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Using the Configuration Wizard

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Creating a New WebLogic Domain Using Silent Mode

The following sections describe how to create a WebLogic domain using the Configuration Wizard in silent mode:


About Silent-Mode Configuration

Silent-mode configuration is a way of specifying domain configuration settings only once and then using those settings to create the domain on many machines. During configuration in silent mode, the Configuration Wizard reads the settings for your configuration from an XML file that you create prior to starting the domain creation process. The Configuration Wizard does not display any configuration options requiring user input while it is creating the domain. After the domain is created, a confirmation message is displayed on the console. Silent-mode configuration works on both Windows and UNIX systems.

The instructions in this section are based on the assumption that you have already installed BEA WebLogic Platform. For more information, see Installing BEA WebLogic Platform at

Note: You can also create a domain in silent mode when you perform a silent-mode installation. When you do so, you define installation settings, as well as configuration settings. For more information, see "Installing WebLogic Platform Using Silent-Mode Installation" at


Using Silent-Mode Configuration: Main Steps

The silent-mode configuration process comprises two tasks:

  1. Create a template file in which you specify the configuration settings that a user normally enters during an interactive configuration process, such as graphical or console-mode configuration.

    For a detailed procedure, see Creating a Silent-Mode Configuration Template File. For a sample template file, see Sample Template Files for Silent-Mode Configuration.

  2. Launch the silent-mode configuration process using the template file you created in step 1. After the domain is created, a confirmation message is displayed on the console.

    For a detailed procedure, see Starting the Silent-Mode Configuration Process.

Important Notes About Silent-Mode Configuration

You need to be aware of the following items when you are creating a domain in silent mode:


Creating a Silent-Mode Configuration Template File

When you create a domain in silent mode, the Configuration Wizard does not prompt you to provide information in real time. Instead, it queries an XML file, called silent_cw.xml, to determine which values to use for required configuration settings. Therefore, before you can run the Configuration Wizard in silent mode, you must first create a silent_cw.xml file in which you specify the configuration settings that you want to have invoked.

To create a template file for use in the silent-mode configuration process, follow these steps:

  1. In a supported browser, display a sample template file for silent-mode configuration. Choose one of the following four samples:

  2. Copy the contents of the template file and save it as a text file named silent_cw.xml in the directory containing the WebLogic Platform Configuration Wizard.

  3. In the silent_cw.xml file, create your desired configuration by assigning values for the data-value names shown in the following table.

    Table 3-1 Silent-Mode Configuration Template Values  

    For this data-value name .  .  .

    Enter the following value . . .


    The full pathname for the BEA Home directory containing the installation for which you are creating a domain.


    The full pathname for the directory where you installed the WebLogic Platform software.


    true or yes to run the Configuration Wizard and create a domain after installation, false or no to skip it. If you choose to run the Configuration Wizard, you must specify values for the appropriate data-values as listed in the following rows in this table.

    The full path to the domain directory. The name of the domain directory should match the name of the domain.

    Note: On UNIX systems, do not include spaces in the path of the domain directory.


    Name of the domain to be created. The name must match the directory name specified for

    Note: On UNIX systems, do not include spaces in the domain name.


    Name of the server to be configured. Used as the server name for standalone servers, the name of the Administration Server for domains with Managed Servers and Clustered Servers, and the name of the Managed Server for Managed Server with owning Admin Server configurations.

    Note: Do not include spaces in the server name.


    An administrative user name to start the server and access the Administration Console. Do not include spaces or XML reserved characters in this name.


    A password for the administrative user. It must contain at least eight characters but no more than 20 characters. Do not use spaces or XML reserved characters.


    The system IP address or DNS name for the server. You can leave this blank if you want to use localhost and the server IP address to access the server and the Administration Console.


    A dedicated TCP/IP port number for the Administration Server. This number specifies the port at which the server listens for connections. The port number can be any integer from 1 to 65535.


    A dedicated secure listen port number for the Administration Server. The secure listen port number is used for secure Web connections based on the secure sockets layer (SSL) protocol. The port number can be any integer from 1 to 65535 and cannot be the same port as the C_serverListenPort.


    Name of the cluster to be created. This data-value is only applicable if you are creating a cluster.

    Note: Do not include spaces in the cluster name.


    The MultiCast port used by the Administration Server to communicate with clustered servers. Typically, 7777. This data-value is only applicable if you are creating a cluster.


    The cluster MultiCast IP address used by the Administration Server to communicate with clustered servers. Typically, This value must be a class D IP address. Valid MultiCast addresses begin with 237, 238, or 239. This data-value is only applicable if you are creating a cluster.


    The Administration Server name or IP address. Used when configuring a Managed Server.


