Interface IPTSessionInfo

public interface IPTSessionInfo

This object caches the user specific items on the IPTSession (specifically, on its InternalSession). The methods on this interface access cached information that might otherwise be expensive to query from the database every time.

Arvind Seshan

Method Summary
 void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting, double dValue)
          Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, double) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, double, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
 void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting, float fValue)
          Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, float) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, float, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
 void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting, int iValue)
          Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, int) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, int, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
 void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting, java.lang.Object oValue)
          Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, Object) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, Object, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
 void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting, java.lang.String strValue)
          Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, String) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, String, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
 void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting, com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime ptdtValue)
          Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, XPDateTime) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, XPDateTime, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.
 void AddPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName, double dPreferenceValue, int nPortletID)
          This method sets a preference on the current user.
 void AddPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName, int nPreferenceValue, int nPortletID)
          This method sets a preference on the current user.
 void AddPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName, java.lang.Object oPreferenceValue, int nPortletID)
          This method sets a preference on the current user.
 void AddPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName, java.lang.String strPreferenceValue, int nPortletID)
          This method sets a preference on the current user.
 void AddPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName, com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime xpdtPreferenceValue, int nPortletID)
          This method sets a preference on the current user.
 boolean AddSessionPreference(java.lang.String strSessionPreference, java.lang.String strValue)
          Adds a session preference for the current user.
 boolean AddSessionPreference(java.lang.String strSessionPreference, java.lang.String strValue, boolean bCSPEncode)
          Adds a session preference for the current user.
 boolean AddSessionPreferences(java.lang.String[][] arrPrefNameValues, boolean bCSPEncode)
          Adds session preferences for the current user.
 void AssignPreferences(java.lang.Object[][] aoPreferenceNameValuePairs, boolean bDeleteOldPreferences, int nPortletID)
          This method sets multiple preferences on the current user.
 boolean CheckCurrentUserIsAdmin()
          Checks whether the current user is a member of the built-in Administrators group.
 boolean CheckCurrentUserIsGuest()
          Checks whether the current user is a guest user.
 boolean CheckForActivityRight(int iActivityID)
          Checks whether the current user has the specified activity right.
 boolean CheckForActivityRight(java.lang.String strActivityURI)
          Checks whether the current user has the specified activity right.
 int CheckGadgetAccess(int nGadgetID)
          Retrieves the current user's access level to the specified Gadget (Portlet).
 boolean CheckPropertySearchRight(int nPropertyID)
          Checks whether the current user has rights to search the indicated property.
 int CheckWebServiceAccess(int nWebServiceID)
          Retrieves the current user's access level to the specified Web Service.
