SFTP Transport User Guide

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Using the SFTP Transport

You can use the SFTP transport to transfer files using the SFTP protocol. When you configure your proxy and business services, you can choose any of the 3 authentication methods for server authentication. For more information, see Authentication Methods, Configuring Proxy Services to Use the SFTP Transport, and Configuring Business Services to Use the SFTP Transport.

When you configure a proxy service, you can use a Transport Header action to set the header values in messages. For more information, see Transport Headers and Metadata.

In addition, you can also import and export resources using ALSB Console. For more information, see Importing and Exporting Resources and UDDI Registries: Importing and Publishing Services.


SFTP Authentication Process

The following general principles apply to the SFTP authentication process for both a proxy service and business service.


Authentication Methods

The following authentication methods are supported for the SFTP transport:

For server authentication, you must have a known-hosts file on the client machine. For more information, see Known_hosts File.

Known_hosts File

ALSB services authenticate the SFTP server based on the server details in a known_hosts file. This file must be available on the server on which the ALSB proxy services (inbound requests) or business services (outbound requests) run and must have the host name, IP address, and public key of the remote SFTP servers to which the proxy service or business service can connect.

To use the known_hosts file:

  1. Create a known_hosts file and enter these details in the following format:
  2. Hostname, IP algorithm publickey


    • host name specifies the host name of the SFTP server
    • IP specifies the IP address of the SFTP server
    • algorithm can be either DSA or RSA, based on the SFTP server configuration. Enter ssh-rsa or ssh-dss depending on the supported algorithm.
    • format of the public key in this file is "Open SSH public key format". This is the public key of the SFTP server.
    • Multiple entries are supported in this file and it should be one entry per line.


      getafix, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAtR+M3Z9HFxnKZTx66fZdnQqAHQcF1vQe1+EjJ/HWYtgAnqsn0hMJzqWMatb/u9yFwUpZBirjm3g2I9Qd8VocmeHwoGPhDGfQ5LQ/PPo3esE+CGwdnCOyRCktNHeuKxo4kiCCJ/bph5dRpghCQIvsQvRE3sks+XwQ7Wuswz8pv58=

  3. Move the known_hosts file to the <ALSB installation directory>\ user_projects\domains\alsb_domain\sbconfig\sftp directory.

Additional tasks that need to be done for a specific authentication method are listed in the following sections.

Username-Password Authentication

Username and password authentication is done using the credentials of the user.

To enable username and password authentication for a service:

  1. Create a static service account using the user credentials on the SFTP server. For more information, see Service Accounts in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
  2. Create a known_hosts file. For more information, see Known_hosts File.

Host-based Authentication

Host-based authentication is done using a private host key.

To enable host-based authentication for a service:

  1. Configure a service key provider with an SSL client authentication key. For information about using service key providers, see Service Key Providers in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
  2. Create a known_hosts file. For more information, see Known_hosts File.
  3. Configure the SFTP server to accept the requests from ALSB, which is a client to the SFTP server.
  4. For example, with an SFTP server on Linux, you must:

    • Edit the /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv file and add the host name or IP address of the machine on which ALSB domain is running.
    • Edit the /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts file and add the host name or IP address of the machine on which ALSB domain is running, followed by space and the public key.
    • Note: Extract the public key from the key store used while creating the service key provider. The format of this public key should be Open SSH public key format.

Public Key Authentication

Public key authentication is done using your own private key.

To enable public key authentication:

  1. Configure a service key provider with SSL client authentication key. For information about using service key providers, see Service Key Providers in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
  2. Configure the SFTP server to accept the requests from ALSB (SFTP client).
  3. For example, with an SFTP server on Linux, you must extract the public key from the key store and put the key in the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the SFTP server. Ensure the path and file are available.

  4. Create a known_hosts file. For more information, see Known_hosts File.


Configuring Proxy Services to Use the SFTP Transport

When you create a proxy service in ALSB Console Transport Configuration page, select the transport protocol as sftp and specify the endpoint configuration in sftp://hostname:port/directory format.


