Entities  Locate

The preceding sections describe how to navigate to entities by Searching or with reports. The Catalog tab provides a data-centric approach. It lists types of entity and allows the user to select a type before performing an action. One way to perform actions on an entity type is to bring up the Context Menu by right-clicking on an entity type.

Figure 23. Catalog tab

Catalog tab

This section focuses on the entity types listed in the catalog and how they are displayed by the Business Service Console.

Entity Details  Locate

References to entities and resources on the Business Service Console are generally hyperlinks, allowing you to navigate to them by various routes. Clicking such a link displays a details page. For example, in Searching Providers the example resulted in the page shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24. Provider Details

Provider Details

Some of the tabs are specific to the entity type. For example, Services in the above example. This section focuses on general purpose tabs.

Table 2. General Purpose Detail Tabs

DetailsBasic details relating to the entity, depending on its type.
ClassificationsHow this entity is classified using taxonomies.
ReferencesReferences to related entities. Note that there is also a Referenced by action to list other entities that refer to the entity.
System InfoInformation relating to storage of the entity in BEA AquaLogic Service Registry, including ownership, creation and modification dates and UDDI keys that uniquely identify it.
View AllThis tab displays all the information on the other tables on a single screen.

Note that the tabs displayed and their content depend on:

Resources  Locate

Resources are essentially entities that are documents, identified by a URL. Together with generic features such as classifications and references, resources are the means by which BEA AquaLogic Service Registry supports arbitrary document types. BEA AquaLogic Service Registry provides special support for the following types of resource.

Table 3. Special Resources

XML DocumentseXtensible markup language documents
XSLT TransformationsXML Stylesheet Language Transformations specifying how an XML document can be transformed into another document, typically also an XML document.
XSD DocumentsXML Schema Document, specifying a particular type of XML document.
PoliciesWS-Policy documents that can be attached to other entities to specify:
  • conformance constraints on entities implementing SOA governance policies;

  • constraints on how a client may use a service, to facilitate establishment of a contract between a provider and a service user;

Policies attached to entities are visible as references.

Note that all of the above are XML documents. Furthermore, there is a generic type on the Catalog tab with label Resource. This enables all types of resource, including the above, to be processed using the flexible generic features of BEA AquaLogic Service Registry.


Resources are represented as UDDI tModels. This representation is visible on the Registry Console.