Interface IPTPreferencesContext

All Superinterfaces:
IPTLocalizable, IPTObject, IPTServerContext, IPTStorable, IPTUnknown
All Known Subinterfaces:
IPTCommunity, IPTMyPages, IPTPageContainer

public interface IPTPreferencesContext
extends IPTObject


Method Summary
 void AddPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName, double _dPreferenceValue, int _nPortletID, PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
          This method adds a preference on the current object.
 void AddPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName, int _nPreferenceValue, int _nPortletID, PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
          This method adds a preference on the current object.
 void AddPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName, java.lang.Object _oPreferenceValue, int _nPortletID, PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
          This method adds a preference on the current object.
 void AddPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName, java.lang.String _strPreferenceValue, int _nPortletID, PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
          This method adds a preference on the current object.
 void AddPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName, com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime _xpdtPreferenceValue, int _nPortletID, PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
          This method adds a preference on the current object.
 void AssignPreferences(java.lang.Object[][] _aoPreferenceNameValuePairs, boolean _bDeleteOldPreferences, int _nPortletID, PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
          This method adds multiple preferences on the current object.
 java.lang.Object[][] LookupPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName, int _nPortletID, PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
          This method looks up a preference on the current object.
 java.lang.Object[][] LookupPreferences(java.lang.String[] _astrPreferenceNames, int _nPortletID, PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
          This method looks up preferences on the current object.
 void RemovePreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName, int _nPortletID, PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
          This method removes a preference on the current object.
 void RemovePreferences(java.lang.String[] _astrPreferenceNames, int _nPortletID, PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
          This method removes multiple preferences on the current object.
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTObject
GetAdminFolderID, GetClassID, GetCreated, GetImageUUID, GetLastModified, GetObjectProperties, SetAdminFolderID, SetImageUUID, SetLastModified
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTLocalizable
GetDescription, GetIsLocalized, GetLocalizedDescription, GetLocalizedDescriptions, GetLocalizedName, GetLocalizedNames, GetName, GetPrimaryLang, GetSupportsLocalization, SetDescription, SetIsLocalized, SetLocalizedDescriptions, SetLocalizedNames, SetName, SetPrimaryLang
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUnknown
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTServerContext
GetAccessLevel, GetACL, GetLastModifiedBy, GetLockState, GetObjectID, GetOwnerID, GetServerContextSettings, GetSession, GetSettings, LockObject, SetLastModifiedBy, SetObjectID, SetOwnerID, SetServerContextSettings, SetSettings, UnlockObject
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTStorable

Method Detail


java.lang.Object[][] LookupPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName,
                                      int _nPortletID,
                                      PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
This method looks up a preference on the current object. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not. The preference can be for all users or for just the current user.

_strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to look up.
_nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
_prefType - is the type of the preference. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER if the preference is a preference for just this user. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS if the preference is a preference for all users.
An array of Name-Value Pairs of the preference.


java.lang.Object[][] LookupPreferences(java.lang.String[] _astrPreferenceNames,
                                       int _nPortletID,
                                       PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
This method looks up preferences on the current object. The preferences can be for a specific portlet or not. The preferences can be for all users or for just the current user.

_astrPreferenceNames - is an array of the names of preferences to look up.
_nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
_prefType - is the type of the preference. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER if the preference is a preference for just this user. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS if the preference is a preference for all users.
An array of Name-Value Pairs of the preferences.


void AddPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName,
                   int _nPreferenceValue,
                   int _nPortletID,
                   PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
This method adds a preference on the current object. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not. The preference can be for all users or for just the current user.

_strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to add.
_nPreferenceValue - is the value of the preference to add.
_nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
_prefType - is the type of the preference. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER if the preference is a preference for just this user. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS if the preference is a preference for all users.


void AddPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName,
                   java.lang.String _strPreferenceValue,
                   int _nPortletID,
                   PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
This method adds a preference on the current object. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not. The preference can be for all users or for just the current user.

_strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to add.
_strPreferenceValue - is the value of the preference to add.
_nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
_prefType - is the type of the preference. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER if the preference is a preference for just this user. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS if the preference is a preference for all users.


void AddPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName,
                   com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPDateTime _xpdtPreferenceValue,
                   int _nPortletID,
                   PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
This method adds a preference on the current object. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not. The preference can be for all users or for just the current user.

_strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to add.
_xpdtPreferenceValue - is the value of the preference to add.
_nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
_prefType - is the type of the preference. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER if the preference is a preference for just this user. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS if the preference is a preference for all users.


void AddPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName,
                   double _dPreferenceValue,
                   int _nPortletID,
                   PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
This method adds a preference on the current object. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not. The preference can be for all users or for just the current user.

_strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to add.
_dPreferenceValue - is the value of the preference to add.
_nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
_prefType - is the type of the preference. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER if the preference is a preference for just this user. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS if the preference is a preference for all users.


void AddPreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName,
                   java.lang.Object _oPreferenceValue,
                   int _nPortletID,
                   PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
This method adds a preference on the current object. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not. The preference can be for all users or for just the current user.

_strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to add.
_oPreferenceValue - is the value of the preference to add.
_nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
_prefType - is the type of the preference. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER if the preference is a preference for just this user. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS if the preference is a preference for all users.


void AssignPreferences(java.lang.Object[][] _aoPreferenceNameValuePairs,
                       boolean _bDeleteOldPreferences,
                       int _nPortletID,
                       PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
This method adds multiple preferences on the current object. It can also delete the old preferences before adding the new preferences. The preferences can be for a specific portlet or not. The preferences can be for all users or for just the current user.

_aoPreferenceNameValuePairs - is an array of Name-Value Pairs of the preferences.
_bDeleteOldPreferences - flags whether the old preferences should be deleted or not. Use true to delete to delete the old preferences, or false to keep them.
_nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
_prefType - is the type of the preference. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER if the preference is a preference for just this user. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS if the preference is a preference for all users.


void RemovePreference(java.lang.String _strPreferenceName,
                      int _nPortletID,
                      PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
This method removes a preference on the current object. The preference can be for a specific portlet or not. The preference can be for all users or for just the current user.

_strPreferenceName - is the name of the preference to remove.
_nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
_prefType - is the type of the preference. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER if the preference is a preference for just this user. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS if the preference is a preference for all users.


void RemovePreferences(java.lang.String[] _astrPreferenceNames,
                       int _nPortletID,
                       PT_PREF_TYPES _prefType)
This method removes multiple preferences on the current object. The preferences can be for a specific portlet or not. The preferences can be for all users or for just the current user.

_astrPreferenceNames - is an array of the names of preferences to remove.
_nPortletID - is the Portlet the preference is set on. Use 0 if the preference is not a portlet preference.
_prefType - is the type of the preference. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_CURRENT_USER if the preference is a preference for just this user. Use PT_PREF_TYPE.PT_PREFTYPE_ALL_USERS if the preference is a preference for all users.

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