Interface IPTCatalog

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IPTCatalog
extends IPTUnknown

The interface representing the Knowledge Directory (Catalog). The Knowledge Directory allows you to browse, move, create, and edit document links (cards) and document folders. It also manages the filters and related resources associated with each folder. Objects in the knowledge directory can be created directly through this interface.

Stephen Chang

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFolders(int lCardID, int[] vsaTargetFolderIDs, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds a single document to multiple target document folders.
 java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFolders(int lCardID, int vsaTargetFolderIDs, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds a single document to a single target document folder.
 java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int lCardID, int[] vsaTargetFolderIDs, int[] vsaRankInEachFolder, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds a single document to multiple target document folders with ranking.
 java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int lCardID, int[] vsaTargetFolderIDs, int vsaRankInEachFolder, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds a single document to multiple target document folders with ranking.
 java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int lCardID, int vsaTargetFolderIDs, int[] vsaRankInEachFolder, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.
 java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int lCardID, int vsaTargetFolderIDs, int vsaRankInEachFolder, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.
 java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolder(int[] vsaCardIDs, int lTargetFolderID, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds multiple documents to a single target document folder.
 java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolder(int vsaCardIDs, int lTargetFolderID, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds a single document to a single target document folder.
 java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int[] vsaCardIDs, int[] vsaRankForEachCard, int lTargetFolderID, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds multiple documents to a single target document folder with ranking.
 java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int[] vsaCardIDs, int vsaRankForEachCard, int lTargetFolderID, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds multiple documents to a single target document folder with ranking.
 java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int vsaCardIDs, int[] vsaRankForEachCard, int lTargetFolderID, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.
 java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int vsaCardIDs, int vsaRankForEachCard, int lTargetFolderID, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.
 void ApproveCardWhereUnapproved(int lCardID)
          Approves every copy of the document in every document folders that it resides in.
 void ClearRankFromAllCardsInFolder(int lFolderID)
          Clears the rank of all the documents within the specified document folder.
 void CopyFolder(int lFolderID, int lTargetFolderID, boolean bRecursive, boolean bCopyCards)
          Copies the document folder.
 IPTCard CreateCard()
          Creates a blank document.
 IPTFolder CreateFolder(int lParentFolderID)
          Creates a document folder.
 java.lang.Object[] DeleteCards(int vsaCardIDs)
          Deletes a single document from the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
 java.lang.Object[] DeleteCards(int[] vsaCardIDs)
          Deletes multiple documents from the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
 void DeleteFolder(int lFolderID, boolean bRecursive)
          Deletes a document folder.
 void DiscardCardWhereUnapproved(int lCardID)
          Discards unapproved documents from folders that do not allow document access.
 void FlushNameFromObjectIdLookupCache()
          Clears the object id lookup cache.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GenerateCardStatusReport()
          Queries the search index and database to generate a status report of the documents in the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
 int GetCardRank(int lCardID, int lFolderID)
          Returns the ranking of a specific document in a specific document folder.
 IPTQueryResult GetCardSubmitDataSources(int lCardSubmitType)
          Returns the DataSources that support the given document submission type.
 IPTQueryResult GetOrderByProperties()
          Returns the document properties that a document can be ordered by in a database query.
 IPTFolder GetRootFolder()
          Returns the root folder.
 com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GetSearchServerStatus()
          Returns the status of the query and failover search servers.
 java.lang.Object GetSettings(int lSettings)
 IPTCatalogStatistics GetStatistics()
          Returns IPTCatalogStatistics, which is the interface for determining document popularity statistics.
 IPTFolder GetUnclassifiedCardsFolder()
          Returns the Unclassified Cards folder.
 boolean IsCatalogObjectAccessible(int lClassID, int lObjectID, int lMinAccessLevel)
          Checks if current user has at least the minimum access level for a specific document or folder.
 java.lang.String LookupNameFromObjectId(int nObjectId, int nClassId)
          Looks up the priamry name of the object with the specified id.
