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Configuring Information Integrator and the IISERVER


In order to run Information Integrator, you must configure the operating environment and define users. The configuration steps differ depending on whether you are running the Design environment or the Execution environment. In the Design environment, you create the formats and rules you want to use for processing your data. In the Execution environment, the IISERVER translates your data using the formats and rules you created during the Design environment.

This chapter discusses the following topics:


Configuring the Design Environment

The following tasks are required to configure the Design environment of Information Integrator:

Creating the Database Schema

The first step in configuring the Design environment of Information Integrator is to set up the appropriate tables and stored procedures in the database. A script that does this for you is included on the installation CD-ROM. When you install Information Integrator, this script is placed in the \InfoInt\install.sql directory under your eLink Platform directory. Execute this script in a DOS window (for Windows NT systems) or at a UNIX command prompt by typing one of the following commands:

The required tables and stored procedures are automatically created in the Information Integrator database. A log of the schema creation procedure is written to temp\inst_db.log.

Creating the Database Session Configuration File

The next configuration step is to create the Database Session Configuration file (sqlsvses.cfg). A sample sqlsvses.cfg file that is commented out is provided on the installation CD-ROM. To edit the sample file with your site-specific information, uncomment the section that applies to your database type and edit the appropriate parameters.

Listing 7-1 shows the syntax for the Database Session configuration file.

Listing 7-1 Syntax for sqlsvses.cfg


The character length for the parameters in the sqlsvses.cfg file is dependent on your server platform and operating system. Line size in the sqlsvses.cfg file is limited to 1024 bytes. Each parameter must be separated by a colon.

Required Parameters

The following parameters must be defined in the sqlsvses.cfg file:


Database session name to be used by Information Integrator executables. This can be any string as long as it is unique within the file.


Server where the Information Integrator database resides.


Database user ID.


Database password.


Name of the database where the Information Integrator tables reside.

Note: The DATABASENAME parameter is not used for Oracle environments.

There must be a colon after the password in Oracle environments, even though the last parameter is not used.

Optional Parameters

There are no optional parameters for the sqlsvses.cfg file.

Sample Database Session Configuration File

Listing 7-2 shows the sample sqlsvses.cfg file included on the installation CD-ROM.

Listing 7-2 Sample Database Session configuration file

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Sqlsvses.cfg - Defines sessions to be used to access the Formatter
# database. The format of each line depends on the database in which
# the Formats are to be stored.

# Four fields are required in order to specify a connection to a
# Oracle database. Five fields are required to specify a connection
# to a SQLServer database.
# Entries can be commented by placing a "#" in column 1.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Format of lines for the various supported database types:
# MS SQLServer:
# SessionName:dBaseServer:dBaseUserid:dBasePassword:dBaseInstance
# Oracle:
# SessionName:dBaseService:dBaseUserid:dBasePassword:
# (note that the fifth field is blank, so the last colon is required)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# The SessionName "import" is required to run the Message Definition
# Importer Tool (MsgDefAdmin).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Example SessionNames (uncomment the SessionNames needed):
# MS SQL Server database: import:Server:Userid:Password:Instance
# (change Server, Userid, Password, and Instance above)
# Oracle database (final colon required on each line):
# import:Service:Userid:Password:
# (change Service, Userid, Password above)
# ---------------- ( End of File ) --------------------------------

Creating User Accounts

In order to use BEA eLink Information Integrator, each user must have an account created for them.

Creating Users on Oracle Systems

Users must have a user name and password for each database they want to access. Creating these user names and passwords can be done by the system administrator, security officer, or database owner. A single person can occupy one or more of these roles. Check with your database administrator for information about your specific environment.

During installation of Information Integrator on Oracle systems, the II_USER role is created for each user. This role gives users access to the Information Integrator database. To access databases, users must be created and associated with the II_USER role using the procedures described in the following sections.

Creating User Names

After you install Information Integrator, you must create user names in your database. User names identify individual users to the database. Listing 7-3 shows the syntax for creating users.

Note: This action must be performed while connected to the database as an administrator.

Listing 7-3 Syntax for creating users

create user <username> identified by <password>;

USERNAME and PASSWORD are required parameters.

