Interface IPTIndexer

public interface IPTIndexer

Interface for class which manages the indexing, updating, and deleting of cards, folders, and administrative objects. The methods in this interface are not intended for general custom use, they are intended for use by Plumtree server, crawler, and agent code.


Method Summary
 void ClearProfile()
          Clear the current profile query.
 IPTIndexer Clone()
          Create a new IPTIndexer object that is a copy of the current one.
 java.lang.Object CommitAll()
          "Assynchronous" commit - client doesn't need to wait to make sure that the request was fully processed by the search server.
 java.lang.Object CommitAll(int timeiout)
          Send any pending index, update, or delete requests to the Search Server.
 java.lang.Object CommitAsProfiled(int profileMode)
          Send any pending profile requests to the Search Server.
 java.lang.Object GetSettings(int lSettingID)
          Return the value of settings for the PTIndexer object.
 void IndexAdminObject(int nClassID, int nObjectID)
          Add a searchable representation of an administrative object to the current list of items awaiting indexing.
 void IndexCard(int nCardID, IPTCardPropertyValues pPropertyValues, IPTAccessList pCardBrowseACL, IPTAccessList pFolderBrowseACL, java.lang.Object vsaAncestors, java.lang.String bstrDocumentPath, java.lang.String bstrProvCLSID, boolean bSummarize)
          Add a searchable representation of a card to the current list of items awaiting indexing.
 void IndexFolder(int nFolderID, com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag pFolderPropBag, IPTAccessList pBrowseACL, java.lang.Object vsaAncestors)
          Add a searchable representation of a folder to the current list of items awaiting indexing.
 int LoadQuery(java.lang.Object vSearchFilter)
          Load a query (in the form of an IPTFilter) into the current set of filter queries, returning an integer id that can be used to refer to the filter later.
 boolean Matched(int lCardID, int lQueryID)
          Check the current Profile results to determine if a given card matches a given query.
 void RemoveAdminObjects(int ClassID, java.lang.Object vsaObjectIDs)
          Request deletion of a set of objects of a given class, given the class id and an int[] array of object ids.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag RetrieveStatus()
          Return a PropertyBag containing status information about the indexing Search Server.
 java.lang.Object RunProfile(java.lang.String bstrFilePath)
 boolean RunSingleQueryProfile(java.lang.String bstrQuery, java.lang.String bstrFilePath)
 void SetSettings(int lSettingID, java.lang.Object pvValue)
          Set the value of settings for the PTIndexer object.
 java.lang.String SummarizeDocument(java.lang.String bstrPath)
          Only called during manual card submission, this method takes a full path to a file and extracts a String "summary" consisting of the first words of the full text found in the file.
 void UnindexCards(java.lang.Object vsaObjectIDs)
          Request deletion of a set of cards, given an int[] array of object ids.
 void UnindexFolders(java.lang.Object vsaObjectIDs)
          Request deletion of a set of folders, given an int[] array of object ids.
 void UpdateCard(int nCardID, IPTCardPropertyValues pPropertyValues, IPTAccessList pCardBrowseACL, IPTAccessList pFolderBrowseACL, java.lang.Object vsaAncestors)
          Add a searchable representation of a card to the current list of items awaiting property updating.
 java.lang.String waitForAllIndexRequestsToComplete(int timeout)
          Wait until all the index requests initiated by the client have been processed by the search server.

Method Detail


void IndexCard(int nCardID,
               IPTCardPropertyValues pPropertyValues,
               IPTAccessList pCardBrowseACL,
               IPTAccessList pFolderBrowseACL,
               java.lang.Object vsaAncestors,
               java.lang.String bstrDocumentPath,
               java.lang.String bstrProvCLSID,
               boolean bSummarize)
Add a searchable representation of a card to the current list of items awaiting indexing. Does not actually index the item in the search server, indexing is triggered by CommitAll().

nCardID - The object id of the card to index
pPropertyValues - IPTCardPropertyValues enumerating the properties of the card to index.
pCardBrowseACL - IPTAccessList of ACLs defining who can read this card.
pFolderBrowseACL - IPTAccessList of ACLs defining who can read the folder containing this card.
vsaAncestors - An int[] array. The vsaAncestors array passed into this code should contain a merged list of all immediate parent folder IDs and their ancestors. If an entry is negative, it is interpreted as an immediate parent folder id.

So if a card exists in folders 203, 210, and 230 and the folder structures appeared as follows...