 int[] LookupObjectIdFromName(java.lang.String objectName, int nClassId)
          Looks up the id (or ids if there are more than one) of the objects with the specified name.
 java.lang.Object[] MoveCards(int lFromFolderID, int[] vsaCardIDs, int lTargetFolderID, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Moves multiple documents from a single document folder to another single document folder.
 java.lang.Object[] MoveCards(int lFromFolderID, int vsaCardIDs, int lTargetFolderID, int lRequestedApprovalState, boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
          Moves a single document from a single document folder to another single document folder.
 void MoveFolder(int lFolderID, int lTargetFolderID)
          Moves a document folder into another location.
 IPTCard OpenCard(int lCardID, boolean bLockOnOpen)
          Retrieves an existing document.
 IPTFolder OpenFolder(int lFolderID, boolean bLockOnOpen)
          Retrieves a document folder.
 IPTFolder OpenFolderByPath(java.lang.String bstrFolderPath, boolean bLockOnOpen)
          Retrieves a document folder.
 int QueryCardAccess(int nCardID)
          Returns the access level of the current user for the document.
 boolean QueryCardIsVisible(int nCardID)
          Returns whether or not the current user can see the requested card, if the card exists.
 IPTQueryResult QueryCardPaths(int[] vsaCardIDs, boolean bShowUnapproved, boolean bShowAllUnapproved)
          Returns the document folders path of a set of documents.
 IPTQueryResult QueryCardPaths(int vsaCardIDs, boolean bShowUnapproved, boolean bShowAllUnapproved)
          Returns the document folders path of a document.
 IPTQueryResult QueryCards(int nQueryByClassID, int lQueryByObjectID, boolean bShowUnapproved, boolean bShowAllUnapproved, int lPropIDMask, int vOrderBy, int lSkipRows, int lMaxRows, java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
          Returns an IPTQueryResult of documents based on datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
 IPTQueryResult QueryCards(int nQueryByClassID, int lQueryByObjectID, boolean bShowUnapproved, boolean bShowAllUnapproved, int lPropIDMask, java.lang.Object vOrderBy, int lSkipRows, int lMaxRows, java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
          Returns an IPTQueryResult of documents based on datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
 IPTQueryResult QueryFolderPaths(int vsaFolderIDs)
          Returns the folder path of a document folder.
 IPTQueryResult QueryFolderPaths(int[] vsaFolderIDs)
          Returns the folder path of a set of document folders.
 IPTQueryResult QueryFoldersByFilter(int nFilterID)
          Returns an IPTQueryResult of document folders that use a particular classification Filter.
 IPTQueryResult QueryParentFolderIDs(int nFolderID)
          Returns a list of the parent folderIDs.
 IPTQueryResult QueryUnapprovedCards(int nQueryByClassID, int lQueryByObjectID, boolean bShowAll, int lPropIDMask, int vOrderBy, int lSkipRows, int lMaxRows, java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
          Queries and returns documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
 IPTQueryResult QueryUnapprovedCards(int nQueryByClassID, int lQueryByObjectID, boolean bShowAll, int lPropIDMask, java.lang.Object vOrderBy, int lSkipRows, int lMaxRows, java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
          Queries and returns documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
 IPTQueryResult QueryUnapprovedCardsByBranch(int lFolderID, boolean bShowAll, int lPropIDMask, int vOrderBy, int lSkipRows, int lMaxRows, java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
          Queries and returns unapproved documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
 IPTQueryResult QueryUnapprovedCardsByBranch(int lFolderID, boolean bShowAll, int lPropIDMask, java.lang.Object vOrderBy, int lSkipRows, int lMaxRows, java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
          Queries and returns documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
 int QueryUnapprovedCardsCount(int nQueryByClassID, int lQueryByObjectID, boolean bShowAll)
          Returns the number of unapproved documents based on datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.
 int QueryUnapprovedCardsCountByBranch(int lFolderID, boolean bShowAll)
          Returns the number of documents within a particular branch of the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
 int QueryUnapprovedCardsCountGlobal(boolean bShowAll)
          Returns the total number of documents in the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).
 java.lang.Object[] RemoveCards(int lFromFolderID, int vsaCardIDs)
          Removes a single document from a single document folder.
 java.lang.Object[] RemoveCards(int lFromFolderID, int[] vsaCardIDs)
          Removes multiple documents from a single document folder.
 java.lang.Object[] SetApprovalStateByCard(int lCardID, int nApprovalState, java.lang.Object vsaFoldersToSetIn)
          Sets the approval state of a document in a set of selected document folders.
 java.lang.Object[] SetApprovalStateByFolder(int lFolderID, int nApprovalState, java.lang.Object vsaCards)
          Sets the approval state of multiple documents in a single document folder.
 void SetCardRank(int lCardID, int lFolderID, int lRank)
          Sets the ranking for a document in a particular document folder.
 void SetSettings(int Value, java.lang.Object pvValue)
Methods inherited from interface com.plumtree.server.IPTUnknown

Method Detail


IPTFolder GetRootFolder()
Returns the root folder.



