Uses of Interface

Packages that use CatalogViewRequest

Uses of CatalogViewRequest in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview that return CatalogViewRequest
 CatalogViewRequest CatalogViewRequest.addFilter(Filter filter)
          Creates and returns a more specific search request by adding the given filter.
 CatalogViewRequest CatalogViewResult.getCatalogViewRequest()
          Returns the catalog view request which generated this search result.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview with parameters of type CatalogViewRequest
 CatalogViewResult CatalogViewResultHistory.addRequest(CatalogViewRequest request)
          Add the given catalog view request and returns a catalog view result.
 int searchRequest)
          Compares this search requet with the given search request.
 java.util.List CatalogViewRequest.filterProducts(CatalogViewRequest previousSearchRequest, java.util.List products)
          Filter the given products list and returns the filtered products.
 void FilterOption.setCatalogViewRequest(CatalogViewRequest catalogViewRequest)
          Sets the catalog view request corresponding to this filter option.
 void CatalogViewResult.setCatalogViewRequest(CatalogViewRequest catalogViewRequest)
          Sets the catalog view request which generated this search result.

Uses of CatalogViewRequest in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.browsing

Subinterfaces of CatalogViewRequest in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.browsing
 interface BrowsingRequest
          Represents a catalog browsing request.

Uses of CatalogViewRequest in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.browsing.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.browsing.impl that implement CatalogViewRequest
 class BrowsingRequestImpl
          Represents a default implementation of SearchRequest.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.browsing.impl that return CatalogViewRequest
 CatalogViewRequest BrowsingRequestImpl.addFilter(Filter filter)
          Creates and returns a more specific search request by adding the given filter.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.browsing.impl with parameters of type CatalogViewRequest
 int browsingRequest)
          Compares this search requet with the given search request.

Uses of CatalogViewRequest in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.impl

Classes in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.impl that implement CatalogViewRequest
 class AbstractCatalogViewRequestImpl
          This is an abstract implementation of CatalogViewRequest.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.impl that return CatalogViewRequest
 CatalogViewRequest AbstractCatalogViewResultImpl.getCatalogViewRequest()
          Returns the catalog view request which generated this search result.

Methods in com.elasticpath.domain.catalogview.impl with parameters of type CatalogViewRequest
 CatalogViewResult CatalogViewResultHistoryImpl.addRequest(CatalogViewRequest newRequest)
          Add the given catalog view request and returns a catalog view result.
 java.util.List AbstractCatalogViewRequestImpl.filterProducts(CatalogViewRequest previousSearchRequest, java.util.List products)
          Filter the given products list and returns the filtered products.
 void FilterOptionImpl.setCatalogViewRequest(CatalogViewRequest catalogViewRequest)
          Sets the search request corresponding to this filter option.
 void AbstractCatalogViewResultImpl.setCatalogViewRequest(CatalogViewRequest catalogViewRequest)
          Sets the catalog view request which generated this search result.

Uses of CatalogViewRequest in

Subinterfaces of CatalogViewRequest in
 interface SearchRequest
          Represents a search request.

Uses of CatalogViewRequest in

Classes in that implement CatalogViewRequest
 class SearchRequestImpl
          Represents a default implementation of SearchRequest.

Methods in that return CatalogViewRequest
 CatalogViewRequest SearchRequestImpl.addFilter(Filter filter)
          Creates and returns a more specific search request by adding the given filter.

Methods in with parameters of type CatalogViewRequest
 int searchRequest)
          Compares this search requet with the given search request.