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Deploying Applications


Deployment is the process of installing servlets and/or EJBs on WebLogic Server. Application deployment in WebLogic Server has evolved to the J2EE standard for web application deployment.

The following information is not intended to specifically describe how applications are deployed in WebLogic Server. For specific information, refer to Quick Start information and detailed documentation for deploying applications in the WebLogic Server online documentation at:

This section discusses the following topics:


Deploying a WebLogic JAM eGen EJB

A WebLogic JAM eGen EJB (client or server) is deployed like any other WebLogic EJB. Considerations that are specific to WebLogic JAM are:

Renaming Deployment Descriptors

The EJB deployment descriptors generated by the eGen utility are named based on the generated EJB, rather than the using the standard J2EE and WebLogic file names. This is to avoid file naming conflicts if multiple beans are generated in the same directory. As a result, these descriptors must be renamed before the EJB is packaged and deployed. Following are the naming conventions used, where BeanName is the name of the generated EJB:

Generated Descriptor Name

Deployed Descriptor Name






For example, consider the following portion of an eGen script:

client ejb TestClient TestClientHome
method newEmployee
is service emplCreate

In this script, the descriptions generated would be named TestClient-jar.xml and wl-TestClient.xml respectively.

Adding Business Logic to a Generated EJB

The EJBs generated by the eGen utility contain the infrastructure for calling mainframe services and returning the results of those services. If you want to present a different API that performs some business logic before deferring to the generated service methods, you will need to create a new bean class that sub-classes the generated code.

If you want to maintain the same remote interface generated by the eGen utility but add business logic before/after the mainframe call, simply derive a new class from the generated bean class while retaining the generated home and remote interfaces. For example, if our generated contains a method named newEmployee(), you could insert business logic as follows:

public class MyLogicBean extends TestClientBean
public dataView newEmployee(dataView in)
// perform before business logic here
dataView out = super.newEmployee(in);
// perform after business logic here

However, if you want to present a different remote interface in addition to adding business logic, you also need to create new remote and home interfaces to support your new bean.

In either case, be sure to update the generated deployment descriptors to reflect your new bean classes.

For example, suppose you used the eGen utility to generate an EJB named TestClientBean, and that bean had been extended as in the above example by a bean class named MyLogicBean. The eGen utility would have generated a deployment descriptor with the name TestClient-jar.xml. The generated deployment descriptor would need to be renamed ejb-jar.xml before deployment. The ejb-class element's value should also be changed from TestClientBean to MyLogicBean to reflect the new bean class name as in the example below.


Merging Multiple Deployment Descriptors

Multiple WebLogic JAM EJB's can be generated as part of a single application. This can be done in a single eGen script, or by running the eGen utility multiple times with different scripts. If these beans are to be deployed in a single .jar file, the generated deployment descriptors for each must be merged into a single ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-jar.xml.

Sample EJB Deployment

Following are instructions for the deployment of a sample eGen-created EJB.

  1. Build your EJB deployment .jar file. Listing4-1 will build the client EJB deployment .jar file from the components generated by the tradeserver.egen eGen script and TradeRecord.cpy.

    Listing 4-1 Script for Building JAM_TradeServer.jar

    @rem --- Adjust these variables to match your environment -----------------
    set TARGETJAR=JAM_TradeServer.jar
    set JAVA_HOME=c:\bea\jdk131
    set WL_HOME=c:\bea\wlserver6.1sp1
    set JAM_HOME=c:\bea\wljam5.0
    @rem ------ end of Adjustable variables ------------------------------------
    set JAMJARS=%JAM_HOME%\lib\jam.jar
    set CLASSPATH=%JAM_HOME%\lib\jam.jar;%JAM_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;
    set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\lib;%PATH%
    @rem  Create the build directory, and copy the deployment
    @rem descriptors into it.
    @rem You should have already run your egen script so your xml files
    @rem are already built.
    md build build\META-INF
    copy TradeServer-jar.xml ejb-jar.xml
    copy wl-TradeServer-jar.xml weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
    copy *.xml build\META-INF
    @rem  Compile ejb classes into the build directory (jar preparation)
    javac -d build -classpath %CLASSPATH% *.java
    @rem  Make a standard ejb jar file, including XML deployment
    @rem descriptors
    cd build
    jar cvf std_%TARGETJAR% META-INF sample
    cd ..
    @rem  Run ejbc to create the deployable jar file
    java -classpath %CLASSPATH% -Dweblogic.home=%WL_HOME% weblogic.ejbc -compiler javac build\std_%TARGETJAR% %TARGETJAR%

  2. Deploy the EJB in BEA WebLogic Server by configuring it as a new EJB in the WebLogic Administration Console. Configure this new EJB as follows:

    1. Click the EJB icon under Deployments.

      The EJB Deployments screen appears (see Figure4-1).

      Figure 4-1 Configuring a New EJB


    2. Click the Configure a new EJB link.

      The EJB Deployments Create screen appears (see Figure4-2).

      Figure 4-2 New EJB Configuration Screen


    3. Enter the name of your EJB in the Name field, the EJB Deployment .jar file in the URI field, and the path to the EJB Deployment .jar file in the Path field. Make sure that the Deployed checkbox is checked. Then, click Create.

      Your JAM eGen EJB is now deployed.


Deploying a WebLogic JAM eGen Servlet (Quick-Start Deployment)

The basic JAM eGen servlet is deployed like any other WebLogic servlet. The configuration for the eGen servlet is stored in the web.xml file in an applications directory associated with a domain. The basic default configuration can be found in the following directory:


For example, suppose a servlet is generated by executing the eGen utility on a script containing the following servlet definition:

servlet sample.SampleServlet shows initial

This produces a servlet class file named SampleServlet in a package called sample.

For the SampleServlet, add the classes and sample directories, so the directory structure looks like the following:


The SampleServlet and the associated DataView class, which are the result of compiling the *.java files generated by the eGen utility, should be placed in the sample directory.

SampleServlet can be configured with an XML entry (added to web.xml) similar to the one shown in Listing4-2:

Listing 4-2 XML Entry to Configure the SampleServlet Servlet


SampleServlet can then by invoked by entering the following URL in the location field of your web browser:


If WebLogic Server is running on your local machine and you used the default port (7001) when you installed WebLogic Server, SampleServlet can be invoked by the following URL:



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