IPTFolder GetUnclassifiedCardsFolder()
Returns the Unclassified Cards folder.



IPTCatalogStatistics GetStatistics()
Returns IPTCatalogStatistics, which is the interface for determining document popularity statistics.



void SetSettings(int Value,
                 java.lang.Object pvValue)


java.lang.Object GetSettings(int lSettings)


IPTFolder OpenFolder(int lFolderID,
                     boolean bLockOnOpen)
Retrieves a document folder. To lock an object, user needs at least edit access privilege (permission to modify folders) for the folder.

lFolderID - document folder ID to retrieve.
bLockOnOpen - if true, locks the object.
IPTFolder of the folder being retrieved


IPTFolder OpenFolderByPath(java.lang.String bstrFolderPath,
                           boolean bLockOnOpen)
Retrieves a document folder. To lock an object, the user needs at least edit access privilege (permission to modify folders) for the document folder.

bstrFolderPath - path of the document folder.
bLockOnOpen - if true, locks the document.
IPTFolder of the document folder being opened


IPTCard OpenCard(int lCardID,
                 boolean bLockOnOpen)
Retrieves an existing document.

lCardID - cardID of the document being opened.
bLockOnOpen - if true, locks the document.
IPTCard of the card being opened


int QueryUnapprovedCardsCountGlobal(boolean bShowAll)
Returns the total number of documents in the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).

bShowAll - if true, returns the total number of unapproved documents, including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are included in the count.
int count


int QueryUnapprovedCardsCountByBranch(int lFolderID,
                                      boolean bShowAll)
Returns the number of documents within a particular branch of the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).

lFolderID - folder ID of the Knowledge Directory branch.
bShowAll - if true, returns the total number of unapproved documents, including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are included in the count.
int card count


IPTQueryResult QueryUnapprovedCardsByBranch(int lFolderID,
                                            boolean bShowAll,
                                            int lPropIDMask,
                                            int vOrderBy,
                                            int lSkipRows,
                                            int lMaxRows,
                                            java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
Queries and returns unapproved documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.

lClassID - column to query. You can query by PT_DATASOURCE_ID, PT_CRAWLER_ID, or PT_DOCUMENTTYPE_ID.
lObjectID - objectID to query.
bShowAll - if true, returns all documents, including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are returned.
lPropIDMask - mask of propIDs to return.
vOrderBy - propID to query.
lSkipRows - number of rows to skip.
lMaxRows - maximum number of rows to return.
vQueryFilter - filter to apply to the query.
IPTQueryResult of the documents being queried


IPTQueryResult QueryUnapprovedCardsByBranch(int lFolderID,
                                            boolean bShowAll,
                                            int lPropIDMask,
                                            java.lang.Object vOrderBy,
                                            int lSkipRows,
                                            int lMaxRows,
                                            java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
Queries and returns documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.

lClassID - column to query. You can query by PT_DATASOURCE_ID, PT_CRAWLER_ID, or PT_DOCUMENTTYPE_ID.
lObjectID - objectID to query.
bShowAll - if true, returns all documents, including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are returned.
lPropIDMask - mask of propIDs to return.
vOrderBy - propID to query.
lSkipRows - number of rows to skip.
lMaxRows - maximum number of rows to return
vQueryFilter - filter to apply to the query.
IPTQueryResult of the cards being queried


int QueryUnapprovedCardsCount(int nQueryByClassID,
                              int lQueryByObjectID,
                              boolean bShowAll)
Returns the number of unapproved documents based on datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.

nQueryByClassID - column to query. You can query by PT_DATASOURCE_ID, PT_CRAWLER_ID, or PT_DOCUMENTTYPE_ID.
lQueryByObjectID - objectID to query.
bShowAll - if true, returns all documents, including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are returned.
the number of documents being queried


