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Tutorial 1. Routing a Loan Application

AquaLogic Service Bus enables adaptive message routing between business services in an enterprise environment. Messages can be routed from a client through the AquaLogic Service Bus intermediary, to the appropriate business service. AquaLogic Service Bus routes messages to one or more destinations, based on the actions configured in the message processing logic. These routing actions are configured using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console. Routing provides an efficient alternative to building a multitude of static point-to-point Web Service connections between pairs of systems.

This section includes the following topics:



The following tutorial has to be completed before beginning this tutorial:


Tutorial Objectives

The objective of this tutorial is to create and test a routing scenario using the graphical environment provided in AquaLogic Service Bus Console. It includes the following tasks:

Features Highlighted

This tutorial introduces you to the following features of BEA AquaLogic Service Bus:


Definition of the Scenario

A primary mortgage company uses AquaLogic Service Bus to route loan applications to appropriate business services based on the interest rate requested. An application containing a request for a rate less than 5% requires management approval and is routed to an appropriate business service for processing. All other loan applications are routed to another business service for processing. The target business service responds, indicating whether the loan application is approved or rejected.

The following figure summarizes the logical architecture to support this scenario. It illustrates how AquaLogic Service Bus mediates the messaging between the clients and the business services in your enterprise.

Figure 3-1 Expose a Loan Application Request Web Service via AquaLogic Service Bus

Expose a Loan Application Request Web Service via AquaLogic Service Bus

Overview of the Run Time Process in AquaLogic Service Bus

A client sends a loan application to a proxy service named LoanGateway1. The default proxy service has a conditional routing stage that checks the value of the requested interest rate in the loan application document. If the interest rate is less than 5%, the loan request is routed to the ManagerLoanReview business service; otherwise it is routed to the NormalLoan business service. The target business service returns a response similar to the following message:

Note: If the loan request is processed by the NormalLoan business service, MANAGER is replaced with NORMAL in the generated response.

Required Resources

The following table lists the resources required to develop and run this tutorial.

Table 3-1 Routing Loan Application Tutorial Resources
Resource Name
This is the WSDL resource
This is an external business service used by AquaLogic Service Bus
This is an external business service used by AquaLogic Service Bus
This is the AquaLogic Service Bus proxy service


Steps in This Tutorial

In this tutorial, AquaLogic Service Bus is used to route a loan application within a mortgage company to a target a Web Service depending on the interest rate requested. By performing the following steps you can design and configure a proxy service and the associated resources in AquaLogic Service Bus, to implement this use case scenario.

Step 1: Prepare the Environment

Ensure that AquaLogic Service Bus is running in the domain that you have created for the tutorial and that you have completed the steps described in Setting Up the Tutorials.

Step 2: Create a Session and Set up a Project

Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console, you can monitor resources and configurations in the AquaLogic Service Bus environment. You can perform system monitoring without initiating a session. However, you must first create an active session in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console in order to update or delete resources and modify their configuration properties.

The Change Center in the console, allows you to create and manage sessions. All updates to the system configuration during the current session are saved as temporary files. These changes come into effect only when the current session is activated. The following figure illustrates the Change Center pane available on the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Figure 3-2 Manage Sessions Using Change Center

Manage Sessions Using Change Center

In addition to creating and activating sessions, the Change Center also allows you to perform the following additional functions summarized in the table below.

Table 3-2 Change Center Options
Create a new session. You must create a session to make changes to the configuration. You can exit this session using the Exit function, then re-enter it by clicking Edit. Once in the session, you can continue to modify the resources.
Enter a session that you previously created and exited. You must activate a session before you can use Edit.
Discontinue the session and save the session state. Click Edit to re-enter the discontinued session.
End the current session without saving the changes.
Save the current session’s configuration to the run time.
When you click Activate, the Activate Session page is displayed. In this page, the user and session name of the active session are displayed. If required, you can add a description. Click Submit to save the current session’s configuration to the run time.

Note: It is recommended that you click Create before modifying any system configuration settings on the console. It is a good practice to save your configuration changes incrementally. To save and activate configuration changes in the current session, you must click Activate after you have completed making a set of changes.