  • 200----(parent of)---->203
  • 205----(parent of)---->207----(parent of)---->210
  • 215----(parent of)---->216----(parent of)---->230 *
you would end up with a vsaAncestors array with entries as follows:
bstrDocumentPath - Full path to a local file for the document underlying this card. Full text will be extracted from this file using OutsideIn.
bstrProvCLSID - CLSID of the provider for the data source of this card, this information is indexed along with the card.
bSummarize - If true, a summary will be extracted from the full-text content of the card. If false, the summary will be drawn from the card properties (blank if there is no summary property).


void UpdateCard(int nCardID,
                IPTCardPropertyValues pPropertyValues,
                IPTAccessList pCardBrowseACL,
                IPTAccessList pFolderBrowseACL,
                java.lang.Object vsaAncestors)
Add a searchable representation of a card to the current list of items awaiting property updating. Does not actually index the item in the search server, indexing is triggered by CommitAll().

nCardID - The object id of the card to index
pPropertyValues - IPTCardPropertyValues enumerating the properties of the card to index.
pCardBrowseACL - IPTAccessList of ACLs defining who can read this card.
pFolderBrowseACL - IPTAccessList of ACLs defining who can read the folder containing this card.
vsaAncestors - An int[] array of ancestor folder ids, as described in IndexCard()


void IndexFolder(int nFolderID,
                 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag pFolderPropBag,
                 IPTAccessList pBrowseACL,
                 java.lang.Object vsaAncestors)
Add a searchable representation of a folder to the current list of items awaiting indexing. Does not actually index the item in the search server, indexing is triggered by CommitAll().

nFolderID - Object id of the folder to index
pFolderPropBag - PropertyBag with folder properties
pBrowseACL - IPTAccessList determining who can read this folder
vsaAncestors - An int[] array of ancestor folder ids, as described in #IndexCard().


void UnindexCards(java.lang.Object vsaObjectIDs)
Request deletion of a set of cards, given an int[] array of object ids. You must call CommitAll() for the request to be processed by the Search Server. This method has no effect if the object ids in question do not exist.

vsaObjectIDs - int[] array of object ids for the cards to delete. Throws PT_RESULTCODES.PT_E_INVALIDARG if passed something other than an int[] array. If the argument is null or empty, this method has no effect.


void UnindexFolders(java.lang.Object vsaObjectIDs)
Request deletion of a set of folders, given an int[] array of object ids. You must call CommitAll() for the request to be processed by the Search Server. This method has no effect if the object ids in question do not exist.

vsaObjectIDs - int[] array of object ids for the folders to delete. Throws PT_RESULTCODES.PT_E_INVALIDARG if passed something other than an int[] array. If the argument is null or empty, this method has no effect.


void IndexAdminObject(int nClassID,
                      int nObjectID)
Add a searchable representation of an administrative object to the current list of items awaiting indexing. Does not actually index the item in the search server, indexing is triggered by CommitAll(). For portlets, there may be side-effect indexing of associated Content Server items.

nClassID - The class id of the object to index. Should be a value from PT_CLASSIDS.
nObjectID - The object id of the object to index. Should be greater than 0.


void RemoveAdminObjects(int ClassID,
                        java.lang.Object vsaObjectIDs)
Request deletion of a set of objects of a given class, given the class id and an int[] array of object ids. You must call CommitAll() for the request to be processed by the Search Server. This method has no effect if the object ids in question do not exist.

ClassID - int Class id of the objects to delete.
vsaObjectIDs - int[] array of object ids for the objects to delete. Throws PT_RESULTCODES.PT_E_INVALIDARG if passed something other than an int[] array. If the argument is null or empty, this method has no effect.


java.lang.Object CommitAll(int timeiout)
Send any pending index, update, or delete requests to the Search Server. This method must be called in order for IndexCard(), IndexFolder(), IndexAdminObject(), and related update and delete methods to have any effect. If the Add request throws an OpenSearchConvertException, then we catch it and return valid failure information. If we throw some other kind of exception, then the data in the results array is undefined.

timeout - - time( in milliseconds to wait for a commit(index) request to be fully processed by the search server.
A 2D array Object[][] with information about the results of processing each pending request. The first index addresses individual requests, and its range varies depending on the number of index/update/delete calls up to this point. The second index (always 4 dimensions) addresses the success/failure status, the type of request, the id of the searchable item, and the summary of the full text of the item as returned by OutsideIn.

