Installation Guide

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Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode

This section describes how to continue the installation program in the graphical mode on following platforms:


Running the Installation Program

Caution: Before running the installer, follow the preparation guidelines in Preparing for Your Installation, especially the Database Installation Procedures for your DBMS.

Start the installation program as described in Starting the Installation Program.

The installation program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For instructions on responding to the prompts during installation, see the following table.

Note: If the installation process is aborted before it is completed, manually clear the database before running the installer again. The installer does not clear data from the database when an installation is aborted. The existing data causes an error when the installer runs for the second time.

In this window . . .
Perform the following action . . .
Click Next to proceed with the installation. You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit.
Choose Oracle Home Directory
Specify the Oracle Home directory that will serve as the central support directory for all products installed on the target system. If you already have a Oracle Home directory on your system, you can select that directory (recommended) or create a new Oracle Home directory. If you choose to create a new directory by typing a new directory name in the Oracle Home Directory field, the installation program automatically creates one for you. You can also click Browse and select a directory from the Oracle Home Directory Selection window. For details about the Oracle Home directory, see Choosing a Oracle Home Directory.
Choose Install Type
This window is displayed only during an initial installation.
Select the option button for the type of installation you want to perform:
  • Default—Installs the core Oracle Enterprise Repository features and examples.
For more information, see Installable Product Components.
Choose Products and Components
This window is displayed only under the following conditions:
  • You selected Custom installation in the Choose Install Type window.
  • You are adding components to an existing installation.
Specify the components to be installed by selecting or clearing the appropriate check boxes.
This window displays a tree-view of all the components available for installation.
When you select or clear a component at the folder level, all subcomponents are selected or cleared accordingly.
If any components are already installed on your system, the check boxes for them are grayed out.

Note: When you select or deselect components to install, the installation program checks for dependencies between components and automatically modifies the list of selected components accordingly.

For details about the components available for installation on your system, see Installable Product Components.
Install Eclipse Location Options
This window is displayed only under the following conditions:
  • You selected Custom installation in the Choose Install Type window.
  • You are adding components to an existing installation.
Specify whether or not you want to install the Eclipse-based WorkSpace Studio (with Oracle Enterprise Repository plug-ins) into your Oracle Home directory or to use an existing Eclipse installation. If you want to use an existing Eclipse installation for the Oracle Enterprise Repository plug-ins, provide a fully qualified path to the installation.
Choose Application Server
Select the application server used to run Oracle Enterprise Repository. Valid values are:
  • Tomcat 5.5.17/18 (user supplied)
  • WebLogic Server 10.3

Note: This option is only available when installing Oracle Enterprise Repository into an existing Oracle Home where WLS 10.3 is installed.

  • WebSphere 6.1
  • Generic Application Server
Initialize Repository Properties
Specify the information required to initialize Oracle Enterprise Repository for your application server.
For the Fully-qualified server name, change the example value to the fully-qualified server and domain name where Oracle Enterprise Repository is being installed (for example,
Choose Product Installation Directory
This window is not displayed if you are adding components to an existing installation. Instead, you are prompted to confirm the product installation directory. If you do so, the selected components are installed in the product installation directory you specified during the initial installation.
Specify the directories in which you want to install the software and click Next. You can accept the default product directory or create a new product directory.
For additional information, see Choosing Product Installation Directory.
If you choose to create a new directory, the installation program automatically creates one for you.
If you go back to the Choose Product Installation Directory window to change the Oracle Home Selection, the following changes occur based on the type of changes you make to the home directory:
  • If you accept the default product installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory window, in the Choose Product Installation Directory window, the old installation directory will be retained.
  • If you enter a new product installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory window, the directory name is modified to this new name in the Choose Product Installation Directory window.
  • If you specify the installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory window, and if it is outside of old Oracle Home, if installation directory value was provided and installation directory resided outside of old Oracle Home, installation directory will retain the old value.
Choose Shortcut Location
This window is displayed only under the following conditions:
  • You have Administrator privileges.
  • You are performing an initial installation.
  • You are installing on a Windows platform.
Specify the Start menu folder in which you want the Start menu shortcuts created. You can select from the following options:
  • All Users Start menu folder
  • Selecting this option provides all users registered on the machine with access to the installed software. However, only users with Administrator privileges can create shortcuts in the All Users folder. Therefore, if a user without Administrator privileges uses the Configuration Wizard to create domains, Start menu shortcuts to the domains are not created. In this case, users can manually create shortcuts in their local Start menu folders, if desired. Press ALT+A on the keyboard to select the All Users Start Menu.

  • Local user’s Start menu folder
  • Selecting this option ensures that other users registered on this machine will not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation. Press ALT+L on the keyboard to select the Local User’s start menu.

Read the information displayed about Oracle Enterprise Repository. When the installation program has finished copying the specified files to your system, click Next.
Configure Database
Specify whether you want to enter information for the Oracle Enterprise Repository Tablespaces that were configured as a prerequisite to this installation procedure or to configure a database at a later time.
Before selecting Yes, verify that your DBA completed the Database Installation Procedures for your DBMS.
If you select No, see the Installation Complete window.
Provide Database Tablespace Names
This window is displayed only when configuring a database.
Specify the Oracle Enterprise Repository tablespace names that were created prior to the installation procedure, as follows:
  • SQL Server – provide the file group and index group names to be used by Oracle Enterprise Repository. Typically, the value for Data Tablespace would be PRIMARY and Index Tablespace would be INDEX.
  • Oracle – provide the data and index tablespace names to be used by Oracle Enterprise Repository. Typically, the value for Data Tablespace would be OER_DATA and Index Tablespace would be OER_INDEX.

Note: For the BLOB Tablespace field, enter the same value that you entered in the Data Tablespace field.

Initialize Repository Database Properties
This window is displayed only when configuring an Oracle Enterprise Repository database.
Specify the properties required to initialize your database.
For the Driver File Locations, use:
  • Oracle – ojdbc14.jar
  • SQL 2005 – sqljdbc.jar
For the DBMS Name, enter:
  • Oracle – enter the SID that the Oracle Enterprise Repository schema was installed on. For Oracle, the default SID is orcl; for Oracle XE, the default SID is xe.
  • Note: You can determine the SID needs to be entered by running this SQL statement: select instance_name from v$instance;

  • SQL – enter the database name (e.g., OER)
For the DBMS Host, enter the fully-qualified server and domain name where Oracle Enterprise Repository is being installed (for example,
For the User Name and User Password fields, make sure that you enter the appropriate user information from the Preparing for Your Installation instructions. If you used the recommended sample Build a Database User scripts for Oracle, or if you followed the Create a Database User steps for SQL Server 2005, they are OER and OER_PWD.
Test Passed
This pop-up message is displayed only when configuring an Oracle Enterprise Repository database.
Click OK.
If the test fails, confirm your user credential settings and retry.
Installation Complete
Warning! If the test passed, do not click Back or you may overwrite the database configuration.


What’s Next

After completing the installation process, complete the following post installation tasks, as described in Post-Installation Instructions.

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