Interface IPTRemoteMigrationContext

public interface IPTRemoteMigrationContext

This interface is used for remote migration of portlets.

Arvind Seshan

Method Summary
 java.lang.String BeginMigrationAtSource(java.lang.String strURL, java.lang.String strPortalUUID, java.lang.String strPortletUUID, java.lang.Object[][] arAdminSettings)
          On Export of a portlet, sends a request to the remote server to ask for remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID.
 java.lang.String BeginMigrationAtSourceForCommunity(java.lang.String strURL, java.lang.String strPortalUUID, java.lang.String strPortletUUID, java.lang.String strCommunityUUID, java.lang.Object[][] arAdminSettings, java.lang.Object[][] arCommunitySettings)
          On Export of a portlet, sends a request to the remote server to ask for remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID and the community specified by the community UUID.
 void EndMigrationAtDestination(java.lang.String strURL, java.lang.String strPortalUUID, java.lang.String strPortletUUID, java.lang.Object[][] arAdminSettings, java.lang.String strData)
          On Import of a portlet, sends to the remote server the remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID.
 void EndMigrationAtDestinationForCommunity(java.lang.String bstrURL, java.lang.String bstrPortalUUID, java.lang.String bstrPortletUUID, java.lang.String bstrCommunityUUID, java.lang.Object[][] vsaAdminSettings, java.lang.Object[][] vsaCommunitySettings, java.lang.String bstrData)
          On Import of a portlet, sends to the remote server the remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID and the community specified by the community UUID.

Method Detail


java.lang.String BeginMigrationAtSource(java.lang.String strURL,
                                        java.lang.String strPortalUUID,
                                        java.lang.String strPortletUUID,
                                        java.lang.Object[][] arAdminSettings)
On Export of a portlet, sends a request to the remote server to ask for remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID.

strURL - - The URL of the Remote Migration Web Service.
strPortalUUID - - The UUID of the calling portal.
strPortletUUID - - The UUID of the portlet for which remote data is being requested.
arAdminSettings - - 2-D array of Admin prefs.
The remote data associated with the portlet, as an XML string that is directly embeddable into a migration package or IPTMigrationElement.


void EndMigrationAtDestination(java.lang.String strURL,
                               java.lang.String strPortalUUID,
                               java.lang.String strPortletUUID,
                               java.lang.Object[][] arAdminSettings,
                               java.lang.String strData)
On Import of a portlet, sends to the remote server the remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID.

strURL - - The URL of the Remote Migration Web Service.
strPortalUUID - - The UUID of the calling portal.
strPortletUUID - - The UUID of the portlet for which remote data is being requested.
arAdminSettings - - 2-D array of Admin prefs.
bstrData - - The remote data associated with the portlet, as an XML string.


java.lang.String BeginMigrationAtSourceForCommunity(java.lang.String strURL,
                                                    java.lang.String strPortalUUID,
                                                    java.lang.String strPortletUUID,
                                                    java.lang.String strCommunityUUID,
                                                    java.lang.Object[][] arAdminSettings,
                                                    java.lang.Object[][] arCommunitySettings)
On Export of a portlet, sends a request to the remote server to ask for remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID and the community specified by the community UUID.

strURL - - The URL of the Remote Migration Web Service.
strPortalUUID - - The UUID of the calling portal.
strPortletUUID - - The UUID of the portlet for which remote data is being requested.
strCommunityUUID - - The UUID of the community for which remote data is being requested.
arAdminSettings - 2-D array of Admin prefs.
arCommunitySettings - 2-D array of Community prefs.
The remote data associated with the portlet, as an XML string that is directly embeddable into a migration package or IPTMigrationElement.


void EndMigrationAtDestinationForCommunity(java.lang.String bstrURL,
                                           java.lang.String bstrPortalUUID,
                                           java.lang.String bstrPortletUUID,
                                           java.lang.String bstrCommunityUUID,
                                           java.lang.Object[][] vsaAdminSettings,
                                           java.lang.Object[][] vsaCommunitySettings,
                                           java.lang.String bstrData)
On Import of a portlet, sends to the remote server the remote data associated with the specified portlet, for the portal specified by the portal UUID and the community specified by the community UUID.

strURL - - The URL of the Remote Migration Web Service.
strPortalUUID - - The UUID of the calling portal.
strPortletUUID - - The UUID of the portlet for which remote data is being requested.
strCommunityUUID - - The UUID of the community for which remote data is being requested.
arAdminSettings - 2-D array of Admin prefs.
arCommunitySettings - 2-D array of Community prefs.
bstrData - - The remote data associated with the portlet, as an XML string.

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