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AquaLogic® Service Bus 3.0

AquaLogic® Service Bus is an intermediary for use as a core element of distributed services networks. It enables service-oriented architecture (SOA) allowing accelerated service re-use and deployment.

Getting Started

Configuring and Designing Services

Deploying ALSB Configurations


Oracle Service Bus
for financial services
Oracle Service Bus for financial services is made up of the following products:

bullet arrowAquaLogic Service Bus 3.0
bullet arrowFinancial Message Designer 3.5
  (requires ALSB 3.0)
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Topic Pages

Monitoring the Health of an ALSB System

  • ALSB Operations Guide
    Describes the operations performed by a user in the role of IntegrationOperator, including configuration of monitoring, tracing, logging, and monitoring servers and alerts.

Articles and White Papers

Other Sources of Information