.String[] vsaUserNames)
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as. For example, users in Group ID 205 could all be mapped to the user token PORTAL_ENGINEERS. The receiving portal will see this token as the requesting user, then look for a user named PORTAL_ENGINEERS on its local system. This setting controls how those users will be mapped

vsaUserGroupIDs - The group ids to map
vsaUserNames - The tokens that members of the group ids will be mapped to


void SetUserGroupsMap(java.lang.Object[] vsaUserGroupIDs,
                      java.lang.Object[] vsaUserNames)
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as. For example, users in Group ID 205 could all be mapped to the user token PORTAL_ENGINEERS. The receiving portal will see this token as the requesting user, then look for a user named PORTAL_ENGINEERS on its local system. This setting controls how those users will be mapped

vsaUserGroupIDs - The group ids to map
vsaUserNames - The tokens that members of the group ids will be mapped to


java.lang.Object[] GetUserGroupsMap_GroupIDs()
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as. For example, users in Group ID 205 could all be mapped to the user token PORTAL_ENGINEERS. The receiving portal will see this token as the requesting user, then look for a user named PORTAL_ENGINEERS on its local system.

Array of group ids that are mapped.


java.lang.Object[] GetUserGroupsMap_Names()
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as. For example, users in Group ID 205 could all be mapped to the user token PORTAL_ENGINEERS. The receiving portal will see this token as the requesting user, then look for a user named PORTAL_ENGINEERS on its local system.

Array of names to which group ids are mapped.


java.lang.String GetSearchName(IPTUser pUser,
                               java.lang.Object vsaUserGroupIDs)
Outoing federated searches can map users of a particular group to a token user id that the search will be perfromed as. For example, users in Group ID 205 could all be mapped to the user token PORTAL_ENGINEERS. The receiving portal will see this token as the requesting user, then look for a user named PORTAL_ENGINEERS on its local system. This method will provide the string token for a particular IPTUser

pUser - The user to find a string token for
vsaUserGroupIDs - The Object[] array of user groups that will be searched, in order, for the IPTUser
The string token that will be used for this user.


int GetTimeoutSeconds()
Get the timeout for this search request.

The timeout (in seconds).


void SetTimeoutSeconds(int Value)
Set the timeout for this search request.

Value - Timeout in seconds.


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GetProviderInfo()
Returns the provider-specific settings for this federateed portal.

An IXPPropertyBag containing the provider-specific settings.


void SetProviderInfo(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag Value)
Sets the provider-specific settings for this federateed portal.

Value - An IXPPropertyBag containing the provider-specific settings.


void SetProviderInfo(java.lang.String Value)
Sets the provider-specific settings for this federateed portal.

Value - An IXPPropertyBag containing the provider-specific settings.


java.lang.String GetOpenDocKey()
Incoming fedeated portals. Return the key used to encrypt open-doc tokens.

The string key.


void SetPortalAuthPassword(java.lang.String Value)
Set the password that will be used for authentication between portals. Used by both outgoing and incoming federated portals.

Value - The password to be used.


java.lang.String GetPortalAuthPassword()
Set the password that will be used for authentication between portals. Used by both outgoing and incoming federated portals.

The password to be used.


void Initialize(int lWebServiceID)
Prepared this federated portal for executing a search.

lWebServiceID - ID of the web service that this outgoing search uses.


int GetWebServiceID()
Get the web service that this outgoing federated portal uses.

The web service object id.


void SetGuestPassword(java.lang.String Value)
Deprecated and not used. Outgoing federated portals send this to get an initial session on the receiving portal end.

Value - The guest user password on the receiving portal.


java.lang.String GetGuestPassword()
Deprecated and not used. Outgoing federated portals send this to get an initial session on the receiving portal end.

The guest user password on the receiving portal.

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