    The port at which the Administration Server listens. Used when configuring a Managed Server.


    The machine or server name as registered with the Administration Server. Used when configuring a Managed Server.


    The type of server configuration to be created by the Configuration Wizard: Single Server (Standalone Server), Admin Server with Managed Server(s), Admin Server with Clustered Managed Server(s), or Managed Server (with owning Admin Server configuration).


    The full path of the template JAR file used by the Configuration Wizard to create the domain and configure servers.

    (Windows systems only)

    yes to install the configured server as a Windows service; no to skip installing the configured server as a Windows service.

    Note: This data-value pair is used only if the selected template supports installing the server as a Windows service. If it does not, the value is ignored.

    You must have Administrator privileges to configure a server as a Windows service.

    This value is ignored on UNIX systems.


    yes to add an option to the Windows Start menu to start the server; no (the default value) to skip the Start menu option.

    Note: This data-value pair is only used if the selected template supports installing Start menu options. If not, the value is ignored.

    This value is ignored on UNIX systems.


    The default e-mail or SMTP server.

    Note: This data-value pair is used only if the selected template supports WebLogic Integration functionality. If it does not, the value is ignored.


    The address from which e-mail can be sent by a workflow instance in WebLogic Integration.

    Note: This data-value pair is used only if the selected template supports WebLogic Integration functionality. If it does not, the value is ignored.

    managedServers (data group)

    The type of configuration for the group of Managed Servers in the domain. This data group is relevant only when you select "Admin Server with Managed Server(s)" as the value for SERVER-RUN-AS.

    For each Managed Server in your configuration, specify values for the following:

    • managedServerRegName—the name of the server that is registered with the Administration Server. Use alphanumeric characters only; do not include spaces.

    • managedServerHostIP—the IP address or DNS name of the machine on which the server is installed.

    • managedServerListenPort—the listen port for the server.

    • managedServerSSLListenPort—the secure listen port for the server.

    clusterServers (data group)

    The type of configuration for the group of clustered Managed Servers in the domain. This data group is relevant only when you select "Admin Server with Clustered Managed Server(s)" as the value for SERVER-RUN-AS.

    For each server in the cluster, specify values for the following:

    • clusterServerRegName—the name of the server that is registered with the Administration Server. Alphanumeric characters only; do not include spaces.

    • clusterServerHostIP—the IP address or DNS name of the machine on which the server is installed.

    • clusterServerListenPort—the listen port for the server.

    • clusterServerSSLListenPort—the secure listen port for the server.



Starting the Silent-Mode Configuration Process

To start the Configuration Wizard in silent mode on a Windows or UNIX system, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target system on which the product installation resides.

  2. Create a configuration script as described in Creating a Silent-Mode Configuration Template File.

  3. Open an MS-DOS command prompt window. (Windows systems only)

  4. Go to the \common\bin subdirectory of the product installation directory. For example:

    cd C:\bea\weblogic700\common\bin

  5. Start the silent-mode configuration process by entering one of the following commands:

    In both command lines:


Sample Template Files for Silent-Mode Configuration

This section provides samples of template files you can use for various types of domain configuration:

These samples use the WLS Domain Template wls.jar, but you can specify other templates as required. WebLogic Platform provides preconfigured domain templates as part of the product installation. These preconfigured templates are located in the common\templates\domains subdirectory of the product installation directory (named weblogic700 by default). For more information about the template to select for your configuration, see Determine Which Configuration Wizard Template to Use.

In addition to showing you how a template file is structured, these samples also provide you with a simple method of putting together your own template file. You can use these samples, modified in accordance with Table  3-1, to create a template file for your configuration. For instructions, see Creating a Silent-Mode Configuration Template File. You can then use your template file to create a domain in silent mode.

Sample Template for Creating a Single Server Domain

The following sample template can be used for configuring a domain that consists of a single server. Running a WebLogic domain as a single server means that the server instance acts as both the Administration Server and Managed Server. There will be no failover functionality accommodated by this configuration because there is a single server instance. In this template, a domain named mydomain that consists of a single server, myserver, is created.

