Known Issues  Locate

UDDI Version 3 Specification  Locate

The following parts of the UDDI Version 3 specification are not implemented:

  • Inter-Node operation - this part of the specification is not implemented.

  • Replication Specification - The Replication Specification describes the data replication process and the programming interface required to achieve complete replication between UDDI Operators in the UBR (Universal Business Registry ~ UDDI operator cloud). This part of the specification is mandatory for members of the UBR and is not implemented.

  • Policy - The policy description is not defined.

  • Exclusive XML Canonicalization is used for canonicalization of digital signatures. Schema-centric XML Canonicalization is not yet implemented.

UDDI Version 2 Specification  Locate

The following parts of the UDDI Version 2 specification are not implemented:

  • Operator Specification - This part of the specification is mandatory for members of the UBR and is implemented with the exceptions described in this section.

  • Custody transfer from version 2 is not implemented.

  • Replication Specification - The Replication Specification describes the data replication process and the programming interface required to achieve complete replication between UDDI Operators in the UBR. This part of the specification is mandatory for members of the UBR and is not implemented.

Database  Locate

  • Sybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise) has a limit of 16 sub-selects for queries (SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE EXISTS (SELECT...)). Because of this limit, some more complex queries (such as find by category bag with more keyed references) do not work.

  • There are the following caveats in data migration and backup:

    • Deletion history for subscriptions is not migrated and backed up.

    • Custody transfer requests are not migrated and backed up.

    • Migration and backup of approval requests and relationships between requestors and approvers are not yet implemented.

  • We do not recommend installing BEA AquaLogic Service Registry with the HSQL database under IBM Java 1.4.x since the installation may time out.

Consoles  Locate

  • The Firefox web browser interprets Alt key combinations in a non-standard way. One consequence of this is that use of Alt+1, Alt+2 etc. to change tabs may change the Firefox tab instead of the Business Service Console tab.

  • On completing an operation, the page displayed by the Business Service Console is not always accurately reflected in the state of the browser, including the current URL and POST data. Consequently, clicking the browser's refresh button may result in an erroneous attempt to repeat the operation. For an operation such as deleting a resource, this will result in error code E_invalidKeyPassed because the resource has already been deleted. To avoid this problem, use the refresh button provided by the Business Service Console instead.

  • If the user's login expires because of a prolonged pause during execution of a wizard, he will be required to login before the wizard resumes. However, resumption of the wizard is not always reliable, resulting in subsequent errors. This is known to occur in the wizard that adds a reference to an entity (from that entity to another). See Entities;

  • If a browsable taxonomy is checked then any of its categories that contain items should appear in the reports tree, as described in Browsable Taxonomies. However, when a category contains no items and an item is added, the reports tree is not immediately updated because it is cached. To ensure it is updated the user must take some action to clear the cache, such as closing and reopening their browser;

  • It is possible for an administrator to configure an internal taxonomy (that has a fixed set of categories) represented using input mode on pages. See Customizable Taxonomies. The user is then able to enter arbitrary text as the category and an error will occur if the value entered is not one of the defined categories;

  • The uddi-org:wsdl:categorization:transport taxonomy appears on the Search endpoints page of the Business Service Console, in the Binding properties composite area with caption Transport. However, an administrator attempting to use Customizable taxonomies to edit this taxonony is initially told that it is not compatible with Endpoints. Subsequently they are given the opportunity to choose the area on the Search endpoints page where the taxonomy appears. This can confuse users. This taxonomy is not compatible with Endpoints but searching Endpoints by transport is implemented as a special case using find_tModel;

Other  Locate

  • Use of SubjectAlternativeName in certificates is not yet supported. This has potential impact wherever SSL is used and the secure host has more than one hostname. See WSDL Publishing below. The result is a with a message that hostnames do not match.

  • Installation fails if the installation path contains non-ASCII characters;

  • Attempting to undeploy BEA AquaLogic Service Registry from an application server may appear to have been successful but can leave files locked until the application server and its JVM exit. This means than an attempt to redeploy BEA AquaLogic Service Registry to the application server will fail because these files exist and cannot be overwritten. A workaround is to restart the application server;

  • Selective One-way Replication has the following caveats:

    • Checked taxonomies are replicated as unchecked. Taxonomy data replication and change of taxonomy to checked must be done manually.

    • Custody transfer requests are not replicated.

    • Publisher assertions are not replicated.

  • Approval process has the following caveats:

    • Promotion of projected services is not supported.

    • Promotion of publisher assertions is not implemented yet.

  • LDAP

    • Dynamic groups in LDAP account backends are not processed.

    • The approximateMatch find qualifier is not supported in LDAP account backends. There is no wildcard that can represent any single character in the directory (LDAP or AD). % is mapped to *, it is not possible to map _.

    • Groups from disabled domains are visible in the Registry Console.

  • Intranet identity association is not implemented; the system#intranet group is reserved for future use.

  • Password structure and length checking, expiration, checking of repeated failed logins and IP mask restriction are not implemented.

  • The Signer tool does not support the refresh operation. If you start the Signer and then modify a UDDI structure, you must restart the Signer Tool.

  • The Setup tool throws an exception when you try to configure registry ports on BEA AquaLogic Service Registry that are not connected to a database. The exception does not affect the port configuration.

  • WSDL Publishing:

    • Unable to unpublish unreachable WSDLs in Registry Console.

    • Publishing a WSDL at a URL that has https as protocol may fail because the server certificate uses SubjectAlternativeName to specify alternative hostnames. This is not yet supported as noted above. The result may be a WSDLException with fault code INVALID_WSDL but the underlying cause is in fact a with a message that hostnames do not match.

  • If you change the BEA AquaLogic Service Registry configuration using the Setup tool, demo data is always imported the registry database.