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eLink Information Integrator User Guide


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Understanding the BEA eLink Solution

BEA eLink Solution Overview

BEA eLink Information Integrator Overview






Analyzing Your Data

Using Information Integrator

Defining Message Formats

Defining Field Mapping

Defining Rules

Editing the IISERVER Configuration File


Using Information Integrator

Sample Application Scenario

Sample Application Steps

Step 1. Define the Input Data

Step 2. Define the Database

Step 3. Create the Message Format Descriptions

Step 4. Create Output Operations

Step 5. Test the Message Structure

Step 6. Define the Actions

Step 7. Configure the IISERVER

Step 8. Execute the data transformation


Using MsgDefAdmin

Creating an MFL Document

Message Format Elements

Running MsgDefAdmin



Building Format Definitions

Understanding Information Integrator Formats

Using the Formatter Interface

Starting Formatter

Using the Formatter Window

Opening a New Window

Renaming Components

Duplicating Components

Deleting Components

Using the Used In Tab

Using Open Item

Using Drag and Drop

Using Formatter to Build Definitions

Defining Literals

Defining Fields

Defining Output Operations

Creating Output Operation Collections

Defining Input Controls

Defining Output Controls

Building Formats

Alternative Input and Output Formats

Alternative Input Formats

Alternative Output Formats

Importing and Exporting Format Components

Exporting Components

Importing Components

Field Mapping and Transformation



Using the Tester

Starting the Tester

Parsing and Reformatting Messages Using the Tester



Defining Rules

Understanding Information Integrator Rules

Using the Rules Interface

Starting Rules

Using the Rules Window

Opening a New Window

Renaming Components

Duplicating Components

Deleting Components

Using Drag and Drop

Building Rules

Application Groups

Message Types


Disabling and Enabling a Rule


Creating or Modifying an Expression


Associating Subscriptions with Rules


Adding a Reformat Action

Adding an Enqueue Action

Adding a Post Action

Adding a Call Action

Adding a Call Async Action

Adding an Explode Action

Adding a Cast Action

Adding a Return Action

Deleting an Action

Combining Actions to Create Subscriptions



Configuring Information Integrator and the IISERVER

Configuring the Design Environment

Creating the Database Schema

Creating the Database Session Configuration File

Required Parameters

Optional Parameters

Sample Database Session Configuration File

Creating User Accounts

Creating Users on Oracle Systems

Creating Users on SQL Server Systems

Configuring the Execution Environment

Setting the Environment Variables

Adding the IISERVER to the UBBCONFIG File

Creating the Configuration File

Using the Rules Application

Using a Text Editor

Sample Information Integrator Configuration File

Creating the FML Field Table

Understanding the IISERVER

Understanding Message Processing

Request/Response Translation

Data Enrichment

Content-Based Routing

Message Explosion

Example - Step 2

Example - Step 7

Example - Step 8


Additional Information Integrator Tools

Defining the IIRESET Service

Converting Data Integration Option Formats to MFL

Using the sendBuf Utility

Using the ud32 Utility

Using the NNFie Utility

NNFie Import Syntax

NNFie Export Syntax



Configuration File

Using the NNRIE Utility

NNRie Import Syntax

NNRie Export Syntax

Command Line Functions


Message Explosion Example

Input Buffer Contents

MFL File Definitions

Rule Definitions


BEA eLink Platform Reference

BEA eLink Platform Architecture

ATMI Runtime Services


FML Buffers

Mapping Field Names to Field Identifiers

FML32 Primitives

eLink Commands

Commonly Used Tuxedo Commands

Commonly Used tmadmin Commands


Data Types




eLink Information Integrator COBOL Copybook Importer

BEA eLink II CCBI Overview

Using eLink II CCBI

Importing the Converted File

Supported COBOL Data Types