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Extracting Java Docs


The BEA WebLogic Java Adapter for Mainframe (JAM) product comes with HTML pages that document the JAM Java classes. These also are referred to as "javadoc" files. They are located in the jamdoc.jar file, found in the JAM installation directory.

To view the contents of the javadoc HTML files from the .jar file without extracting it, issue the following command:

jar -tvf jamdoc.jar


To extract the javadoc HTML files from the .jar file, issue the following command:

jar -xvf jamdoc.jar



is the Java archive command.


is the display Table of Contents parameter.


is the extract file(s) parameter.


is the verbose parameter to list the files.


is the option that designates the next parameter as the jar file name.


is the name of the JAM javadoc file.

This command extracts all of the files contained in the jar file into the current directory. The HTML documentation files are placed in a newly created subdirectory named classdocs in the current directory.

To view an HTML documentation file, open your web browser and specify the file name of the javadoc you want to view, taken from the classdocs directory. Any of the following files are good for getting started:


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