Interface IPTUpgradeManager

public interface IPTUpgradeManager

Used to perform upgrades from Plumtree 4.5ws -> the current version of Plumtree. The Upgrade User Interface is the only client of this API.


Method Summary
 void Connect(java.lang.String bstrAdminUserName, java.lang.String bstrAdminPassword)
          Connect to the Plumtree server.
 void PerformUpgrade(java.lang.Object[][] varUpgradeParameters, java.lang.String bstrErrorLogFile)
          Performs the upgrade, using the supplied parameters
 java.lang.Object[][] QueryParametersRequiredForUpgrade()
          Returns an array describing the information needed by the server to perform an upgrade.
 void SetSQLLoggingFile(java.lang.String bstrSQLLoggingFilePath)
          Sets the log file into which SQL statements will be recorded.

Method Detail


void Connect(java.lang.String bstrAdminUserName,
             java.lang.String bstrAdminPassword)
Connect to the Plumtree server. Note that upgrade clients should NOT use IPTSession.Connect, since IPTSession.Connect relies on the database schema being in the correct format, but upgrade is performed on a database in an outdated format.

bstrAdminUserName - the name of the Administrator user (the user with ID 1.) Case sensitive.
bstrAdminPassword - the password of the Administrator user


java.lang.Object[][] QueryParametersRequiredForUpgrade()
Returns an array describing the information needed by the server to perform an upgrade. The results are a 2D array where each row represents a requested data item, and the columns are described by PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS and PT_UPGRADE_DATATYPES. Note that clients MUST successful call Connect before calling this method.

a 2D array described by PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS
See Also:


void SetSQLLoggingFile(java.lang.String bstrSQLLoggingFilePath)
Sets the log file into which SQL statements will be recorded. If set, the resulting file can be used as SQL script which replicates the actions of the upgrade procedure.

bstrSQLLoggingFilePath - the full path to the SQL logging file


void PerformUpgrade(java.lang.Object[][] varUpgradeParameters,
                    java.lang.String bstrErrorLogFile)
Performs the upgrade, using the supplied parameters

varUpgradeParameters - a 2D array of upgrade parameters, as described by PT_UPGRADE_PARAMETERS_COLS
bstrErrorLogFile - the full path to an error logging file. All errors will be logged to this file, but errors will generally NOT stop the upgrade from proceeding- the upgrade will attempt to perform all steps before exiting.

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