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Examples and Tutorials for AquaLogic® Service Bus

These examples offer several approaches to learning about and working with ALSB.


Loan Application Examples

The loan application examples are installed automatically as part of the ALSB installation.

These examples introduce you to the run-time capabilities of ALSB. They are pre-configured scenarios that use ALSB proxy services to communicate with business services to route, transform, and validate a loan application. The examples are based on typical business scenarios that benefit from using proxy services to communicate between clients and business processes.

For information about designing proxy services and configuring ALSB to support similar loan application scenarios, see the ALSB Tutorials.

Sample Socket Transport Provider

This sample explains how to build and run the sample socket transport provider. The sample transport is designed to send and receive streamed data to and from a configured TCP socket in ALSB. It illustrates key concepts for implementing a custom transport provider.

For information about using the Transport SDK to design, create, and deploy a custom transport provider, see the Transport SDK User Guide.

Creating XQuery Transformations Using the BEA XQuery Mapper

This example explains how to use the BEA XQuery Mapper tool to create XQuery transformations that can be imported and used in ALSB. The XQuery Mapper tool is provided as a WorkSpace Studio plug-in.

Using ALSB to Monitor WSRP Applications

Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is a mechanism used to generate markup fragments on a remote system for display in a local portal application. This example describes how ALSB provides Service Level Agreement (SLA) monitoring in applications that use WSRP.

For information about ALSB and WSRP Interoperability, see the ALSB Interoperability Solutions for WSRP.


These tutorials illustrate how to use ALSB for routing, transformation, and validation of business messages. They represent typical use case scenarios in ALSB, such as creating proxy services that interact with service clients and business services.

ALSB Tutorials in the ALSB Console

To become familiar with ALSB, complete the first tutorial, Routing a Loan Application, then proceed to the other tutorials.