Listing 3-1 Configuring a Single Server Domain in Silent Mode

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<data-value name="BEAHOME" value="C:\bea" />
<data-value name="USER_INSTALL_DIR" value="C:\bea\weblogic700" />
<data-value name="RUN_DOMAIN_WIZARD" value="true" />
<data-value name="" value="C:\bea\user_domains\mydomain" />
<data-value name="C_domainName" value="mydomain" />
<data-value name="C_serverName" value="myserver" />
<data-value name="C_username" value="weblogic" />
<data-value name="C_password" value="weblogic" />
<data-value name="C_serverListenAddress" value="" />
<data-value name="C_serverListenPort" value="7001" />
<data-value name="C_serverSSLListenPort" value="7002" />

<data-value name="selectedJar" value="C:\bea\weblogic700\common\templates\domains\wls.jar" />

<data-value name="INSTALL_NT_SERVICE" value="no" />
<data-value name="INSTALL_WINDOWS_STARTUP_MENU" value="no" />
 <!--For domains containing WebLogic Integration functionality, please uncomment the following --> 
<!-- <data-value name="DB_EMAIL_HOST" value="myserver" /> -->
<!-- <data-value name="DB_EMAIL_ADDRESS" value="" /> -->

<!-- For Portal and Platform domains, please uncomment the following -->
<!-- <file-dir-customization> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/tools" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/tools"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/toolSupport" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/toolSupport"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/datasync" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/datasync"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/paymentWSApp" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/paymentWSApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/taxWSApp" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/taxWSApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/jars" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/projects/portalApp-project" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp-project"/> -->
<!-- </file-dir-customization> -->
    <data-value name="SERVER-RUN-AS" value="Single Server (Standalone Server)" /> 


Sample Template for Configuring a Domain with an Administration Server with Managed Servers

The following sample template can be used for configuring a domain that consists of an administration server plus one or more managed servers. In this template, a domain with an Administration Server myserver, and three Managed Servers: managed1, managed2, and managed3 is created.

Listing 3-2 Configuring a Domain with an Administration Server with Managed Server(s)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<data-value name="BEAHOME" value="C:\bea" />
<data-value name="USER_INSTALL_DIR" value="C:\bea\weblogic700" />
<data-value name="RUN_DOMAIN_WIZARD" value="true" />

<data-value name="" value="C:\bea\user_domains\mydomain" />
<data-value name="C_domainName" value="mydomain" />
<data-value name="C_serverName" value="myserver" />
<data-value name="C_username" value="weblogic" />
<data-value name="C_password" value="weblogic" />
<data-value name="C_serverListenAddress" value="" />
<data-value name="C_serverListenPort" value="7001" />
<data-value name="C_serverSSLListenPort" value="7002" />

<data-value name="selectedJar" value="C:\bea\weblogic700\common\templates\domains\wls.jar" />

<data-value name="INSTALL_NT_SERVICE" value="no" />
<data-value name="INSTALL_WINDOWS_STARTUP_MENU" value="no" />

<!--For domains containing WebLogic Integration functionality, please uncomment the following -->
<!-- <data-value name="DB_EMAIL_HOST" value="myserver" /> -->
<!-- <data-value name="DB_EMAIL_ADDRESS" value="" /> -->

<!-- For Portal and Platform domains, please uncomment the following -->
<!-- <file-dir-customization> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/tools" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/tools"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/toolSupport" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/toolSupport"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/datasync" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/datasync"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/paymentWSApp" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/paymentWSApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/taxWSApp" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/taxWSApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/jars" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/projects/portalApp-project" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp-project"/> -->
<!-- </file-dir-customization> -->

<data-value name="SERVER-RUN-AS" value="Admin Server with Managed Server(s)" />

<data-group name="managedServers">
<data-value name="managedServerRegName" value="managed1" />
<data-value name="managedServerHostIP" value="host1" />
<data-value name="managedServerListenPort" value="1001" />
<data-value name="managedServerSSLListenPort" value="1002" />

<data-value name="managedServerRegName" value="managed2" />
<data-value name="managedServerHostIP" value="host2" />
<data-value name="managedServerListenPort" value="2001" />
<data-value name="managedServerSSLListenPort" value="2002" />

<data-value name="managedServerRegName" value="managed3" />
<data-value name="managedServerHostIP" value="host3" />
<data-value name="managedServerListenPort" value="3001" />
<data-value name="managedServerSSLListenPort" value="3002" />



Sample Template for Configuring an Administration Server and a Cluster of Managed Servers

The following sample template can be used for configuring a domain that consists of an administration server plus a cluster of managed servers. In this template, a domain with an Administration Server myserver, a cluster named mycluster, and four clustered Managed Servers, cluster1, cluster2, cluster3, and cluster4 is created.