For example, an array Object[totalItems][4] will be returned where totalItems = numAdded + numUpdated + numDeleted. The format of the entries is:

  • results[i][0] - Integer (0 means a successful request, 1 means a failed request)
  • results[i][1] - Integer for the type of request, always a value from the PT_DOC_ACTION_TYPES enumeration.
  • results[i][2] - String ID of the searchable item that was processed. For portal objects, this id is of the form "X.Y" where X is the class id and Y is the object id of the item. For Collaboration Server or Content Server items, the ID has a different form that is outside the scope of this documentation.
  • results[i][3] - String document summary. Never null, may be blank if no automatically generated summary was requested or if OutsideIn full-text extraction failed. This summary information is used when a number of indexing requests of documents are processed (e.g. in a crawl). The indexing requests are made with repeated calls to IndexCard(), then the summaries are extracted and returned when CommitAll() is called.


java.lang.Object CommitAll()
"Assynchronous" commit - client doesn't need to wait to make sure that the request was fully processed by the search server.

See Also:
CommitAll(int timeout)


java.lang.Object GetSettings(int lSettingID)
Return the value of settings for the PTIndexer object.

lSettingID - Setting value from the PT_SEARCHCOLLECTION_SETTINGS enumeration. PT_SEARCHCOLLECTION_LANGUAGE is the only legal value, unrecognized values return null.
Value of the desired setting.


void SetSettings(int lSettingID,
                 java.lang.Object pvValue)
Set the value of settings for the PTIndexer object.

lSettingID - Setting id from the PT_SEARCHCOLLECTION_SETTINGS enumeration.
vValue - Setting value, required type varies by id.


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag RetrieveStatus()
Return a PropertyBag containing status information about the indexing Search Server.

An IXPPropertyBag with attributes:
  • CONNECTSTATUS - OK if connection to the indexing Search Server is successful


IPTIndexer Clone()
Create a new IPTIndexer object that is a copy of the current one. The returned object has a reference to the same ProfileQuery (used for taxonomization) as the cloned object. The returned object has a reference to the cloned object as its "parent".

IPTIndexer copy of the current instance.


int LoadQuery(java.lang.Object vSearchFilter)
Load a query (in the form of an IPTFilter) into the current set of filter queries, returning an integer id that can be used to refer to the filter later. The caller should keep track of the integer ids generated in the course of calling LoadQuery() multiple times.

vSearchFilter - IPTFilter representing a filter query to be used for taxonomization. Should not be null.
int ID of this query in the current set of filters. This id can be used later with the Matched(int,int) method to determine whether a particular card matched a particular filter.


java.lang.Object CommitAsProfiled(int profileMode)
Send any pending profile requests to the Search Server. Profile requests are similar to add requests, except that they simultaneously match the items in the request against a set of filters which were added using the LoadQuery(Object) method. The profile request returns results (stored inside the IPTIndexer object) that indicate which items matched which queries.

The usage pattern is for the caller to make


boolean Matched(int lCardID,
                int lQueryID)
Check the current Profile results to determine if a given card matches a given query. Returns true if it matched, false otherwise. Should only be called after CommitAsProfiled(int)

lCardID - Object ID of the card to check.
lQueryID - int ID of the query to match against
True if the card matched the query, false otherwise.


void ClearProfile()
Clear the current profile query.


java.lang.String SummarizeDocument(java.lang.String bstrPath)
Only called during manual card submission, this method takes a full path to a file and extracts a String "summary" consisting of the first words of the full text found in the file.

bstrPath - Full path to the file from which we'll extract the summary. Should not be null.
String summary. May be blank if full-text extraction fails. Size of the summary is governed by the value of the server config setting PT_SERVER_CONFIG_SETTINGNAME.PT_SEARCH_DOCUMENT_SUMMARY_SIZE.


java.lang.String waitForAllIndexRequestsToComplete(int timeout)
                                                   throws PTException
Wait until all the index requests initiated by the client have been processed by the search server. A client should invoke this method only if it must ensure that everything that it submitted over a period of time is searchable. This is not the way to simulate "synchronous" indexing. Use CommitAll(int timeout) instead. Us this method sparignly since it can potentialy create many search cluster status requests.

timeout - - amout of time to wait for everything to be processed
current known fully processed(i.e searchable) transaction id
PTException - if the timeout occurs


java.lang.Object RunProfile(java.lang.String bstrFilePath)

Obsolete, based on unused taxonomization code.


boolean RunSingleQueryProfile(java.lang.String bstrQuery,
                              java.lang.String bstrFilePath)

Obsolete, based on unused taxonomization code.

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