IPTQueryResult QueryUnapprovedCards(int nQueryByClassID,
                                    int lQueryByObjectID,
                                    boolean bShowAll,
                                    int lPropIDMask,
                                    int vOrderBy,
                                    int lSkipRows,
                                    int lMaxRows,
                                    java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
Queries and returns documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.

lClassID - column to query. You can query by PT_DATASOURCE_ID, PT_CRAWLER_ID, or PT_DOCUMENTTYPE_ID.
lObjectID - objectID to query.
bShowAll - if true, returns all documents, including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are returned.
lPropIDMask - mask of propIDs to return.
vOrderBy - propID to query.
lSkipRows - number of rows to skip.
lMaxRows - maximum number of rows to return.
vQueryFilter - filter to apply to the query.
IPTQueryResult of the documents being queried


IPTQueryResult QueryUnapprovedCards(int nQueryByClassID,
                                    int lQueryByObjectID,
                                    boolean bShowAll,
                                    int lPropIDMask,
                                    java.lang.Object vOrderBy,
                                    int lSkipRows,
                                    int lMaxRows,
                                    java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
Queries and returns documents within a particular document folder branch based on the datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.

lClassID - column to query. You can query by PT_DATASOURCE_ID, PT_CRAWLER_ID, or PT_DOCUMENTTYPE_ID.
lObjectID - objectID to query.
bShowAll - if true, returns all documents, including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are returned.
lPropIDMask - mask of propIDs to return.
vOrderBy - propID to query.
lSkipRows - number of rows to skip.
lMaxRows - maximum number of rows to return.
vQueryFilter - filter to apply to the query.
IPTQueryResult of the documents being queried


IPTQueryResult QueryCardPaths(int vsaCardIDs,
                              boolean bShowUnapproved,
                              boolean bShowAllUnapproved)
Returns the document folders path of a document.

nCardID - cardID of the document.
bShowUnapproved - if true, shows unapproved documents that the user has access rights to.
bShowAllUnapproved - if true, shows all unapproved documents, including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are returned.


IPTQueryResult QueryCardPaths(int[] vsaCardIDs,
                              boolean bShowUnapproved,
                              boolean bShowAllUnapproved)
Returns the document folders path of a set of documents.

vsaCardIDs - array of document cardIDs.
bShowUnapproved - if true, shows unapproved documents that the user has access rights to.
bShowAllUnapproved - if true, shows all unapproved documents, including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are returned.


IPTQueryResult QueryFolderPaths(int vsaFolderIDs)
Returns the folder path of a document folder.

vsaFolderIDs - folderID of the document folder.


IPTQueryResult QueryFolderPaths(int[] vsaFolderIDs)
Returns the folder path of a set of document folders.

arFolderObjIDs - array of folderIDs of the document folders.


boolean QueryCardIsVisible(int nCardID)
Returns whether or not the current user can see the requested card, if the card exists.

nCardID - cardID of the card in question
int access level that the current user has on the card


int QueryCardAccess(int nCardID)
Returns the access level of the current user for the document.

nCardID - cardID of the document in question.
int access level of the current user for the document


void ApproveCardWhereUnapproved(int lCardID)
Approves every copy of the document in every document folders that it resides in. The approval propagates across all folders that contain the document, so the user must have admin access privilege (permission to modify folders) for these folders.

lCardID - cardID of the document being approved.


void DiscardCardWhereUnapproved(int lCardID)
Discards unapproved documents from folders that do not allow document access. The same document will not be discarded in folders that allow document access. The current user must have admin access privilege (full control rights) on these folders to discard unapproved documents.

lCardID - cardID of the document being discarded.


java.lang.Object[] SetApprovalStateByCard(int lCardID,
                                          int nApprovalState,
                                          java.lang.Object vsaFoldersToSetIn)
Sets the approval state of a document in a set of selected document folders.

lCardID - cardID of the document.
nApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
vsaFolderIDs - int array of document folders.
Object[] array of statuses


java.lang.Object[] SetApprovalStateByFolder(int lFolderID,
                                            int nApprovalState,
                                            java.lang.Object vsaCards)
Sets the approval state of multiple documents in a single document folder.