Listing 3-3 Configuring a Domain with an Administration Server with Clustered Managed Server(s)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<data-value name="BEAHOME" value="C:\bea" />
<data-value name="USER_INSTALL_DIR" value="C:\bea\weblogic700" />
<data-value name="RUN_DOMAIN_WIZARD" value="true" />

<data-value name="" value="C:\bea\user_domains\mydomain" />
<data-value name="C_domainName" value="mydomain" />
<data-value name="C_serverName" value="myserver" />
<data-value name="C_username" value="weblogic" />
<data-value name="C_password" value="weblogic" />
<data-value name="C_serverListenAddress" value="" />
<data-value name="C_serverListenPort" value="7001" />
<data-value name="C_serverSSLListenPort" value="7002" />
<data-value name="ClusterName" value="mycluster" />
<data-value name="ClusterPort" value="7777" />
<data-value name="ClusterMCAddr" value="" />

<data-value name="selectedJar" value="C:\bea\weblogic700\common\templates\domains\wls.jar" />

<data-value name="INSTALL_NT_SERVICE" value="no" />
<data-value name="INSTALL_WINDOWS_STARTUP_MENU" value="no" />

<!--For domains containing WebLogic Integration functionality, please uncomment the following -->
<!-- <data-value name="DB_EMAIL_HOST" value="myserver" /> -->
<!-- <data-value name="DB_EMAIL_ADDRESS" value="" /> -->

<!-- For Portal and Platform domains, please uncomment the following -->
<!-- <file-dir-customization> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/tools" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/tools"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/toolSupport" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/toolSupport"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/datasync" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/datasync"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/paymentWSApp" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/paymentWSApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/taxWSApp" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/taxWSApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/jars" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/projects/portalApp-project" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp-project"/> -->
<!-- </file-dir-customization> -->

<data-value name="SERVER-RUN-AS" value="Admin Server with Clustered Managed Server(s)" />

<data-group name="clusterServers">
<data-value name="clusterServerRegName" value="cluster1" />
<data-value name="clusterServerHostIP" value="host1" />
<data-value name="clusterServerListenPort" value="1001" />
<data-value name="clusterServerSSLListenPort" value="1002" />

<data-value name="clusterServerRegName" value="cluster2" />
<data-value name="clusterServerHostIP" value="host2" />
<data-value name="clusterServerListenPort" value="2002" />
<data-value name="clusterServerSSLListenPort" value="2003" />

<data-value name="clusterServerRegName" value="cluster3" />
<data-value name="clusterServerHostIP" value="host3" />
<data-value name="clusterServerListenPort" value="3003" />
<data-value name="clusterServerSSLListenPort" value="3004" />

<data-value name="clusterServerRegName" value="cluster4" />
<data-value name="clusterServerHostIP" value="host4" />
<data-value name="clusterServerListenPort" value="4004" />
<data-value name="clusterServerSSLListenPort" value="4005" />

Sample Template for Adding a Managed Server to an Existing Domain

The following sample template can be used for adding a managed server to an existing domain. In this template, a Managed Server ms1 is added to a domain with an Administration Server named adminserver.

Listing 3-4 Adding a Managed Server to an Existing Domain

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<data-value name="BEAHOME" value="C:\bea" />
<data-value name="USER_INSTALL_DIR" value="C:\bea\weblogic700" />
<data-value name="RUN_DOMAIN_WIZARD" value="true" />
<data-value name="" value="C:\bea\user_domains\mydomain" />
<data-value name="C_domainName" value="mydomain" />
<data-value name="C_serverName" value="ms1" />
<data-value name="C_username" value="weblogic" />
<data-value name="C_password" value="weblogic" />
<data-value name="C_serverListenAddress" value="" />
<data-value name="C_serverListenPort" value="7003" />
<data-value name="C_serverSSLListenPort" value="7004" />

<data-value name="selectedJar" value="C:\bea\weblogic700\common\templates\domains\wls.jar" />

<data-value name="INSTALL_NT_SERVICE" value="no" />
<data-value name="INSTALL_WINDOWS_STARTUP_MENU" value="no" />

<!--For domains containing WebLogic Integration functionality, please uncomment the following -->
<!-- <data-value name="DB_EMAIL_HOST" value="myserver" /> -->
<!-- <data-value name="DB_EMAIL_ADDRESS" value="" /> -->

<!-- For Portal and Platform domains, please uncomment the following -->
<!-- <file-dir-customization> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/tools" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/tools"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/toolSupport" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/toolSupport"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/webapps/datasync" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp/datasync"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/paymentWSApp" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/paymentWSApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/taxWSApp" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/taxWSApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/apps/jars" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp"/> -->
<!-- <dirCopy srcDir="bea/portal/projects/portalApp-project" -->
<!-- targetDir="beaApps/portalApp-project"/> -->
<!-- </file-dir-customization> -->

<data-value name="SERVER-RUN-AS" value="Managed Server (with owning Admin Server configuration)" />

<data-value name="ADMIN_HOST_NAME_OR_IP" value="adminserver" />
<data-value name="ADMIN_LISTEN_PORT" value="7001" />
<data-value name="MANAGED_SERVER_REGISTERED_NAME_IN_ADMIN" value="ms1" />



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