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Administration Guide

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Deploying Liquid Data Applications

This chapter describes how to deploy BEA Liquid Data for WebLogic applications to an Administration Server, Managed Server, or to a cluster. The chapter also describes how to deploy Liquid Data applications from development to production mode.

The chapter contains the following sections:



During development, you can deploy applications to a WebLogic Server directly from Workshop (or from other IDEs such as Eclipse with a WebLogic plug-in). Following development, however, applications are more typically deployed to production WebLogic Servers using the Administration Console.

In most production scenarios, there are multiple WebLogic instances in a given domain. Using the Administration Console, you can deploy applications to an Administration Server, a Managed WebLogic Server, or to a cluster.

Note: You can deploy a Liquid Data application to only a single target, which can be either a server or a cluster.

The Administration Console further enables you to upgrade applications or shut down application modules on a WebLogic Server without interrupting other running applications. For general information about deploying applications, see Deploying WebLogic Platform Applications at:


Liquid Data Components to Deploy

The WebLogic deployment wizard automatically transfers the required items to the target server. These include the Liquid Data project artifacts, including configuration files and binary files, as well as WebLogic components such as data source connections and pools.

You need to make sure, however, that any data sources configured in the development environment are available from the production environment.

Table 3-1 lists the contents of a compiled Liquid Data project.

Table 3-1 Contents of Liquid Data Application EAR file




Compiled components and executables for the Liquid Data runtime engine.

Project JAR files

Individual JAR files for each Liquid Data project in the EAR file.


Deploying Liquid Data Applications to an Administration Server

An Administration Server is the central configuration repository for the set of WebLogic Servers in a domain. Once the Liquid Data application is deployed to the Administration Server, you can deploy it to all of the managed servers in the domain.

To deploy an application to WebLogic using the Administration Console:

  1. Start the Administration Console for the Administration Server of the WebLogic domain.
  2. For more information, see Using the WebLogic Server Console.

  3. Right-click the Application node under Deployments in the Navigation pane, and choose Deploy a new Application from the menu.
  4. Figure 3-1 illustrates the Application node context-sensitive menu.

    Figure 3-1 Deploy application menu selection

    Deploy application menu selection

  5. Using the Location links, navigate to the directory where the EAR file, JAR, or EJB is located.
  6. Click the radio button for the application you want to deploy, and click Continue.
  7. Figure 3-2 Deploy an Application page

    Deploy an Application page

  8. After reviewing the deployment information, click Deploy.
  9. The deployment status of the application appears. Also, the application appears in the list of Applications in the Navigation pane. From there you can manage the application and deploy it to other servers in the domain.


Deploying Liquid Data Applications to a Managed Server

You can deploy applications to Managed Servers in the WebLogic domain using the Administration Console.

To deployed applications to a Managed Server:

  1. Start the Administration Console for the Administration Server of the WebLogic domain.
  2. For more information, see Using the WebLogic Server Console.

  3. Select the node for the Liquid Data application in the Navigation pane.
  4. Click the Deploy tab in the Contents pane.
  5. The Administration Console displays the Liquid Data Deploy tab.

  6. Click Redeploy Application.
  7. The console shows the status of the redeploy action, and displays Success for each module when the redeploy operation has completed.


Deploying Liquid Data Applications to a Cluster

A cluster is multiple WebLogic Server instances running simultaneously and working together to provide increased scalability and reliability. A cluster appears to clients to be a single WebLogic Server instance.

To deploy a Liquid Data application to a cluster:

  1. Start the Administration Console for the Administration Server of the WebLogic domain.
  2. For more information, see Using the WebLogic Server Console.

  3. Right-click the Application node under Deployments in the Navigation pane, and choose Deploy a new Application from the menu.
  4. Using the Location links, navigate to the directory where the EAR file, JAR, or EJB is located.
  5. Figure 3-4 illustrates the screen for selecting an application to deploy to a cluster.

    Figure 3-3 Selecting an Application to Deploy to a Cluster

    Selecting an Application to Deploy to a Cluster

  6. Click the radio button for the application you want to deploy, and click Target Application.
  7. The console displays the available clusters, as illustrated in Figure 3-5.

    Figure 3-4 Selecting a Target for the Application

    Selecting a Target for the Application

  8. Click the radio button corresponding to the cluster or part of cluster to which you want to deploy the Liquid Data application, and click Continue.
  9. After reviewing the deployment information, click Deploy.