Note: Because the only service types that are supported for the SFTP transport are Message and XML, you must select either Message service or XML service when you select the service type in the General Configuration page. For more information, see Proxy Services in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Configure the SFTP transport for a proxy service with values as described in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Configuring SFTP Proxy Service
User Authentication
The proxy service is authenticated by the SFTP server based on the specified user authentication method. Select one of the following:
  • Username Password Authentication - Specifies that a static service account is associated with this authentication method and the client is authenticated using the credentials provided in the service account.
  • Host Based Authentication - Specifies that a user name and service key provider are required to use this authentication method. Any user connecting from a known host is authenticated using the private key of the host.
  • Public Key Authentication - Specifies that a user name and service key provider are required to use this authentication method. All users have their own private key.
For more information, see Authentication Methods.
Service Account
Enter the service account for the user, or click Browse to select a service account.
For information about using service accounts, see Service Accounts in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
Service Key Provider
Enter a service key provider or click Browse to select a service key provider. For more information, see Service Key Providers in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Note: This option is available only when Host Based or Public Key Authentication is selected as the user authentication method.

Enter the user name.
This name is required only when you select either the Host Based or the Public Key authentication method.
In host-based user authentication, the user name is used for polling the home directory of the user on the SFTP server. For public key user authentication, the user name is used for polling the home directory of the user and for identifying the location of the public key on the SFTP server.
Pass By Reference
Select this option to stage the file in the archive directory and pass it as a reference in the headers.

Note: This option is available only when remote streaming is disabled.

Remote Streaming
Select this option to stream the SFTP files directly from the remote server at the time of processing. When you select this option, the archive directory is the remote directory on the SFTP server machine. Therefore, you should specify the archive directory relative to the SFTP user directory.
File Mask
Enter a regular expression to select the files that you want to pick from the directory. Default is *.*.
Polling Interval
Enter the interval in seconds at which the file is polled from the specified location. Default is 60.
Read Limit
Specify the maximum number of messages to read per polling sweep. Enter 0 to specify no limit. Default is 10.
Post Read Action
Select what happens to a message after it has been read.
  • Archive - The message is archived in the specified archived directory after file transfer.
  • Delete - The message is deleted after file transfer.
Archive Directory
Specify the path to the archive location if the Post Read Action option is set to Archive. You must specify a archive directory if the Pass By Reference option is selected.
If remote streaming is enabled, this directory location is with respect to the SFTP server. If remote streaming disabled, the archive directory is available on the ALSB machine.
When the Archive option is selected, the files are moved from either the download directory or the remote location to this directory.

Note: Specify the directory as an absolute path. If the directory does not exist, it is automatically created. If you specify the directory as a relative path, the directory is created relative to the Java process that starts the WebLogic Server.

Download Directory
Enter the directory on your local machine where files are downloaded during the file transfer.
If remote streaming is enabled, this option is disabled.

Note: Specify the directory as an absolute path. If the directory does not exist, it is automatically created. If you specify the directory as a relative path, the directory is created relative to the Java process that starts the WebLogic Server.

Error Directory
Enter the location where messages are posted if there is a problem.
If remote streaming is enabled, this directory is with respect to the SFTP server. If disabled, it is available on the ALSB machine.

Note: Specify the directory as an absolute path. If the directory does not exist, it is automatically created. If you specify the directory as a relative path, the directory is created relative to the Java process that starts the WebLogic Server.

Request encoding
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for requests in SFTP transports.
Advanced Settings
Scan Subdirectories
Select this option to recursively scan all directories within the directory that is specified in the endpoint URI.
Sort By Arrival
Select this option to deliver events in the order of arrival. This ensure that the message delivery is not random, but based on the time at which the file is downloaded into the destination directory.
Enter the socket timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout. Default is 60.
Retry Count
Specify the number of retries for SFTP connection failures. Default is 3.

For more information about configuring proxy services using SFTP transport, see SFTP Transport Configuration Page in Proxy Services in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.


Transport Headers and Metadata

The transport header and metadata related to the SFTP transport are listed in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Transport Headers and Metadata
Header / Metadata
The value of this transport header is used as the file name at the destination directory.
Metadata field. A true or false value. If True, the value specified in the FileName header is interpreted as the absolute path of the file. If False, the specified filename is interpreted as the actual name of the file.
Response metadata field. The absolute path at which the file specified in the FileName header has been written.