Create the MortgageBroker Project and File Folders

In the AquaLogic Service Bus system environment, system configuration entities are grouped into user defined projects. On the AquaLogic Service Bus Console, the Project Explorer page displays a default project and the various user defined projects under the Projects folder. This page allows you to perform all project configuration tasks. Each project is represented by a project folder on the console. You can add new project folders and navigate the project trees. You can collapse and expand folders as required by clicking on them.

There are three pre-defined resources types in the AquaLogic Service Bus system environment. Each resource type is represented as a sub folder within the Project folder.You can create and configure resources of different types within the resource type folders.

This section describes the steps to start a session and create a MortgageBroker project under the Projects folder. For this scenario, you will create three resource folders in the MortgageBroker project, to hold each of the following pre-defined resource types:

To Start a Session and Create a Project
  1. Click Create in the Change Center to create a new session.
  2. In the AquaLogic Service Bus Console navigation pane, select Project Explorer.
  3. Project Explorer opens in the navigation pane and a project page is displayed on the console.

  4. In the Enter New Project Name field in the Projects section, type MortgageBroker as shown in the following figure.
  5. Figure 3-3 Create a Project

    Create a Project

  6. Click Add Project.

The MortgageBroker project is created and listed in Project Explorer under Projects.

You must create the WSDL folder first, and add a WSDL resource to it. The WSDLs are the basis on which you create the business services and the proxy service. You subsequently create other folders and resources for this scenario.

To Create a Project Folder
  1. In Project Explorer, click the MortgageBroker project to open the associated project page.
  2. On the Project page, in Folders, enter the folder name in the field provided. In this case, enter WSDL as displayed in the following figure.
  3. Figure 3-4 Create a Folder

    Create a Folder

  4. Click Add Folder.
  5. The WSDL folder is displayed in the list of project folders for the MortgageBroker project.

  6. Repeat step 2 and step 3 to create the following additional folders: ProxyService and BusinessService.
  7. When all three folders are created, click Activate, then Submit to save the project directory structure. The Change Center environment setting options are listed in Table 3-2 Change Center Options .

Step 3: Create the WSDL Resources

AquaLogic Service Bus resources are configured using configuration wizards. Each configuration wizard includes a sequence of pages that prompt you for information about the resource and provide property configuration options.

Create the normalLoan WSDL Resource

A WSDL defines the public contract (interface specification) between a client and a service, whether the service is a proxy service or business service. It is the formal description of a Web Service. A WSDL is used to describe what a Web Service’s interface is, where it resides, and how to invoke it. You create the WSDL resource first since subsequent service registration steps depend on it. The WSDL is subsequently used to register the business service to create the proxy service.

To Import a WSDL
  1. Click Create in the Change Center to create a new session.
  2. In the AquaLogic Service Bus Console navigation pane, select Project Explorer.
  3. In Project Explorer, click MortgageBroker to expand the folder, then click WSDL to open the WSDL folder.
  4. In the Resources pane, from the Select Resource Type drop-down list, select WSDL.
  5. Figure 3-5 Select a Resource Type

    Select a Resource Type

    The Create a New WSDL Resource page is displayed.

  6. Enter the following information in the Create a New WSDL Resource page:
    1. Enter the resource name normalLoan.
    2. Click Browse... to locate the WSDL associated with the normal loan process:
    3. BEA_HOME\weblogic92\samples\servicebus\examples\src\examples\webservices\jws_basic\normal\NormalLoanApprovalService.wsdl
    4. You can optionally enter information in the Resource Description to document the resource.
    5. Click Save to create the WSDL resource.
    6. The resource is now displayed in the resources pane. The displayed Create a New WSDL Resource page must be similar to the page shown in the following figure.

      Figure 3-6 Create a WSDL Resource

      Create a WSDL Resource

This step completes the creation of the normalLoan WSDL resource in the WSDL folder.

Create the managerApproval WSDL Resource

You must create a WSDL resource associated with the ManagerApproval Service, using the procedure To Import a WSDL. To import the ManagerApproval Service WSDL resource, you must use the configuration parameters listed in the following table.