For example, the following command creates a user with the login name "JOHNDOE" and the password "JDOE1":

create user JOHNDOE identified by JDOE1;

Granting Roles to Users

Users must be given permissions to access the database data. You can either grant permissions to an individual user or create roles with certain permissions and associate users with specific roles. II_USER is a role created by the Information Integrator installation process. Listing 7-4 shows the syntax for granting user roles.

Note: This action must be performed while connected to the database as an administrator.

Listing 7-4 Syntax for granting user roles

grant II_USER to "username";

The II_USER role is granted to the user identified by USERNAME.

Defining User Synonyms

Once a user has been created, you must define the synonyms for that user. Connect to the database using the newly created USERNAME and PASSWORD; then, run the SQL_Plus executable nn_synonyms.sql, found in the install.sql directory. Listing 7-5 shows the syntax for defining synonyms.

Note: This action must be performed while connected to the database as the user for whom the synonym is being created.

Listing 7-5 Syntax for synonyms.sql


Creating Users on SQL Server Systems

Users must have login accounts and a user name in each database they want to access. Adding login accounts, database users, and object permissions can be done by the system administrator, security officer, or database owner. A single person can occupy one or more of these roles. Check with your database administrator for information about your specific environment.

Creating Login Accounts

Login accounts give users access to the SQL Server. They are created by the system administrator or security officer using the sp_addlogin system procedure. Listing 7-6 shows the syntax for sp_addlogin.

Listing 7-6 Syntax for sp_addlogin

sp_addlogin loginName, password [, defdb [, deflang [,


The login name being added.


The password associated with the login name being added.


Specifies a default database for the user.


Specifies the default language to use.


The full name of the user who owns this account.

Login accounts only give access to the SQL Server. To access a database, a login must be assigned to a user name to the databases the user wants to access.

Assigning Users to a Database

To use a database, the server login must be associated with a user name in the database. Users can be added to a database by the database owner (DBO) using the sp_adduser system procedure. This procedure must be run from the database in which the user is to be added. Listing 7-7 shows the syntax for sp_adduser.

Listing 7-7 Syntax for sp_adduser

sp_adduser loginName [, nameInDB] [, group]


The user's server login account.


The name for the user in the database. Defaults to the loginName if not specified.


Enables the DBO to add the user to an existing group in the database. If not specified, the user is placed in the default group, PUBLIC.

Defining User Groups

Each user added to the database must be granted permissions to access objects within that database, unless they are the database owner. During installation, the group II_USER is created for Information Integratorusers. To access Information Integrator databases, users must be linked to the II_User group.

Users can be added using either the sp_adduser or sp_changegroup system procedures. Listing 7-7 describes the syntax for sp_adduser.

Listing 7-8 Syntax for sp_changegroup

sp_changegroup groupName, userName


Name of the group to which the user is added.


The database user name.


Configuring the Execution Environment

The following tasks are required to configure the Execution environment of Information Integrator:

Setting the Environment Variables

You need to set several environment variables before using Information Integrator. Table 7-1 lists the environment variables you need to set.

Table 7-1 Environment Variables Used By Information Integrator

Variable Name



Base directory of the eLink Platform software.


Base directory for applications.


Must include $TUXDIR/bin.


Full pathname of binary tuxconfig file.


Path where the libraries for the product and database reside. Must include $TUXDIR/lib on systems that use shared libraries (except HP-UX and AIX).


Path where the libraries for the product and database reside. HP-UX only - Must include $TUXDIR/lib.


Path where the libraries for the product and database reside. AIX only - Must include $TUXDIR/lib.


Path where FML field table resides.


Name of the FML field table file.


Path where FML32 field table resides. FML32 only.


Name of the FML32 field table file. FML32 only.

Scripts are often used to save time in setting environment variables in a development directory. The following scripts are provided to set these variables for you, but the scripts must be edited for your environment.

A sample setenv.bat file is shown in Listing 7-9.

Listing 7-9 setenv.bat

set TUXDIR=<eLink Platform directory>
set APPDIR=<Application directory>
set TUXCONFIG=<Full pathname of the binary Tuxedo config file>
set FIELDTBLS=Fieldtable.txt,Usysflds
set PATH=%PATH%;%TUXDIR%\bin


On NT systems:

Adding the IISERVER to the UBBCONFIG File

A message format and routing server (IISERVER) is part of Information Integrator. This server identifies available service names and their associated application names and input formats.

