AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Displaying Errors Using Adaptive Tags

The error* tags in the Ensemble Common library allow you to insert and format error messages within the page that contains the tag(s).

The pt:common.error tag displays errors on the page, placed and formatted as desired. If the pt:common.errortext tag is included inside this tag, the contents of the tag will only be processed if there is an error. If the child tag is not present, any error messages will be formatted and displayed from this tag in the standard style.

If the pt:common.errortext tag is included, only the first error message will be displayed. Other errors, as well as exception stack traces and extended error messages, will be ignored.

The pt:common.errorcodes tag stores a collection of the current error codes in memory. If the error has already been displayed, no error codes will be available. These error codes can be accessed using the pt:logic.foreach tag as shown below.
Note: If these tags are displayed on a page, errors will no longer be displayed in the normal error location and will not be available after the tag has been displayed.
<pt:common.errorcode pt:key="errorcodes"/>
<pt:logic.foreach pt:data="errorcodes" pt:var="code">

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