Table 3-3 ManagerApproval Service WSDL
Configuration Parameter
Resource Name
ManagerApprovalService WSDL

Step 4: Create a Proxy Service

In this step, you will create a proxy service. The proxy service is used to route the loan application to the appropriate business service.

To Create the Proxy Service
  1. In Project Explorer, select the MortgageBroker project. The project folder is expanded to show the directory structure of the project.
  2. Select the ProxyService folder. The MortgageBroker/ProxyService page is displayed.
  3. In the Select Resource Type drop-down list, select Proxy Service.
  4. The Create a Proxy Service - General Configuration page is displayed as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-7 Create a Proxy Service

    Create a Proxy Service

  5. Name the proxy service, LoanGateway1.
  6. In Service Type, select WSDL Web Service, then click Browse...
  7. The Select a WSDL page is displayed. The proxy service is based on the WSDL resource that you originally created, hence you must reference the resource here.

  8. Select the normalLoan WSDL. The WSDL Definitions pane is populated with the content categories of the WSDL.
  9. Figure 3-8 Select WSDL Definition

    Select WSDL Definition

    1. In the Select WSDL Definitions pane, from the Ports category, click on the WSDL port for the normalLoan WSDL (helloPort).
    2. Click Submit to complete your selection. The port name is displayed in the WSDL port text field as shown in the following figure.
    3. Figure 3-9 LoanGateway1 Proxy Service

      LoanGateway1 Proxy Service

  10. Click Next to continue configuring the proxy service.
  11. The Create a Proxy Service - Transport Configuration page is displayed as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-10 Transport Configuration of Proxy Service

    Transport Configuration of Proxy Service

  12. Accept the default protocol, http.
  13. Note: The protocol you select on this page determines the format for the endpoint URI that you will specify in the next step. The assumed default protocol is http since it is used by most services.
  14. Set the Endpoint URI to /loan/gateway1. This is the URI to which the client will send its messages.
  15. Accept the default for the Get All Headers option (No).
  16. Click Next.
  17. The Create a Proxy Service - HTTP Transport Configuration page is displayed as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-11 HTTP Transport Configuration of Proxy Service

    HTTP Transport Configuration of Proxy Service

  18. Click Next to accept the default settings for the HTTP transport configuration.
  19. The Create a Proxy Service - Message Level Security Configuration page is displayed as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-12 Message Level Security Configuration of Proxy Service

    Message Level Security Configuration of Proxy Service

    You do not need to configure custom authentication settings on this page since a security policy has not been defined for the Web Service.

  20. Click Next to accept the default settings for the message level security configuration.
  21. The Create a Proxy Service - Operation Selection Configuration page is displayed as shown in the following figure. On this page you will select the metadata accompanying the message, which identifies the Web Service operation to be invoked.

    Figure 3-13 Operation Selection Configuration of Proxy Service

    Operation Selection Configuration of Proxy Service

  22. Accept the default SOAP Body Type selection algorithm.
  23. Note: The default service is an RPC Web Service. As a result, the SOAP body contains the service operation selection information. An operation in a Java Web Service WSDL corresponds to a public method in the Java Web Service. If there are multiple public methods accessible to a client, each public method type will have an operation definition in the WSDL. For a SOAP based RPC service, the SOAP body indicates the operation (method) selected by the client. The SOAP header can also specify the operation. However, by convention, the SOAP body defines this.
  24. Click Next.
  25. The Create a Proxy Service - Summary page is displayed as shown in the following figure. This page shows a summary of configuration settings for the proxy service.

    Figure 3-14 Proxy Service - Configuration Settings Summary

    Proxy Service - Configuration Settings Summary

    Before registering the proxy service, you can review the configuration settings and change them if necessary, by clicking Edit.

  26. After reviewing the proxy service configuration settings, click Save to register the service.
  27. Note: You must always select Save prior to activating a session configuration in the Change Center.

    The LoanGateway1 proxy service is displayed in the Resources pane in the ProxyService folder of the MortgageBroker project.

    Figure 3-15 Proxy Services in Resource Pane

    Proxy Services in Resource Pane

  28. To turn on monitoring for the LoanGateway1 proxy service, click the name of the proxy service— LoanGateway1 in the Resource pane.
  29. The View a Proxy Service page is displayed as shown in following figure. The Operational Settings tab on this page has options to enable monitoring for the proxy service.