Configuring Transport Headers in the ALSB Message Flow

You can configure the transport headers only for outbound requests in the message flow. For information about the transport headers related to the SFTP transport, see Transport Headers and Metadata.

In the pipeline, use a Transport Header action to set the header values in messages. For information about adding transport header actions, see "Transport Headers" in Proxy Services: Actions in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Configuring the Transports Headers and Metadata in Test Console

You can also configure the filename transport header and the isFilePath metadata values in the ALSB Test Console when you test SFTP transport based services during development.

For information about using Test Console, see Test Console in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console and Using the Test Console in AquaLogic Service Bus User Guide.


Configuring Business Services to Use the SFTP Transport

When you create a business service in ALSB Console, in the Transport Configuration page, select the transport protocol as sftp and specify the endpoint URI (location of the service) in sftp://hostname:port/directory format.


Note: Because the only service types that are supported for the SFTP transport are Message and XML, ensure that you select either Message service or XML service when you select the service type in the General Configuration page. For more information, see in Business Services in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

To configure the SFTP transport for a business service, specify the values as described in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Configuring SFTP Business Service
User Authentication
Select one of the following:
  • Username Password Authentication - Specifies that a static service account is associated with this authentication method and the client is authenticated using the credentials provided in the service account.
  • Host Based Authentication - Specifies that a user name and service key provider are required to use this authentication method. Any user connecting from a known host is authenticated using the private key of the host.
  • Public Key Authentication - Specifies that a user name and service key provider are required to use this authentication method. All users have their own private key.
For more information, see Authentication Methods.
Service Account
Enter the service account for the user, or click Browse to select a service account.
For information about using service accounts, see Service Accounts in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.
Service Key Provider
Enter a service key provider or click Browse to select a service key provider. For more information, see Service Key Providers in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

Note: This option is available only when Host Based or Public Key Authentication is selected as the user authentication method.

Enter the user name.
This name is required only when you select either the Host Based or the Public Key authentication method.
In host-based user authentication, the user name is used for polling the home directory of the user on the SFTP server. For public key user authentication, the user name is used for polling the home directory of the user and for identifying the location of the public key on the SFTP server.
Enter the socket timeout interval, in seconds, before the connection is dropped. If you enter 0, there is no timeout. Default is 60.
Prefix for destination File Name
Enter the prefix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
Suffix for destination File Name
Enter the suffix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server.
Request encoding
Accept the default UTF-8 as the character set encoding for requests in SFTP transports.

For more information about configuring business services using SFTP transport, see SFTP Transport Configuration Page in Business Services in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.


Importing and Exporting Resources

When a resource exists in an ALSB domain, you can preserve the security and policy configuration details while importing that resource to ALSB by selecting the Preserve Security and Policy Configuration option. When you select this option, even if the security and policy configuration details have been updated in the resource that you want to import, the values in the existing resource are preserved. For information about importing resources from ALSB Console, see "Importing Resources" in System Administration in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

For SFTP services, the following details are preserved:


UDDI Registries: Importing and Publishing Services

While publishing SFTP services to the UDDI registry, the authentication mode (auth-mode) is published to the registry along with other properties like endpoint URI, request-encoding, and scheme.

The protocol, load balancing algorithm, and endpoint URI values are imported from the registry while importing any service from the UDDI registry. After import, round-robin is the default value assigned to the load balancing algorithm. In addition, while importing SFTP services from the UDDI registry, the properties listed in Table 2-4 are imported from the registry:

Table 2-4 Properties imported from UDDI
Prefix for destination File Name
The prefix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server. The default value is set to " " (Null value).
Suffix for destination File Name
The suffix for the file name under which the file is stored on the remote server. The default value is set to " " (Null value).
The authentication method that is imported from the registry.

Note: When a SFTP business service with user authentication is imported from an UDDI registry into ALSB, a conflict is generated. You need to create a service account when the user authentication is username-password and associate it with the service. If the authorization method is host-based or public key, create a service key provider and associate it with the service.

For more information, see "Importing a Business Service From a UDDI Registry" and "Publishing a Proxy Service to a UDDI Registry" in System Administration in Using the AquaLogic Service Bus Console.

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