Interoperability Solution for Tuxedo

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Introduction to Tuxedo Transport

BEA AquaLogic Service Bus and BEA Tuxedo can interoperate to use the services that each product offers. The Tuxedo Transport allows secure, guaranteed, high performance, bi-directional access to a Tuxedo domain from BEA AquaLogic Service Bus. The Tuxedo Transport allows Tuxedo domains to call services as well as have services called in a Tuxedo domain.

You can configure the Tuxedo Transport using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console. Specific parameters provide definitions for both Proxy and Business Services. A basic WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) configuration with one local access point and one remote access point is required to enable configuration of the Tuxedo Transport. Support for transactional and security contexts are available as well.

The following diagram summarizes this message handling process.


Capabilities of the Tuxedo Transport

The following capabilities are available in the native Tuxedo Transport in BEA AquaLogic Service Bus.

Refer to the following sections for detailed information on configurations for the following scenarios:

You can use the following related documentation to learn more about this environment:

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