    Figure 3-16 Monitoring Configuration of Proxy Service

    Monitoring Configuration of Proxy Service

    To enable monitoring:

    1. Click the Operational Settings tab.
    2. Select the Enabled check box for the Service Monitoring setting.
    3. Enter an aggregation interval for the service. This interval is the period over which aggregated statistics related to the service are computed for display in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console dashboard. The default value for the Aggregation Interval setting is set to 10 minutes.
    4. For more information about using the AquaLogic Service Bus Dashboard and monitoring services, see:
      - Monitoring in AquaLogic Service Bus Console Online Help
      - Monitoring in BEA AquaLogic Service Bus Operations Guide

    5. Click Update.
    6. Click the Back button at the bottom of the Monitoring Configuration page, to return to the MortgageBroker/ProxyService folder page.

This step completes the configuration of the LoanGateway1 proxy service in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Step 5: Create the Business Services

In the routing a loan scenario, when the interest rate requested on a loan application is greater than or equal to 5%, then the loan application is routed to the normal loan processing service for approval. If the interest rate requested on a loan application is less than 5%, then the loan application must be approved by a manager, therefore it is routed to a manager approval service.

Complete this step to:

Create the NormalLoan Business Service
  1. In Project Explorer, select the BusinesService folder from the MortgageBroker project tree.
  2. Note: If the folders are not displayed in the project tree, click Activate, then Submit to register the changes in the session. The folders that you created for the MortgageBroker project are displayed. Click Create to start a session and make changes to the system configuration.
  3. In the Select Resource Type drop-down list, select Business Service.
  4. The Create a Business Service - General Configuration page is displayed as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-17 Create Business Service

    Create Business Service

  5. Enter a name for the service. In this case, enter NormalLoan.
  6. For Service Type, select WSDL Web Service, then click Browse... to locate the WSDL and port on which to base the business service:
    1. In the WSDL Browser, select the normalLoan WSDL
    2. Select the port (helloPort) for the WSDL.
    3. Click Submit.
    4. The text field for the WSDL port service type is populated with the value selected on the Create a Business Service - General Configuration page.

  7. Click Next.
  8. The Create a Business Service - Transport Configuration page is displayed as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-18 Transport Configuration of a Business Service

    Transport Configuration of a Business Service

  9. Accept the default Protocol, http.
  10. Select none for the Load Balancing Algorithm, since load balancing is relevant only when a service specifies multiple end points.
  11. When you specify multiple end points and a load balancing algorithm, if one end point is overloaded or not available at run time, the message can be dispatched to the next service in the list of end point URIs. In this case there is only one service, therefore accepting the default behavior or selecting none does not effect the behavior of the proxy service at run time.

  12. The End Point URI of the business service is the endpoint URI on the server on which the service is deployed. Ensure that the pre-populated value for the End point URI in the Existing URIs field is http://<host:port>/njws_basic_ejb/NormalSimpleBean
  13. The host and port values specified for <host:port> represent the machine and port on which your AquaLogic Service Bus server is running. They must be the same as the values specified in the following properties file: BEA_HOME\weblogic92\samples\servicebus\examples\src\examples.properties

    For more information, see Configure the examples.properties File.

    Note: Delete any invalid endpoint URI in the existing URI list.
  14. Accept the default settings for the remaining options on the page and click Next.
  15. The Create a Business Service-HTTP Transport Configuration page is displayed as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-19 HTTP Transport Configuration of a Business Service

    HTTP Transport Configuration of a Business Service

  16. Accept the default settings on this page, then click Next.
  17. The Create a Business Service-SOAP Binding Configuration page is displayed as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-20 SOAP Binding Configuration of Business Service

    SOAP Binding Configuration of Business Service

  18. Accept the default settings on this page, then click Next.
  19. The Create a Business Service-Summary page is displayed as shown in the following figure. You can now check if all the settings of the business service have been implemented correctly.