Before running Information Integrator, you must add the IISERVER to the eLink Platform configuration. This is done by identifying the IISERVER in the eLink Platform UBBCONFIG file. The UBBCONFIG file is a text file that defines an eLink application.

Table 7-2 describes the variables you need to set in the UBBCONFIG file for Information Integrator.

Table 7-2 UBBCONFIG File Variables used by Information Integrator

Variable Name



Base directory for Information Integrator software. Make sure this value is the same as the APPDIR value in the environment file.


Full pathname of binary tuxconfig file. Make sure this value is the same as the TUXCONFIG value in the environment file.


Base directory of the eLink Platform software. Make sure this value is the same as the TUXDIR value in the environment file.


Name of the machine where Information Integrator is installed. On Windows NT systems, this value must be in uppercase.


Defines the name of the Information Integrator server (IISERVER) and the server configuration file (-- CLOPT -C ii.cfg). For more information on the server configuration file, see Creating the Configuration File.


Defines the name of the default service provided by the IISERVER (IISERVICE).

A sample UBBCONFIG file (called SAMPLE.UBB) is provided on the installation CD-ROM. You can use this sample file as a base for creating your own UBBCONFIG file.

Listing 7-10 shows the SAMPLE.UBB file. The variables you need to change are shown in boldface type.

Listing 7-10 Sample UBBCONFIG File


#IPCKEY 123456

IPCKEY		123456


APPDIR="application directory"
TUXCONFIG="TUXEDO config file directory"
TUXDIR="TUXEDO directory"






Creating the Configuration File

A configuration file, typically named ii.cfg, controls the operation of the Information Integrator server (IISERVER). Following are the sections of the configuration file and the parameters you can define for each section. A sample configuration file is provided in Listing 7-14.

Note: ii.cfg is a generic filename. You can name this file anything you choose, but the filename must match the name you specify in the UBBCONFIG file. (See Adding the IISERVER to the UBBCONFIG File for instructions on defining the IISERVER server in the UBBCONFIG file.) If you do not specify a path for the location of the configuration file, the system will search the current directory, then the path specified in the APPDIR variable in the UBBCONFIG file.

The Information Integrator configuration file is divided into the following sections:

There are two ways to create the Information Integrator configuration file:

Using the Rules Application

The Rules application supports the creation and editing of Information Integrator configuration files. This accomplished by the use of two windows: Configure Server (Figure 7-1) and Configure Service (Figure 7-2). To create an II Server configuration file you need to complete the following tasks:

Using the Configure Server Window to Create a New Configuration File

  1. From the Tools menu on the Rules main window, select Configure Server. The Configure Server window displays.

    Figure 7-1 Configure Server Window

    Note: The first time that the Configure Server window is used all text areas will be blank. After the initial use of the Configure Server window, it will display with the Server information from the configuration file that was most recently edited. This occurs even if the Rules application has been restarted.

  2. Type the full path and file name of the new configuration file in the Configuration file text box, or click Browse to select the configuration file you want to edit.

  3. Press Enter.

    Note: When you enter a new configuration file name, the default values are filled in for the rest of the parameters. The default parameters for the Connection settings come from the connection information you entered when logging into Rules. However, for security the password is not displayed and must be edited manually.

  4. Edit the remaining parameters as desired, using the Tab key to move between fields. The parameter definitions are as follows:

  5. When you complete the desired changes, click OK. The values you entered are validated and saved to the configuration file, and the Configure Server dialog closes.

    Note: If at anytime you click Cancel before clicking OK, the Configure Server window closes, and none of the information entered is written to the configuration file.

The correspondence between the labels of the text fields in the Configure Server window and the names of the parameters in the configuration file is shown in Table 7-3.

Table 7-3 Configuration File Server Parameter Labels

Label in Configure Server window

Parameter Name in the Configuration File







Database Type


Database Instance


Message Catalog Location






Editing an Existing Configuration File

To edit the Server section of an existing configuration file, follow the procedure for creating a new configuration file, using the Browse button in the configuration file group box to locate the desired configuration file. The parameter values are read from the file and displayed. After editing the desired text areas, click OK to save the data to the configuration file. Clicking Cancel at anytime before the clicking OK closes the Configure Server window without updating the configuration file.