 void ClearCurrentActivityRightsCache()
          Purges the cache specifying the current user's activity rights.
 void ClearCurrentCommunityMembershipCache()
          Purges the cache containing current user's community memberships.
 void ClearCurrentMyPagesCache()
          Purges the cache of the current user's MyPages.
 void ClearSearchablePropertyCache()
          Purges the cache of searchable properties for the current user.
 java.lang.String GetCurrentAuthUniqueName()
          Retrieves the current user's auth unique name.
 java.lang.Object GetCurrentCollabRoleMemberships()
          Retrieves the current user's Collab role memberships.
 IPTQueryResult GetCurrentCommunityMembership()
          Retrieves the current user's community memberships.
 IPTPageInfo GetCurrentMyPage(int _nPageID)
          Retrieves a cached version of one of the user's My Pages with the page ID passed in.
 IPTQueryResult GetCurrentMyPages()
          Retrieves the MyPages for the current user.
 int GetCurrentUserAdminFolderID()
          Retrieves the admin folder ID where the current user's User object resides.
 IPTQueryResult GetCurrentUserCachedPluggablePages()
          Retrieves a cached IPTQueryResult of web services visible to the current user that support one or more of the 3 types of pluggable pages (personal, community, or admin).
 IPTSubPortalInfo GetCurrentUserCachedSubPortalInfo()
          Retrieves the IPTSubPortalInfo for the current user.
 java.lang.Object GetCurrentUserGroupIDs()
          Retrieves the current user's group memberships as an array of group IDs.
 int GetCurrentUserID()
          Retrieves the current user's ID.
 java.lang.String GetCurrentUserLoginName()
          Retrieves the current user's login name.
 java.lang.String GetCurrentUserName()
          Retrieves the current user's display name.
 java.lang.Object[][] LookupPersonalSettings()
          Deprecated. LookupPersonalSettings() is deprecated. Use LookupPreferences((String[])null, 0) to get back all non-portlet personal preferences instead.
 java.lang.Object[][] LookupPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName, int nPortletID)
          This method looks up a preference set for the current user.
 java.lang.Object[][] LookupPreferences(java.lang.String[] astrPreferenceNames, int nPortletID)
          This method looks up preferences set for the current user.
 java.lang.String[][] LookupSessionPreference(java.lang.String strSessionPreferenceName)
          This method looks up a preference set for the current user.
 java.lang.String[][] LookupSessionPreferences(java.lang.String[] astrPreferenceNames)
          This method looks up session preferences set for the current user.
 java.lang.String[][] LookupSessionPreferences(java.lang.String[] astrPreferenceNames, boolean bCSPEncode)
          This method looks up session preferences set for the current user.
 IPTQueryResult QueryActivityRights()
          Retrieves the activity rights held by the current user.
 IPTMyPortalGadgetContent QueryHeaderAndFooter(java.lang.Object AppDataStateObject, java.lang.String strUserInterfaceID, int iMode, boolean bReturnAllGadgets)
          Deprecated. Use IPTPageInfo.QueryPortletContent instead. If you are not on a Community Page or My Page, then use the IPTPageInfo for the Global Page: PT_INTRINSICS.PT_PAGE_GLOBAL.
 void RemovePersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting)
          Deprecated. RemovePersonalSetting(String) is deprecated. Use RemovePreference(String, 0) to remove a non-portlet personal preference.
 void RemovePreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName, int nPortletID)
          This method removes a preference set for the current user.
 void RemovePreferences(java.lang.String[] astrPreferenceNames, int nPortletID)
          This method removes multiple preferences set for the current user.
 void RemoveSessionPreference(java.lang.String strSessionPreference)
          Removes a session preference for the current user.
 void RemoveSessionPreference(java.lang.String strSessionPreference, boolean bCSPEncode)
          Removes a session preference for the current user.
 void SetOverrideSubportal(int nSubportalID)
          Sets the subportal id of the current user for the current request
 void SetSessionPreferenceChangeCallback(IPTSessionPrefChangeNotification ptSessionPrefChangeNotification)
          This method sets the callback to be used when there's a new session pref being added.

