Native MQ Transport User Guide

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Introduction to the Native MQ Transport

ALSB supports access to IBM WebSphere® MQ using the Native MQ Transport. This transport supports both inbound and outbound connectivity. In other words, MQ proxy services can receive messages from WebSphere MQ and MQ business services can route messages to WebSphere MQ.


Advantages of Using the Native MQ Transport

Using the Native MQ transport has the following advantages over using the WebSphere MQ JMS interface:

Because the WebSphere MQ for Java APIs do not support XA transactions, ALSB does not support XA transactions for the Native MQ transport. If XA is required, JMS transport with WebSphere MQ JMS interface should be used. For more information, see Interoperability with WebSphere MQ and Interoperability Solutions for JMS.


Key Features

The Native MQ transport supports:


Supported Service Types

The Native MQ transport is available only for the following service types:

While configuring proxy services or business services, make sure that you select Message Service or XML Service as the service type. For more information, see Business Services and Proxy Services in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.


Messaging Patterns

The Native MQ transport supports one-way and request-response messaging patterns for both inbound and outbound connectivity. By default, one-way messaging is supported. A proxy or business service supports request-response messaging when you set the is-response-required option while configuring the service.

The inbound and outbound transports support the asynchronous request-response pattern using messageID or correlationID for correlation between the request and the response. You can set the response correlation pattern during service configuration. For more information, see "CorrelationID" and "MessageID" in Transport Headers.

The outbound transport provides an option to auto-generate the correlation ID / messageID or use the one specified by you in the message flow. Select the Auto-generate Correlation Value option, to indicate that the correlation ID / message ID should be auto-generated by the transport. If the option is not selected, the value specified by you in the message flow is used.

If the correlation value (messageID / correlationID) is not auto-generated and if the managed server goes down, the remaining response messages may never get removed when the server is restarted. BEA recommends that the Expiry header on the request is configured to a finite value and that the Report header contains the MQC.MQRO_PASS_DISCARD_AND_EXPIRY option. The MQC.MQRO_PASS_DISCARD_AND_EXPIRY option serves as a directive to the receiving client that the message descriptor of the reply should inherit the Expiry header value of the request message. This ensures that the response messages are removed by the MQ server after the configured expiry period has elapsed. When the correlation value is automatically generated, the ALSB server is responsible for cleaning up any remaining response messages.

For more information about configuring Is Response Required, Response Correlation Pattern, Auto Generate Correlation Value for a service, see Configuring Proxy Services to Use the Native MQ Transport and Configuring Business Services to Use the Native MQ Transport.


Environment Values

Environment values are certain predefined fields in the configuration data whose values are very likely to change when you move your configuration from one domain to another (for example, from test to production). For information about updating environment values, see "Finding and Replacing Environment Values" in System Administration in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console. The following sections provide a list of environment values for the Native MQ transport services and the MQ connection resource.

Native MQ Transport Services

The Native MQ transport services support the Work Manager (Inbound and Outbound) environment value.

MQ Connection Resource

MQ connections are sharable resources that can be reused across multiple MQ proxy and business services. MQ Connection resources provide the connection parameters required for connecting to a MQ queue manager. For more information, see MQ Connection Resources. The MQ connection resource supports the following environment and operational values:


Quality of Service

When the inbound transport is MQ Native and the Quality of Service (QoS) on the outbound transport is exactly-once, the resultant QoS will be at-least-once. By default, the QoS on the outbound transport is exactly-once.

Note: You must create error handling logic (including any retry logic) in the pipeline error handler. For information about configuring error handling, see Proxy Services: Error Handlers in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

When the outbound is request-response, the QoS is at-least-once only if the outbound transport is configured to support exactly-once QoS.

For more information about QoS in ALSB messaging, see "Quality of Service" in Modeling Message Flow in AquaLogic Service Bus in AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.


MQ Clusters and the Native MQ Transport

The WebSphere MQ queues are created on one of the queue manager and shared with other cluster members who act as remote forwarders to the shared queue.

Requests from the Native MQ transport are load balanced by sending messages using the load balancing algorithm to the members of the cluster. However, the transport receives messages by accessing only the MQ server node that holds the reference to the local queue.

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