Configuring Services

You use the Configure Service window (Figure 7-2) to create one Service section for each service that is to be configured. Prior to opening a Configure Service window, you must have used the Configure Server window to set the current configuration file (see Using the Configure Server Window to Create a New Configuration File).

To access the Configure Service window, follow these steps.

  1. Right-click on a Message item in the left pane of the Rules window. A popup menu appears.

  2. Choose Configure Service. The Configure Service window displays (see Figure 7-2).

    Figure 7-2 Configure Service Window

    Notes: If you open a Configure Service window before setting up the configuration file in the Configure Server window, all editing, inserting, or deleting of services takes place in the last configuration file accessed, even if the Rules application has been restarted.

    The name of the last configuration file edited is always saved between uses of the Rules application.

    If the configuration file has never been set using the Configure Server window, you will receive an error when trying to open the Configure Service window.

For the IISERVER, configured services must have the Name, the Application, and the Input Format fields filled in. Table 7-4 shows the correspondence between these fields in the Configure Service window and the parameter names in the configuration file:

Table 7-4 Configuration File Service Parameter Labels

Label in Configure Service window

Parameter Name in the Configuration File





Input Format


When the Configure Service window is displayed, the names of all of the Services that are currently configured appear in the Services data window. You can perform any of the following tasks from the Configure Service Window:

Adding a new service

  1. Click the New button.

  2. Edit the Required parameters and fill in any of the optional parameters necessary. The parameters are described below.

    The following parameters are required:

  3. Click Apply. The system validates the values you entered.

Editing an Existing Service

  1. Select the service in the Service list.

  2. Edit the appropriate parameters as described above.

  3. Click Apply. The system validates the values you entered.

Deleting a Service

  1. Select the service in the Service list.

  2. Click Delete.

    Note: Make sure you have selected the correct service prior to clicking Delete. If you selected an incorrect service, click Cancel to clear your selection PRIOR TO clicking Delete.

Saving the information to the configuration file

When you have finished adding, editing, and deleting services, click OK to save the information to the configuration file and close the dialog.

Notes: Choose names for your services that are related to their roles in the application.

When you access the Configure Service window through the popup menu associated with a Message item in the Rules window, the Application name and Input Format name are recorded. Any new service that is configured through this instance of the window will have, by default, the Application name and Input Format name (which is the same as the Message name) of this Message. Therefore, for each service that is to be configured, you should access the Configuration Service window through the popup menu associated with the appropriate Message item in the tree view.

You can also access the Configure Service window from the Tools menu on the Rules window. However, if accessed this way, no specific Application name or Input Format name appear by default.

The Rules application does not allow you to enter comments into the configuration file and will not preserve any comments were manually entered in the file.

Using a Text Editor

You can use any text editor to create the Information Integrator configuration file. A default configuration file (ii.cfg) is provided on the installation CD-ROM. You can use this file as a base and customize it to fit your particular needs.

The sections of the configuration file are and the parameters in each section are described below.

Defining the SERVER Section

The syntax for the SERVER section of the Information Integrator configuration file is as follows:

Listing 7-11 Syntax for SERVER section






#   MS SQL Server=4

#   Oracle 7.x=8

#   Oracle 8.x=9


MSG_CATALOG=catalog file name



Required Parameters

The following parameters must be defined in the SERVER section:


User ID for logging into the database.


Password for logging into the database.


Location of the database. On Oracle systems, this is the SQL*NET connection string. On SQL Server, this is the name of the database server.


Numeric representation of the database type. May be "0" for default database type.


Full path and file name of the TUXEDO catalog file. This file is installed as $TUXDIR/eLink/catalogs/

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional in the SERVER section:


Indicates the instance of the database in MS SQL Server. Required if using an SQL Server database.


Indicates the maximum trace level range to be used by the Information Integrator for logging trace messages. Possible values are 0-9.


Indicates the minimum trace level range to be used by the Information Integrator for logging trace messages. Possible values are 0-9.

Defining a SERVICE Section

The syntax for a SERVICE section of the Information Integrator configuration file is as follows:

Listing 7-12 Syntax for SERVICE section


  NAME=service name

  APPL_NAME=application name

  INPUT_FORMAT=input format

  FML32_VAL_FLD=field name

  FML32_DDR_FLD=field name

  FML32_SELECT_FLD=field name

  <select value>=<input format>

Required Parameters

The following parameters must be defined in the SERVER section:


The service name being advertised. The service name must be 15 characters or less.


