User Account  Locate

Before you can publish data to the registry, you must have a BEA AquaLogic Service Registry account. Follow these steps to create a user account:

  1. Click the Create Account link on the Business Service Console home page. This returns the Create account page shown in Figure 4.

  2. Fill in all fields. Those labeled with an asterisk (*) are required. Your email address may be used later for enabling your account.

  3. Switch to the My profile tab, shown in Figure 5 to specify profile preferences and subscription preferences.

  4. When finished, click Create Account.


BEA AquaLogic Service Registry may be configured to require email confirmation in order to enable the user account. In this case, the registry sends an email confirmation. Follow the instructions in this email to enable your account.

Figure 4. Create Account

Create Account

Figure 5. User Profile

User Profile

User Profile Fields  Locate

The My Profile tab has the following fields:

  • Profile preference - Select your preferred predefined user profile from this drop down list


    BEA AquaLogic Service Registry Administrator can disable selection of user profiles. In this case, a default user profile appears in a noneditable field.

  • E-mail addresses to send subscription notification - You can enter a list of e-mail addresses to which email notifications will be sent. These addresses will be defaulted on the Create subscription page.

  • Default notification interval - Specify how often email notifications will be sent.

  • Default subscription duration - Enter the default subscription lifetime here.

  • Maximum Updates to Send - Use this field to limit number of entries sent by an email notification.

  • Suppress Empty Notifications - If checked, empty notifications will not be sent.

  • Send Raw XML - If checked, email notifications will be sent in XML format.

  • Show Updates in Last - If you want to view the updates made in the most recent period, specify the period here. For example, if you want to view updates made in the last three days, enter 3 in the first box and select days from the drop down list.

  • Maximum Updates to Display - Enter how many items will be displayed .

Predefined User Profiles  Locate

BEA AquaLogic Service Registry contains a list of predefined user profiles which differ in which main menu tabs will be available to them. Each user profile also contains a definition of default formats for result views. The registry administrator can adjust these user profiles. See Business Service Console Configuration.

The predefined user profiles are:

  • Business Expert - Understands problems that needs to be solved and relationships and implications to other systems within the enterprise. The Business Expert proposes reusable functional components (future business services) and how these solve particular problems. This user associates both functional and non-functional requirements with the components. The Business Expert also suggests reuse of existing services.

    • Functional requirements are usually provided as descriptions attached to proposed components.

    • Non-functional requirements are usually represented with high-level capabilities and constraints that are rendered as categories (For example, secure, 24x7 uptime, transactional etc.).

  • Developer - Implements business services according to description and associated capabilities/constraints (such as compliance). This user reuses low-level infrastructure services for the implementation.

    Business service implementation usually undergoes some QA and testing after development.

  • SOA Architect - Re-factors input from the Business Expert. This user performs the following:

    • Translates Business Expert deliverables into a set of reusable business services.

    • Transforms high-level capabilities/constraints into standards-based capabilities/constraints that can be enforced and implemented by other roles (developers, administrators and operation managers).

    • Defines capabilities/constraints (such as compliance constraints) that enforce standards-compliance and common implementation and deployment service practices in the enterprise.

    • Enforces compliance to selected standards (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, WS-S, WS-RM etc.).

    • Suggests reuse of existing business services.

  • Operator - Deploys and manages business services implemented by the Developer into the production environment. This user also:

    • Publishes service endpoint and other runtime data about the deployed service.

    • Ensures that the business service is properly managed and secured by tagging the service with the appropriate category that triggers security and WSM registration processes.

  • SOA Administrator - This user performs the same functions as the Operator, but has higher priviledges:

    • Publishes service endpoint and other runtime data about the deployed service.

    • Ensures that the business service is properly managed and secured by tagging the service with the appropriate category that triggers security and WSM registration processes.

  • Anonymous User Profile - This profile applies to not authenticated users. The profile is a configuration placeholder for users that did not log in to the Business Service Console