Interoperability Solution for Tuxedo

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Configuring WebLogic Tuxedo Connector for Tuxedo Transport

AquaLogic Service Bus Tuxedo Transport enables access to BEA Tuxedo services using WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC). To use the Tuxedo Transport, you must configure a basic WTC server including one local access point and one remote access point.

The following sections describe how to configure WTC:


Before You Begin

Gather the following information about the Tuxedo application that AquaLogic Service Bus will use:


Configuring WebLogic Tuxedo Connector

You configure WebLogic Tuxedo Connector using the WebLogic Server Administration Console. For additional information about the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector, see WebLogic Tuxedo Connector in the WebLogic Server documentation.

Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console. Perform the configuration steps in the order presented, using the instructions in the following sections.

Create a New WTC Server

Follow these steps:

  1. Click WTC Servers under the Interoperability tab.
  2. Click Lock & Edit; this allows you to make changes. A display similar to Figure 2-1 appears:
  3. Figure 2-1 WTC Server Display

    WTC Server Display

  4. Click New to add the new WTC server. A display similar to Figure 2-2 appears:
  5. Figure 2-2 New WTC Server Data Entry Display

    New WTC Server Data Entry Display

  6. Enter a name for the WTC server and click OK.
  7. A message at the top of the page indicates that the server was added correctly.

  8. Click the newly created WTC server to display its settings.

Create a Local Access Point

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Local APs on the Configuration tab.
  2. Click New to create a new WTC Local Access Point. A display similar to Figure 2-3 appears:
  3. Figure 2-3 New Local Access Point Data Entry Display

    New Local Access Point Data Entry Display

  4. Enter the following values:
  5. Access Point – A name for this access point.

    Access Point ID – The unique name WebLogic Server will use to refer to the access point. This value must match the Remote Access Point ID that the Tuxedo domain gateway has been configured to use for this WTC instance.

    Network Address – This value must match the remote network address that the Tuxedo domain gateway has been configured to use for this WTC instance.

  6. Click OK.

Create a Remote Access Point

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Remote APs on the Configuration tab.
  2. Click New to create a new WTC Remote Access Point. A display similar to Figure 2-4 appears:
  3. Figure 2-4 New Remote Access Point Data Entry Display

    New Remote Access Point Data Entry Display

  4. Enter the following values:
  5. Access Point A name for this access point.

    Access Point ID – The name WebLogic Server will use to refer to the access point. This value must match the Local Access Point ID that the Tuxedo domain gateway has been configured to use for this WTC instance.

    Local Access Point The name of WTC Local Access Point.

    Network Address – This value must match the local network address that the Tuxedo domain gateway has been configured to use for this WTC instance.

  6. Click OK.

Activate Changes

To activate the changes you made, click Activate Changes on the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

Create a User ID

In order to allow a remote Tuxedo domain to perform inbound calls, the connection should be identified.

If a remote Tuxedo domain calls a service advertised by AquaLogic Service Bus, running the client as is will result in an error “8” (TPEPERM: permission denied) being returned. To allow inbound calls, you should create a user in the default security realm with the same name as the remote Tuxedo domain Access Point ID.

Note: You do not need to be in session to create a user.

Perform the following steps to add the user TUXDOM:

  1. Click Security Realms under the your application’s Security Settings tab.
  2. Click myrealm (or your default realm if your security settings have been customized).
  3. Select the Users and Groups tab.
  4. Figure 2-5 Defining a User

    Defining a User

  5. Click New. A page similar to the following figure displays:
  6. Figure 2-6 Create a New User Page

    Create a New User Page

  7. Enter TUXDOM in the Name field.
  8. Enter a password and confirm it. It is not necessary to remember the password value.
  9. Click OK. The user has been created and incoming requests can be processed.

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