The application name associated with the service, as defined in the Rules application (see Defining Rules for more information).


The input format required by the application, as defined in the Rules application (see Defining Rules for more information).

Optional Parameters


Defines the field name that contains the message data. Used only if the input message is an FMLVO buffer.


Identifies the FML field name that contains data dependent routing information for the message data defined in FML32_VAL_FLD. Used only if the input message is an FMLVO buffer.

<SELECT VALUE>=<input format>

Identifies the FML field name that contains the information necessary for determining the message format to be used for processing. Associated with this parameter are one or more entries in the following format:

<SELECT VALUE>=<input format>

If the field defined in FML32_SELECT_FLD exists in the input buffer, the contents of this field are matched to each of the <SELECT VALUE> entries. If a match is found, the message is parsed using the associated <input format>. If no match is found, the message is parsed using the input format defined in the INPUT_FORMAT parameter.

Note: The <select value> must be in upper case characters.

Listing 7-13 shows an example of a SERVICE section of the ii.cfg file. An explanation of the processing defined by the sample follows the listing.

Listing 7-13 Sample SERVICE Section










The parameters defined by this sample are as follows:

Sample Information Integrator Configuration File

This section contains a sample Information Integrator configuration file.

Listing 7-14 Sample configuration file

# MS SQL Server = 4
# Oracle 7.x = 8
# Oracle 8.x = 9





Creating the FML Field Table

You must create a field table if the messages you want to process with Information Integrator are contained in FML buffers. A sample field table (Fieldtable.txt) is included with Information Integrator. You can update this file to fit your particular environment by following these steps.

  1. Open Fieldtable.txt in your preferred text editor.

  2. Specify the appropriate table entries for your environment.

A sample Fieldtable.txt file is shown in Listing 7-15.

Listing 7-15 Sample Fieldtable.txt

*base 1000

STREET			 1	string	-	Street Address
CITY 2 string - City Name
STATE 3 string - State Name
ADDRESS 4 string - Combined address
ELINK_ADAPTER_ERR 20 string - eLink error message
ELINK_ADAPTER_ERR_CODE 21 string - eLink error code

The sample Fieldtable.txt file shown above contains entries for the three input fields (STREET, CITY, and STATE), one entry for the reformatted output field (ADDRESS), and two entries for the eLink adaptor error message/code (ELINK_ADAPTER_ERR and ELINK_ADAPTER_ERR_CODE). These entries return error messages and codes if the application fails.


Understanding the IISERVER

The IISERVER translates messages from one format to another, simplifying message exchange between different systems and applications. The IISERVER breaks down complex messages into simple messages for processing. It can translate formats containing fixed, tagged, or delimited fields, as well as multi-part nested formats.

The IISERVER uses message format definitions within the database to recognize and parse input and output messages. You created these format definitions using either the Formatter GUI (see Using Formatter to Build Definitions) or the MsgDefAdmin tool (see Using MsgDefAdmin). The IISERVER uses this information to interpret values from incoming messages and dynamically construct outgoing messages. The IISERVER is run as an eLink server and is managed using eLink commands (see BEA eLink Platform Reference for more information).

The IISERVER determines its configuration from the Information Integrator configuration file. There is a direct correlation between the data entered in the Information Integrator Rules application (see Defining Rules) and the parameters you define in the SERVICE section of the configuration file. Figure 7-3 illustrates this relationship.

Figure 7-3 Relationship between Configuration File and Rules

In the above illustration, the APPL_NAME configuration parameter corresponds to the Application Group name in Rules, and the INPUT_FORMAT configuration parameter corresponds to the Message Type in Rules.

Understanding Message Processing

The IISERVER supports the following basic message-passing models:

These models are briefly described in the following sections.

Request/Response Translation

In this model, a client application sends a message to the IISERVER for some type of transformation. A series of actions associated with a business service advertised by the IISERVER is executed, and the resulting buffer is returned to the client.

The actions associated with this model include:

The request/response translation process is shown in Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4 Request/response Translation Process

The following actions take place in the process illustrated above:

  1. The eLink client sends a message to the IISERVER.

  2. The IISERVER obtains the necessary configuration information from the Information Integrator configuration file (see Creating the Configuration File).