Method Detail


int GetCurrentUserID()
Retrieves the current user's ID.

The user ID.


java.lang.String GetCurrentUserName()
Retrieves the current user's display name.

The display name.


java.lang.Object GetCurrentUserGroupIDs()
Retrieves the current user's group memberships as an array of group IDs.

The current user's group memberships, as an Object[].


IPTQueryResult GetCurrentCommunityMembership()
Retrieves the current user's community memberships.

An IPTQueryResult containing the community IDs and localized names of the current user's communities. These can be extracted from the IPTQueryResult using PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_OBJECTID and PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_NAME, respectively.


void ClearCurrentCommunityMembershipCache()
Purges the cache containing current user's community memberships.


IPTQueryResult GetCurrentMyPages()
Retrieves the MyPages for the current user. Note that this is different from calling IPTSession.GetMyPages(), because this is a cached version.

An IPTQueryResult containing page name, page ID, and page type of the current user's MyPages. These can be extracted from the IPTQueryResult using PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_NAME, PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_PAGES_PAGEID, and PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_PAGES_TYPE, respectively.


void ClearCurrentMyPagesCache()
Purges the cache of the current user's MyPages.


IPTPageInfo GetCurrentMyPage(int _nPageID)
Retrieves a cached version of one of the user's My Pages with the page ID passed in. If zero is passed in, then the user's home my page will be returned.

_nPageID -
cached My Page


int CheckGadgetAccess(int nGadgetID)
Retrieves the current user's access level to the specified Gadget (Portlet).

nGadgetID - - The ID of the gadget.
A value from the PT_ACCESSLEVELS enumeration indicating the access level this user has on the gadget.


java.lang.String GetCurrentAuthUniqueName()
Retrieves the current user's auth unique name.

The auth unique name.


java.lang.Object[][] LookupPersonalSettings()
Deprecated. LookupPersonalSettings() is deprecated. Use LookupPreferences((String[])null, 0) to get back all non-portlet personal preferences instead.

Retrieves the preferences for the current user. This information is not cached, so a roundtrip to the database is always incurred.

The preferences as a 2-D array of name-value pairs.


void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting,
                        int iValue)
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, int) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, int, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.

Adds a preference for the current user. This information is not cached, but rather is persisted immediately.

strPersonalSetting - - The name of the preference to set.
iValue - - The value to associated with the above preference.


void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting,
                        java.lang.String strValue)
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, String) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, String, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.

Adds a preference for the current user. This information is not cached, but rather is persisted immediately.

strPersonalSetting - - The name of the preference to set.
strValue - - The value to associated with the above preference.


void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting,
                        com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime ptdtValue)
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, XPDateTime) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, XPDateTime, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.

Adds a preference for the current user. This information is not cached, but rather is persisted immediately.

strPersonalSetting - - The name of the preference to set.
ptdtValue - - The value to associated with the above preference.


void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting,
                        float fValue)
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, float) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, float, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.

Adds a preference for the current user. This information is not cached, but rather is persisted immediately.

strPersonalSetting - - The name of the preference to set.
fValue - - The value to associated with the above preference.


void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting,
                        double dValue)
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, double) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, double, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.

Adds a preference for the current user. This information is not cached, but rather is persisted immediately.

strPersonalSetting - - The name of the preference to set.
dValue - - The value to associated with the above preference.


void AddPersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting,
                        java.lang.Object oValue)
Deprecated. AddPersonalSetting(String, Object) is deprecated. Use AddPreference(String, Object, 0) instead to add a non-portlet personal preference.

Adds a preference for the current user. This information is not cached, but rather is persisted immediately.

strPersonalSetting - - The name of the preference to set.
oValue - - The value to associated with the above preference.


void RemovePersonalSetting(java.lang.String strPersonalSetting)
Deprecated. RemovePersonalSetting(String) is deprecated. Use RemovePreference(String, 0) to remove a non-portlet personal preference.

Removes a preference for the current user. This information is not cached, but rather is persisted immediately.


java.lang.Object[][] LookupPreferences(java.lang.String[] astrPreferenceNames,
                                       int nPortletID)
This method looks up preferences set for the current user. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not.

astrPreferenceNames - is an array of the names of preferences to look up.
nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
An array of Name-Value Pairs of the preferences.


java.lang.Object[][] LookupPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName,
                                      int nPortletID)
This method looks up a preference set for the current user. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not.

strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to look up.
nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
An array of Name-Value Pairs of the preferences.


void AddPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName,
                   int nPreferenceValue,
                   int nPortletID)
This method sets a preference on the current user. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not.

strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to add.
nPreferenceValue - is the value of the preference to add.
nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.


void AddPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName,
                   java.lang.String strPreferenceValue,
                   int nPortletID)
This method sets a preference on the current user. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not.

strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to add.
strPreferenceValue - is the value of the preference to add.
nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.


void AddPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName,
                   com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime xpdtPreferenceValue,
                   int nPortletID)
This method sets a preference on the current user. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not.

strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to add.
xpdtPreferenceValue - is the value of the preference to add.
nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.


void AddPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName,
                   double dPreferenceValue,
                   int nPortletID)
This method sets a preference on the current user. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not.

strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to add.
dPreferenceValue - is the value of the preference to add.
nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.


void AddPreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName,
                   java.lang.Object oPreferenceValue,
                   int nPortletID)
This method sets a preference on the current user. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not.

strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to add.
oPreferenceValue - is the value of the preference to add.
nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.


void AssignPreferences(java.lang.Object[][] aoPreferenceNameValuePairs,
                       boolean bDeleteOldPreferences,
                       int nPortletID)
This method sets multiple preferences on the current user. It can also delete the old preferences before adding the new preferences. The preferences can be for a specific portlet or not.

aoPreferenceNameValuePairs - is an array of Name-Value Pairs of the preferences.
bDeleteOldPreferences - flags whether the old preferences should be deleted or not. Use true to delete to delete the old preferences, or false to keep them.
nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.


void RemovePreference(java.lang.String strPreferenceName,
                      int nPortletID)
This method removes a preference set for the current user. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not.

strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to remove.
nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.


void RemovePreferences(java.lang.String[] astrPreferenceNames,
                       int nPortletID)
This method removes multiple preferences set for the current user. The preferences can be for a specific portlet or not.

astrPreferenceNames - is an array of the names of preferences to remove.
nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.


IPTQueryResult QueryActivityRights()
Retrieves the activity rights held by the current user. This information is not cached, and incurs a database roundtrip every time it is called.

IPTQueryResult containing the activity rights held by the current user. The IPTQueryResult contains name, description, objectid, and URI information that can be extracted using PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_NAME, PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_DESCRIPTION, PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_OBJECTID, and PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_URI, respectively.


boolean CheckForActivityRight(int iActivityID)
Checks whether the current user has the specified activity right.

iActivityID - - The ID of the activity right to check for.
true if the current user has the specified right, false otherwise.


boolean CheckForActivityRight(java.lang.String strActivityURI)
Checks whether the current user has the specified activity right.

strActivityURI - - The URI of the activity right to check for.
true if the current user has the specified right, false otherwise.


IPTMyPortalGadgetContent QueryHeaderAndFooter(java.lang.Object AppDataStateObject,
                                              java.lang.String strUserInterfaceID,
                                              int iMode,
                                              boolean bReturnAllGadgets)
Deprecated. Use IPTPageInfo.QueryPortletContent instead. If you are not on a Community Page or My Page, then use the IPTPageInfo for the Global Page: PT_INTRINSICS.PT_PAGE_GLOBAL.

Queries for the header and footer for the current user.

AppDataStateObject - - The AppData passed in by the UI.
strUserInterfaceID - - The User Interface identifier, can pass null for default user interface.
iMode - - The mode, from the PT_GADGET_MODES enumeration.
bReturnAllGadgets - - True to return all gadgets, false to return only header and footer.
IPTMyPortalGadgetContent describing the portlets on the user's MyPage.


IPTSubPortalInfo GetCurrentUserCachedSubPortalInfo()
Retrieves the IPTSubPortalInfo for the current user.



java.lang.String GetCurrentUserLoginName()
Retrieves the current user's login name.

The login name.


void ClearCurrentActivityRightsCache()
Purges the cache specifying the current user's activity rights.


int CheckWebServiceAccess(int nWebServiceID)
Retrieves the current user's access level to the specified Web Service.

nWebServiceID - - The ID of the Web Service to check.
A value from the PT_ACCESSLEVELS enumeration indicating the access level this user has on the web service.


