Interface IPTDataSourceProvider

public interface IPTDataSourceProvider

Mike Sample IPTDataSourceProvider is used to retrieve fields for a given document stored in a given repository

Method Summary
 void AttachToDocument(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag pBagDocumentLocation, java.lang.String AccessorID)
          Attach to Document (requires that Initialize has been successfully called already) Takes the Document Location Information (where the Document is located inside the Repository) and the Accessor to be used (the ID of which is taken from the Document Type).
 java.lang.String DocumentSummary()
          Returns a suggested description field for this document if the Provider is equipped to deliver one.
 java.lang.Object[][] GetCommonFields()
          Retrieve the common fields and descriptions for this Provider
 java.lang.String GetDataSourceBrowserCLSID()
          Returns a unique identifier string used by the server to instantiate the browsing class for this provider
 java.lang.String GetDataSourceCrawlProviderCLSID()
          Returns a unique identifier string used by the server to instantiate the crawling class for this provider
 java.lang.String GetDataSourceProviderCLSID()
          Returns a unique idenifier string used by the server to instantiate the provider
 java.lang.String GetDescription()
          Returns a human readable description for this Data Source Provider
 java.lang.String GetDocumentImageUUID()
          Returns a String used to build the image URL for this card
 java.lang.String GetDocumentSignature()
          Returns a provider specific string identifying the "state" of the attached document
 java.lang.Object[][] GetDocumentTypeMapSections()
          This is used to retrieve a list of sections that should appear in the Document Type Map along with descriptions, etc.
 java.lang.Object[][] GetFields()
          Retrieves the fields from the document and repository The provider must have already been attached.
 java.lang.String GetFileExtension()
          Returns the .extension for the attached document
 int GetGatewayClassID()
          Returns the Class ID used within the Click Thru URL
 java.lang.String GetGatewayURL()
          Returns the click thru URL for the attached document using the gateway prefix
 java.lang.String GetImageUUID()
          Returns the image string for this provider type.
 java.lang.String GetName()
          Returns the human readable name of this Data Source Provider
 java.lang.String GetSuggestedCardName()
          Returns the provider determined name for this document
 java.lang.Object[][] GetSuggestedDocumentTypeMapEntries()
          SuggestedDocumentTypeMapEntries returns a SafeArray of suggested Document Type Map entries.
 void Initialize(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag pBagRepositoryInfo, IPTSession pSession, int lWebServiceID)
          Initialization of a Data Source Provider requires Repository specific Information (passwd, logon, preferences, etc.) Initialization causes the DataSourceProvider to connect to the Repository in 5.0, client should pass in the WSID on the data source
 int QueryCapability(int QueryCapability)
          Allows for determination of Provider capabilities
 void Shutdown()
          Called by the server just before dispensing of the provider.
 java.lang.String SpecificDataSourceDescription(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag pbagConfigurationInfo)
          Retrieve a Data Source Provider specific description of the current configuration info
 void WriteIndexingFile(java.lang.String bstrFullFilePath)
          Copies the document stream of the attached document to the path provided

Method Detail


void Initialize(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag pBagRepositoryInfo,
                IPTSession pSession,
                int lWebServiceID)
Initialization of a Data Source Provider requires Repository specific Information (passwd, logon, preferences, etc.) Initialization causes the DataSourceProvider to connect to the Repository in 5.0, client should pass in the WSID on the data source

pBagRepositoryInfo - Provider specific repository connection parameters
pSession - a Plumtree user session
lWebServiceID - The Web Service ID for this provider


void AttachToDocument(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag pBagDocumentLocation,
                      java.lang.String AccessorID)
Attach to Document (requires that Initialize has been successfully called already) Takes the Document Location Information (where the Document is located inside the Repository) and the Accessor to be used (the ID of which is taken from the Document Type). Using this, the document is located, the Accessor is initialized (after doing a sanity check on Data Format) and the Fields are retrieved (and resolved). Attaches the DataSourceProvider to a specific Document in the Repository

pBagDocumentLocation - a Provider specific document node property bag
AccessorID - a String identifying the appropriate accessor to be used for this document


java.lang.String SpecificDataSourceDescription(com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag pbagConfigurationInfo)
Retrieve a Data Source Provider specific description of the current configuration info

pbagConfigurationInfo - A property bag containing the Data Source configuration info
A human readable String summarizing the Data Source configuration info


java.lang.Object[][] GetFields()
Retrieves the fields from the document and repository The provider must have already been attached.

an Object array of field names and values returned for this document node


java.lang.String GetSuggestedCardName()
Returns the provider determined name for this document

a String that can be used for a card name.


java.lang.String DocumentSummary()
Returns a suggested description field for this document if the Provider is equipped to deliver one.

A brief description or summary collected from the attached document


java.lang.String GetDocumentSignature()
Returns a provider specific string identifying the "state" of the attached document

A string used by the Refresh Agent to determine changes in the source document


java.lang.String GetDocumentImageUUID()
Returns a String used to build the image URL for this card

A String used to build the image URL for this card


java.lang.String GetFileExtension()
Returns the .extension for the attached document

A String containing the attached documents file extension


void WriteIndexingFile(java.lang.String bstrFullFilePath)
Copies the document stream of the attached document to the path provided

bstrFullFilePath - The path to which a copy of the document will be made


java.lang.String GetGatewayURL()
Returns the click thru URL for the attached document using the gateway prefix

A String containing the click thru URL for the attached document


int GetGatewayClassID()
Returns the Class ID used within the Click Thru URL

a PT_CLASSID used within the Click Thru URL


java.lang.String GetName()
Returns the human readable name of this Data Source Provider

a String containing the name of this Data Source Provider


java.lang.String GetDescription()
Returns a human readable description for this Data Source Provider

A String containing a description for this Data Source Provider


java.lang.String GetDataSourceProviderCLSID()
Returns a unique idenifier string used by the server to instantiate the provider

a unique identifier String for this provider


java.lang.String GetDataSourceBrowserCLSID()
Returns a unique identifier string used by the server to instantiate the browsing class for this provider

a unique String identifying the brower class of this provider


java.lang.String GetDataSourceCrawlProviderCLSID()
Returns a unique identifier string used by the server to instantiate the crawling class for this provider

a unique String identifying the crawling class of this provider


int QueryCapability(int QueryCapability)
Allows for determination of Provider capabilities

an int carrying the value for the requested capability


java.lang.Object[][] GetCommonFields()
Retrieve the common fields and descriptions for this Provider

Returns the fields available from an attached document.


java.lang.String GetImageUUID()
Returns the image string for this provider type.

A String used to build an image URL used for this provider.


java.lang.Object[][] GetDocumentTypeMapSections()
This is used to retrieve a list of sections that should appear in the Document Type Map along with descriptions, etc. of the sections. See the PT_PROVIDER_DOC_TYPE_MAP_SECTIONS enumeration.

An Object array containing the Document Type Map Sections


java.lang.Object[][] GetSuggestedDocumentTypeMapEntries()
SuggestedDocumentTypeMapEntries returns a SafeArray of suggested Document Type Map entries. For examples, the File provider might suggest that "*.txt" should be in the File section of the map. See the PT_SUGG_DOC_TYPE_MAP_ENTRIES_INDICES enumeration

an Object array of suggested Document Type mappings


void Shutdown()
Called by the server just before dispensing of the provider. This ensures connection and file resources are appropriately cleaned up after use.

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