lFolderID - folderID of the document folder.
nApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
vsaCards - int array of cardIDs of the documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


IPTFolder CreateFolder(int lParentFolderID)
Creates a document folder. The user must have folder creation activity rights (permission to create folders) and edit access privilege (permission to modify folders) for the parent folder.

lParentFolderID - parent folder ID.
IPTFolder of the newly created folder


void MoveFolder(int lFolderID,
                int lTargetFolderID)
Moves a document folder into another location. You cannot move a folder into itself or to any of its descendants. The user needs edit access privilege (permission to modify folders) for both the source and target folders, and admin access privilege (full administrative control) for the document folder being moved.

lFolderID - folder ID of the document folder to move.
lTargetFolderID - new location. The folder ID of the target folder.


void CopyFolder(int lFolderID,
                int lTargetFolderID,
                boolean bRecursive,
                boolean bCopyCards)
Copies the document folder. The user must have the folder creation activity rights (permission to create folders) and edit access privilege (permission to modify folders) for the target folder.

lFolderID - folder ID of the document folder to copy from.
lTargetFolderID - folder ID of the folder to copy to.
bRecursive - if true, copies the subfolders and all the documents within the subfolders.
bCopyCards - if true, copies the documents.


void DeleteFolder(int lFolderID,
                  boolean bRecursive)
Deletes a document folder. User must have admin access privilege (full administrative control) for the document folder being deleted.

lFolderID - folder ID of the document folder to delete.
bRecursive - if true, deletes the subfolders. This throws an error if this is false and there are subfolders.


IPTCard CreateCard()
Creates a blank document. This document is created in memory and is not serialized.

IPTCard interface of a newly created blank document


java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolder(int[] vsaCardIDs,
                                            int lTargetFolderID,
                                            int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                            boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds multiple documents to a single target document folder.

vsaCardIDs - array of cardIDs of documents being added.
lTargetFolderID - folderID of the folder to which the documents are being added.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the documents. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolder(int vsaCardIDs,
                                            int lTargetFolderID,
                                            int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                            boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds a single document to a single target document folder.

nCardID - cardID being added
lTargetFolderID - folderID of the document folder to which the document is being added.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFolders(int lCardID,
                                            int[] vsaTargetFolderIDs,
                                            int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                            boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds a single document to multiple target document folders.

lCardID - cardID of the document being added.
vsaTargetFolderIDs - array of folderIDs of document folders to which the document is being added.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFolders(int lCardID,
                                            int vsaTargetFolderIDs,
                                            int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                            boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds a single document to a single target document folder.

lCardID - cardID of the document being added.
nTargetFolderID - folderID of the document folder to which the document is being added.
lRequestedApprovalState - state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] MoveCards(int lFromFolderID,
                             int[] vsaCardIDs,
                             int lTargetFolderID,
                             int lRequestedApprovalState,
                             boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Moves multiple documents from a single document folder to another single document folder.

lFromFolderID - folderID of the document folder from which the document is being moved.
vsaCardIDs - array of cardIDs of the documents being moved.
lTargetFolderID - folderID of the document folder to which the document is being moved.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] MoveCards(int lFromFolderID,
                             int vsaCardIDs,
                             int lTargetFolderID,
                             int lRequestedApprovalState,
                             boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Moves a single document from a single document folder to another single document folder.

lFromFolderID - folderID of the document folder from which the document is being moved.
nCardID - cardID of the document being moved.
lTargetFolderID - folderID of the document folder to which the document is being moved.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] RemoveCards(int lFromFolderID,
                               int[] vsaCardIDs)
Removes multiple documents from a single document folder.

lFromFolderID - folderID of the document folder that contains the documents to be removed.
vsaCardIDs - array of cardIDs of the documents being removed.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] RemoveCards(int lFromFolderID,
                               int vsaCardIDs)
Removes a single document from a single document folder.

lFromFolderID - folderID of the document folder containing the document to be removed.
nCardID - cardID of the document being removed.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] DeleteCards(int[] vsaCardIDs)
Deletes multiple documents from the Knowledge Directory (Catalog). The user must have admin access privilege (full administrative control) for the documents and edit access privilege (permission to modify folders) for the document folders of the document.