    Figure 3-21 Business Service - Configuration Settings Summary

    Business Service - Configuration Settings Summary

  20. Click Save to accept the configuration settings.
  21. To turn on monitoring for the NormalLoan business service, click the name of the business service—NormalLoan in Resources pane. The View a Business Service page for NormalLoan business service is displayed as shown in the following figure. The Operational Settings tab on this page has options to enable monitoring for the business service.

    Figure 3-22 View Business Service Page

    View Business Service Page

    To enable monitoring:

    1. Click the Operational Settings tab.
    2. Select the Enable Monitoring check box.
    3. Enter an aggregation interval—the period over which aggregated statistics related to the service are computed for display in the AquaLogic Service Bus Console, specifically the Dashboard.
    4. For more information about using the AquaLogic Service Bus Dashboard and monitoring services, see:
      - Monitoring in AquaLogic Service Bus Console Online Help

      - Monitoring in BEA AquaLogic Service Operations Guide

    5. Click Update.
    6. Click Back in the Monitoring Configuration page to return your browser to the MortgageBroker project, BusinessService folder page.

You have completed the configuration of the NormalLoan business service on AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Create the ManagerLoanReview Business Service

To create the business service to which a loan application is routed when the interest rate requested in that loan application is less than 5%.

Follow the same steps as described in the preceding section: Create the NormalLoan Business Service, but use the configuration parameters in the following table.

Table 3-4 ManagerLoanReview Business Service
Configuration Parameter
Business Service Name
ManagerApprovalService WSDL
Select the managerApproval WSDL you created based on: BEA_HOME\weblogic92\servicebus\examples\src\examples\webservices\jws_basic\manager\ManagerApprovalService.wsdl

Note: Select the helloPort port.



When you complete Step 1: Prepare the Environment to Step 5: Create the Business Services, you have created two business services (NormalLoan and ManagerLoanReview), a proxy service (LoanGateway1) and a WSDL (normalLoan) that are the resources required for the tutorial.

Once you have configured the proxy service with a base configuration you can proceed to the next step (Step 6: Configure the LoanGateway1 Proxy Service) to complete the configuration of the proxy service by adding the routing behavior for the loan application.

Step 6: Configure the LoanGateway1 Proxy Service

AquaLogic Service Bus Message Flows define the implementation of proxy services. Message flows can include zero or more pipeline pairs: request and response pipelines for the proxy service (or for the operations on the service) and error handler pipelines that can be defined for stages, pipelines, and proxy services. Pipelines can include one or more stages, which in turn include actions. To configure the routing behavior of the LoanGateway1 proxy service, you must complete the following for the message flow:

Configure the Routing Behavior of the Message Flow
  1. In Project Explorer, select the ProxyService folder from the MortgageBroker project tree.
  2. Note: You must be in a session to edit resources. If you have not already done so, click Create in the Change Center to begin a session to configure the proxy service and edit the message flow.
  3. In the Actions column associated with the LoanGateway1 proxy service, double click the Edit Message Flow View Business Service Page icon. The Edit Message Flow page for the proxy service LoanGateway1 is displayed as shown in the following figure.
  4. Figure 3-23 Edit Message Flow for LoanGateway1 Proxy Service

    Edit Message Flow for LoanGateway1 Proxy Service

  5. Click LoanGateway1, and select Add Route from the pull-down menu options.
  6. Figure 3-24 Configure Message Flow for LoanGateway1 Proxy Service

    Configure Message Flow for LoanGateway1 Proxy Service

    RouteNode1 is added in the configuration page as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-25 Add a Route Node

    Add a Route Node

  7. Click RouteNode1 and select EditArrow symbolRoute from the drop-down menu options.
  8. The Edit Stage Configuration: Route Node page is displayed as illustrated in Figure 3-27. This page contains a single Add an Action link.

    Note: A stage is an element of a pipeline and also a container for actions defined in a pipeline. Actions are the elements of a pipeline stage that define the handling of messages as they flow through a proxy service at run time.
    Figure 3-26 Add an Action Link

    Add an Action Link

  9. Click the Add an Action link, and select the CommunicationArrow symbolRouting Table from the pull-down menu options.
  10. Figure 3-27 Add a Routing Table Element

    Add a Routing Table Element

    The Edit Stage Configuration page changes to display routing table configuration page.