  3. The IISERVER obtains the necessary formatting and routing information from the database. This information is stored in the database when you create a Rule containing the Expression shown in Figure 7-5.

  4. When translation is complete, the reformatted message is sent back to the eLink client.

    Figure 7-5 Request/Response Translation Expression

    Notes: For more information on Rules and Expressions, refer to Building Rules.

    This type of message routing is illustrated in the example described in Using Information Integrator and in the "Example" sections in each chapter.

Data Enrichment

This processing model is similar to Request/Response Transformation, with the exception that the message can be processed by an external service (such as an eLink Third Party Adapter) to provide data enrichments that are not possible with the IISERVER. This external enrichment of the message is transparent to the requesting application.

The actions associated with this model include:

The data enrichment process is shown in Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6 Data Enrichment Process

The following actions take place in the process illustrated above.

  1. The eLink client sends a message to the IISERVER.

  2. The IISERVER obtains the necessary configuration information from the Information Integrator configuration file (see Creating the Configuration File).

  3. The message is sent to the external service for processing.

  4. The external services sends the message back to the IISERVER.

  5. The IISERVER obtains the necessary formatting and routing information from the database. This information is stored in the database when you create a Rule containing the Expression illustrated in Figure 7-7 and the Subscription illustrated in Figure 7-8.

  6. When translation is complete, the reformatted message is sent back to the eLink client.

    Figure 7-7 Data Enrichment Expression

    Note: The Expression is TRUE because, in this example, we always want the Subscription to execute.

    Figure 7-8 Data Enrichment Subscription

    Notes: The Input Format is the same as the Message Type. The original message buffer is 1. The buffer that is formatted in the Output Format II_address_msg1_O is buffer 2 (the output message number that is automatically generated). The output type is STRING.

    The message that is the result of the original Reformat action will be the input buffer for the Call action to the eLink service II_TOUPPER (Call's Input Message = 2 = Output Message from Reformat). The return from the service call is stored in an FMLVO buffer named ADDRESS.

    The buffer returned form the Call action to the service II_TOUPPER will be returned to the client (Return Message = 3 = Output Message from the Call).

    For more information on Rules, Expressions, and Subscriptions, refer to Building Rules.

Content-Based Routing

This processing model evaluates elements of the input message and determines how the message should be distributed.

Typical actions associated with this model include:

The content-based routing process is shown in Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-9 Content-based Routing Process

The following actions take place in the process illustrated above.

  1. The eLink client sends a message to the IISERVER.

  2. The IISERVER obtains the necessary configuration information from the Information Integrator configuration file (see Creating the Configuration File).

  3. The IISERVER obtains the necessary formatting and routing information from the database. This information is stored in the database when you create a Rule containing the Expression illustrated in Figure 7-10.

  4. The IISERVER evaluates the elements of the message to determine the proper distribution.

  5. The IISERVER then distributes the message to the appropriate queues.

    Figure 7-10 Content-Based Routing Expression

    Note: The field "STATE" in the input buffer is compared to the string "CA." If STATE = CA, the Subscription associated with the Rule will be executed.

    For more information on Rules, Expressions, and Subscriptions, refer to Building Rules.

Message Explosion

This model accepts a single input message, breaks it into component parts, and distributes selected components as individual messages.

Typical actions associated with this model include:

The message explosion process is shown in Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-11 Message Explosion Process

The following actions take place in the process illustrated above.

  1. The eLink client sends a message to the IISERVER.

  2. The IISERVER obtains the necessary configuration information from the Information Integrator configuration file (see Creating the Configuration File).

  3. The IISERVER obtains the necessary formatting and routing information from the database. This information is stored in the database when you create a Rule containing the Expression illustrated in Figure 7-12 and the Subscription illustrated in Figure 7-13.

  4. When translation is complete, the reformatted message is sent back to the IISERVER.

  5. The IISERVER breaks the message into component parts.

  6. The IISERVER then distributes the exploded messages to a queue.

    Figure 7-12 Message Explosion Expression

    Note: The Expression is TRUE because, in this example, we always want the Subscription to execute.

    Figure 7-13 Message Explosion Subscription

    Note: Refer to Message Explosion Example for a complete explanation of the Rules and Subscriptions used in this model.


Example - Step 2

This section outlines the procedure required to complete Step 2 in Using Information Integrator. In Step 2, you define your database.