IPTQueryResult GetCurrentUserCachedPluggablePages()
Retrieves a cached IPTQueryResult of web services visible to the current user that support one or more of the 3 types of pluggable pages (personal, community, or admin).



boolean CheckPropertySearchRight(int nPropertyID)
Checks whether the current user has rights to search the indicated property. The check is performed against a cached set of properties that the user can search.

nPropertyID - - The ID of the property for which access is being checked.
true if the current user can search the property, false otherwise.


void ClearSearchablePropertyCache()
Purges the cache of searchable properties for the current user.


java.lang.Object GetCurrentCollabRoleMemberships()
Retrieves the current user's Collab role memberships.

The user's Collab roles as an Object[].


int GetCurrentUserAdminFolderID()
Retrieves the admin folder ID where the current user's User object resides.

The admin folder ID.


boolean CheckCurrentUserIsAdmin()
Checks whether the current user is a member of the built-in Administrators group.

true if the user is a member of the Administrators group, false otherwise.


boolean CheckCurrentUserIsGuest()
Checks whether the current user is a guest user.

true if the user is a guest user.


void SetOverrideSubportal(int nSubportalID)
Sets the subportal id of the current user for the current request

nSubportalID - - the id of subportal to be used


boolean AddSessionPreference(java.lang.String strSessionPreference,
                             java.lang.String strValue)
Adds a session preference for the current user. This information is cached and not persisted to the database.

strSessionPreference - - The name of the preference to set.
strValue - - The value to associated with the above preference.
False if the preference was not set due to session pref memory limits, true otherwise


boolean AddSessionPreference(java.lang.String strSessionPreference,
                             java.lang.String strValue,
                             boolean bCSPEncode)
Adds a session preference for the current user. This information is cached and not persisted to the database. If bCSPEncode is true, preference name and values will be CSP-encoded.

strSessionPreference - - The name of the preference to set.
strValue - - The value to associated with the above preference.
bCSPEncode - - Whether or not the pref name/values should be CSP encoded.
False if the preference was not set due to session pref memory limits, true otherwise


boolean AddSessionPreferences(java.lang.String[][] arrPrefNameValues,
                              boolean bCSPEncode)
Adds session preferences for the current user. This information is cached and not persisted to the database. If bCSPEncode is true, preference name and values will be CSP-encoded.

arrPrefNameValues - - Name value pairs of preferences to be set.
bCSPEncode - - Whether or not the pref name/values should be CSP encoded.
False if the preference was not set due to session pref memory limits, true otherwise


void RemoveSessionPreference(java.lang.String strSessionPreference)
Removes a session preference for the current user. This information is cached.

strSessionPreference - - The name of preference to be removed.


void RemoveSessionPreference(java.lang.String strSessionPreference,
                             boolean bCSPEncode)
Removes a session preference for the current user. This information is cached. If bCSPEncode is true, the pref name will be CSP encoded before it's removed.

strSessionPreference - - The name of preference to be removed.
bCSPEncode - - Whether or not the pref name should be CSP encoded.


java.lang.String[][] LookupSessionPreferences(java.lang.String[] astrPreferenceNames)
This method looks up session preferences set for the current user.

astrSessionPreferenceNames - is an array of the names of preferences to look up.
An array of Name-Value Pairs of the preferences.


java.lang.String[][] LookupSessionPreferences(java.lang.String[] astrPreferenceNames,
                                              boolean bCSPEncode)
This method looks up session preferences set for the current user. If bCSPEncode is true, the pref name will be CSP encoded before it's looked up; also, pref name and values will be CSP decoded before they're put into the array.

astrSessionPreferenceNames - is an array of the names of preferences to look up.
bCSPEncode - Whether or not the pref names should be CSP encoded.
An array of Name-Value Pairs of the preferences.


java.lang.String[][] LookupSessionPreference(java.lang.String strSessionPreferenceName)
This method looks up a preference set for the current user.

strSessionPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to look up.
An array of Name-Value Pairs of the preferences.


void SetSessionPreferenceChangeCallback(IPTSessionPrefChangeNotification ptSessionPrefChangeNotification)
This method sets the callback to be used when there's a new session pref being added.

ptSessionPrefChange - the passed-in callback

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