    Figure 3-28 Routing Table Configuration Page

    Routing Table Configuration Page

    You must configure the routing table to route messages to business services based on the value of the interest rate element in the incoming message. You can configure content based routing by creating an XQuery expression, using the XQuery Expression Editor.

  11. In the Routing table, click <Expression>. The XQuery Expression Editor page is displayed.
  12. Figure 3-29 XQuery Expression Editor

    XQuery Expression Editor

  13. Accept the default selection of XQuery Text in the page.
  14. In the Namespace Definitions pane, click Variable Structures.
  15. Figure 3-30 Namespace Definitions Pane

    Namespace Definitions Pane

  16. The Variable Structures pane is displayed. Select body from the Select Structure drop-down list in the Variable Structures pane.
  17. Figure 3-31 Variable Structures Pane

    Variable Structures Pane

  18. A structural representation of the body element is displayed in the Variable Structures pane.
  19. Click + to expand the processLoanApp element, within the $body - processLoanApp (request) element.
  20. Figure 3-32 processLoanApp Element

    processLoanApp<span style= Element" id="wp1103797"/>

  21. Click + to expand the loanRequest element. A graphical representation of the structure of the loanRequest document is displayed. At run time, the proxy service makes its routing decision based on the value in the Rate element of the message.
  22. Figure 3-33 loanRequest Element

    loanRequest Element

  23. Select the circle icon associated with the Rate element. Drag and drop it in the XQuery Expression text box to the right. The following XQuery expression is written in the text box:
  24. $body/exam:processLoanApp/loanRequest/java:Rate
    Note: The drag and drop functionality works only in Internet Explorer (IE) browsers. If you are using a browser other than IE, select the Rate element in the Variable Structures pane. The expression is displayed in the Property Inspector palette. Place the cursor in the XQuery expression text box and click Copy Property. The expression is copied to the text box. You can also copy the expression in the palette and paste it into the XQuery Expression text box.
    Figure 3-34 XQuery Expression Editor

    XQuery Expression Editor

  25. Click Validate to validate the XQuery. It is a good practice to do this before you submit the expression. The expression is validated for syntax. If there are errors in the expression, they are displayed directly above the Validate button.
  26. Figure 3-35 XQuery Validation

    XQuery Validation

  27. Click Save. The routing table is displayed on the Edit Stage Configuration page. <Expression> is replaced by the expression that returns the value of the Rate element in the message.
  28. Figure 3-36 Routing Table View - Expression

    Routing Table View - Expression

  29. In the Operator drop-down list, select <. In the associated text field enter the number 5.
  30. The routing table now contains an expression that determines the routing behavior. If the value in the rate element is less than 5, you must route according to the routing table configuration.

    Figure 3-37 Routing Table View - Routing Condition

    Routing Table View - Routing Condition

  31. Click the Service link to define the service to which you want to route messages when the rate is less than five. The Select Service page is displayed.
    1. Select the ManagerLoanReview business service.
    2. Click Submit.
  32. In the Routing Table Operation drop-down list, select the processLoanApp operation. This is the operation on the ManagerLoanReview business service that is invoked at run time if the rate requested in the loan request is less than 5.

You have now defined the case to route the loan application to the ManagerLoanReview business service. If the rate specified in the loan application is equal to or greater than five percent, then the message is routed to the NormalLoan business service. The next section describes how you can add a condition to the routing table to account for this case (which is the default case).

Add a Default (Else) Condition to the Routing Table
  1. Click the Case Routing Table View - Routing Condition icon, then select Insert Default Case. The else condition (default case) is added to the routing table.
  2. Figure 3-38 Routing Table Default Condition

    Routing Table Default Condition

  3. In the Default (else) condition, click the Service link. The Select Service page is displayed.
    1. Select the NormalLoan business service.
    2. Click Submit.
  4. In the Default operation drop-down list, select the processLoanApp operation for the service.
  5. This step completes the configuration of the message flow in the route node: RouteNode1.