arObjectIDs - array of cardIDs of the documents being deleted.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] DeleteCards(int vsaCardIDs)
Deletes a single document from the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).

nCardID - cardID of the document being deleted.
array of statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int[] vsaCardIDs,
                                                    int[] vsaRankForEachCard,
                                                    int lTargetFolderID,
                                                    int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                                    boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds multiple documents to a single target document folder with ranking.

vsaCardIDs - array of cardIDs of the documents being added.
vsaRankForEachCard - rank assigned to each document in the folder.
lTargetFolderID - folderID of the document folder to which the documents are being added.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int vsaCardIDs,
                                                    int vsaRankForEachCard,
                                                    int lTargetFolderID,
                                                    int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                                    boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.

nCardID - cardID of the document being added.
nRankForEachCard - rank assigned to each document.
lTargetFolderID - folderID of the document folder to which the document is being added.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int vsaCardIDs,
                                                    int[] vsaRankForEachCard,
                                                    int lTargetFolderID,
                                                    int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                                    boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.

nCardID - cardID of the document being added.
vsaRankForEachCard - rank assigned to each document for each folder.
lTargetFolderID - folderID of the Folder to which the document is being added.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddMultipleCardsToFolderWithRank(int[] vsaCardIDs,
                                                    int vsaRankForEachCard,
                                                    int lTargetFolderID,
                                                    int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                                    boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds multiple documents to a single target document folder with ranking.

vsaCardIDs - array of cardIDs of the documents being added.
nRankForEachCard - rank assigned to each document.
lTargetFolderID - folderID of the document folder to which the document is being added.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int lCardID,
                                                    int[] vsaTargetFolderIDs,
                                                    int[] vsaRankInEachFolder,
                                                    int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                                    boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds a single document to multiple target document folders with ranking.

lCardID - cardID of the document being added.
vsaTargetFolderIDs - array of folderIDs of the document folders to which the document is being added.
vsaRankInEachFolder - array of ranking to be assigned to the documents in the target document folders.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int lCardID,
                                                    int vsaTargetFolderIDs,
                                                    int vsaRankInEachFolder,
                                                    int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                                    boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.

lCardID - cardID of the document being added.
nTargetFolderID - folderID of the document folder to which the document is being added.
nRankInEachFolder - rank to assign to each document.
lRequestedApprovalState - approval state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int lCardID,
                                                    int vsaTargetFolderIDs,
                                                    int[] vsaRankInEachFolder,
                                                    int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                                    boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds a single document to a single target document folder with ranking.

lCardID - cardID of the document being added.
nTargetFolderID - folderID of the document folder to which the document is being added.
vsaRankInEachFolder - array of ranks to be assigned to the documents in the target document folders.
lRequestedApprovalState - state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of approval statuses


java.lang.Object[] AddCardToMultipleFoldersWithRank(int lCardID,
                                                    int[] vsaTargetFolderIDs,
                                                    int vsaRankInEachFolder,
                                                    int lRequestedApprovalState,
                                                    boolean bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState)
Adds a single document to multiple target document folders with ranking.

lCardID - cardID of the document being added.
vsaTargetFolderIDs - array of folderIDs of the document folders to which the document are being added.
nRankInEachFolder - rank to be assigned to each document.
lRequestedApprovalState - state of the document. The states are: approved or pending approval.
bAddOnlyAtSpecifiedApprovalState - if true and the requested approval state is "approved," user needs admin access privilege (full control) to add the document to the folder as approved; otherwise, documents that the user does not have admin access privelege for are added as unapproved documents.
Object[] array of statuses


int GetCardRank(int lCardID,
                int lFolderID)
Returns the ranking of a specific document in a specific document folder.

lCardID - cardID of the specific document.
lFolderID - folderID of the specific document folder.
int the ranking of the document


void SetCardRank(int lCardID,
                 int lFolderID,
                 int lRank)
Sets the ranking for a document in a particular document folder.

lCardID - cardID of the document.
lFolderID - folderID of the document folder where the document resides.
lRank - rank to be assigned to the document.


void ClearRankFromAllCardsInFolder(int lFolderID)
Clears the rank of all the documents within the specified document folder.

lFolderID - folderID of the document folder containing the documents.


