Administration Guide

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Group Administration

Users can be combined into groups within a campus. By creating groups, access to resources can be assigned to the entire group at once, rather than having to add each individual user. In order to give users access to a remote campus, a group must be created with the desired users. These users will be allowed to navigate into the remote campus to which they have been given access, as well as easily navigating their own local campus. Remote users are able to access any rooms within that campus to which they have access, and work inside that campus as a local user would.

The Group Summary page presents a list of each campus group and enables the administrator to add or delete campus groups. It also allows access to the Group Details page which enables administrators to view and modify group information.

To access the Group Summary page:

The Group Summary page will appear.

Figure 8-1 Group Summary

Group Summary


Adding and Deleting Groups

Groups may be added to or deleted from the collaborative environment through the Group Summary page. Administrators may add as many groups as desired.

To add a new group:
  1. Click the New button at the bottom of the Group Summary page to access a new Group details page.
  2. Complete group details including:
  1. Click the Save button in the upper right corner of the page to save the new User details. Changes will not be recorded unless you save.
Note: To add another group without returning to the Group Summary page, click the Save/Next button. A new Group Details page will appear.
To delete a group:
  1. From the groups list on the Group Summary page, select the check box next to the group you wish to delete. A checkmark will appear in the box when the group has been selected.
  2. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page. A confirmation window will appear.
  3. Click OK to delete the group or Cancel to return to the previous page.
  4. Figure 8-2 Group Summary

    Group Summary


Group Details

The Group Details page displays information about a specific group in the collaborative environment. Group Information that may be added, viewed, or modified is as follows:

To view or modify group details:
  1. Click on the group name listed on the Group Summary page. The Group Details page will appear.
  2. Modify group details as desired.
  3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes. Changes will not be recorded unless you save.
  4. Figure 8-3 Group Details

    Group Details


Adding Users to a Group

Users may be added to groups through the Group Details page. Administrators may add as many users to a group as desired. Group members may be local or remote users. Users may belong to many groups.

To add users to a group:
  1. Click on the arrow button next to Members on the Group Details page to view the Members selection window.
  2. Select the Users or Groups radio button to view available users. Remote users have their campus name appended in the display.
  3. If desired, use the Contains field to quickly search for users or groups in the list.
  4. Highlight the user(s) or group(s) in the Available Users/Groups list.
  5. Click the right arrow button to move the highlighted users to the Selected Users/Groups list on the right. Click the left arrow button to remove users from the group.
  6. Click the Save button to save your changes.
  7. Figure 8-4 User/Group Chooser

    User/Group Chooser

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