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BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe (JAM) supports the basic Application Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) style of sign-on security. You can configure a gateway to use one of three types of sign-on security for each link that is defined. The security options are defined in the JC_LINKS section of the jcrmgw.cfg file. Refer to the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Configuration and Administration Guide for more information. The selected level of security determines which combination of user ID and password is used for transactions across the link.


Supported Security Options

JAM supports the following security options:

Note: For more information about the startup class, refer to the "Configuring the Gateway" section of the BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe Configuration and Administration Guide.

In addition, an alternate mirror transaction is supported on each Distributed Program Link (DPL). The mirror transaction can be used to associate different Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) profiles with different services.

Refer to IBM RACF documentation for more specific information about establishing and administrating mainframe security.


Controlling User IDs and Passwords through Business Logic or Client Classes

User IDs and passwords used for mainframe requests can be controlled from business logic within client EJBs or from normal client classes. In order for this security credential control to work, you must have your gateway security level set to VERIFY.

Note: Following are the limitations of JAM security credential control:

Controlling Security Credentials from Client EJB Code

Business logic within client EJB code can be used to control the security credentials used for mainframe requests. Client EJB implementations generated by eGen COBOL provide two routines, setUserid() and setPassword(), to adjust the user ID and password parameters.

The following listings are based upon the samples provided with JAM. They demonstrate the use of the setUserid() and setPassword() routines.

Listing 4-1 shows an eGen COBOL script used to generate a client EJB.

Listing 4-1 eGen COBOL Script to Generate a Client EJB

# empclient.egen
# JAM script for a client EJB application.
# $Id: empclient.egen,v 1.1 2000/01/21 22:02:40 Exp $

# Dataviews (typed data records)

view sample.EmployeeRecord from emprec.cpy

# Services

service sampleCreate
accepts EmployeeRecord returns EmployeeRecord

service sampleRead
accepts EmployeeRecord returns EmployeeRecord

service sampleUpdate
accepts EmployeeRecord returns EmployeeRecord

service sampleDelete
accepts EmployeeRecord returns EmployeeRecord

# Clients and servers

client ejb sample.SampleClient my.sampleBean
method newEmployee
is service sampleCreate

method readEmployee
is service sampleRead

method updateEmployee
is service sampleUpdate

method deleteEmployee
is service sampleDelete

When this script is passed to eGen COBOL, several files are generated, one of which is, the EJB implementation. Listing 4-2 shows an example of this file.

Listing 4-2 Example of File

// EJB generated by EgenCobol on Dec 6, 2000.

package sample;

// Imports
import com.bea.jam.egen.EgenClientBean;
import com.bea.sna.jcrmgw.snaException;

* EJB implementation.
public class SampleClientBean extends EgenClientBean
// deleteEmployee
public sample.EmployeeRecord deleteEmployee(sample.EmployeeRecord commarea)
throws IOException, snaException
// Make the remote call.
byte[] inputBuffer = commarea.toByteArray(new MainframeWriter());
byte[] rawResult = callService("sampleDelete", inputBuffer);
sample.EmployeeRecord result =
new sample.EmployeeRecord(new MainframeReader(rawResult));
return result;

// updateEmployee
public sample.EmployeeRecord updateEmployee(sample.EmployeeRecord commarea)
throws IOException, snaException
// Make the remote call.
byte[] inputBuffer = commarea.toByteArray(new MainframeWriter());
byte[] rawResult = callService("sampleUpdate", inputBuffer);
sample.EmployeeRecord result =
new sample.EmployeeRecord(new MainframeReader(rawResult));
return result;

// readEmployee
public sample.EmployeeRecord readEmployee(sample.EmployeeRecord commarea)
throws IOException, snaException
// Make the remote call.
byte[] inputBuffer = commarea.toByteArray(new MainframeWriter());
byte[] rawResult = callService("sampleRead", inputBuffer);
sample.EmployeeRecord result =
new sample.EmployeeRecord(new MainframeReader(rawResult));
return result;

// newEmployee
public sample.EmployeeRecord newEmployee(sample.EmployeeRecord commarea)
throws IOException, snaException
// Make the remote call.
byte[] inputBuffer = commarea.toByteArray(new MainframeWriter());
byte[] rawResult = callService("sampleCreate", inputBuffer);
sample.EmployeeRecord result =
new sample.EmployeeRecord(new MainframeReader(rawResult));
return result;

// END

Note that the four service routines all invoke the callService method to perform their work. Listing 4-3 illustrates a class that extends the generated EJB implementation to provide security credentials to the gateway during these operations.

Listing 4-3 Example of Class with Security Credentials


package sample;

// Imports
import com.bea.sna.jcrmgw.snaException;

* EJB implementation.
public class ExtClientBean extends SampleClientBean
protected byte[] callService(String svc, byte[] input)
throws snaException, IOException

return super.callService(svc, input);

// END

In order to deploy the extended EJB, the XML deployment descriptor must be edited to modify the ejb-class field. Listing 4-4 illustrates this file with the class name that must be changed marked in bold.

Listing 4-4 Extended EJB with Modified XML Deployment Descriptor

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN' ''>

Controlling Security Credentials from Client Class Code

Client classes generated by eGen COBOL may be extended to specify security credentials used for requests. The parent class for generated client code provides setUserid() and setPassword() routines with the same signatures as those in the EJB model. These may be extended in the same manner. Refer to Controlling Security Credentials from Client EJB Code for examples of the EJB model code.


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