IPTQueryResult QueryCards(int nQueryByClassID,
                          int lQueryByObjectID,
                          boolean bShowUnapproved,
                          boolean bShowAllUnapproved,
                          int lPropIDMask,
                          int vOrderBy,
                          int lSkipRows,
                          int lMaxRows,
                          java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
Returns an IPTQueryResult of documents based on datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.

nQueryByClassID - column to query. The columns are: PT_DATASOURCE_ID, PT_CRAWLER_ID, or PT_DOCUMENTTYPE_ID.
lQueryByObjectID - objectID to query.
bShowUnapproved - if true, shows unapproved documents that the user has access rights to.
bShowAllUnapproved - if true, shows all unapproved documents, including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are returned.
lPropIDMask - mask of propIDs to return.
vOrderBy - propID to query.
lSkipRows - number of rows to skip.
lMaxRows - maximum number of rows to return.
vQueryFilter - filter to apply to the query.
IPTQueryResult of the documents being queried


IPTQueryResult QueryCards(int nQueryByClassID,
                          int lQueryByObjectID,
                          boolean bShowUnapproved,
                          boolean bShowAllUnapproved,
                          int lPropIDMask,
                          java.lang.Object vOrderBy,
                          int lSkipRows,
                          int lMaxRows,
                          java.lang.Object[][] vQueryFilter)
Returns an IPTQueryResult of documents based on datasourceID, crawlerID, or documenttypeID.

nQueryByClassID - column to query. The columns are PT_DATASOURCE_ID, PT_CRAWLER_ID, or PT_DOCUMENTTYPE_ID.
lQueryByObjectID - objectID to query.
bShowUnapproved - if true, shows unapproved documents that the user has access rights to.
bShowAllUnapproved - if true, shows all unapproved documents including ones that the user has no access rights to approve (because the user does not have admin access privilege for those documents). If false, only documents that the user has access rights to approve are returned.
lPropIDMask - mask of propIDs to return.
vOrderBy - propID to query.
lSkipRows - number of rows to skip.
lMaxRows - maximum number of rows to return.
vQueryFilter - filter to apply to the query.
IPTQueryResult of the documents being queried


IPTQueryResult QueryFoldersByFilter(int nFilterID)
Returns an IPTQueryResult of document folders that use a particular classification Filter. Filters can be assigned to multiple folders. This returns which folders have filters mapped to them.

nFilterID - filterID of the Filter


IPTQueryResult QueryParentFolderIDs(int nFolderID)
Returns a list of the parent folderIDs.

nFolderID - folderID of the document folder.
an IPTQueryResult consisting a column of folderIDs


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GetSearchServerStatus()
Returns the status of the query and failover search servers.

IXPPropertyBag that contains inner IXPPropertyBags that holds the statuses of the query and failover search servers


com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.IXPPropertyBag GenerateCardStatusReport()
Queries the search index and database to generate a status report of the documents in the Knowledge Directory (Catalog).

IXPPropertyBag a statistical report containing various metrics of the documents.


IPTQueryResult GetOrderByProperties()
Returns the document properties that a document can be ordered by in a database query.



boolean IsCatalogObjectAccessible(int lClassID,
                                  int lObjectID,
                                  int lMinAccessLevel)
Checks if current user has at least the minimum access level for a specific document or folder.

lObjectID - document or folder ID to check.
lMinAccessLevel - minimum access level required (one of PT_ACCESS_LEVELS).
boolean representing whether the object is accessible


IPTQueryResult GetCardSubmitDataSources(int lCardSubmitType)
Returns the DataSources that support the given document submission type.

lCardSubmitType - The submission types are: none, simple, advanced, upload or any combination.
IPTQueryResult collection of dataSourceIDs


int[] LookupObjectIdFromName(java.lang.String objectName,
                             int nClassId)
Looks up the id (or ids if there are more than one) of the objects with the specified name.

objectName -
nClassId -


java.lang.String LookupNameFromObjectId(int nObjectId,
                                        int nClassId)
Looks up the priamry name of the object with the specified id.

nObjectId -
nClassId -


void FlushNameFromObjectIdLookupCache()
Clears the object id lookup cache. Only use for automated tests.

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