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JAM Reference Guide


About This Document

What You Need to Know

e-docs Web Site

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Related Information

Documentation Conventions


JAM Programming Reference

Field Name Mapping Rules

Field Type Mappings

Group Field Accessors

Elementary Field Accessors

Array Field Accessors

Fields with REDEFINES Clauses

COBOL Data Types

Other Access Methods for Generated DataView Classes

Mainframe Access to DataView Classes

XML Access to DataView Classes

Hashtable Access to DataView Classes

Code for Unloading and Loading Hashtables

Rules for Unloading and Loading Hashtables

Name Translator Interface Facility

Known Limitations


eGen COBOL Code Generator Reference



Script Syntax Reserved Words

General Rules


Results of Running the eGen COBOL Code Generator


Understanding How JAM Uses XML

What is XML?

Document Type Definition

XML Schema

How JAM Uses XML



Supported Security Options

Controlling User IDs and Passwords through Business Logic or Client Classes

Controlling Security Credentials from Client EJB Code

Controlling Security Credentials from Client Class Code


Extracting Java Docs


CRM Error Messages


JAM Error Messages


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