Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractEntityImpl

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.attribute.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.attribute.impl
 class AttributeImpl
          Attribute reprents a customized property of an object like Category or Product.
 class AttributeValueGroupImpl
          This is a default implementation of AttributeValueGroup.

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.catalog.impl
 class BrandImpl
          The default implementation of Product.
 class CategoryDeletedImpl
          The default implementation of Category.
 class CategoryImpl
          The default implementation of Category.
 class CategoryTypeImpl
          Represents a default implmentation of CategoryType.
 class ProductDeletedImpl
          The default implementation of Product.
 class ProductImpl
          The default implementation of Product.
 class ProductSkuImpl
          ProductSku represents a variation of a merchandise product in Elastic Path.
 class ProductTypeImpl
          Represents the type of a Product, which determines the set of attributes that it has.
 class TopSellerImpl
          This is a default implementation of TopSeller.

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.cmuser.impl
 class CmUserImpl
          The default implementation of CmUser.
 class UserRoleImpl
          The default implementation of UserRole.

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.customer.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.customer.impl
 class AbstractAddressImpl
          Implementation of a street address.
 class CustomerAddressImpl
          A Customer's address.
 class CustomerCreditCardImpl
          The default implementation of Customer.
 class CustomerDeletedImpl
          The default implementation of Customer.
 class CustomerGroupImpl
          The default implementation of CustomerGroup.
 class CustomerImpl
          The default implementation of Customer.
 class CustomerProfileImpl
          This is a default implementation of CustomerProfile.
 class CustomerSessionImpl
          The default implementation of CustomerSession.

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.dataimport.impl
 class ImportJobImpl
          A default implementation of ImportJob.

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.order.impl
 class OrderAddressImpl
          Address that is stored as part of a completed order.
 class OrderImpl
          The default implementation of Order.

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.rules.impl
 class AbstractRuleImpl
          Represents a rule that can be applied by the rules engine.
 class PromotionRuleImpl
          Represents a rules engine rule that involves product promotions.
 class RuleSetImpl
          Represents a set of rules.

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.shipping.impl
 class AbstractShippingCostCalculationMethodImpl
          A shippingCostCalculationMethod represents a method to be used for shipping cost calculation.
 class CostPerUnitWeightMethodImpl
          Shipping cost calculation method that calculates the shipping cost as unit price * order weight.
 class FixedBaseAndCostPerUnitWeightMethodImpl
          Shipping cost calculation method that calculates the shipping cost as fixBase + % of order total.
 class FixedBaseAndOrderTotalPercentageMethodImpl
          Shipping cost calculation method that calculates the shipping cost as fixBase + % of order total.
 class FixedPriceMethodImpl
          Shipping cost calculation method that calculates the shipping cost as fixBase + % of order total.
 class OrderTotalPercentageMethodImpl
          Shipping cost calculation method that calculates the shipping cost as % of order total.
 class ShippingRegionImpl
          A ShippingRegion represents a region that will be associated with one or more shipping services.
 class ShippingServiceLevelImpl
          A ShippingRegion represents a region that will be associated with one or more shipping services.

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.shoppingcart.impl
 class ShoppingCartImpl
          The default implementation of ShoppingCart.

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in com.elasticpath.domain.skuconfiguration.impl
 class SkuOptionImpl
          Represents a SKU option that can be configured.

Uses of AbstractEntityImpl in

Subclasses of AbstractEntityImpl in
 class TaxCategoryImpl
          The default implementation of TaxCategory.
 class TaxCodeImpl
          The default implementation of SalesTaxCode.
 class TaxJurisdictionImpl
          A TaxJurisdiction represents a geographic area that has it's own distinct set of TaxCategorys and TaxValues ie a Country, a State, a City, a Municipal, or a County.