  1. Using your favorite text editor, open the file \sample\payroll\sqlsvses.cfg. This file is located in the \sample\payroll directory where you installed Information Integrator.

  2. Scroll down to the following section in the file:

    # Example SessionNames (uncomment the SessionNames needed):
    # MS SQL Server database:
    # new_format_demo:Server:Userid:Password:Instance
    # rules:Server:Userid:Password:Instance
    # import:Server:Userid:Password:Instance
    # (change Server, Userid, Password, and Instance above)
    # Oracle database (final colon required on each line):
    # new_format_demo:Service:Userid:Password:
    # rules:Service:Userid:Password:
    # import:Service:Userid:Password:
    # (change Service, Userid, Password above)

  3. Find the section that corresponds to your database type (SQL Server or Oracle) and delete the "#" at the beginning of one of the lines.

  4. Replace the word "Server or Service" with the name of your database server.

  5. Replace the word "Userid" and "Password" with your user ID and password for the server.

  6. If you are using SQL Server, replace the word "Instance" with your database instance.

  7. Save the file.


Example - Step 7

This section outlines the procedure required to complete Step 7 in Using Information Integrator. In Step 7, you configure the IISERVER to advertise the services required to perform the data transformation. This involves editing several configuration files provided on the Information Integrator installation CD-ROM.

First, we will edit the ii.cfg file to set the correct user ID and password for the database, and to add the payroll sample as a service to be recognized by the IISERVER.

  1. Copy the file ii.cfg from the directory where you installed Information Integrator to the \sample\payroll directory. This provides a copy you can edit while preserving the original configuration file.

  2. Using your favorite text editor, open the file \sample\payroll\ii.cfg.

  3. Edit the following lines with the appropriate information for your environment:


    Note: The line DB_INSTANCE is only applicable for SQL Server installations. If you are running on Oracle, this line will be commented out.

  4. Add a *SERVICE section for the payroll application as follows:


    Note: The APPL_NAME is the name of the application group and the INPUT_FORMAT is the name if the input message. These two items were created in Rules (see the Example section in Defining Rules for more information).

  5. Save the file.

Next, we will edit the setenv.bat file to set the correct locations for the eLink Platform and Information Integrator installations, and the payroll sample files.

  1. Copy the file setenv.bat from the directory where you installed Information Integrator to the \sample\payroll directory. This provides a copy you can edit while preserving the original file.

  2. Using your favorite text editor, open the file \sample\payroll\setenv.bat.

  3. Edit the following lines with the appropriate information for your environment:

    set TUXDIR=c:\tuxedo
    set APPDIR=c:\beaii\sample\payroll
    set TUXCONFIG=%APPDIR%\tuxconfig



    is the directory where eLink Platform is installed.


    is the \sample\payroll subdirectory under the installation directory for Information Integrator.


    is the location and name of the binary version of the eLink Platform configuration file.

  4. Save the file.

Next, we will edit the sample.ubb file to set the correct locations for the payroll sample files, the eLink Platform installation, and the binary version of the eLink Platform configuration file, as well as to set the correct machine name.

  1. Copy the file sample.ubb from the directory where you installed Information Integrator to the \sample\payroll directory. This provides a copy you can edit while preserving the original file.

  2. Using your favorite text editor, open the file \sample\payroll\sample.ubb.

  3. Edit the following lines with the appropriate information for your environment:

    Machine Name LMID=II



    is the \sample\payroll subdirectory under the installation directory for Information Integrator.


    is the name of the binary version of the eLink Platform configuration file, located in the \sample\payroll subdirectory under the installation directory for Information Integrator


    is the directory where eLink Platform is installed.


    is the name of the machine where Information Integrator is installed. If you are not sure of the machine name, check with your System Administrator.

    Note: The values you enter in this file for the TUXDIR, APPDIR, and TUXCONFIG parameters must match the values you entered in the setenv.bat file.

  4. Save the file.


Example - Step 8

This section outlines the procedure required to complete Step 8 in Using Information Integrator. In Step 8, the final step in the sample, you execute the files to perform the data transformation.

First, we will run the environment file to set the values we entered.

Next, we create the binary version of the eLink Platofrm configuration file (see Example - Step 7).

Next, we will start the eLink Platform software.

Now, we will use the SendBuf utility to test our formats and configurations.