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Upgrading to Version 10.0

This page provides a high-level view of upgrade-related documentation offered in this release. For the most part, it lists content related to upgrade from version 8.1 to version 10.0 of WebLogic Server, WebLogic Portal, and Workshop for WebLogic. The upgrade content itself is provided in the documentation sets of the respective products; see the links below.

These links are grouped in the following categories:

Overview — Links to overview information for each product.

Upgrade Tools — Links to upgrade-related tools in this release.

Changes and Workarounds — Links to content that describes, for each product, the significant changes that upgrade involves, along with suggested workarounds when these changes are not fully accounted for by tools.

Component and Application Types — Links grouped by likely development outcomes, such as portals, page flows, controls, and so on.

Inventory of Upgrade Documentation — A list of upgrade-related topics included in the documentation for each product


Upgrading to version 10.0 involves some substantial changes, particularly if you're upgrading from version 8.1. In particular, version 10.0 incorporates standard and open source technologies that were not used in version 8.1. Note that version 10.0 releases of Workshop for WebLogic and WebLogic Portal incorporate technologies that began to appear in version 9.0 of WebLogic Server.

Upgrade Tools

This release includes several upgrade-related tools. These tools are each aimed at making upgrade easier for a different part of your application.

  • Use the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard to upgrade domains and resource dependencies. This tool is also useful for upgrading applications that were not built with WebLogic Workshop.
  • Use Workshop for WebLogic upgrade tools to upgrade version 8.1 WebLogic Workshop applications to version 10.0.

Changes and Workaround

If you're upgrading from version 8.1 to version 10.0, you should be aware of many potential changes made to application code during upgrade. Some of these changes arise due to API changes, while others come from standards and open source technologies included in this release.

Components and Application Types

Upgrade documentation tends to be divided by technology area: domains and resources, or applications and components.


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Inventory of Upgrade Documentation in this Release

Each of the version 10.0 technology areas provides detailed content on upgrade considerations within those areas. The following links provide access to main topic areas within each technology area.