Installation Guide

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WebLogic Domain Extension Summary

CollabraSuite, BEA Edition J2EE components require specific services and security to be configured and deployed. The following table summarizes the configuration created by the CollabraSuite, BEA Edition Domain Extension Template:

Table 4-1 Domain Extension Summary
JDBC Connection Pool
Name: csuiteConnectionPool
JDBC Data Source
Name: csuitePool
JNDI Name: weblogic.jdbc.jts.csuitePool
JMS Server
Name: csuiteJMSServer
JNDI Name: weblogic.jms.csuiteEventTopic
JMS Connection Factory
Name: csuiteConnectionFactory
JNDI Name: weblogic.jms.csuiteConnectionFactory
JMS Topic
Name: csuiteEventTopic
JNDI Name: weblogic.jms.csuiteEventTopic
JMS Topic
Name: csuiteRemoteEventTopic
JNDI Name: weblogic.jms.csuiteRemoteEventTopic
Mail Session
Name: csuiteMailSession
JNDI Name: csuiteMail
Admin User
Name: csadmin
Default Password: password
Member of: CollabraSuiteUsers, CollabraSuiteAdministrators
User Group
Name: CollabraSuiteUsers
Admin Group
Name: CollabraSuiteAdministrators
Remote Group
Name: CollabraSuiteRemote


WebLogic Portal Extension Summary

Integrating CollabraSuite, BEA Edition J2EE components into a WebLogic portal requires specific files to be configured and deployed into the portal application. The following summarizes the configuration performed by the CollabraSuite, BEA Edition Portal Extension Template:


Upgrading CollabraSuite

The process of upgrading an existing installation of CollabraSuite is similar to the process of creating a new installation.

  1. Be sure to shut down WebLogic and backup your entire domain directory before applying the extension template to an existing domain. The Configuration Wizard will overwrite all scripts in the domain, removing any local modifications. One strategy for updating an existing domain with local customizations is to first make a copy of the domain. You can then apply the extension template to the copy. When finished with the template, copy the config.xml and the CollabraSuite.ear file back into the original domain. This will allow you to update a domain with CollabraSuite, BEA Edition while preserving any local modifications.
  2. With WebLogic running, delete the CollabraSuite, BEA Edition application via the WebLogic Administration Console under Deployments/Applications.
  3. Shutdown the WebLogic server.
  4. Connect to the database configured for CollabraSuite, BEA Edition and run the necessary upgrade SQL scripts. These scripts can be found under the CollabraSuite, BEA Edition installation sql directory and they should be run in order. For example, to upgrade from CollabraSuite, BEA Edition 3.4.5 to CollabraSuite, BEA Edition 3.6.0, run alter320to350.sql and then run alter350to360.sql.
  5. Extend the domain.
    • For WebLogic 8.1, perform the steps 1-6 and 8-11 from Extending the Domain, extending the copy of the domain. Be sure to skip step 7, which creates the CollabraSuite, BEA Edition database schema. In step 11, point to the applications directory in the original domain, rather than the copy of the domain.
    • For WebLogic 9, perform the steps 1-6 and 8-10 from Extending the Domain, extending the copy of the domain. Be sure to skip step 7, which creates the CollabraSuite, BEA Edition database schema.
  6. Choose to replace the existing configurations and Apply that choice to all future choices.
  7. Copy the config.xml file from the copied domain into the original domain
  8. If upgrading a WebLogic 8.1 portal, copy the following jars into <portalApplication>/<portalProject>/WEB-INF/lib. They can be found on the distribution CD under the lib directory.
    • csuite-taglib.jar
    • common-server.jar
    • csuite-client.jar
    • csuite-ejb-client.jar
    • csuite-i9n-client.jar
    • csuite-ria-common.jar
    • csuite-ria-client.jar
  9. If upgrading a WebLogic 9.2 portal, upgrade is supported only when using J2EE library modules. In this case, find any files that have been copied into the project from a CollabraSuite, BEA Edition library module. Remove and then re-copy them into the local project applying any local customizations.
  10. Start the WebLogic server.
  11. Perform all steps in Finish Extending the Domain.


Clustering Configuration

This section discusses deployment of CollabraSuite into a WebLogic cluster. This section can safely be skipped for single server installations.

Note: Clustering is not supported with the PointBase database.

Use the WebLogic Domain Configuration wizard to extend a cluster domain as described in the Extend the Domain section of this guide.

In WebLogic 8.1 SP4 or later, the CollabraSuite components will automatically be targeted to the cluster. In earlier versions you may have to target the CollabraSuite components to the cluster manually.

Confirm the following configuration for the CollabraSuite JMS Connection factory:

When running in a cluster, the system clocks of all server nodes must be synchronized by using Network Timing Protocol (NTP) or some similar means of clock synchronization. When system clocks are not synchronized, incorrect event timestamps will occur and CollabraSuite users may be disconnected from the application.


Supported Configurations

Please see the Supported Configurations Guide for supported platforms and known limitations associated with particular configurations.


Special PointBase Instructions

WebLogic 8.1

When using PointBase with WebLogic 8.1, take the following special steps when extending a domain:


Special MySQL Instructions

WebLogic 8.1

When using MySQL with WebLogic, some documentation states that the MySQL JDBC driver JAR file should be placed in the JDK's jre/lib/ext directory. However, this causes errors when deploying J2EE applications in WebLogic. Instead, follow these steps to deploy with MySQL:

  1. Create a WL_HOME/server/ext/jdbc/mysql directory in the WebLogic installation and place the MySQL JDBC driver JAR file in it. For this example, the MySQL JDBC driver JAR file is mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar.
  2. Add the MySQL JDBC driver to the CLASSPATH:
    1. For Windows, edit the WL_HOME\common\bin\commEnv.cmd script and add the following lines to the bottom of the file:
    3. For UNIX, edit the WL_HOME/common/bin/ script and add the following lines to the bottom of the file:

WebLogic 9

When using MySQL with WebLogic, some documentation states that the MySQL JDBC driver JAR file should be placed in the JDK's jre/lib/ext directory. However, this causes errors when deploying J2EE applications in WebLogic. Instead, follow these steps to deploy with MySQL:

  1. Follow the instructions above for WebLogic 8.1.
  2. For Windows, edit the following lines at the bottom of WL_HOME\common\bin\config.cmd and add the text in bold:
  3. IF "%ARGUMENTS%" == "" (
    	%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw %MEM_ARGS% -Xbootclasspath/a:%DATABASE_CLASSPATH% -jar configwiz.jar  %ARGUMENTS%
    ) ELSE (
    	%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %MEM_ARGS% -Xbootclasspath/a:%DATABASE_CLASSPATH% -jar configwiz.jar %ARGUMENTS%
  4. For UNIX, edit the following line at the bottom of WL_HOME\common\bin\ and add the text in bold:
  5. "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" ${MEM_ARGS} -Xbootclasspath/a:${DATABASE_CLASSPATH} -jar configwiz.jar ${ARGUMENTS}
Note: See the Known Limitations section of the Supported Configurations Guide for the compatible versions of MySQL.

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