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BPO Operation and Maintenance Guide



This document provides detailed instructions for operating and maintaining the BEA Business Process Option system. It is intended for system administrators responsible for operating and maintaining the BEA Business Process Option.



Maintaining the eLink Business Process Option

Overview of Administrative Procedures

Starting, Stopping, and Configuring eLink Business Process Option

Using Business Process Option Administration Tools

Using the Batch Registry Utility

Using eLink Business Process Option Maintenance Utilities

Using Database Tools

Setting Configuration Options

Managing Status and Audit Logs

Managing Status Information with IcStatusManage

Using IcStatusManage in Interactive Mode

Using IcStatusManage in Command Mode

Managing Audit Information with IcAuditManage

Using IcAuditManage in Interactive Mode

Using IcAuditManage in Command Mode

Managing the Optional Audit Log file

Maintaining the Repository

Using IcRepCheck to Check Repository Information

Using IcRepCheck in Interactive mode

Verifying Server Information

Running IcRepCheck

Using IcRepCheck in Command Mode

Using IcRepManage to Delete Unused Files from Repositories

Using IcRepManage in Interactive Mode

Using IcRepManage in Command Mode

Optimizing the Business Process Option Database

Moving Work Between eLink Business Process Option Servers


eLink Business Process Option Daemon Manager

About the Daemon Manager

Restarting Failed Applications

Setting Up the Daemon Manager Configuration File

Tuxedo Security and the Daemon Manager

Configuration File Syntax

Configuration File Syntax for Parameters

Configuration File Syntax for Environment Variables

Mandatory Client Application Entries

Daemon Manager Configuration Parameters

Basic Parameters

Restart Parameters

Setting Up an Application Under the Daemon Manager


Using the Batch Registry

Using Client Data in the Batch Registry

The ictimeout and icclient Parameters

Using the Batch Registry in Interactive Mode

Adding a Parameter to the Command Line

Entering a Batch Registry Command in Interactive Mode

Exiting the Batch Registry Utility

Using the Batch Registry in Batch Mode

Command Line Parameters

Input File Format

Output File Format

Header Section

Command Section

Summary Section


Batch Registry Command Reference

Batch Registry Command Syntax

Using Character Case

Using Strings

Using Wildcards

Overview of the Batch Registry Commands

Command Reference

Add User To Pool

Create Document File

Create Pool

Create Repository

Create Subclass

Create Trigger

Create User

Delete Class

Delete Document Name

Delete Job Name

Delete Pool

Delete Trigger

Delete User

Export Document

Export Job

Grant Privilege

Import Document From

Import Job From

List Class

List Class Hierarchy

List Document Name

List Event

List Job Name

List Message Action

List Pool

List Privilege

List Repository

List RPC Action

List Trigger

List User

Promote Class

Promote Instances


Register Message Action

Register RPC Action

Register Event

Remove All From Pool

Remove User From Pool

Revoke Privilege

Set Default Repository

Signal Event

Unregister Action

Unregister Event

Update Class - Add Attribute

Update Class - Demote Attribute

Update Class - Promote Attribute

Update Class - Remove Attribute

Update Class - Rename Attribute

Update Class - Set Default

Update Pool

Update User