    After you have completed these steps, the Edit Stage Configuration page is displayed as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3-39 Routing Behavior of the Message Flow
  6. Click Validate to validate the RouteNode1 routing configuration.
  7. Note: It is a good practice to validate any updates to the routing behavior before you save the configuration.
  8. Click Save on the Edit Stage Configuration page to save the configuration and return to the Edit Message Flow page.
  9. Figure 3-40 LoanGateway1 Proxy Service Message Flow Map

    LoanGateway1 Proxy Service Message Flow Map

  10. Click Save on the Edit Message Flow page and return to the MortgageBroker/ProxyServices page.
  11. In the Change Center, click Activate, then Submit to save the session and to instantiate all the configuration changes made during the session.


Step 6: Configure the LoanGateway1 Proxy Service completes the configuration of the run time message routing behavior in the LoanGateway1 Routing Table. A message is routed to the ManagerLoanReview business service if the rate specified in the loan application is less than 5. Otherwise the message is routed to the NormalLoan business service.

Step 7: Test Your Loan Application Routing Configuration

Now that you have configured AquaLogic Service Bus to work with the client and the target business services, you can test the configuration. The routing behavior for the proxy service in this scenario is based on the interest rate requested in the loan application message. A change in the value of the interest rate results in a change in the routing behavior as follows:

This section describes how you can test the proxy service for both cases. Testing is done from the command line by changing the value of the interest rate field in the build.xml file and then running ant. The message returned in the command window after running a test indicates the success or failure of the test and identifies the business service that processed the request.

This section includes the following test scenarios:

Caution: To run this test correctly, ensure that WebLogic Server is started in the AquaLogic Service Bus 2.6 (ServiceBusTutorial) domain.
Testing the ManagerLoanReview Business Service
  1. Open a command window.
  2. Run the setEnv.cmd to set up your environment as follows:
    1. Change to the following directory:
    2. BEA_HOME\weblogic92\samples\servicebus\examples\src\ 
    3. In this directory, on the command line, run the following command:
    4. setEnv.cmd
      Note: If you are testing the configuration on a UNIX system, run the setEnv.sh script at your command prompt.
  3. Change to the following directory:
  4. BEA_HOME\weblogic92\samples\servicebus\examples\src\examples\webservices\jws_basic\normal
  5. To test the routing behavior of the proxy service, edit the build.xml file run target as follows:
    1. Open build.xml.
    2. The interest rate is specified as an input parameter Scroll to the end of the build.xml file looking for the string:
    3. <arg line="http://$... 
    4. Replace the string found at this location with the following string and save the file.
    5. <arg line="http://${wls.hostname}:${wls.port}/loan/gateway1 steve 555 2500 20 4.9 notes" />

      This changes the URI to that of the proxy service running in the tutorial domain, and specifies a value of 4.9 as the interest rate.

      All the input parameters specified on the arg line are described in the following table

      Table 3-5 Input Parameters
      A single string representing the client name
      The client ID
      The requested loan amount
      The duration of the loan
      The requested interest rate
      A string that can contain miscellaneous notes

  6. To run the test, at the command prompt, enter:
  7. ant run

    This tests the routing logic of the proxy service. A response message from the Web Service is displayed at the command prompt.

    [java] Loan Application Response: APPROVED BY THE <i><b>MANAGER</b></i> LOAN APPLICATION REVIEW SERVICE
    [java] Rate: 4.9

The response message indicates that the ManagerLoanReview business service processed the request because the interest rate requested was 4.9 (less than 5).

Testing the NormalLoan Business Service
  1. Follow the procedure in the Testing the ManagerLoanReview Business Service section. Edit the build.xml file in the following directory:
  2. BEA_HOME\weblogic92\samples\servicebus\examples\src\examples\webservices\jws_basic\normal
    Note: Enter 5.1 as the interest rate in the build.xml file (to test the NormalLoan business service), and then save the changes.
  3. To test the routing logic of the proxy service, on the command line, enter:
  4. ant run

    A response message from the Web Service is displayed at the command prompt.

    java] Loan Application Response: APPROVED BY THE <i><b>NORMAL</i></b> LOAN APPLICATION PROCESSING SERVICE
    java] Rate: 5.1

The response message indicates that the Normal Loan business service processed the request because the interest rate requested was 5.1.

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