Tutorial: Designing a Purchase Order Processing System by Using AquaLogic Integrator

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Creating Business Service Endpoint for PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPD

This chapter describes how to rebuild business service endpoints for the PurchaseOrderFulfillment JPD. This chapter discusses the following topics:


Creating the Business Service Endpoint for PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPD

The business service end points are used by the ALSB proxy services to invoke the Purchase Order Fulfillment JPD for fulfilling the order.

To Create the Business Service Endpoint
  1. Switch to ALSB perspective from your current perspective in Workspace Studio. To select ALSB perspective, in the BEA Workshop for WebLogic window menu, and click Windows > Open Perspective > Other....
  2. Select AquaLogic Service Bus in the Open Perspective dialog box.

  3. In the Project Explorer pane, select ServiceAccess, and expand Business Services.
  4. Right-click BusinessServices, and select New > Business Service.
  5. In the Create a new Business Service dialog box, enter the File Name as PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPDBS, and click Next.
  6. Figure 5-1 Create a Business Service

    Create a Business Service

  7. In the Create Business Service - General Configuration (Service Access/Business Services/) dialog box, select the WSDL Web Service Service Type, and click Browse. The Select a WSDL dialog box is displayed.
  8. Select Service Access, and click Consume. In the Service Consumption dialog box, browse to ServiceAccess > Resources, and select ServiceAccess\Resources as the Artifact folder.
  9. From the Service Resource drop-down list, select Workspace.
  10. Select WebLogic Integration 10.2 from the Product Type drop-down list. The Service Consumption Status dialog box is displayed.
  11. Select UseCaseWeb/alint.process.PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPD, and click OK.
  12. Figure 5-2 shows the Service Consumption dialog box.

    Figure 5-2 Service Consumption

    Service Consumption

    Click OK in the Service Consumption Status dialog box.

  13. In the Select a WSDL dialog box, expand Resources, select and expand PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPDContract.wsdl, and select PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPDSoap(port), click OK, as shown in Figure 5-2.
  14. Figure 5-3 Select a WSDL

    Select a WSDL

  15. Click Next in the Create a Business Service - Transport Configuration (ServiceAccess/Business Services) dialog box, and ensure the following:
    • The Protocol is set to jpd.
    • The Endpoint URI is: jpd::/UseCaseWeb/alint/process/PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPD.jpd. Click Add.
  16. Click Next. Figure 5-4 shows the default values selected.
  17. Figure 5-4 Selecting Protocol and Endpoint URIs

    Selecting Protocol and Endpoint URIs

  18. In the JPD Transport Configuration dialog box, accept the default values, Click Finish.
  19. The PurchaseOrderFulfillmentJPDBS.biz file is created in the Business Services folder in Project Explorer. Figure 5-5 shows the business service that is created.

    Figure 5-5 Business Service in Project Explorer

    Business Service in Project Explorer

In this chapter, you created the business service end point to invoke the PurchaseOrderFulfillment JPD. In the next chapter, you will create a proxy service to invoke this business service end point.

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