Deploying Liquid Data Applications from Development to Production Mode

Liquid Data applications are typically developed and tested in development mode, which offers a relaxed security configuration and enables auto-deployment of applications. Once the application is available in its final form, you can deploy the application to production mode which offers full security and may use clusters or other advanced features.

This section describes the following methods for migrating Liquid Data applications from development to production mode:

Migrating Liquid Data Applications Using Configuration Templates

You can migrate Liquid Data applications from development to production mode by creating a configuration template using the WebLogic Configuration Template Builder, and then choosing the template when creating a new domain using the WebLogic Configuration Wizard.

This section highlights steps specific to migrating Liquid Data applications. For complete information about using the Configuration Template Builder and Configuration Wizard, see the following:

To migrate Liquid Data applications using configuration templates:

  1. Start the Configuration Template Builder by choosing Start —>Programs —>BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 —>Other Development Tools —>Configuration Template Builder.
  2. Complete the following:

    1. Choose to Create a Configuration Template, and click Next.
    2. Select the WebLogic configuration directory for the domain in development mode, and click Next.
    3. Enter descriptive information about the template you are creating, and click Next.
    4. Choose the Liquid Data applications to add to the template, including the ldconsole application, and click Next.
    5. Add the liquiddata folder to the <Domain Root Directory> of the Current Template View, and click Next.
    6. Add SQL scripts, as required, and click Next.
    7. Configure the Administration Server, and click Next.
    8. Configure the managed servers and clusters, as required, and click Next.
    9. Edit the JDBC connection pools, updating the database configuration, and click Next.
    10. Maintain the JDBC connection pool names unchanged.

    11. Continue through the rest of the wizard, configuring options as required.
    12. Click Create to create the template, and click Done to exit the Configuration Template Builder.
    13. By default, the Configuration Template Builder stores the new template in the <BEA_HOME>/user_templates directory on the development server.

  3. Start the Configuration Wizard by choosing Start —>Programs —>BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 —>Configuration Wizard.
  4. Complete the following:

    1. Choose Create a new WebLogic configuration, and click Next.
    2. Click Browse and choose the directory in which the template resides. Choose the template in the Templates pane, and click Next.
    3. Continue through the rest of the wizard, configuring options as required.
    4. Click Create to create the domain, and click Done to exit the Configuration Wizard.

Manually Migrating Applications from Development to Production Mode

You can manually deploy Liquid Data applications from development to production mode, if required.

To manually deploy an application from development to production mode:

  1. Create a Liquid Data domain in production mode with the same JDBC connection pool and data source information as the development domain.
  2. Copy the liquiddata folder which contains <app_name>LDconfig.xml file from the development domain to the production domain.
  3. Copy the EAR file of the Liquid Data application from the development domain to the production domain.
  4. The EAR file resides in the applications folder of the domain.

  5. Edit the config.xml file of the production domain, and add application elements which belong to the Liquid Data application and Liquid Data Console (ldconsole).
  6. You can cut and paste this information from the config.xml file in the development domain.

  7. Migrate the WebLogic security data from the development domain to the production domain.
  8. Export the security policies for the WebLogic Authorization provider, and import the policies into the new security realm. For more information about migrating WebLogic Security data, see the WebLogic documentation at:

  9. Migrate the Liquid Data security policies from the development domain to the production domain.
  10. Export the Liquid Data security policies in the development domain and import them into the production domain. For more information about exporting Liquid Data security policies, see Exporting Access Control Resources.

  11. Migrate the file from development to the production domain.
  12. Each domain that runs Liquid Data Control applications has a single file, which stores the connection information for all Liquid Data Control applications running in the domain. The file is located at the root directory of your domain where the Liquid Data Control application EAR file is deployed. For more information about migrating the file, see the BEA WebLogic Workshop Online Help at:

  13. Update the WebLogic Workshop configuration settings by adding -Djavax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory="weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.
    to the WL_HOME\workshop\workshop.cfg file.
  14. Start the WebLogic Server and verify that the Liquid Data application is working properly.


Checking the Liquid Data Version

You can determine which version of Liquid Data you are through the WebLogic Administration Console.

To determine the Liquid Data version number:

  1. Start the Administration Console for the Administration Server of the WebLogic domain.
  2. For more information, see Using the WebLogic Server Console.

  3. Click Console in the Navigation pane.
  4. Click the Versions tab in the Contents pane.
  5. A page displaying the version information appears.


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